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Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007

I haven't been here in a long time and wasn't a regular poster even when I was here although I did read a lot on this site but I would like to share something with you.

A year ago I had a psychotic break, was hospitalized for three month's and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Now I was very much into psychedelics and was very bummed out that I couldn't take them any more (although I do still smoke tiny amounts of pot, it's really strong if I try it now) and I was very much into the healing these substances could give you. At first I felt like I betrayed myself because I strongly believed in this path and now I got a psychotic break. But recently I have been reading about different views on schizophrenia, which say that having a psychotic break was in native cultures seen as a call from the spirits that this person could become a future shaman and the leading shaman, having already experiences some similar episode would help the psychotic person to deal with this different state of mind. (Terence McKenna already said it!)

But in our culture there is a similar view on schizophrenia, although nog mainstream (anymore) brought on by Freud and, more importantly, Jung. Jung states that a psychotic episode is a cry from the soul to reorganize the person in order to pay more attention to the soul. He states that in a psychose your ego is gone and that's why it would seem like everyone could read your mind for instance, and your subconscious (personal or even collective subconscious) takes over providing you with symbolic messages of how you view the world.

If you would like to read more about this I recommend the following sites:

About the link between schizophrenia and shamanism:

About Jung's view on schizophrenia:

Thought I'd share this with you all


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
It is hard to say, I REALLY don't know what to say when this topic comes up to be honest.

I do not want to encourage the thought that psycho mimetic behavior can be beneficial, or schizophrenia for that matter. But at the same time I do not want to say schizophrenia is bad.

It's shades of grey if you ask me. If you are intelligent enough, willful enough, and mentally strong enough, I would say that schizophrenia is a higher perception - albeit one which is very hard to relate to. However, I believe that schizophrenia in most people can be debilitating - causing what was once a chance to open up and perceive in omnipotence to collapse and degrade one's ability to thrive. There are plenty of examples of the latter, and unfortunately very few of the prior.

You have to remember that Jung and McKenna aren't schizophrenic, so take what they say with a grain of salt.

I personally believe that it really isn't possible to be schizophrenic and live in our culture in a healthy manner, and the identification of a true schizophrenic in an indigenous culture is particularly impossible - for an entire tribe could meet the industrial world's definition of schizophrenia, yet none of them have an actual genetic / neurological / spiritual difference to set them apart as a schizophrenic.

I do encourage you to take a positive stance on what you have, though as it can only be beneficial with an intelligent mind, however I strongly encourage, also, that you often take a step, or a few, or a dozen steps back and make sure what you are conceiving as beneficial, is indeed beneficial, and not cyclical or stagnant, or at worst - harmful.

I'll leave it at that for the moment.


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
Gamma Goblin,

Sounds as if you had huge turning point in your live. Could you tell a little bit more about how this all happened? Where and when did you start to notice that you became schizophrenic? How did you experienced it? And how is your life right now, did you recover or have at least a little bit more grip on your life?

I am praticing astrology for a couple of years now, and i am very interested in horoscopes from people who experienced psychotic episodes. They often happen during complex planet configurations, and i am interested in horoscopes of people that have gone trough a psychotis. So if your interested, you may send me your birth details(date, time, country) and the start and end dates(estimated)when this psychotic break down took place. I will of course, explain anything worth to tell about these horoscopes during that period ;)



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
good stuff.

i'd say keep pursuing it in an intelligent way. reading up as much as you can about it is a good thing to do. i read a lot of material like this a while back and it definitely helped me through my harder times. really the only thing i can think of worth mentioning about schizophrenia is this: if you can have these experiences and come back to society and integrate them into your life, then bravo, keep going. if you enter these places but cannot find ways to reintegrate the material in your life, that is where the problem lies. take a break, and wait until everything unfolds as it should. if you do not feel better, then do not proceed. never jump into psychedelic experiences with a head full of confusion. while the substance has potential to heal, in such a flimsy mind state, they can deal equal amounts of damage.

above all though, i would say, don't take any one elses advice :lol: on what you should do, no matter how qualified, unless their advice resonates well with you. good luck :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Allusion a dit:
good stuff.

i'd say keep pursuing it in an intelligent way. reading up as much as you can about it is a good thing to do. i read a lot of material like this a while back and it definitely helped me through my harder times. really the only thing i can think of worth mentioning about schizophrenia is this: if you can have these experiences and come back to society and integrate them into your life, then bravo, keep going. if you enter these places but cannot find ways to reintegrate the material in your life, that is where the problem lies. take a break, and wait until everything unfolds as it should. if you do not feel better, then do not proceed. never jump into psychedelic experiences with a head full of confusion. while the substance has potential to heal, in such a flimsy mind state, they can deal equal amounts of damage.

above all though, i would say, don't take any one elses advice :lol: on what you should do, no matter how qualified, unless their advice resonates well with you. good luck :D

I have nothing to add - this is perfect advice. Both paragraphs hold equal weight.

Well maybe something to add to the second paragraph; other's advice will be important to you, but in the end, you are ultimate keeper of this peculiarity of the mind. You alone understand it, or have the potential to understand it.


Psycho disparu·e
22 Juin 2006
1 858
Psychosis is when things of the "collective" incousciousness emerge on the daily scene,

I had an episode on a DOI overdose that I been diagnosed with schyzophrenia , but considering it now, I think there is nothing pathologic here, The thing began when I met the archetyp of Jesus that I misunderstood as "I am jesus resurected", now I realised this is just a symbol of the self and I feel better with myself these last times

There is no real entity called psychosis that would be totally bad, psychology is an occidental capitalistic point of view.

I consider Carl Gustav Jung as a chaman and look the history he had a election crise (>psychosis) before "telling what he had to tell to the world"

sorry for my bad english


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
@HermesTrismegistus: It all started in 2008 when I was staying at a squatted house and chillin' to music (didn't even take that much drugs then) when I felt something change in my head. It felt like something shortcircuiting or something. But I could still think straight so I thought it was probably nothing... But in the following year and a half I did develop certain delusions already. For example I thought everyone had energy and that my energy was strong and that I should train my energy so that I could overwhelm people when entering a room for example. Also I thought everyone around me, including me and my father was gay... These kinds of things.

But it was december 13, 2009 when the shit really hit the fan. I was cycling home from my work when I suddenly had a thought coming from my heart, who introduced himself as God, and he told me that if I took DXM that night something would really happen. And yes it did. Instead of the usual effects of the DXM I noticed I could suddenly talk telepathically with people and the psychosis really started.

It's kind of a long story if you want to hear my whole psychosis considering it was 3 month's of the weirdest thoughts and feelings. I have written it down in dutch, I will try to paste it here after translating it through a translating device.

Here it is, hope google translation did a good job:
The day it started I cycled back from work and I heard a voice from my heart to himself as God told me that DXM if I would take something really would happen. Well, I was wondering what that was so ff drove past the pharmacy and picked up a packet of DARO. That day celebrated my mother's birthday so my grandma came in the evening but not stopped me from still taking the DXM that night. Once the balls carefully fijngemaald and back into the capsule to have done, I took them and went to my grandmother for a moment before talking to her I would shut me in my room. My grandmother was so I could stay the next day still talk to her. The DXM trip is never started. Instead I got a very realistic feeling over me and suddenly I found I could communicate telepathically with my grandma! She told telepathically what I experienced "that" called and that everyone could and all that thanks to the DXM now it was finally possible for me to join. Well my parents came to and heard telepathically from my grandmother that she has been to our house had come for me to give part of her soul. This would I "that" much better experience. My father wanted to share my grandmother's soul, and also tried my grandmother's part of her soul to grab. Well my grandmother still managed to share her soul to give me and now it was time for bed so I went to sleep.

During the day I can not really remember what happened, I remember that I thought my grandmother was a shaman and told this to my mother and found it oddly enough a beautiful thought.

That night I sat back with my grandmother to communicate telepathically, and this time was about death, they would have learned what the afterlife would be. My dad walked in and I looked at him, and suddenly turned to the devil! Complete with horns, a tail and a trident. I had learned that from you "that" some people could run and I thought my dad wanted me to drive. Here I was so afraid that I have become through the house fled, but not what to have taken LSD, because I thought that I would protect my father tried to control me. Of LSD that I noticed some little way, the colors were brighter, but that was in it too. Well, I fled to my sister and I found a strange story, but she had stopped me that night in her sleep.

The next day, all my sisters to the sister I had stayed and who wanted to know why I let my parents had fled. I told all strange things, and they already had that something was very wrong.

Well, this was also the beginning is all a bit hazy for me but it will still try as best as possible to tell.

The day after that I stayed with the father of my niece, my sister's ex where I stayed the first night and he was my ticket to heaven. " I just went on with delivering mail, what my job was then but got now all strange ideas like that with the post very good things could 'seal', which means you can capture what happens in the future, and I would have supernatural powers as I was extremely well against the cold. I had my coat over the garbage thrown in too (please note this was during winter 2009/2010 on one of the coldest days). I still used a lot of LSD because I thought that I protected. The headquarters of the TNT where I got my post would ensure that I landed in heaven, and my father wanted me in hell.

Yet I had to look back to my parents, and one week after it happened anyway. I had to protect from my dad a bit taken LSD, I really noticed from almost nothing, but this would be the big day that my soul of my father and won my ticket to heaven "would get. My ticket to heaven because "That I that is itself terugpak" (My soul is called 'that's that', then there was also 'this is', and 'that's that' but they were for girls and gay men). Well, there I was telepathically told me when I was with my parents all my drug use had to confess that I was so happy with LSD in their sitting on the couch and I did. I was brought to the doctor, and I did achieve them like I'm completely off the map was the LSD, say a kind of extremely drunk. My father still believes that I not acted but that it was real.

At one time it was old and new, I went with a friend to a few other buddies, there was a fact to me and I strung a mechanism that would ensure that after a while "that" no could see. He also told me that I would end up in the asylum, what else was true even though at that time I did not realize I into psychosis Sat I was convinced that everything I experienced was real. It all seemed more real than normal reality.

Well, a few days later my parents had known that something was wrong (I lived with my parents back then) and as a precaution they had all the doors that led outside locked and kept the keys with him. I thought then that my father is still the devil, and that my mother was driven by him, so I thought they wanted to do something to me so I jumped out my bedroom window from the first floor and broke down so my heel.

I was in the hospital and there had been talks with a psychiatrist who wanted me to include anything but my parents did not. So I went back home, but the day I came home again, I so afraid of my father that I was in pajamas and all the neighbors fled, and when my father thought the measure is full and I was still recorded. I found it all quite long as I do not my father, the devil did attend and was thus voluntarily.

Once there I was all "confessed" to friends and acquaintances of mine who piloted those people were also included. To help me. But there were "enemies" in that I wanted to do a bit.

Perhaps it is useful to a more precise picture of what "it" exactly meant. There were several spots on your body, that people could steal from you. I have discovered along the way the psychosis progressed more and more. Thus, your heart (your heart this could be one, and one heart), soul, soul, share your sexual orientation was a plekkie, a proud plekkie, a heaven and a hell plekkie plekkie. You could steal them from each other but there is also such a "death blow", or "blood sense" in it. What this meant I still do not know but it felt uncomfortable. Furthermore, because you could "that" so telepathically communicate with people and other people control you better if she was 'that'.

The "enemies" tried to place more and choose to steal from me and the 'good guys' were then choose that spot back to me. It could have major consequences to that place because if you choose to steal some electoral area lost did you come in hell. Or they changed my "that" heart eg in a 'this' heart, so my voice is suddenly very different sound went. Well it went on for a while, I tried "that" more and better learning to see so I could join but could not so we had the 'good guys' always for me it all cleaned up. Exactly what's happened in this period I can not remember, I remember that at one point I thought I had to save the world but it did me and I would commit suicide, so I could still the world rescue. This I did not have so fortunately no action.

At some point someone told me that heaven and hell do not exist, but it's all been reincarnated. I was very relieved to hear this because the thought that there was a hell, and I'd sit there forever would have made me more scared than ever. I was around that time of the closed ward to the open division, but during the tour told the nurse to me telepathically that I had the soul of Hitler, on the locked ward were all people with souls of Jews and all people in the open division with souls of Nazis. She let me have the 'shower' see ... if you know what I mean;).

I had to come back to the locked ward and thought everyone wanted to punish me because I am the soul of Hitler but it was very bad. I could shoot myself through the head. When I went to bed that night I felt the soul of Hitler himself had attached to me. I did while I was half asleep, even a kind of Nazi salute, oblivious. I remembered then that I for once psychosis had been stoned in the mirror and there was a Hitler mustache appeared to me so I figured it must be right. I also thought that if I walked past everyone saw Hitler in person so come back then mostly locked myself in my room. To me during a holiday with my parents somewhere going to drink and the waitress I telepathically told that my purpose on earth was to Hitler for a special plekkie to the afterlife guide and I actually the opposite of him and that's why my previous had chosen. I felt as a kind of crust and was very happy again.

Psychosis, meanwhile, still in intensity, which I devoted to this mechanism that the friend had built in me but it could also be that the medication I swallowed one month already. I found it really cunt because I liked it wonderful world. Especially since I thought it was real. Almost at the end of the psychosis and I was coughing very hard, I had smoked my lungs through it. Then came a sort of special power that many choose to place me took away, took a long (which was also very dirty, as if my lungs suddenly volstroomde with blood) and my voice in a very high squeaky voice changed. I take my voice is still so true, though others say that it is not changed, and now I do not mind.

