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Salvia to be on Dr. Phil in November


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2008
I was passed this along late last night.

The Dr Phil show is having a show on Salvia in November. This is BAD. Dr Phil has a very large audience, and the show is very likely going to be highly negative. Probably all about kids going out and getting a hold of it, doing it, and then doing stupid stuff.

We need to make sure this show either:
a) does not air
b) air's with an unbiased viewpoint

You can register for Dr Phil's website here:

Go to the message boards after signing up:

I clicked on "feedback and help", and then clicked on "talk about the show", and posted my message (which you can read here, I am using the username falkenjeff http://www.drphil.com/messageboard/topi ... 2/#1030662 ).

Make sure that your messages are clear and informative, and NOT whiny and full of cursing and swearing. The messages are moderator reviewed before they are posted.

This alone is probably not enough. We need to email the show, and possibly phone them. Be willing to appear on the show, and explain why salvia is not dangerous, and why it should just be age restricted instead of banned (like alcohol and tobacco). We can't let the stupid kids who abuse it ruin it for us all.

This is the contact Dr Phil section:

This is the "email the show" option which is located in the section above. This may be the best option, but I dunno:

This is the phone number for ordering tapes, so I dunno if you can do anything else with it:

If anyone else can think of other action we can take, and other places we can rally up salvia supporters besides this facebook group, let me know.

Jeff Falkenham

I used the link here to send a message to the show, and it looked like this:

I was passed along the word this morning that a show was airing in November regarding Salvia Divinorum. I am a 20-year old web developer out of Louisville, KY and a Salvia user. I am somewhat nervous as to the tone of the show, it is sad but true that there are (too) many videos of minors using Salvia and getting in front of a camera. I will suffice it to say that they are in the vast minority, and the majority of responsible users you will never hear from or about.

I do believe it is a powerful plant, but the knee-jerk reaction by many viewers will to be to call for scheduling it, or making it illegal. I believe the answer lies in regulation of sale, much like tobacco or alcohol. Salvia will almost certainly make driving dangerous to one's self and others, so the equivalent of a DUI is needed, in my opinion. Sale needs to be restricted to at least the age of 18 and I would even understand 21. Making it illegal will create a problem where there was not previously was, Salvia is hardly an epidemic and it is not what people would classify as a "party drug", indeed when I take Salvia I want to do so by myself, as I use it as a tool of self-exploration. The power of the mind is truly phenomenal and this "teacher plant" has served to tell me that I truly know very little about my mind and how, or why, it works. Additionally most first-time users find the experience too "aggressive" and unsettling, and do not try it again.

There are always those that will abuse a substance because it's legal. The truth of it is Salvia has some 5,000 years of religious culture behind it in Mexico. The medicinal properties of it, I should add, have not been particularly well explored yet and may hold some curative or preventative elements that outlawing the plant will indefinitely deny to the American people.

So to summarize, I personally am all for the regulation of Salvia Divinorum, with responsible use (the key here as it is in all things) you can truly learn a great deal about yourself and your mind.

Now you don't have to agree with me about the regulation of SD (personal opinion is it does need regulation), but a polite tone is key here, I'm afraid our lady is going to be quite demonized on the show. Sending a message along may at least help convince them to air one of the letters from our perspective.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I didn't read everything, but I can only imagine the view our society is going to have of Salvia after it gets off Dr. Phil. We need someone who knows what they are talking about to talk about Salvia, and that the people will listen to.

peace & love


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Sept 2008
Salvia is already doomed and there's nothing you can do about it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Wrong. Spread the truth!

peace & love

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Whether Phil's rap is positive or negative, I'm sure the (online) sales of salvia will skyrocket again.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Sept 2008
Yes, spread the truth like the hippies did.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
CM is right, they are succesfully telling America, "Hey check out this legal drug that makes you trip out that you can buy online!", thus dooming it. I need to order some before it's illegal. *sigh*


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2008
JustinNed a dit:
CM is right, they are succesfully telling America, "Hey check out this legal drug that makes you trip out that you can buy online!", thus dooming it. I need to order some before it's illegal. *sigh*

True, I'm not holding out a lot of hope, but I hate to buy a plant in the wintertime, I don't want to send the thing into shock.


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Mai 2008
this has been really bothering me
i'm definitely going to be buying a cutting and corresponding materials as soon as funds allow


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
5553b4442 a dit:
Yes, spread the truth like the hippies did.

yes we should and i do. i am a hippie inside. dont dress much like one tho.


Salvia is


yes, i've taken it.

i've taken LOTS of crap in my life.

now, you think you know that Salvia is a GOOD thing and should STAY legal?

are you KIDDING ME?

yeah, what a great message to the future...to the kids. try THIS one...it's "legal" or it's "safe"

do something with your life...like why not help people? keep your brain cells, and keep your emotions in tact for your entire short life.

Salvia is BAD NEWS for anyone who takes it. yep...sure is fun and healthy to lose your shit for 5 minutes! wow! you must be proud of yourselves!

GROW UP! get a REAL hold of yourself. it takes a LOT more balls to go through life without substances than with.

you think you are all STRONG for trying to take a stance for a Dissociative substance that makes you feel like you are on angel dust, whipets, and mushrooms? LMAO! yeah! that's some GOOD stuff!

"oh, maybe for you adora_taco, but not for us...get away from here". i can just hear ir now from you all. and yes...i have tried it many times along with every other drug. so bite me. this crap is DANGEROUS.

get real.

Salvia SHOULD be illegal and WILL be eventually once enough people are killed by driving while smoking it...THANK GOD...unfortunately, it will just take enough people to die on the roads to make it illegal. or enough people to fall out of a window. nothing like dieing for a good cause. if you think i'm kidding, you obviously haven't tried the 50x proof Salvia.

once again...GROW UP PEOPLE!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Do you think kids should be thrown in jail for possession of Salvia? Because that's what criminalization is, and that's what you are are arguing for. How is that "helping the kids"?

Are you aware that Salvia has anti-depressant properties and medicinal values that researchers are only just beginning to learn, and if it is banned, new avenues of research will be severely hampered?

California has banned the sale of Salvia to minors. Meaning you can prosecute the hell out of malicious adults who break those rules. At the same time, adults who make personal choices that do not affect others can be left alone in the privacy of their own homes.

"Salvia SHOULD be illegal and WILL be eventually once enough people are killed by driving while smoking it.."

I was starting to write a rational response to your post when I read this. Driving on Salvia? Are you serious? The effects last 5 minutes. Exactly how are you supposed to drive and smoke Salvia? Bong in one hand, lighter in the other hand, oop no hands on the steering wheel, how do I shift into drive now? You've obviously never done Salvia.

BTW by your logic alcohol should be banned. Instead of banning a substance, why not prosecute those who drive impaired?

it takes a LOT more balls to go through life without substances than with.

Do both the legal, mind-altering (mind-numbing, judgement impairing) drug alcohol and the highly addictive carcinogenic stimulant/depressant tobacco also count as substances in your book? Also, you're assuming we are all into ego stroking here. I'm not interested in having "bigger balls" than you.

once again...GROW UP PEOPLE

I assume this means you used substances irresponsibly as a child (which you should never have done in the first place), and are projecting your own failings and lack of understanding onto others. I'm sorry you treated substances as a cheap toy and abused them. These substances are not fun and games. The people who frequent this board do not treat them as such. You're preaching to the wrong crowd, mate.


oh yeah...i forgot about the wonderful "medicinal values" argument.

why do you think you need a bong to use salvia? other smoking devices do exist.

yes, possession of Salvia should be an act that can put you in JAIL. no doubt. if you don;t like it...see a shrink and get some help to deal with the issues you can't deal with yourself without the assistance of substances.

ohh, but i bet you are gonna say you just do it for fun and recreation. keep telling yourself that!

anti-depressant properties. sure, mate, just like MDMA, right? this board is a joke and a sad reflection of what the internet is used for.

yep...alcohol SHOULD be banned too. look at the number of people who kill others while impaired i on it. as you can see, prosecuting people who are impaired has been REALLY working hasn't it?

"these drugs are not fun and games"? i'm on a board where someone has an avatar of a psychedelic mushroom and another with a pot leaf as an avatar.

not fun and games huh? wooohooooooo! light it up, man!


go ahead! continue your private at home use of brain destroying substances! if i catch you, see you, or find you with it...i'll be turning you in faster than you can say, "salvia divinorium"! better watch out! we are EVERYWHERE!

in the meanwhile...i'll be dealing with my life without needing to rely on substances.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
do something with your life...like why not help people? keep your brain cells, and keep your emotions in tact for your entire short life.

Please explain how any of these substances, other than the legal ones, kill your brain cells. Seems like you are talking about Salvia. Do you have a paper that says Salvia kills brain cells, or is your sources 1960's propaganda?

GROW UP! get a REAL hold of yourself. it takes a LOT more balls to go through life without substances than with.

Get a hold on who? This illusion you have built? You think that is your true self? Wrong! To find your true self, you must break down the illusion first. Enthogens assist greatly in doing this. There are other ways also, such as meditation, sleep deprivation, fasting...etc. I know ample amounts of people who are scared shitless of this stuff, because of the power. You think it takes more balls to do sober, then take a high dose of Psilocybin. Not many people have the balls to go into that realm. It's not even a matter of who has the balls to do what, it is that you learn something from these magical teacher plants.

.unfortunately, it will just take enough people to die on the roads to make it illegal. or enough people to fall out of a window.

Driving under the influence of anything is just DUMB! But why don't we look at alcohol. How many people does that kill a year in comparsion to saliva road accidents? They are both legal substances. Yet Alcohol is legal, why should that be legal?

peace & love


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Well, it is almost impossible to imagine that Dr Phil will work with Morpheus rather than with Smith.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Whatever. He can't respond to anyone's arguments point by point. He's clearly just an internet troll. Maybe he's even trolling for Dr. Phil! :P

He'd make a fine recruit for the gestapo as well I see, judging by how he seems to get off on spying on his neighbors!


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
st.bot.32 +1000 :D:D

well, clearly this person has some personal issues with his or her past. If you can't cope with the fact that other people DO have meaningful experiences on psychotropic substances, thats your problem, not ours. Don't force your own bad experiences and your limited view onto society and the world.

Face it, there's lots of things going on we don't like either, but that's life.

Back to Dr. Phil.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Sale drogué·e
20 Mar 2008
To Adora taco:

First I'll say that I completely disagree with you, I personally believe humans have the right to take responsibility for their own bodies (and minds) health, not have limits dictated to them.

What I wanted to ask was: WHO ARE YOU?
What brought you to conclusion that perception alteration is "bad" is it just chemicals you don't like, or meditation, listening to music, dancing, sport that your against...?

I'd also say that many of us here have found something in psychedelics that has helped us in some way - I myself don't get to the depths of depression anymore, I believe through the introspection afforded me by perception alteration.

and St. bot +1


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
@ adora taco;

Taking a substance is called metabolism. People should be free to alter their body- and brain-chemistry to the extent they want it too. There is no such thing as an evil molecule. Agree, the experience can turn out bad or unhealthy, but that is an event that lies past the CHOICE to take a substance (you know, responsability or the illusion of it). Everyone should be free there. Banning a substance only increases problems surrounding it.

If you don't agree I understand, but then you're in the wrong forum. I hope you stay and listen to what is said and we will listen to you.