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Overdose thc and horrortrip please read.


Matrice périnatale
12 Sept 2012
Hello to you. First, thank you for taking your time to read this. I'm 26 and from Holland, and i wanted to say something about my experience with thc when i was 15 years old, wich caused me a psycho-trauma, and i'm still suffering from it 'till this day. I smoked about 1 gram weed, 1 gram hash. In one joint, and i smoked it very fast. I began to hyperventilate. From scale 1 to 10, 10 > to clear up the speed of my breathing. I was laying in bed, and my body shocked.
My heart beated so hard, that it felt that with every heartbeat ... my hart was about to explode (!!!) (no kidding). It felt like i was on an electric chair > to clear up: there is an electrical defice attached on everyoned heart, to make it beat. And that thing hurted in a way i can't explain very well. Anyway, it hurted like hell. Next to it, i had thoughts like, "i want this to stop", but because of the thc, it felt like those thoughts were not mine... All in all, a horrortrip. (About 4 hours) I had the stuff in my nightcloset for a while. So it "cured":?: I just wanted to know, is there is anyone who can give me deeper insight in this, (shortage of oxygene, coalmonoxide.) and if there is anyone who experienced the same, or something similar.) Thank you in advance for your answer. Christian.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
The symptoms you describe are quite common and are indicative of an uncomfortably strong reaction to cannabis.
THC among other cannabinoids is a rather powerful vasodilator (expands the arterial muscles increasing blood-flow to peripheral tissues and decreasing blood pressure) which obviously results in increased heart rate. This combined with the psychoactive effect of THC, particularly its anxiogenic effects, can easily explain your experience.
Tremors are a clear sign of THC oversaturation and hyperventilation can be attributed to an induced panic attack brought on by the strength and unexpectedness of the effects.
Other factors particular to your body and general health could also be strong contributing factors. It is counter-indicated for example for people with pulmonary or vascular disorders to consume large doses of cannabis for the reasons I outlined. There can be many other factors that can be co-contributors to its powerful effects on the human circulatory system and a small cursory search of the internet will provide a wealth of scientific data indicating these effects in many animal species.

I am surprised that a single bad experience from 11 years ago has so traumatized you when it is rather easily explained and, barring other contributing health factors, relatively harmless; I guess simple unawareness of the impinging physiological mechanisms of the drug could have been a potential exacerbating factor and contributed to a positive feedback loop of anxiety, increasing the uncomfortable effects. Strong negative conditioning even from a single 'trauma' can be hard to break without concerted effort.

Just know that this is hardly a unique case and that a little research goes a long way in both preparing for and aiding in contending with such unexpected and uncomfortable occurrences.
Recognize that everyone’s body is different and that learning how to work with the idiosyncrasies of your own physiology is very important when working with and exploring drugs of any description.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
wonderfully explained.


Matrice périnatale
12 Sept 2012
A good explanation indeed, thank you for that. But i feel like you trivialize, play down, smooth over, gloss over what is have experienced though. With other words, the experience? I wouldn't anyone else to experience the same thing... Further, after that, i sometimes smoke thc, but then a little, and it still makes me feel very uncomferatable, bad feeling in my heart, pannickattacks etc. The symptoms i describe are quite common? I don't believe you. But, no more thc for me. I think it's a shitty drug, there are more interesting stuff out there on the market. But thank you for the insight you gave to me what happenend to me that day. grtz, Christian


Elfe Mécanique
4 Mar 2012
That happened to me a couple of times when I started smoking pot, and once when I smoked by myself at home, in my room, it was ultra bad.

There are 2 things you should avoid doing, and then you,ll be fine.
1 - Never smoke low grade weed/skunk. Bad herb is bad for you. Always purchase from professional dealers, and their not hard to find, all you need to do is ask friends and more experienced pot smokers.
2 - Know your limits. I remember how many times I smoked too much with friends and ended up feeling sick and throwing up like a drug addict in the toilet. Pot is wonderful, use it with love and respect towards it and towards yourself.

That 1 time I was in my bed with my laptop, trying to watch winnie the pooh on youtube to calm myself down, I remember moaning and rolling around in my bed, trying to restore normal breathing, and my heart was racing so madly, it really was aweful.

Just smoke less for now, and smoke good quality herb, and you'll be fine.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
i feel like you trivialize, play down, smooth over, gloss over what is have experienced though. With other words, the experience? I wouldn't anyone else to experience the same thing... Further, after that, i sometimes smoke thc, but then a little, and it still makes me feel very uncomferatable, bad feeling in my heart, pannickattacks etc. The symptoms i describe are quite common? I don't believe you. But, no more thc for me. I think it's a shitty drug, there are more interesting stuff out there on the market.

Please don’t take my concise wording as a dismissal or belittlement toward you and the intensity of your experience; that was in no way my intent.
Going from your original post, all that I could glean of your experience were the worrisome and frightening physical symptoms.
As the elements of the subjective experience itself were absent from your description (other than dread/discomfort and a disassociation from your own inner monologue; both common to cannabis) there is little advice I can contribute to help you better understand or integrate what happened to you.
Furthermore, considering that it was over a decade ago, I rather doubt that even with its lasting impression on you that a complete or at least adequate description of the psychological processes involved would be possible.

Perhaps if you care to elaborate on what elements of your experience other than the uncomfortable physical sensations and a generalized dislocation of the psyche were most disconcerting, I may be able to offer more advice and potentially help you come to some kind of constructive conclusion about it.
Without that, all I can say is perhaps cannabis is simply not your drug?

It generally isn’t deemed consistently ‘shitty’ by the majority its users (hence being the most consumed illicit psychoactive in the world), but it could well be that way for you as an individual. As I said, individuals vary widely in their response to any impinging exogenous influences, drug related or not, and perhaps your biochemistry is particularly unsuited to cannabinoid stimulation, potentially for a wide number of reasons.

It is unsurprising though that after such a clearly prominent trauma in your life related to this specific substance, that further use of any kind would incite recurrent unpleasantness, considering how strong a role conditioning plays in both physical and psychophysical phenomena. I just hope you can find some peace with what happened and find what tools work for you and what you hope to achieve; there’s a hammer for every nail. ;)

Never smoke low grade weed/skunk. Bad herb is bad for you. Always purchase from professional dealers

I might add that so long as you are purchasing cannabis on the black market there is no assurance of quality, except from personal experience with the material and your own appraisal. Being the commodity that it is, it is not uncommon for it to be adulterated or generally tainted in numerous ways to add weight, make it smell or appear more appealing and generally to in any way possible increase the profit margin of its sale. As always, buyer beware. But as has been noted, knowing someone trustworthy with both experience and good connections can really help lower the possible risk.


10 Sept 2012
i too suffer from the occasional 'moment of panick' when smoking in social contexts, and somehow, when i am high on thc by myself, i can tell that my psyche thinks in a more negative manner - the same thoughts feel 'harmless' and my outlook is completely different when i'm "sober". i believe more than the thc, it has to do with the issues an individual has to begin with; the thc will amplify or interact with what is already there on the personal canvas...


Matrice périnatale
12 Sept 2012
Well yeah, it really had to be some shitty weed hash then. But also cured, ripe if you know what i mean, then it becomes stronger. I'm one of those persons who has enough of one puff. Normal dose is about a half, I smoked about 2 grams.. (And, the thc amount in holland is between 15 and 25 procent. Thats like 10 times as much as in the 60,s.) Further, before this happened to me, i was a happy teenager, had friends, school went well etc. After this experience, i couldn't laugh anymore, i was stunned. For the rest i supressed the exp. for a decade... i did'nt talked anymore, couldn't communicate very well any more, lost my friends, worse off with school...work, sports. You'll get the idea. After i drunk aya a year ago, and then again a month ago, i regained my awareness about the reality around me, myself, my conciousness, my innerself dialogue. I could think again. But before that i always took shrooms, and the experiences always "said" to me i had a problem with the thc experience.......weird. Like it dragged me down or something. I was anxious for years as well. Had promblems with functioning. I don't know exactly what you mean with "As the elements of the subjective (personal) experience itself were absent from your description. You mean my feelings? I would say like a tsunami overwelmed me and there was nothing i could do about it, but i tried, like i was in a tantalus torture state. True, it's not my drug, it's like cryptonite for me. Even if i smoke a tinny amount, i get pannicky. I've been reading some about the negatives, thc can lead to psychosis, depression, pannicattackes, etc. From a psychonautic point of view i can't say that weed is interesting. It's a downer, not a psychedelic. Viva la ayahuasca! That one gave me insight and comfort. O, and thats true, i didn't know were the weed came from, but i reacted better on bio-weed yes. Just a puff. But out of principall, no mo weed for me. Hell no. Thanx for the comments and reading. grtzzz


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
The strains of the 60's and 70's still have not been beaten for cannabinoid levels because these old strains have been selected by generations of local growers; this is compared to our mere 40 years of cannabis cultivation and breeding agendas -- the cannabis grow bible-second edition - chapter 18 page 467... Sum 12 verse 3, 4th bar, f #


Matrice périnatale
12 Sept 2012
Odd, i read everywhere that thc levels went very high from then. Why is that then? Is it a fable?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
From a psychonautic point of view I can't say that weed is interesting. It's a downer, not a psychedelic.

