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so i drank ayahuasca... mild disappointment


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
i drank ayahuasca yesterday and did not experience a trip. i got the usual feelings of anxiety and little tremors but never actually had what i know is a psychedelic experience. did not had visions except for very abstract stuff that flowed when i closed my eyes, reminiscent of what i see when high on weed, but it was just colors and formless stuff and very mild. the only describable thing i could see was this rotating thing, like a vault. my only "not-normal" feeling was a profound state of relaxation. also a bit of altered equilibrium.

"seeing stuff" was not my goal but i also had not magical epiphanies or any of the sort. i drank 3 half cups, more than anyone else in the group.

the drink was legit. my friends had good experiences and it was made by what we would consider a very experienced urban shaman. his name is Jose and he learned from an indian master of the amazonas. he's been doing yagé ceremonies for 20 years now and he knows a LOT about ayahuasca. my disappointment with the experience does not bug me that much only because of meeting this guy. he told us a bunch of crazy jungle stories and told us about the abuelos (grandparents), wise old shamans that live in the jungle and cure people with aya. it was very interesting to hear this kind of tales from someone who has had a first experience with the phenomena instead of just reading about it on the net.

i think maybe my past trips prevented the ayahuasca to work? i've had very intense trips before on lsd and shrooms. i don't know.... maybe Jose gave us a mild aya... like, he reserves the truly potent stuff for more experienced friends. he told me that there are a lot of variations of the aya recipe and that this one i drank was called tigre. it is said to induce tiger related visions.

what i DID feel was the purge thing.... i shat and vomited all over. i had a mild nausea first and wanted to vomit but the nausea was like not enough to trigger the gag reflex and i guess if it couldn't go out north then it went south. i actually shat my boxers a bit (i threw them away later) because it was an out-of-nowhere thing. i took 2 shits and finally, i think because of the disgusting smell and the remnant of taste of the aya (felt like very concentrated coffee with bitter chocolate), i was able to puke. most violent puke ever. it was as if this ball of black stuff had been pulled from my mouth. i made of the bathroom a mess. (i did clean, don't worry)

so yeah... i'm disappointed :?

anyways.... the days when i dreamed of having 'the' psychedelic experience and having great revelations about my life and my fellow human brothers is over. i did have a mythical, magical, oh-shit-what-just-happened-here trip (i've posted about it before) on lsd after fasting for 3 days and, well, i guess i learned the lesson already....

also, long time i didn't post! how are ya peeps?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I remember taking aalot of DMT and maoi for my trip and being dissapointed. Well, not really - I was relieved.

The puke was not demanding, I could have held it down, but panic ensued and I decided to purge. I wasn't going to handle it - out it came. Tracers, the most extreme and beautiful, vibrant and olorful I have ever seen lasted for about 2 hours. My thoughts were extremely calm and relaxed. But there was no blasting through the universe on a thoughtful shuttle to the beyond.

To me it sounds like you didn't even get an MAOI, which would completely explain what happened - tremors and anxiety, puking shitting, but no warped consciousness.

The puking comes from the DMT containing plant - tannins within the substrate.

Believe me, when aya knocks on your door, you aren't going to giggle.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Juin 2009
Wow, that doesn't sound like much fun. Sorry to hear.

It's still on the list of things to try but I'm not sure I'll want my GF as a sitter...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
IJesusChrist a dit:
The puking comes from the DMT containing plant - tannins within the substrate. .

That really depends on the type of brew. There are combinations where a cup of just the MAOI containg plant will make you sick as hell. Also part of the brewing process introduces a soap like substance in Aya which makes us throw up. There are South Amercan shamans that supposedly brew in a different way such that people don't throw up at all.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Hey Heartcore, well... as you know i've been in the jungles of Peru lately
and i also believed there were shamans that brew in a way that it doesn't make you puke.
But i've found out that more than often they brew it so that it's easier to purge.
They use a small amount tabacco and that'll definitely help :P
But it's part of the cleansing. I had stomache problems before doing the ayahuasca
(ate something bad, which is not a hard thing to do in Peru, might be something with the way they prepare it)
and i had been having problems for a few days, but after the ayahuasca it was completely gone.