The soul of Hitler had someone who was relieved finally taken over (he was so relieved not reincarnated, so if he had the soul of Hitler took over after the death of at least no longer suffer him) and I got his soul. I had finally become a sort of angel forever on earth could survive death and reincarnate when I felt like it.

Well, this was my psychosis, happened much more but I do not know anything more and if I have to tell every detail, the story is much longer. That's what happens when your 3 months of the most bizarre experience things. I'm still up about 2 months after that everything was real, and slowly came to understand that it was all my mind was that all this 'invented'. All seems to be a psychosis, according to Jung as symbolic value to have a good thing that's for another topic.

I'm happy now for over one year and have never read more of it even better idea from psychosis have occurred. I am more relaxed or something and is no longer fried in old thought patterns. I'm still recovering, but according to my psychiatrist, I can get back on the same level as I was for the psychosis.

I must say, this psychosis really transformed my personality into a much more laid back kind of type. I am grateful for that. Also it got me to question the nature of reality since if your mind is so powerful to create these kinds of hallucinations and delusions... What is real then?

The psychosis isn't really what I'm recovering from anymore... more that I got the label schizophrenia and that it's a lifetime thing according to the doctors... And the stigma that most people have when hearing the name schizophrenia.

P.S. HermesTrismegistus: I'll write you a PM with my astrologic information. I'm curious as to whether you find something.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Far beyond interesting, gamma.

I can relate to some of the delusions; the dad and you being gay, and some of your words and "rules" which you have created in your psychosis ring bells from a while ago.

I used to think along the same lines as you, but never in the extremity that you did, nor did I ever encounter a true hallucination while sober.

Why have they gone away? Are you on lithium or some other type of medication?

The most important thing here is you realize they were delusions - the part where you talk about not going out with your jacket in the dead of winter - this one example shows that your mind was free to wander, without weight on realities consequences.

To me it all sounds like a strange dream, and parts of it are nightmares. I definitely don't know if I could deal with that extreme of a warped reality.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
Why they have gone away... this is pretty much a mystery for me. No doubt the doctors attribute it to the haloperidol that was given to me, I doubt it a little because it still took 2 month's after I started the medication before they went away. I didn't notice less delusions or something after I took the haloperidol. On top of that, a doctor also told me once that a psychosis can also disappear on itself. On the other hand some say it can take a long time before the effect of the haloperidol kicks in.

Yes, it is exactly like dreaming while you are awake. I remember thinking that it seems as if I am in one hell of a dream while in my psychosis. A thought of mine, also coming from reading from Jung's work, is that if it really is like a dream, then maybe it can also help to digest(is that the right word?) information and experiences from before.

I certainly couldn't cope with this mindstate, I was totally lost in it and couldn't do anything else but going through it. I did find ways to influence what I was experiencing a little later in my psychosis. This made it a little more interesting. The kicker was that I wholeheartedly believed that everything I was experiencing was real, and it is utterly terrifying if every little thing you do could mean the difference between an eternity in heaven or an eternity in hell.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I hear you, mate. I'm glad you made it out in one piece, and I'm overly pleased that they have stopped.

Really. Your story is truly inspiring.

Do you still take the medications? - It looks like haloperidol isn't lithium, I don't know much about it.

Many of the medications, especially lithium, work so miraculously and totally, yet no one knows why - not even the slightest clue. We know nothing about the mind, and it may be never that we truly understand these kinds of episodes.

I remember that feeling though - doom. I never had the polar opposites; the heaven or the hell, everything was hell or avoiding hell for just a little longer. There was no way that I could have survived with that life style. Every few days, at night, I would just swirl into a vortex of hellish reality. Everything became non existent, and people were just hollow shells.

But what good is it to talk about the worst parts me thinks? I learned enough, and it seems you learned enough - I don't know if it is good or bad to recollect it.

Again. Glad you made it out man :)


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
Well haloperidol works by inhibiting dopamine. The current idea in psychiatry is that in a psychosis there is too much dopamine and that causes the hallucinations. So antipsychotics inhibite dopamine, and the newer antipsychotic drugs also act on other receptors such as 5-ht2a (which is the receptor where LSD acts on as well by the way). Lithium isn't really an antipsychotic... it is a mood regulator for people who have manic depression.