Actually, cannabis in general and THC in particular share aspects of multiple classes of psychotropic. (see this diagram)
It is a depressant, stimulant and psychedelic, among other things. It’s really in a class of its own. To say that it has no psychonautic potential or that it is in no way psychedelic is untrue.
Perhaps that’s been your experience, but for others it is patently mind manifesting and can be just as useful as any other classically psychedelic substance, particularly if used in tandem with them.

I should point out regarding THC content and so on that cannabis at least contemporarily is bred with a specific emphasis on bolstering the THC content at the expense of the numerous other psychoactive and non-psychoactive canabinoids.
These other constituents modify and attenuate the experience in varying ways, generally balancing the overall effect of THC on the body. CBD (cannabidiol) in particular while not particularly psychoactive in its own right has a marked effect on the action of THC, and has been demonstrated to exhibit many medicinal properties, not the least of which is its paradoxical and amusingly ironic antipsychotic activity.
This means that a more balanced canabinoid profile will have quite appreciable results on the overall pharmacodynamics and psychoactive affect of cannabis consumption in both short and long term.
Because its synthesis by the plant is via a metabolic pathway similar to that of THC and both are encoded by similar if not identical gene sequences, breeding out the other cannabinoids including CBD in modern commercial strains results in a drug which is highly THC predominant and has all the ensuing consequences of that particular substance, both short and long term, while lacking the balancing effects resultant from its sister compounds.

It has been shown for example that early frequent or heavy inundation of the developing brain with THC results in many biochemical and structural changes which can have downstream and potentially long term health consequences. Learning, memory, anxiety, sleep, mood; these are but a few of the processes effected strongly by THC, and this can along with other developmental, endogenous (internal) and environmental factors lead to a number of recognized disturbances and functional disorders which can be patently negative on health.
Considering that few consumers of cannabis, particularly young people who are most vulnerable to these results and most naive of their contributing factors, lack significant and integrative education (that is on top of things, non biased and balanced), they are extremely susceptible to developing these problems which may continue long into their lives, even with cessation of all drug use.
I think this is clearly a result of both a lack of comprehensive education and a generalised dislocation from a basic understanding of our own bodies and what we put into them that results in far more harm that would otherwise be the case.
Hence I would not particularly blame THC for all of these issues and simply demonize it as some scourge from hell, since this ‘pre-emptive’ deterrent tactic has been demonstrated to have little if any effect on the rate of its consumption, in fact the opposite seems to be true.

If we can’t as individuals learn how to utilise our bodies correctly and discipline our treatment of them then we are in for trouble no matter the specific cause.
People should understand that everything entails some degree of risk, and the only way to minimize potential harm and maximize benefit is to understand to the best of our ability the mechanisms and contributing factors of the actions that we undertake, which includes knowing the limits and degrees of freedom inherent to our individual physical and psychic makeup.

Seriously, there is more research on cannabis than most any other currently illicit psychoactive, so knowing at least partially what to expect and how to act accordingly is far from out of reach to the average person with an internet connection or access to a library. If the education system fails you, you are the only one who can pick up the slack, and refusing to do so only invites more risk than is necessary, for any desired undertaking.

However, as I feel your healing with Ayahuasca demonstrates, it is never too late to remedy even the most deep seeded problems our minds and bodies may accumulate during life. We are extremely plastic, malleable creatures and only the clarity of awareness can guide us toward more healthy and sustainable practises both personally and interpersonally.


19 Août 2012
I'v heard of people getting panick attacks and anxiety on marijuana, but for me it does the opposite, and the town i live in amazing quality cronja and hashish or hash oils are smoked all day long ery day :D and iv never experienced any anxiety.. if something bad happens while im high my anxiety is deffinitly increased, but i get over it faster, in fact, smoking bud makes me happy, more patient, more able to function in places like school, where im normaly to high strung and anxius to sit down for 6 hours.... everything effects everyone in different ways so maybe bud isnt for some people, or maybe theyr just getting shitty or laced weed :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Août 2012
I prefer the older stuff, it is way more enjoyable!


