Passiflora incarnata + Mucuna pruriens?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion VerusDeus
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I was thinking since mucuna pruriens contains DMT in seeds, leafs etc and Passiflora contains harmine, harmaline etc. would it be possible to make ayahuasca from these two herbs?

If it is possible what doses should be used? I was thinking like 10 - 15g of passiflora, and mucuna 10 - 15g as well. Will 10 - 15g of passiflora provide enough beta-carbolines to inhibit the MAO's?

Also: I read that Pasiflora contains trace elements of cyanide in it's leaves(correct me if I'm wrong), will the amount of cyanide be below fatal when using sufficient MAOI doses of P. incarnata?

I sure hope this method of ayahuasca works, because these two herbs are very very easy to obtain for me.
the levels of pasion flower are a bit low for this I think it would be better to use the vine or perhaps peganum harmala for the maoi. and mucuna contains a lot diferent chemicals, like nicotin and l dopa and more, so I geus that it would not be a good as the main ingredient of ayahuasca but better as a side inggredient.
Really? nicotin in Mucuna? I mean I knew about the L-dopa, but nicotin?

Why wouldn't Mucuna be apropriate as an DMT-component for aya, I mean chemicals like L-dopa won't do no harm right? Or is the DMT content just too low?

Nicotine is a problem though, I mean I smoke, but nicotin mixed with MAOI probably isn't a very good idea.

I'm just trying to find an easy alternative for the DMT-component. Maybe there's a plant widely spread in the Netherlands with a relatively high concentration of DMT(Phalaris is out of the question). Acacia's(complanata, phlebophylla, obtusifolia etc) won't be that hard to find here in Holland right? Isn't there a specimen of Acacia that is widely spread in Holland?
I'm not a huasca person but i'm sure of one thing
VerusDeus a dit:
Also: I read that Pasiflora contains trace elements of cyanide in it's leaves(correct me if I'm wrong), will the amount of cyanide be below fatal when using sufficient MAOI doses of P. incarnata?
Passiflora contains cyanide only in the Coerulea variant... so feel free to use as much passiflora incarnata as you wish...even by itself it's a nice camomille
dont know about the levels of dmt in Mucuna, but erowid is positif on the nicotin and nicotin is prety toxic if eaten, eat a couple of grams and you can die. and it contains 5 meo dmt and bufotonin, not the most relaxing compounds to combine with a maoi.

and for the pasion flower, the levels of harmaline are about a 100 times lower than in peganum harmala (could be mistaken, I forgot where I read it), so peganum harmala would be a cheaper and beter method.
dont know about the levels of dmt in Mucuna, but erowid is positif on the nicotin and nicotin is prety toxic if eaten, eat a couple of grams and you can die. and it contains 5 meo dmt and bufotonin, not the most relaxing compounds to combine with a maoi.

and for the pasion flower, the levels of harmaline are about a 100 times lower than in peganum harmala (could be mistaken, I forgot where I read it), so peganum harmala would be a cheaper and beter method.
:shock: well i would be well intrested check the amount nicotin isnt to much then give it a go try the different syrain rue try ,,, b carpi stuff ,,pasion flower,, i have thought about this macuna for a while it would be supeberb if this worked.. dont care that its not pure dmt so what the mix might be its own buzz of course.... oh y question were are you find this macuna what type of place i have searched and can not find them
:shock: well i would be well intrested check the amount nicotin isnt to much then give it a go try the different syrain rue try ,,, b carpi stuff ,,pasion flower,, i have thought about this macuna for a while it would be supeberb if this worked.. dont care that its not pure dmt so what the mix might be its own buzz of course.... oh y question were are you find this macuna what type of place i have searched and can not find them
Thanks for your replies Skoeip, and I think you're absolutely right! I aint gonna try mixing MAOI's with nicotin, 5-Meo-DMT and bufotenin. If I were to try that it would be a hell of a trip:P(not in any good way).

Can't wait to have a proper Aya journey though, but after months of waiting I don't think waiting another couple of months will hurt me. I want my first-time to be special :lol:
thats the spirit! :) aya wil come to you if you are ready for it!
Thjats the spirit! :) aya wil come to you when you are ready for it!
It has to happen safely too :wink:

Instead of rushing into the void, with the company of bufotenine and nicotine :shock:
oh y question were are you find this macuna
what type of place i have searched and can not find them

Sorry for kind of ignoring this question :oops: , I know mucuna is widely available because of it's L-dopa content. Where to find the plant growing in the wild, depends on where you live. But maybe at a gardening store, I think it's a quite common backyard-plant.

But as Skoeip mentioned, it's not at all a good idea to use Mucuna for an Ayahuasca-brew. For extraction it might be a good plant to use, but you'll still have to get rid of the bad stuff(nicotine, bufotenine), so you could better use Mimosa, Psychotria, Diplopterys, Acacia etc. (as far as I know these plants only contain the good stuff, Diplopterys contains 5-meo I think, but that isn't neccesarily bad :wink: ).
well n i looking for the dried bean not a live plant i wonder wether these chemicals are in the live plant ...i still think the aya thing is good idea going to try it eventaully.. but i will find out how much nicotine in it..then if there isnt a interaction between nicotine and MAOI, them it should be all right... but if you know were to look for the dry bean i live uk any ideas ?
Check chinese herbal stores, I read that Mucuna is used in china as a medicine for parkinson. But I think you are really underestimating the bad chemicals in the plant, if nicotine levels are ok and it doesn't interact with MAOI, you still have a problem with the bufotenine which causes nausea.

If you take a full dose of Mucuna with MAOI, the purge is likely to last the whole trip :P . Why even bother using such herb, when Ayahuasca is something you want to do right.
ok great idea yea should of thought that myself niceone thanks.. concerning aya well i been of the heat for a while ..but when i come back if i beening sick but having mental reverlaytions then yea i will do it ... to me who cares in the end... i will do it even if its rough..... i can think like ,,, always want the best sweets , best tv , best suit , best dmt sometimes its nice to hit it hard with the rough shit and i never heard anyone whos done all those three together they might potentait each other who knows explore . i red that johnathan ott did bufo crystals and that sounded all right,,, some reports about bufo have other things in it because its still in a seed or resin toad or what ever so its not pure bufo
I can understand that, but don't rush into a trip like this. Don't think like: I wan't aya, and Mucuna has DMT in it, so let's do it. It might be that you'll just get a bit sick during the trip and still have your revelations, but those other chemicals can RUIN your trip, you don't want that.

In my opinion you can better wait till' the right stuff comes along. As I said, ayahuasca is something you want to do exactly right. Don't get to greedy in acquiring revelations, discipline is essential when using psychedelics.
you were the one who suggested it mad....yea i know you changed your mind and you might be right .no i not bothered if its not right ,, but i am proberly older 40 and dont even know how much longer i have to live i got something wrong with me a advantage of all this is i dont care if things are shit my life is kind of shit .. one idea i am trying is PHALARIS BRACHYSTACHYS with maoi if that worked it would be mind blowing because this plant is like growing water cress easy.. my guess would be you wouldnt have acacias growing in holland but you might be able to grow them...any way what ever you do good luck