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Je m'inscris!

President Barrack Obama


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Could it be you are trolling ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

It took me a while to learn how to do it properly, but this first attempt was succesful.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
The danes caused the germans more damage than if they had fought against them. They didnt fight they just sabotaged a load of the weapons they were forced to make .

Obama just ordered the close of guantanamo and the suspension of all conected trials . Including the one against his holyness sheik mohamed . Yesterday was the happyest day of my life since 119 .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
GOD a dit:
Obama just ordered the close of guantanamo and the suspension of all conected trials . Including the one against his holyness sheik mohamed . Yesterday was the happyest day of my life since 119 .

Yeah, that is great news.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If they give those people fair trials they would have to have war crimes trials against bush afterwards .


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
Well, let Guantanamo open just for him and a few friends...

That would make my day. No, that would make my 2009...


Sale drogué·e
29 Juil 2006
I'm not sure about Obama himself, but I was sure I didn't wanted the republicans for another 4(/8) years. Especially the ones of the past elections!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If i ever get a dog i will name him after Obama and call him "Bark"........


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
Call me cynical, but I find people overenthusiastic over Obama. His inauguration speech is riddled with things like "war against the far-reaching network of violence and hatred", "the ways we use energy strenghtens our adversaries and threaten our plan", "recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism" and general "American people not being responsible for any of the shit that happened in the past years".

Lots of American patriotism ego-boosting in there too, and implying that the economic situation can be fixed by working harder and producing more... My two cents of Very Basic Marxist (or is that Marxian?) Analysis: it's not the parts of the system that need to be fixed, it's the system that needs to be changed. Hey, it's an inauguration speech, I know; he couldn't possibly put the blame on the capitalist way of life without an ensuing rain of shoes.

Many of the good things he said, on the other hand, are almost straight out of the Founding Fathers' mouths and should have anyway been respected from the day they were spoken. Not that having them respected at last is a bad thing either, just that getting all ecstatic about it shows just how blatantly they were ignored and stepped on.

OF COURSE Obama is much better than all recent presidents of USA. But strangely, I'd be much less scared if I heard some parts of his speech spoken by Bush rather than by him; (almost) nobody would believe Bush anymore, but if it comes from the much more charismatic representative of an ethnic minority? (Please don't accuse me of falling in the "positive racism" trap, I know it isn't the major reason he's now president; anyway, he's as black as he's white heredity-wise).

And anyway, whether Obama REALLY plans to do everything he said or not, there is always the difference between what a president wants to do and what he can do in 4 years. I fear that he might really be aiming for (long-term) improvement of the whole system, and that his popularity will drop before he has the chance of changing anything.

I'm conscious that what I just said is possibly very debatable. Please, if I'm very blatantly wrong in anything I've said, explain it to me. I'd rather know and stop being wrong. And be thaught than simply be called cynical.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
You have not understood his english well it seems, but you're not wrong, of course he cannot change it all at once, And to me he didn't seem particularly blissful that day, the day he was elected was much more historic than this one to me.

"the ways we use energy strenghtens our adversaries and threaten our plan"

He means if the americans continue to use petroleum like drag car racers, it's not going to work.

Thus he truely says every american is responsible, unlike what you seem to think ; I found him very courageous to speak like this, because it could have easily turned into a BOOHYA you're insulting the american people.

They let their pride being stepped over for the sake of honor alot that day, I even suspect many turned a deaf ear so they would not be shocked.

He did put the blame many times on the capitalist way of life and said in a nicer language that if the freakin rich idiots and companies didn't start giving to the poor and hungry children in the world, that he would himself force their hand.

Yes he said that ; what amazes me is that some people hear completely different things from his mouth, I suspect mass hypnosis techniques here, it's kind of unreal.

He even said there would be more work on alternative energies, and the next day of his inauguration on the american tv networks, for the first time in 8 years, publicity of wind and solar power are "allowed" on the air in peak hours ; he kept his word.

He also just signed documents that DRAMATICALLY reduces the power of industrial lobyists, if you had seen the face of the people that gave him the papers to sign, you would have smiled.

Those people handed over the documents with a face saying like : Oh man is he really going to sign this, is that really possible... holy shit holy shit, gimme a joint someone I need to smoke !


And it's just a start.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
i know. i felt like he was deliberately trying to appeal to every demograph in his speech. it felt too contrived, even ideologically conflicting, i think.

to play devil's advocate though, from a strategic point of view, let's pretend he actually is the good guy for a moment. he wouldn't get in without a bit of strategy and a sales pitch. he would need a strategic speech like that. the system is just that bad.

anyway closing guantanamo is definitely a huge step in the right direction!


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
Oh well. Then the situation IS better/less bad than I thought.

Well, isn't that better to hear than the other way round?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
time will tell.

but it is nice to feel hope in the air, rather than the doom and gloom of the bush years.

it's suddenly politically acceptable to call Guantanamo a "very bad mistake"

that's a huge thing. it will be interesting to see where the ripples lead from even just this


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
It might be... but the further he goes, the wider our personal liberties will be, the wider the trap of falling into infinite parties and not preparing for the magnitudinal events that might happen in a few years.

I also feel a little it's a little too convenient, and contrived.

It feels like the federal reserve is finally going to crumble, perhaps they're even going to announce a minimum guaranteed revenue. It's been studied and test run already.

You get 800$ a month to spend on local products, whatever they are... cannabis, mushrooms, foods you name it.

The only thing is that to use this special "money" the one who is paid with it must be registered with the government, and be legit.

So basically that would boost the revenue of each american by like 60%, and the local producers would be totally rich, whatever they produce, because they will most likely sell out.

And there might be a penalty on wasting, say a grocery store giant wastes 2 million salads a year, he will pay 10 cents per salad. That will lower the taxes rate by something like 50% for a while then the grocery stores will be forced to adapt, creating huge networks of "vegetable baskets delivery" system which would balance the whole economy.

But what most people will do if they become suddenly rich ? They buy drugs, party and get numbed...

Who's to tell the deep agenda behind all this...


Objectionable language and distracting discussion removed.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Yes oh inter-galactic observer , please call the mothership and beam me up spotty , its getting hot down here .