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similarities of resin and hashish

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Glandeuse Pinéale
well we all know you can form resin like hash to some extent..........and we all know that no matter how hard you scrape, a hunk of hash isnt coming out of that pipe.......but what are the real diffrences of resin and hash? can you cook with resin like hash?(i would think you could but it would taste nasty)
can you eat resin strait? can you make any hash like substances with resin? (i rolled in alot of shake with some resin and it makes a nice little brown hockey puck......lol!) any other uses for resin that isnt smoking?

thanks ---pooz
throw it away

seriously though maybe there is some way to extract the thc but it's probably more trouble than its worth
yeah, i'd never eat half-burned residue..

i've smoked it when i was really hard up :lol: incomparable to hash IMO... shorter, foggier, sedating as opposed to energizing. different mix of cannabinoids i guess.
yeah... i dont have any resin on hand i was tryin to eat or nuthin...lol... i just wanted to learn
Well I would say you could butane extract anything of value left for a super smoke but you would need alot of resin and Butane.


Acetone wash it, See what it reveals?
acetone...hmmm....ive been seeking a useful chemical out of the storage area at school but i thought there were none, hell man i got my bong FROM school...img]
Maybe if you used the resin from a vaporizer it could be a lot better. Since the weed is not burned, the residue that builds up is pretty much pure THC. I scraped a bit out of the tube one day and smoked and I was really high off of two or three hits. It actually reminded of opium a bit. Needless to say the tube was clean by the next day ;).
A plastic bong? :shock: ..I would say you're better off smoking resin.
But not comparable to hash, to me its seems like a dirty high just made form all the bi-product that does'nt burn.