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Hello all. I'm an occultist/ceremonial magician/pothead who want to give a go with psychonautics.
Theres one major issue here, and thats that I'm not allowed to trip. I can only toke out. I'm practicing lucid dreaming techniques, and so far have only managed to get a few seconds of lucidity before it slipped away, and this happened only once. I might not have had anything after that due to toking out every day, and I hear weed kills lucidity/REM. I'd try to get Calea Zatacachichi, but I can only find it on entheogen sites, and people here are unnecessarily paranoid about ordering from entheogen websites because the government apparently tracks orders.

Honestly, I think these rules are stupid as fuck, and a disruption of my spirituality.
true, and to some extent i agree. yet can you claim to be in perfect/total balance with the core root of your own being? i suppose not, and this aspect obviously reflects in "your world of outer appearances". furthermore i assume, there is probably a reason, why you are not allowed to trip. there is a certain aspect of discipline, that has to be followed with things such as magick and whatnot. the point is: to what extent would you allow your spiritituality to be disrupted in the first place, by childish things such as government? or should i call it house of puppets, instead? ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahha :roll:

peace :weedman:
Nobody in this household is an occultist except me, and they don't know much about my occultism, nor do they care. Theres not even a christian in this household. Everybody is just 'whatever'.
i suggest not to let your shade endarken too much of the household then at a time, or alternatively let the household be occulted all the time, with a little spark of light let to shine thru. 8) :idea: :!: :?:

who am i to judge your occultism or your occult practices, whatever that might be. who am i to judge your judgement. who am i?
maybe that's a matter of perspective. however not knowing what you do, i can't possibly judge, even if i wanted to. that said i was just saying that, cuz of the innate meaning the word "occult" has been holding.
BrainEater a dit:
maybe that's a matter of perspective. however not knowing what you do, i can't possibly judge, even if i wanted to. that said i was just saying that, cuz of the innate meaning the word "occult" has been holding.

Its really a predicament. There isn't exactly a 'suitable' term to describe my practice.

If I call it occultism, people say "HEY YOU'RE IN A CULT"
If I call it witchcraft, people think "LOL, SATANER" or they think I'm "LOL WICCAN"
If I call it ceremonial magick, they don't know what I'm talking about.
Theres a bunch of names for it.
Its done spiritually. Its about improvement of inner and outside conditions in accordance to the magician's/mystics/occultists/whatevers will.

And I'm all for the greater good of things.
omera, i would realy like to hear more about your occult practice, if it isn't a taboo to talk about it.

i've been practicing lucid dreming too, regular cannabis use somehow kills my ability to be lucid. it seems to suck my energy.

what is the deal with the no trip rule?

could it trigger something or would it destroy the framework you work on?

if not, i would say go with the shrooms. approach them with the spirit plant attitude and see what the mushroom has to teach you. some oral cannabis would be fun too, but i would say it counts as a trip.
Without wanting to judge the nature of your practice, your post does make me question whether your current path is appropriate to you. From the sounds of it you are on a particularly restricted strand as Cermonial Magic does not neccessarily preclude using Entheogens. I know quite a number of CAW people who trip quite regularly, while still engaging in their ceremonial practices.

However, CM is, like so many other forms of religious practice, an attempt to find the answers in the world around you and in the territory and ideas that others have already laid out. The use of Entheogens, on the other hand, is very much about following the path of the mystic. This is the inner path, which entails exploring the "Divine within" and which you will quickly discover leads to the Infinite that is the Divine Mind. Needless to say, your understanding of the Divine will never match anybody elses, but this is to be expected when two or more finite beings venture into the Infinite.

Like many others, I have come from a life in which I allowed others to dictate my beliefs to me. I prefer life as a mystic, as I hate to be beholden to the beliefs and prejudices of others. I also meditate extensively and find that these techniques allow me to find the answers to the questions that matter to me and to therefore create a belief system of my own that reflects my hopes, aspirations and nature.
I use ceremonial magick methods, yes. But I'm kinda in between chaos magick and ceremonial magick. I don't follow guidelines other than my own in terms of magick, as I don't operate in a group.
I'm going to be brutally honest, why are you studying Magic?

Physics owns magic, literally and figuratively.
IJesusChrist a dit:
I'm going to be brutally honest, why are you studying Magic?

Physics owns magic, literally and figuratively.
I'm going to be brutally honest- do some research before you assume that magick workings are done by superstitious retards. Only the religious practitioners of magick seem to be superstitious with magick, yet it STILL works for them. Magick is as physical as anything else.

Proven by science? No. Thats only because science nowadays is about money, and no scientist would keep his job if he decided to research magick.
explain a method of magick you attempt, your intended outcome and how you go about trying to obtain that outcome.
Magick has many many many methods, derived from many many many traditions from just about every culture on the planet (yes, even monotheists have mystics).
There are no 'guidelines' in terms of 'the right way' to do magick. Every religion has its validity. All gods and mythological entities exist as thoughtforms because people believed in them, so we can evoke their traits. I can evoke Gandalf if I felt like it simply because he has a thoughtform.
Also, evocation shouldn't be mistaken for invocation. Evocation is 'summoning' or 'bringing without'. Invocation is bringing traits within yourself (not to be confused with possession). Again, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to perform these operations, but there are methods that are more efficient than others.
... what methods do you use to bring traits to yourself?