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Salvia trip off the charts, 20x


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
Hello everyone :)

The first psychoactive I exposed myself to after weed was salvia. I had heard about it and read about it for some time, and one day that a couple of friends and I went downtown to buy a new bong, we saw they sold salvia there too, and picked up a gram of 20x.

Later on the same day I christened the new bong with salvia. The smoking conditions were as follows:

- Brand new (clean=better??) bong
- Chilled/Nearly frozen water
- Jet lighter
- Packed the bowl to the rim

I smoked it in a forest with 2 of my closest friends. As I have been playing the flute for 9 years straight, I have beastly lung capacity and was therefore able to hold my hit in for a minute and three seconds, timed 8)

After taking the hit, I stood up and walked around for a little bit. After thirty seconds or so (while still holding it in) the outer boundaries of my vision became blurred but I could still see clearly. As soon as I blew out the hit, I was instantly met by ego death, I was fully separated from my body, and most interesting of all, my entire experience was full visual hallucinations; I saw nothing 'real' around me, not the trees, not my friends, just pure hallucinations. As if someone had dropped a screen in front of my eyes and started to project complex hallucinations onto it.

As ego death happened, my understanding of what was going on was that, to be short and sweet, all existence had ended. It didn't feel like death per se, rather a full-on vanishing of all life. The first visual I had was of an ocean of what seemed to be brown circles with blue circles in the middle (picture brown cell with blue nucleus), and I somehow understood that the blue middle of each of these brown 'cells' represented an image of what each person in the world had been looking at through their eyes when, as I said previously, all existence had ended.

Look around you right now, and imagine that everything around you is wall-paper. Well, in my case, the wallpaper was ripped away right in front of my eyes. Behind it, there were large mechanical things that I knew were the machines that ran the show, so to speak. There were also these entities that had no defined shape, and I understood without a doubt that they were the ones behind the end of existence.

For the rest of my trip, I would be in one place, and then instantly jump to another, even weirder place, such as a medium-sized room with no door, no distinction between walls, floor or roof, and only large stripes of paint running vertically.

Towards the end of my trip, I began to be able to see my friends sitting on a log close to me in the top right of my field of view. Using the screen metaphor from earlier, it was as if the top right corner of the screen had been cut out, while the rest was still entire hallucinations. At this point it mentally felt like I was slowly crawling out of my trip, but my two friends said that I also physically crawled back to them. Weirdly enough, when I made it to them and sat down beside them, the open eyed-visuals disappeared, but as soon as I closed my eyes they would come back again.

Anyhow, the entire experience lasted an entire hour (which, once again, my friends timed), which is what surprised me the most. I have looked online and have rarely been able to find reports of trips that lasted longer than 10-20 minutes. Anyone here with a similar experience?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
You sure it was Salvia?

Salvinorum A is *quickly* processed by the body when smoked, which is why the trip lasts 10-15 mins with a 5-20 min fall.

I'm not sure why yours lasted an hour, unless you chewed a fresh quid. :shock:


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
Yeah i'm fully and 100% sure it was Old Sally.

My other friend smoked twice more out of that bag, had 15 minute trips.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
I've never read, or had an experience which lasted an hour.

Are you on any medication by chance? Or did you smoke Cannabis beforehand?


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
nah, never been on any medication, and i had not smoked cannabis that day as I remember I was already a bit nervous to drive on the highway for the first time. haha

i've been able to find reports on the internet about long trips such as mine. but only 1 or 2.

i rememeber one guy who was experimenting with also 20x was trying to gradually get to a huge trip to see the transition effect. he smoked one small hit, with no hallucinations but some thought change. took a second small hit and described what seemed to be pieces of floating glass floating between his eyes and the world. THEN he took the largest hit he could take, and also had an hour or so long trip.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
gonzebo a dit:
nah, never been on any medication, and i had not smoked cannabis that day as I remember I was already a bit nervous to drive on the highway for the first time. haha

i've been able to find reports on the internet about long trips such as mine. but only 1 or 2.

i rememeber one guy who was experimenting with also 20x was trying to gradually get to a huge trip to see the transition effect. he smoked one small hit, with no hallucinations but some thought change. took a second small hit and described what seemed to be pieces of floating glass floating between his eyes and the world. THEN he took the largest hit he could take, and also had an hour or so long trip.

