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Pharmacratic Inquisition video


18 Août 2005
If you want to know a truth about:
Certain symbols
The sun
And more

A 3 hour very interesting video you can download from this site. Free, and a must see


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Nov 2005
Sounds interesting, thanks.
Downloading right now.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It was pretty good. :D The first half hour or so was terrible, though. And there are some mistakes in it that are pretty dumb. Try to make it through to the good stuff when you watch it and keep a critical eye.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
The info is pretty interesting - yet sometimes they jump to "conclusions" which are merely assumptions (it could be anything else, but they try to sell it as definitive truth). However, some things really make you think.

The lecture-style is not exactly the best kind of video presentation. They could've done it in interview style without much more work and it would've looked a lot more scientific. Imagine the guys sitting behind a wooden desk with bookshelves behind them, nice low-key lighting - veeeeery impressive! Instead they look a bit like Beavis and Butthead standing there in front of the projector... but well, I earn my living in the visual media business, so I tend to be anal retentive about such stuff ;)


18 Août 2005
In the beginning of the tape these guys reveal there sources, and if you look in to these people like: Jordan Maxwell, manly P hall, James Arthur. You see that these 2 young man are telling there material.
I guess these are 2 enthusiasts of these subjects, and feel like they have got to spread the word.

Like forkbender said keep a critical eye.
There are curtain stubborn facts, and I think by reading and educating yourself about these kind of things makes you able to see trough the game much easier.

If you have to tell a straight tight-ass childish non-drugs person about a high dose mushroom ritual that you had. And the things you saw, learned and realized.
It’s a steep curve of understanding and reality.
I think it’s the same thing with our reality perception of how the world operates in terms of: politics, authority, conspiracies, religion.
The ideas that you are being thought at young age at school, the ideas you get from the television. How you are being programmed to be this materialistic object-fetish happy mass consumer.

People like, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke help me to spot these fuckers who tell you how to life and say I’m on to you. It’s all stranger than you can suppose


Elfe Mécanique
29 Juil 2005
Downloading right now 8)


Elfe Mécanique
5 Jan 2006
Found myself ROFL'ing when they said how the god of NIKE chose The BULLS for sponsering. And M. Jordan even had wings, he could fly.

Bulls : winning 5 years in a row
Nike: needs to get their logo seen.
Contract: made.

Nothing spiritual/mythical about it.

PLEASE.. Stick to the subject ffs.

But dude.. that shit about the age of Pisces, Bull and Ram and all.. FASCINATING.
But didn't they say that it took 1200 years or smtn to change those ages/stadia ?! And that the tilting of the earth would shift ?!


18 Août 2005
12 years. I think that's also why mayans believe 2012 is the end of history as we know it.
about the zodiac signs is more to show how the origin for a great deal of the old testament lies in astrotheology. the escaton or end of the world that religion is shouting is merely the end of an age of a zodiac sign, in this case Pisces. then it takes 12 years to prepare for the next zodiac sign being Aquarius

Jordan Maxwell is the man if these kind of things interest you. There is so much homework to be done with this.
these 2 guys have shoved allot of different subjects in 3 hours or so. but really allot of these things are so different than we have been thought.

And because of this gap between how it really is and how we have been programmed is so big, its tough to start believing these things like. Conspiracy’s, Illuminati, aliens, world leaders, ego, subliminal messages, symbols, one consciousness, gaian mind, reality.
Like I said much homework to be done with these things, and don’t expect it to learn from institutionalized people.
Look in to different people like. Terence mckenna, allan watts, Jordan Maxwell, david Icke,manly P hall and the rest. Than you can see what graps you, and gives you a better perspective on some kind of truth that is true enough for you and will wake you up.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Jan 2006
Got some specific links ?!
Don't like buying big english books from amazon, really :D

Man.. a new world is opening. Thank God/Sun/Shrooms for the internet.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
Manly P. Hall's 'The Secret Teachings Of All Ages' was one of the best books in have read in a long while, it has the content of 20 books plus in it and it's very interesting and tensing. GerbyQ, thanks for the references, i will definitively check it out!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
What I found most intrigueing about this was that I didn't know most about ancient mythology/symbols before, but I recognized some things from my experiences. Like in one of my most impressive shroom dreams, I have witnessed the birth of a mighty spirit (this seemed clear to me when I saw it) - it was in the shape of a caduceus, held by a falcon-headed person. I didn't know what to make of it by the time (and I still don't know...) but the fact that I had no knowledge of the symbols at the time it happened is really weird. I mean you can always dream about things that you have seen before, but when you see something for the first time in your life on shrooms and then later hear that what you saw is an age-old mystic symbol, recurring in all religious beliefs, it really makes you think... :shock: