Simple question

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Kai
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its cuz times are tough at times and people think they're better off if they separate themselves from their environment, and identify with the separative element. this leads of course to ignorance, as that is one of the "intellectual" defensive mechanisms or just raw perceptual discpipline, trained rigorously. however i agree with yer mate, i too wanna give many people i see a slap in the face for what they are, but then i think violence is not a solution, just an option, but there might be other options for hurting them if thats what you want. just show them a mirror and be cold like ice, no anger, stress or other too imbalanced emotions... just feel true to your honest emotions and the ignorance cannot enter you unwanted and will probably be directed more towards themselves than you.
i think if you can remain calm, it will just go thru you, and you won't need to be so angry, and in spite of that be able to take decisions to make a change...

hm maybe hippy jesus would think something like "stupid bastards how can these ignorants pricks alter their consciousness level, if they don't even know the elevators???"

peace :weedman:
short answer:

Not everyones destiny is to be aware. Most of humanity are utterly and completely FOLLOWERS.

People are ignorant because they like creature comforts WAY too much, and they want to be led, endlessly, like lemmings to the tune of an unseen piper
spice a dit:
short answer:

Not everyones destiny is to be aware. Most of humanity are utterly and completely FOLLOWERS.

People are ignorant because they like creature comforts WAY too much, and they want to be led, endlessly, like lemmings to the tune of an unseen piper

Indeed, I think as human beings, we are always seeking the easy way out. But it might not always be the best way out.

This is why we need education to be more about teaching kids how to think, reason for themselves, then just filling them out with acquired "knowledge" so that they may look at the "easy" way out, and ask themselves.. do I really want to go this way? Maybe this other path will help me, maybe I might learn something new.. let's try it out!
teaching should be about teaching and therefore let them think for themselves in order to learn. too often is it in schools a simple game of who-can-memorize-most-and-best in other words who invests most time into it, will get the most out of it. at least in theory this is like that. so it happens that schools kills ambitions and universities kill knowledge. did you know we live in an upside-down-world?

so the question is how could so many people get it so wrong. it's a mistery. we all follow the same god, but there is also a somethin that pretends to be god and tricks the people. it's the god in the television ("machine"). DEUS EX MACHINA .

it's how they keep US and all the other sheeps behind the curtain of truth, to control us like puppets. with "BREAD AND GAMES" like the romans did with the populous to keep em busy so that they don't think and plan revolutions or whatever of that category that would threaten the power of the ruling.
If I was surrounded by ignorance, the first thing that I would ask is: "What obvious thing am I not seeing that I am supposed to see?" Reality is a reflection of our inner self. It will always reflect an underlying picture of "me". If I want to reflect a different picture in the mirror, I have to change something about myself in order to do it. In the case of being surrounded by ignorance, I would first try to realize what I am being ignorant about and secondly make a conscious effort not to be surrounded by ignorant people. To do this, I may have to make hard choices in changing my social circle and perhaps spend a little more time on this highly conscious forum.

BrainEater a dit:
so who are you, really??? ford or fnord???

peace :weedman:

I'm guessing this question is for me? My nickname is Ford, which derives from my last name. I'm not sure what you mean by "fnord", did I make a typo? Just call me Ford.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. No, I'm not part of a government conspiracy to make people afraid. Quite the contrary, I am a published author on the subject of enlightenment, self-awareness and self-realization. My book, Becoming God (Shameless plug) is all about taking control of your life in spite of the illusion of ones present reality. It even has a section on psychedelics, a subject matter that I find incredibly interesting. This is hardly the topic that the government (The Super-Ego) would love me sharing. Fnord

Same Team, I promise.

this thread just got fnorded!! wooops!!! fuck tha government!!! :butthead:

lmfao at the last few posts

this made my day though:
Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty-ghandi

thanks st-bot

...and ghandi
I don't think that it is fair, or reasonable to label others as "ignorant".

The problem that I see is that in slapping on a perjorative label, you are relieving yourself of the capacity to effectively engage with them or to understand their perspective.

The reality is that many people don't see any need to use these substances. They get their understanding of spirituality from society and family and don't comprehend that it could be any other way. They simply don't experience the Divine within their soul. This is fine. Not all people have a need to engage with and explore the Divine. They can be perfectly happy without it and this is OK.

The issue is mainly when they have impeded our access to these substances and our rights to engage in our the free exersice of our religious beliefs. The problem here is that Leary and others fucked it up for us quite badly over 40 years ago and we've been on the back foot ever since. All most people "know" about psychadelics is that they screw you up and make you go crazy and they "know" this, because it has been the constant refrain within the media and government publications ever since the so called "Summer of Love", which was nothing short of a disaster.

But who's fault is that? Both in my country of Australia and in America, the free exersice of religious belief is enshrined in the Constitution. Why have we in both countries not fought and made clear that entheogens are a key part of our religious practice? It is up to us to educate the ignorant and band together in order to put our case before the highest courts in our lands and to do it with such clarity that our rights will have to be respected.

And once that happens, we will have to demonstrate appropriate, safe use in order to convince people that we aren't all mad, slavering fools.

And for one, I intend to be the one to take that fight to Canberra and to make sure that my rights for free expression of religion are upheld.
I had a vision yesterday that ignorance will always be prevelant, and that I too am ignorant, but the most important part of my vision is that ignorance can not be destroyed with education. No matter how educated an ignorant person may become - they will always be hindered in their ability to think.

I believe my definition of ignorance is indeed genetic, and has alot more to do with the ability to make connections, rather than to learn via memorization. Google and wikipedia themselves are examples: immense knowledge, but infinitely ignorant.
I think the society we are livin in is to much influenced by money and all aspacts related to money.. such as power and egoism.
We are distracted by the social system from discovering our true nature and the true nature of life.

I believe that there are groups of people who are trying to control the world, trough economy or religion or war
but this will never succeed, history has proven this over and over again.
Like a snake (man) trying to catch its own tail (fellow man), it simply cant eat itself.

In these times with internet and mobile phones alot of borders and bounderies are dissolving.
The amount of informating and population is growing fast every day.
Maybe this is what Terence McKenna called Novelty.

What I want to say is that the ignorance is getting less if more people get informed about the things that
classic society does not stimulate finding out. I think it's all is just a matter of time.

If DNA is a code, we are the message. And its definatly being transmitted into the future.
Kai a dit:
why is everyone so damn IGNORANT!?!?
I try to find good in people... but I can't but want to fucking slap some people sometimes.
Any theories??
There are two forces that govern human affairs.
One drives mankind's unending quest for knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment.
The other ensnares us.

i think she wants me