Very odd. Most everyone had a reverse tolerance to Salvia, you didn't for some reason.

Haha. Yeah, Salvia does strange things like that.

I personally can't function after I hold in one hit. I quickly put the pipe down, lay down and blow out the smoke and I'm gone. Haha.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
what do you mean by reverse tolerance? this was the first time i had taken salvia.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
gonzebo a dit:
what do you mean by reverse tolerance? this was the first time i had taken salvia.

Meaning people do not experience full-blown trips the first time they smoke it. Unlike most drugs where you have to use it more to gain the effects of the experience you had the first time you did it, Salvia gets stronger the more you use it.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
ohhh i see what you mean now

so then the question is: are others experiencing longer trips the more they do it? or simply stronger?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Not longer.

A typical trip if you smoke an extract is about 15-20 mins. If you chew a quid it can last up to an hour.

So basically, not a longer trip, but stronger as in you'll hallucinate more.

if that makes sense.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
yeah that makes perfect sense. on another level related to salvia, have you experienced recurring themes in your trips?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
gonzebo a dit:
yeah that makes perfect sense. on another level related to salvia, have you experienced recurring themes in your trips?

Hm. Most of my trips involve moments from my childhood.

I had one non-themed trip where I was launched into space, visited a different world and spoke with their world leader. It was-- odd, but interesting.

Makes you think about why the human mind decided to take that route with the chemical acting within it.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
Synith a dit:
You sure it was Salvia?

Salvinorum A is *quickly* processed by the body when smoked, which is why the trip lasts 10-15 mins with a 5-20 min fall.

I'm not sure why yours lasted an hour, unless you chewed a fresh quid. :shock:

Synth you are right, with me it usually lasted around 10-15min. However, My friend who smoked Salvia for the first time was thrown into a hellish 40min trip.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
Alpha! Goooood. I'm glad you (rather, your friend) had a similar experience to share.

Did your friend have full visual hallucinations the entire time? I saw nothing from the 'real' world around me when I was tripping. My field of vision was entirely hallucinated from the ground up.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Déc 2006
My friend said he was having full blown halucinations, he found it very hard to describe. He mentioned at one point in his trip he was a "door" im not sure what that ment lol. It was wierd though, His arms would tense up and such. The majority of his unpleasant trip was spent hiding in a closet.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
You know, to add to this... how many bowls did you smoke? And how much in each bowl?

The trip itself lasts about 5-8 mins, but I've had times where I've smoked many bowls and have had the body effects linger on for about an hour or so.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mar 2009
One very big bowl. I packed it much larger than i Could hit so that I would take in the maximum amount of smoke. I'd been playing the flute on a more than regular basis with private instruction for 7 and a half years at the time so I had and still have huge lung capacity. I held the hit in for just over a minute (counted by my friends, my spotters)

It wasn't just body feelings; I was 190% hallucinating the entire time.

And friends that smoked from the exact same bags and had hits just as big had just 10 minute trips or less even.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Big bowls are good. Depends how big the bowl in your pipe is tho. Mine's a bit small so I have to keep reloading, hah.

With Salvia it's not having the ability to hold in the smoke (though that is a factor) it's being able to handle the hot-ass smoke.

Sounds like you had a good trip. (:

Please feel free to share your experience with Lady Sally. (:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
lol that sounds insane. i hope you had a good time though, whereever you might have been. :D

a friend of mine had a similar trip like you, but not as long. he also crawled on the floor approaching the legs of another buddy who was there :D

well kind of funny, but as he described his trip to us he said as he took the hit of the 15x salvia, his hand became a tunnel of colors or so and he was in another reality.... so salvia seems to be the shit really

i heard that tolerance is difference for some people... maybe some people need to smoke it some times and for some people normal leaves first time smoked will make them tripping. i also heard that it has to do with the DNA or so and some are immune.... well might be bullshit who knows ???


peace :weedman: