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Snakes and Entheogens


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
Lately i saw a youtube interview of Graham Hancock. In the interview Graham Hancock tells a lot about ancient structures that probably can disprove the traditional history we have learned at school. But at the end of the documentary they start talking about snakes which seem to be a symbol that you see all over the world in ancient temples and structures. Then they start to talk about the symbolic meaning of a snake, and then suddenly they draw a link with people who see snakes in there vision they have received from drinking ayahuasca. Which amazed me, because that is exactly what i often have seen while tripping on mushrooms. I noticed that the snake also seem to appear a lot in dreams of people all over the world. Somehow i also read a lot about snake symbolism in a lot of religions all over the world. Anyway, i think its quite fascinating.

Have some of you guys seen snakes while tripping on mushrooms, ayahuasca or other entheogens?



21 Juil 2007
5 922
the snake stands for infinity, at some level, thus for eternal life, like reincarnation. i heard its name was ouroboros.it's logical it represents wisdom, spiritualism and agility. in astrology many symbols refer to animals and not in vain...
well just look at nature... some snakes can swim, most can make themselves a new skin and they swallow up their whole prey at once. remember the buddha, he was guarded by snakes, when he overcame "maya". they also require their jaws to be disarticulated for eating and smell or orient themselves with their tongues. and then there's also "quetzalcoatl", who was given this name by a ancient mesoamerican culture, and he's also referred to as "the feathered snake". another interesting aspect is, that they are coldblooded reptiles, by design. we humans have also a reptile brain, by the way...

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
there's an awesome book on exactly that topic, the cosmic serpent by jeremy narby


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
the snake stands for infinity, at some level, thus for eternal life, like reincarnation. i heard its name was ouroboros.it's logical it represents wisdom, spiritualism and agility. in astrology many symbols refer to animals and not in vain...
well just look at nature... some snakes can swim, most can make themselves a new skin and they swallow up their whole prey at once. remember the buddha, he was guarded by snakes, when he overcame "maya". they also require their jaws to be disarticulated for eating and smell or orient themselves with their tongues. and then there's also "quetzalcoatl", who was given this name by a ancient mesoamerican culture, and he's also referred to as "the feathered snake". another interesting aspect is, that they are coldblooded reptiles, by design. we humans have also a reptile brain, by the way...

Yeah i know its remarkable. I noticed that MANY religion or ancient cults do use the snake. The egyptians, the kelts, the gnostics, the christians, the maya's. I know the meaning of the symbol, but WHY do all these religions or cults worship snakes. I do believe because the symbol must be a sort of archetype deeply within our unconscious mind.

BananaPancake a dit:
there's an awesome book on exactly that topic, the cosmic serpent by jeremy narby

Well thanx for reminding me, a couple of years back i read an article about it, so i am going to buy that book ;)

It's just weird that everytime i trip, i keep seeing snakes. I even have seen with eyes closed a snake skin trough which i rolled. It had rainbow colors and there was also a lot of gold. The snakes i have seen are very beautiful, so beautiful that i am still looking for the answer why i have seen them.

So the question remains, have others of you seen snakes while tripping :)


27 Mai 2009
i saw a rainbow colored serpent once after consuming multiple doses of what may have been LSA. i was deep in the woods alone walking in almost pitch blackness with no flashlight. i could barely see the sky through the trees. at one point in the nearly-pitch black trail, the chirping of the insects formed a sort of harmony. with the intuition of a seasoned psychonaut i quickly found the exact right spot to place my head in order to maximize this harmony. i stood very still, trying to focus on only the noise of the crickets...

a second later i was disembodied in a gray space, a second after that i saw a rainbow colored snake; shooting rainbows outwards which completely filled my field of vision. it hit me with some epiphanies suggesting an intelligence old as time, communicated without words, then was gone. i was impressed... i've never seen a snake stand vertically on it's tail before or since.

by the time i reached "civilization" my legs were like jelly and i was weak. i've seen lots of visuals, but that was my only experience comparable to a "traditional" vision quest. so yeah, there's something up with these snakes... and Narby's book is a good read.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
lol :D :D :D

yeah i always do that too... hahahahhaha... just kidding alright! :P

well anyways i suppose so many ancient cultures worshipped snakes, because of their divinity. remember, you can see the divine in everything and i might even go so far to say that if you don't, you can't see it at all. :!:

peace :weedman: