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Spongebob's Got Disco Fever (DMT)


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Déc 2009
Ok, sooo i don't usually post trip reports (this is my 1st one from my recollection) but here is my trip report on dmt........

So it was saturday after nye, i had abit of base left and decided to stick spongebob squarepants the movie on and start buzzing abit like

I put what i would imagine is a medium size hit of nn-dmt into my shotty (gause-less bong to all the americans reading!) and stacked some nice green on top, i slowly creamed it while taking care not to burn the dimitri! after a ripped and exhaled i started feeling the usual pins'n'needles feeling rush through-out my head then came the euphoria (when i smoke dmt the euphoria Is very similar to a decent dose of mdma for me)

I then closed my eyes.......

It started with around 100 metal ball bearing spinning which were kinda light swamp greenish colour and then these metal balls started to travel into this dancefloor (typical dancefloor lazers, strobe's u.v! ya typical rave) soooo anyway the ball bearing then morhped into about what 50/60 spongebob's which had greenish pants on with some sort of accessorie belt. the spongebob's were very happy as they spun round in circles singing ''night fever, night fever, night feverrrr'' while doing that hands side to side dance that is known with the song. suddnely my mind then produced a picture on the wall which had patrick (the shellfish from spongebob) in, he was kinda had that weird demented happy look he usually has in the series. then it was like this disco wa in some sort of moving vehicle or some sort as it were like the disco with spongebob's were being thrown at me at like 120mph! the spongbob's were changing colour (i cant remeber every exact detail) but then squidword appared in the picture very agetated with the shananigans that patrick and spongebob were getting up 2.

After this my ''vision'' kinda went dark still this scene was traveling very fast. 2 golden hands appeared kind of guiding me to this box (it was like these hands were pointing to the box while saying something about being wise, i really cant rememebr every exact minute detail hey i'm a stoner)

Soo after this i opened my eyes with the biggest grim having experienced one of the most immense trips to date! dmt really does it 4 me, the trips are proper i can smoke bong after bong ofit thuogh bearing this in mind i tend to only do a hit every now and then, the euhporia is just soo georgeous yet very cracky high!) if anyone has read this hope u enjyed my trip report. :D peace......................................................................................