sim sim salabim

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Alpiniste Kundalini
just took a medium sized hit
i sat the for a while
not thinking
not seeing
just being
i feel amazing.
ok .. fuck that medium sized hit
being one is great but
breaking WAYYYY through is better
I don't know how you guys can write such short clips from DMT trips, I feel like I have to change my life, I have to write pages to incorporate it into my life...

can you please elaborate on what happened?
ok. yea i didnt write alot about it. glad someone asked tho
nice to get feedback

heres how it went down
one night i decided i wanted to break through, i had already done it once but not very hard
so i wanted to go way through lol.
took a med sized hit and felt nothing, so took another med sized hit that could have been big, but i got scared (lol)
still nothing
so i waited an hour
then after i felt i could give it another go
3 BIG ones and fucking nothing!
i was super pissed so i said fuck it i'll do it tommarow cuz im off work
then the next day i went for a jog,meditated, and studied a bit, then decided it was time.
i had the mind set and was almost angry at the Divinemomentsoftruth lol i was like BITCH WORKKKK!!
so i locked myself in the room, turned off my phone turned the lights down and took a med sized hit that pissed me off soo much that i threw a huge chunk in and torched it , and as soon as the smoke hit my lungs i could tell i was gunna spiral off into hyperspace just the instant i inhaled.. man. ok so first i had time to put the pipe up and lay down on the matress.
then i closed my eyes and immediately had hexagonal energy patterns blinking in rainbow colors. and my body was like smoke i could hardly feel it but was still aware of it. infact i was aware of my body, moment in time, and location in my room through out the whole experience, it was like i was in both worlds at once it was insane. anyway i saw the carrier wave rushing towards me
and i knew when it hit me that i would see them....
so the wave smashed through me and launched me into the other world.
then i looked down and i was on a lab table or something
there were gray/green aliens all standing around me staring at me. and i was on a table..
it sounds stupid i know... anyway.. i felt a screen. like the screens the buddhists use in kundalini cleansing that go from your back and go through you to your face and belly and toes. i felt the screen go through every part of my body and the whole time could see the beings. which by the way were all made up of the same energy patterns that had swirled together before my launch into hyperspace, just that they were at a different (frequency?).
once again i felt what you feel with a release of kundalini , one, universal, compassionate, just an amazing feeling.
and laid there staring at the ones around me and wondered, god.. how long have i been in this realm? seems like forever.
so i managed to PRY my fucking eyes open and saw my room Spinning like a top. and decided to lay back down hahaha
i just road out the rest, seeing random faces and manequin heads sticking their tongues out at me all spiraling out of control. and it all slowly died down and i went inside and told my brother about it
and laid on the couch. thinking about writing it down but being too lazy..
i asked my brother how long i had been in my room and he said it couldnt

have been more then 20 minutes.

amazing experience. always teaches one more about their self.

(All statements are purely hypothetical, this situation and myself do not exist)
Interesting, I never remember the feeling of breaking through, even when someone writes about it... it's a flawless numbing of the memory.

Also interesting you saw aliens, they didn't seem hostile in anyway? Could you tell why they had you on the table?

What did you learn about yourself? Not many people get anything out of DMT.
yea i can vividly recall seeing a barrier and feeling the barrier coming, then it hit me like a freight train.
pretty intense.
the aliens didnt seem hostile at all. just curious.
i definitely learned that my initial fear was completely unfounded. i knew what i wanted the whole time, it wasn't the trip itself that i was afraid of in the end. it must have been just a fearful stigma attatched to intense psychedelics. but nonetheless i feel alot better.
Ahh great! I think that is what DMT is all about - facing fear. :) Atleast for me.
have you ever had any trouble breaking through?
several times now i'll have a huge rip and it just wont affect me.
whereas sometimes a medium sized one will send me over. could this be the bizarre tolerance?
idk its kinda frustrating, trying to break through and in the end just melting through my stash
No, if I want to break through, I do, if I want to mingle in both realms I do...

With me breaking through is very difficult though - I've been hitting from the same stash since last july. Seriously it's moved pipes twice... that's it.

I use this now, which gives me SO much smoke it's ridiculous;

but 1500 mL.
holy crap dude. the other day i freaked out lol i couldnt accept my death and i woke from the trance and ran outside and everything was morphing and warping and made of tiny little green robots it was so crazy but i was like freaked out for some reason i knew i just had to accept leaving my body and world behind but for some reason this time i couldnt do it.
kinda sucked
Its like jumping off a cliff into the pool below... You know you won't die, but it can be so incredibly scary.

Just go.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Its like jumping off a cliff into the pool below... You know you won't die, but it can be so incredibly scary.

Just go.

... wow