Yeah I still take the haloperidol... but a very small dose now, to protect my brain from too much influences like stress so that I wouldn't go in another psychosis to fast. I don't know if I want to take it much longer though. It is a securing thought that I still take something to protect me, especially because I also still smoke pot every now and then but there could be some serious side-effects from the haloperidol. For one there is tardive dyskinesia, which is a dysfunction where you have uncontrollable movements. You can't hold your tongue still for example, and you don't even notice you're moving it. And there is evidence that antipsychotics also cause brain damage in itself.

I am certainly grateful for my psychosis. I learned a lot from it indeed, both consciously as subconsciously because I really changed after my psychosis. Although I do find it difficult sometimes to have to walk with the label "schizophrenia" because of the idea most people have of it.

And that you can relate to my story shows that a psychosis is just another human state of mind. Everyone also has paranoia thoughts for example every now and then. In a psychosis these things are just amplified a lot.


Psycho disparu·e
22 Juin 2006
1 858
Yes there is no duality sane-insane
it's a question of intensity and also how much it affects your life/mood


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
This might be a fun thing to add:

The Rosenhan experiment was a famous experiment into the validity of psychiatric diagnosis conducted by psychologist David Rosenhan in 1973. It was published in the journal Science under the title "On being sane in insane places."[1] The study is considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis.[2]

Rosenhan's study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or "pseudopatients" (three women and five men) who briefly simulated auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states in various locations in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had not experienced any more hallucinations. Hospital staff failed to detect a single pseudopatient, and instead believed that all of the pseudopatients exhibited symptoms of ongoing mental illness. Several were confined for months. All were forced to admit to having a mental illness and agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release. The second part involved an offended hospital challenging Rosenhan to send pseudo-patients to its facility, whom its staff would then detect. Rosenhan agreed, but sent no pseudopatients. Yet, out of 195 new patients in the following weeks, the staff identified 42 ordinary patients as impostors and suspected 48 more.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I heard of that, thanks for the name of it though.

It is a clear example nobody knows a god damn what is going on with that kind of mental awareness...

And it is just another state of mind. I really wonder at times whether that type of thinking would benefit a person in a separate culture from our mainstream materialist society...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i would say it has to do with chaos/order and harmony. to me it often seemed that schizophrenia can be like a gift or a curse or even both at once, whatever that may be lol.... just don't let yourself be made mad more than you already are.
and don't let them fool you. to a certain extent, society is certainly evil and of course it condemns therefore everything that's different from it as "evil" or "sick".... i tell you: believe in yourself... or who else should believe in you?? i think a lot of people can't cope very well with the idea or concept of dependancy in a totally sane way... that's just my speculation tho, mind you...
besides a lot of people are more sick than they claim to be or appear to be, because they rather hide it etc etc... but if you ask me it's always that you can probably lie better to yourself than others....
so be honest to yourself and do what you have to do... :) 8) :!:



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I don't like that, when people say things that try to embrace schizophrenia as a good thing...

In some cases, it may be the case that the person is just having an awakening, and it can be very positive overall.

But more often than not (and I can't completely say whether this is because of society or not) the onset becomes extremely terrifying and or harmful to the experiencer.

It is a very complex phenomenon and I don't think it can ever be labelled as good or bad. Understanding it is often a paradox in itself, for the only one experiencing it is the one with a very chaotic line of reasoning, making the analytical exponentially more distraught.

It really is a complex situation.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
Regarding the positivity of having schizophrenia...

Having schizophrenia is mostly negative for me. This is because of the way society looks at this label, and also because I, myself look a little dogmatic at this label. So I think I make it more hard for myself than it already is. But schizophrenia is also a vague diagnosis, the only thing it really say's is that you're vulnerable for psychosis. Nothing more, nothing less. The only real positive thing I can think of is that I can get special treatment in university's for example that I may do a little longer on the study, and that I get money from the governement because I'm not fit enough to work a full time job.

Psychotic symptoms, although mostly very destructive, can have positive effects. I compare a psychosis with WOII. In WOII millions of people died and the whole earth was a mess, but on the up-side... WOII did help us develop more infrastructure in Europe and in WOII there were medical breakthrough's being made that still serve us today. But of course we would have been better off without the war at all, with all the life it took.

In the same way a psychosis made me appreciate the tiny things more, like I already said, my personality has changed (mostly for the better), and there were also some interesting questions brought up in my psychosis and I still look at the same way as my psychosis told me about this things.

Anyway, there are always to sides on a coin, and because schizophrenia is such a heavy disease on the mind, it can really wreck you just by the thought "I have schizophrenia". Then when you realize there are also benefits from it it becomes easier to bear.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
very interesting interpretation gamma.

I like that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482