Perception - The reality beyond matter

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
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There are many things in here that are opinions.
Yes we view reality through impulses, and chemicals.
And yes (as this website is fond of) we can alter that reality with different neurological communicators, so which is right...?
We are preceiving Something.
There is something there, and that is matter.
But thats as far as it can go, the brain cannot comprehend the brain.
Conciousness is an eternal loop of reality, that we can never, ever find the beginning or end.
Questions of reality will never be answered because we cannot see outside of it.

Look up - "Mind over matter" on youtube, that one is my favorite.
This video is pure creationism. It's full of far fetched onprovable statements, twisted logic, and bullcrap. :evil:
the video wants to prove that if you really were a brain in a tank attached to a computer, you could never know, whether this was true.
so the whole discussion is senseless.
no............ you just can't say whether some aspects of the discussion (=arguments) are true or not. does that make the whole discussion senseless???

peace :weedman:
This video isn't "senseless", it disturbs the natural feeling people have, in favor of creationism. "Reality is an abstraction created by the soul and souls emerge from creation" I mean WTF??

They overrun you with senseless logic to get you in the stream before they throw stupid subjective opinions at you wrapped like a fact. Everyone that has seen the matrix knows about brain in a vat. But they used that to state clearly the "real world" is an abstraction of our soul...... ????????

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I like neurologists who argue that every human emotion and inner volition is a necessary product of chemical equations. The problem with this model is that you just don't know which way does the causality work: are human emotions created by chemical chains of reactions or are these chemical reactions produced by human emotions?
Maybe this mode of thinking is incomplete and a problem in the idea of causality itself.
I just finished reading The Method from Descartes and almost puked because I abhor his boring rhetoric, obedience to his rising paradigm and lack of relativity but I learned a lot by it because I had a chance to face my own perceptions against what I understood was his: Dialectics Filtering.
i don't know why people sometimes have to struggle with their own beliefs, when something from outside "their perception of reality" enters their "perception of reality". well in fact i know why, but i don't understand it....

peace :weedman:
BrainEater a dit:
i don't know why people sometimes have to struggle with their own beliefs, when something from outside "their perception of reality" enters their "perception of reality". well in fact i know why, but i don't understand it....

I feel you. Human, among other lots of things, is a creature of habit. We like to hide in places where we feel comfortable in order to avoid the rupture and intensity of metamorphosis. I must remember that I can never bath myself in the same river twice, everything is in a state of flux; hence at some point or another I'm going to have to face myself, burn everything to the ground and continue, steady eyes.
Nomada a dit:
The problem with this model is that you just don't know which way does the causality work: are human emotions created by chemical chains of reactions or are these chemical reactions produced by human emotions?
Chemical reactions existed before the human mind.
Some people always had a problem with human beings not being the center of the universe... it's copernicus and darwin all over again.

Why place the human "soul" above those of animals, plants,.... Where in evolution is the soul obtained??
the video's use of repetition "in the brain" over and over and over was giving me Tim Leary flashbacks


and the 80's vibe was awesome :D we now know the brain is not nearly as simple as it is portrayed here. (eg different centres of the brain process different aspects of sight, such as tracing the outlines of objects, color, texture, the intertwining of memory, pattern recognition, etc. we hardly just "see" what goes through our eyes)
no............ you just can't say whether some aspects of the discussion (=arguments) are true or not. does that make the whole discussion senseless???

Of course. There is no point it could lead you to.

It's just like discussing if God likes bananas. I say he likes them, you say he doesn't. We can discuss but we never get to a point because our arguments are based on speculation.
that is a stupid statement.... you could well get to a point....

the point there is just that you would never know in that situation whether it was true or not... except god would give you an answer ... ;)

if what they say in this video is true, it does raise a lot of questions:P

one simple question came up when they were talking about perceiving a bird was:

When we find a new species of birds, then how do we know its really a different bird ? if what we see was projected by our brain

to me this feels like wtf :P

I really don't understand how that would work.
Chemical reactions existed before the human mind.

You're right, but why is that enough, to call forth causality on one side? I believe fired synapses are mind, but there is no reason not to think that all mind is chemical and that all chemical is mind; a natural realization that mind is a mirror of universe and vice versa.

...copernicus and darwin all over again.

Wasn't Copernicus Heliocentric?

RRocks and FFlowers are men seen afar. I see no distinction between mind and matter.
Nomada a dit:
You're right, but why is that enough, to call forth causality on one side? I believe fired synapses are mind, but there is no reason not to think that all mind is chemical and that all chemical is mind; a natural realization that mind is a mirror of universe and vice versa.
Agree, I was pissed at the video because they saw their interpretation as absolute truth and they based all the rest of the video on it.
It's like they are trying to scientifically prove science is wrong :D

Nomada a dit:
Wasn't Copernicus Heliocentric?
Yep, and the church couldn't cope with the fact that humans aren't in the center of the universe. The video also puts the soul above the material world by telling the soul creates the world around it, while the other interpretations, claimed false by the video mostly see the soul as something that originated from the material world, BUT NO God created man, not chemicals and evolution :roll:
Causality likes to mindfuck everything standing in its way. Ladders, stairwells, screws and mountain paths function to get you many places. But ladders and stairwells also serve to put objects higher than other objects, screws don't let go and at the top of a mountain you may believe you stand above everything else; and this is a terrible mistake.