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Smoking Wormwood


9 Fev 2009
First of all, hello world !

It's been a while since i "lurk" on this forum and i am proud to finaly have a question i need answered.

I have in my garden a lovely little Artemisia Absinthium. I don't plan to brew Absinth from it (don't want to "gather" all components to have a potent one since i'm not really interested in this particular psychedelic)
since this plant has a high level of thujone, isn't it possible to smoke dryed leaves to trip?
Has someone tried that?
What kind of trip would it create?

Thanks for enlightment :]


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
No , but maybe you should very carefully try it and tell us what hapens .

Good you stoped lurking and materialised here .


Wormwood produces very mild effects when smoked. It is an ingredient in many online herbal blends. When smoked alone it produces little effect if any at all. Your best bet is to get your hands on a tincture and add it to a shot or two of alcohol. It is not very psychoactive at all, but erowid experiences suggest that it potentates the alcohol, increases body temperature, will put you in a better mood, and lowers inhibitions.

Eye has smoked wormwood in herbal blends, and the blends that do include wormwood, don't typically produce strong effects. Typically, users who have smoked a 5x wormwood extract confirm that they are a tiny bit more stimulated than usual, but nothing special.

Just check out the web man, google it up.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
A lot of erowid isnt a good source of information as its peoples opinions . At the best a lot of it is only an indication .

Just a bit of alcohoö and placebo effect cak have more results than most people would imagine or admit .


9 Fev 2009
exactly, i've searched in the erowid vault but it's the only information i've had recently.

the thing is i've noticed other psychoactives containing thujone in more or less the same percentage that were considered "mild".

but i don't know if this has to do with the preparation of these or not Oo


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
i made some absinth with it once.
a bottle filled with wormwood, sage, fennel ( for taste, i didn't have an anise) and some other herbs, and some 40° wodka, and soaked it for 2 weeks,

i suppose it had some mild effects, but it could've also been placebo, i combination with the big amount of alcohol in it.


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
I've tried it, and got roughly the same kind of head buzz as from smoking any plant material... heck, a tobacco cigarette is much more intense.


9 Fev 2009
significationof?!? > i've tried 5 or 6 times to roll it like a joint ( 3 pure), and experienced weird sentation of being capable of focusing on different details at the same time (visualy and auditively(?)) but it doesn't last long and after comes the buzzing...

Shamanita > thanks for the recipe. i just didn't want to make alcohol with it. but since i now have a bush taking all the space the other plants need, i will have to use it one way or another O.o


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
SWIM has a couple of Artemesium's growing in my yard. The thing about thujone is in high concentrations it's technically a poison (possibly why Van Gogh has problems hearing). However, tried smoking it in a few different ways:

1) Joint- dry leaves, mediocre effects although decent smoke which was not too harsh.
2) Vaporizer - fresh leaves, weird tastes, a bit of a head rush but may be similar to smoking any plant fats.
3) Smoke cured leaves (paper bag in a dry dark place for a week). Took a few bong rips with and without MJ. Without, really recommend holding the smoke and it will give you a very awakened aware feeling. Actually pretty cool feeling but lasts about 10-15 minutes. Potentiates mj slightly as well.

Overall a relaxing smoke, but nothing to write home about.


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2007
I was considering trying this, and in my research came across (as well as this post) an article on Erowid regarding a Thujone extract that the author termed "The Thuge". Apparently it was extracted similar to how one would make hash from Marijuana.

The report is here if anyone wants to see it:

I'm curious if one could just grind the plant material up, soak it in either Isopropyl Alcohol, or Ethanol, and then dry it to form a hash like goo. Any ideas on that?


Matrice périnatale
28 Oct 2009
A psychoactive drug, psychopharmaceutical or psychotropic substance is a chemical substance that acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior. These drugs may be used recreationally to purposefully alter one's consciousness, as entheogens for ritual or spiritual purposes, as a tool for studying or augmenting the mind, or therapeutically as medication.
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In part because of this potential for abuse and dependency, the ethics of drug use are the subject of a continuing philosophical debate. Many governments worldwide have placed restrictions on drug production and sales in an attempt to decrease drug abuse. Ethical concerns have also been raised about over-use of these drugs clinically, and about their marketing by manufacturers.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
uuuuh... Warren wtf?

I've made an extract of some wormwood using cleaning alcohol. The result was a very sticky hashy oily substance, which smoked along with some weed seemed to have quite a pleasant buzz. I experienced very mild visual changes, but as God said it may very well have been placebo.

Don't expect anything near psychedelic. A high similar to slight alcohol inebriation at best. Mild is the best word to describe wormwood(or placebo :lol: )


Matrice périnatale
28 Oct 2009
A psychoactive drug, psychopharmaceutical or psychotropic substance is a chemical substance that acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior. These drugs may be used recreationally to purposefully alter one's consciousness, as entheogens for ritual or spiritual purposes, as a tool for studying or augmenting the mind, or therapeutically as medication.
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Matrice périnatale
19 Oct 2009
Thujone is more of a depressant than anything, thought it seems to have a slight stoning effect. I've made hash from wormwood a few times, and experimented with the essential oil after becoming enthralled with absinthe.

Not really mind expanding, but it's pleasurable, especially when combined with cannabis or alcohol. Or both.

I think it has some toxic properties as well, but I was a noob way back when, and I never felt anything negative so I didn't look into it. Once my love affair with real psychedelics started, I never looked back.


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juil 2010
Shamanita a dit:
i made some absinth with it once.
a bottle filled with wormwood, sage, fennel ( for taste, i didn't have an anise) and some other herbs, and some 40° wodka, and soaked it for 2 weeks,

i suppose it had some mild effects, but it could've also been placebo, i combination with the big amount of alcohol in it.

i had a friend once smuggle in a bottle of true absinthe that cost her over 150$ from italy a few years back and drank a god awful ammount of it (it was about 150 proof if memory serves me right) and honestly i noticed not a single hallucinogenic effect but i did get shitfaced hard lol but also it was THE WORST hangover ive ever experienced in my life for a week strait.... never again will i dance with the green fairy