Prerequisites for Yoga

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Glen222
  • Date de début Date de début


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Yoga is an effective fitness exercise, but some points must be kept in mind before actually performing yoga exercise.
  • Basic knowledge about yoga positions and postures is necessary before actually performing it.
  • A calm, clean, noise free and comfortable environment is good for yoga.
  • Its favorable to perform yoga on a carpeted floor.
  • Stomach should be empty, so take any sold food at least 2-3 hours and any liquid at least 1-2 hours before performing yoga.
  • Dress should be easy and comfortable, not so tight and not so loose.
As a Yoga trainer, all these prerequisites are actually the most important and vital things for performing yoga. I have been teaching Yin Yoga in Bali and Sao Paulo.
If you are not comfortable with any yoga pose or asana then skip this asana form your yoga exercise.
yoga is the best exercies to reduce the weight and excess fat of the body. i am sure that would work well if you give atleast 1 hours a day to it