Also a thing with the brew; i keep seeing on psychonaut forums that people will first take the maoi and then the ayahuasca, but in the jungle it's brewed as 1 brew (just the vine (Banisteriopsis) is called ayahuasca, which is prepared with Chacrupanga (wrongly called chaliponga by a Dutch guy exporting it from Peru) and apparently almost nobody uses Mimosa, at least in South America). Now i understand that it's more easy if you have kilo's of ayahuasca and chacrupanga for free out of the jungle then if you put your hard earned money into 1 trip (this stuff is ridiculously overpriced), so i understand that most psychonauts want to do everything so efficiently possible. But more than often people will already feel so overpowered by the harmaline that it's impossible to get the ayahuasca down.

To the TS i want to say that it can be quite logical that you hardly experienced any visuals or visions.
Definitely if you had light ayahuasca.
Plus the first part is usually cleansing, because if you're clean enough it will be easier to see visuals and visions.
You took 3,5 cup, but if it's brewed right you'll only need a shotglass, maybe a second after 4 hours if you can get it down :drinkers: :vom: :wink:
The properly brewed down ayahuasca is almost as thick as honey (while typing this i experienced shivers down my spine just remembering the taste and texture).

My first time in the jungle (with only having one previous experience) was very intense,
but i still hardly had any visuals and the ayahausca was FRIGGIN strong.
It came up more intense then anything i've ever experienced
(well, maybe not as smoking DMT, but ok, stronger than my 90g shroom journey).
Actually it was a bit too much for me. My friend and his teacher,
Don Juan, had prepared a special brew for me.
But then Abraham (another curandero) came and mixed it with 3 other concentrated ayahuasca's
and boiled it down even more. It was like fire and my soul was burning.
Come to think of it, there were actually a lot of really intense patterns, but i couldn't focus on it (i'm still pretty much processing, next to the ayahuasca i had a great journey through Peru and a retreat/workshop and personal sessions in Brazil, so yeah, 5 years worth of experiences and lessons in 5 months).
The ayahuasca was perfect for cleansing though, but I couldn't stay on my chair.
I had to lay down on the floor (first 2 sessions i did with that brew)
while it is a custom that you stay seated, to stay with the experience.
The Shuar use tabacco juice (just tabacco in water, let some evaporate and you have tobacco juice) and they sniff it.
It cleans out your sinusses in a minute (would be great to have in the winter when everybody has a cold ;P)
and it really energises you. During my stay in the jungle i've learned how powerful tabacco is
and how it can clear away negative energy and can energise you, just smoking out of a pipe.
Mind you, it is real tabacco, not that stuff from Virginia that they put full of poisons.
It's way too strong to inhale, but it works already when just smoking without inhaling.
Smoking it with spices can be nice too, i personally love anise.
But more in my upcoming topic "Drinking with Don Juan". He is a great curandero and a great healer.
I've experienced stuff i don't even want to begin to explain to certain friends and family ;P

Also the crazy stories about shamans using datura (or toé as it's called there) are true, but it's not as crazy as it might seem,
because they only use 1 leaf. But 1 leaf alone is already to make the visions much more vivid.
If they really need to they'll use 3, but no more. Some shamans that do sessions in for example Holland will put 1 leaf in to give people visions more easily, because they usually have only 1 session and the shaman wants the experiencer to have a worth while experience. They don't use toé often though, it intensifies the visions but your actual eyes and sight will decline.
The Shuar tribe uses datura for a lot of other stuff too, for instance for a passing ritual into adulthood.
The Shuar are pretty hardcore, but i'll leave that for another topic.

As soon as everything settles and i finish my own blog i'll write a topic about my experiences drinking with Don Juan, dieting with plants (i just did 1, chiric sanango) and all the second hand stories a friend of mine shared when he was drinking with the Shuar.

Anyway, no ayahuasca ceremony is the same and who knows, maybe after some more cleansing (maybe proper healthy diet?) you'll get more visions.

Peace out! <3



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
1 more thing i want to add to the purging... 1 time i didn't purge and the ayahuasca wouldn't let me go, it was a 16 hour ride, but after my last realisation that i needed to have it suddenly was gone.
I think it's the chacrupanga that needs to be purged, otherwise it keeps on working way longer.
The body tends to use up DMT as fast as possible, so it must be the harmaline that keeps on working if you don't clear it from your system.

????????: Purging a black ball and diarrhea sounds like you had a good cleansing ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Ohw and 1 more thing about not getting visuals...
Don Juan told me that people who have been smoking weed and doing other drugs more than often have a harder time seeing visuals, if the drugs have done more damage than good.
I guess every substance can open you up or close you off and even opening up doesn't necessarily have to be good if soon you're filled up with negative outside influences.

Anyway, really last message for now, off to bed :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Nice story so far Space, looking forward to your journal. Have you also been in touch with tribes who're using cacti?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
No unfortunately not, apparently there are more in Equador, which i plan to visit next time.
But given the timeframe and the plan i wanted to visit a friend of mine who is studying to become a curandero and has a foundation and his own 238 acres of jungle and retreat centre (that is being built now) and i wanted to diet with a plant, it was not an option. And ofcourse see lake Titicaca and stay a night on the island of Taquile, the Nazca lines, Colca Canyon, drive my ass off of a volcano on a mountainbike, see the sacred valley & Machu Picchu.
I also want to look for a more mushroom minded tribe, because i want to find out if there is a mushroom equivalent of curandero's and icaros. Don Juan can sometimes just heal a patient without the patient having to take ayahuasca and by just blowing tabacco and whistling/singing/chanting icaros.
So yeah... but that'll be for my next adventure. Don't know when that's going to be though...
When i have enough money again :D

And now REALLY off to bed :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
that people who have been smoking weed and doing other drugs more than often have a harder time seeing visuals, if the drugs have done more damage than good.

my guy told me the exact same thing :?

i don't do much besides weed... but i do do it lots :rolleyes:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
yo space i want to hear about your jungle stories too. Jose told us quite a few... things like a shaman becoming a guacamayo (macaw) after his death, guys that can astral travel to anywhere they want (maestros), that can make visions and/or animals appear in the room and other kinds of extraordinary freaky stuff.

oh and he also told us that when he was training to become an experienced ayahuasca ceremony conductor he used to spend days with his master drinking the stuff every two hours!!! i was like :o


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
???????? a dit:
oh and he also told us that when he was training to become an experienced ayahuasca ceremony conductor he used to spend days with his master drinking the stuff every two hours!!! i was like :o

Looks heavy and it is, but imagine all values you're tied with is the jungle and its beautiful grand natural resources. There would be no society to lose as you've never left the very first beginning of the real. Screaming out loud in the middle of the jungle may feel very content so there's no sense of "narrowness" as in the modern world.

Ancient shamanism with peyote and mushrooms etc seems to be about lucid imagination about love, sex and peace with nature, working with all the elements of nature rather than working against them and making wounds that never heal.

I mean, nothing artificial will never ever exceed the joy and bliss of the indigenous Indian man and woman taking care of the forest, childs, animals and experiencing timeless love-slow sex in each others arms while tripping. Wanting to do it over and over again but with no neurotic sense at all. 1492, the white man brought its gun, Christanity and bottles of whiskey.

Even when we turn over to the jungle as modern beings, our trips will be still affected with visions of the Western composition. If truly returning to the basics of nature as the highest value, there would be much less information left that does not tire our brains out. Making it possible to trip much more frequently and heavy with mostly bright sensations and visions. Much more free imagination instead of crushing random insights that are either good or bad. I suppose becoming a master amoung these tribes is about taking possession of the deepest level of intimacy, empathy and inner peace. And genuinely knowing that will be all you'll ever have and ever wished for.


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juil 2010
you may be like myself and need a stronger dose. when i brew ayahusaca what i do is this "Major disclaimer, the doses im about to decribe are considered insane by most and should not be attempted by anyone other then myself nor should they EVER be done alone!!!"

what i usually do is boial a pot of water and add 40 grams of mimosa, 400mg THH you can obtain from http://flowingvisions.ecrater.com/ (the thh is added at the end after the brewing has been completed)

but i boil the mimosa for 1 hour making sure i keep enough water in so as not to burn it and also add in grapefruit juice which is essential for the THH to be active orally. after an hour i strain out the mimosa and set aside the brew then i boil more water and grapefruitjuice for another hour strain and do this one more time, after this i discard the mimosa and mix all 3 boils into a single pot and then boil down until there is 4-6 cups worth of liquid, i then allow it to settle in a closed container in my refridgerator for a week.

beofre i drink the mimosa brew i i grind 3 grams of syrain rue in a coffee grinder and put the resulting powder into usually 5 or 6 00 sized gelcaps and swallow after fasting from any drugs aside from pot for a week (this is mortally important!!!! syrian rue can kill you if you have any prescription meds in you, do your homework) then i wait 30 to 45 minutes and proceed to drink 1 grlass of the mimosa tea, i hold that down for as long as humanly possible even if it hurts, its essential to keep it down a bare minnimum of 20 minutes) upon purging i then consume a second cup and save the other 2-4 cups for next time. and if that doesnt send you out beyond nomans land idk what will. good luck and please do not ever attempt this unless you are me :-)