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
Thanks mrjelly I just want to give deserved respect to the true masters :D



Matrice périnatale
20 Nov 2012
Christiaan26 a dit:
A good explanation indeed, thank you for that. But i feel like you trivialize, play down, smooth over, gloss over what is have experienced though. With other words, the experience? I wouldn't anyone else to experience the same thing... Further, after that, i sometimes smoke thc, but then a little, and it still makes me feel very uncomferatable, bad feeling in my heart, pannickattacks etc. The symptoms i describe are quite common? I don't believe you. But, no more thc for me. I think it's a shitty drug, there are more interesting stuff out there on the market. But thank you for the insight you gave to me what happenend to me that day. grtz, Christian

Hi there!

I'm only new to the forums but when I stumbled upon this thread, it made me gasp.. I was in an extremely similar position for about 3 years..

One day after smoking wayyyyyy to much I was having a feed and a bit of my food went down the wrong pipe, ofcourse alarms started going off in my head.. I was thinking horrible thoughts, things like "You've done it now, you'll be dead in ten minutes!" I thought I was choking to death. Ofcourse my friends knew this wasn't true as I was taking huuuuge breaths in order to scream "I'm choking! Call an ambulance" -_-

Anyway my heart was beating soooo fast, thumping like a drum, so as soon as my friends convinced me I was not choking, and considering how high I was, naturally the panic shifted towards my chest. I basically 'knew' that my heart was going to explode and that this was the end.

Anyhow I somehow made it through the night without calling an ambulance and figured, wow I'm glad to be alive.
I was shocked by the experience, 'altered' would be a fitting word. I felt altered.
So a week later I spark up again, about 10-15 minutes after the first cone just as the effects are starting to build momentum my hearts starts speeding up again, and panic ensues. It was awful!

So I figure, if I quit smoking weed I'll be fine. The problem is THC has been a dear friend of mine for some time now, and losing him in this way seemed absolutely terrible! So I kept smoking, but the attacks only got worse. I decided to take a break from cannabis, and didn't smoke for 3-4 months. My first sesh after the break was amazing! I was basically convinced I was fixed and carried on, resuming smoking every few days. Note - During my break from pot I still tripped on LSD, K etc & did not notice any anxiety at all. Also note - I didn't even know I had anxiety at the time, I simply thought "My heart is fucked and I'l probably die young" :\

So a few months after starting up again the panic attacks started appearing again, first they were only minor but they grew and grew until I couldn't take it anymore. So I decided to visit a Psychologist who straight away said "Dude.. don't fear, you've got anxiety and it's extremely common." This helped ALOT. I was also prescribed antidepressants for 6 months, during which I did not smoke weed at all. So after that, I began smoking again, and the anxiety came back.. However it took alot longer to start appearing again, about 8 months I think. I thought I'd be okay because I now knew 'what' it was. But the anxiety also knew this, and hence got stronger. Physical pain began accompanying my already rapid heartbeat, and to top that I started getting attacks at work, when I wasn't stoned.. I was such a panicky person during this time in my life :(

So I had no choice, and settled with taking 3 month breaks from pot every few months. This cycle repeated for about 2 years..

The difference came when I started exploring psychedelics alot more, naturally I became more curious and I started researching anxiety. I discovered a fair bit about how it preys on the human mind. It was also around this time that I stumpled upon the late, great Terence McKenna, and his seemingly infinite supply of online youtube discussions and speeches, which then directed me to our friend Psilocybin. Terence (RIP old mate) inspired me alot, and my first high dose mushroom trip basically forced me to watch what I was letting anxiety do to me, over and over and over.

To cut a long story short, I had a sesh with a mate a few days later. The anxiety started coming up, but I stood up and said to myself in my head "No. Not this time." I was sturn and to the point. I started relaxing and thinking things like "Come on man, you've been through this before. You always come out alive, so chill" and "Fuck you anxiety, you motherfucker!" It sounds stupid but I could feel it working, and began smiling. It seemed the more I believed in myself, the less of the anxiety I could feel, my heart was still beating fast, but I knew I was going to be okay, the pain subsided and my heartbeat began stabilizing. All of a sudden, I was taken over by a wave of euphoria which instantly replaced the anxiety. I hadn't felt like this while stoned in a long time, and I instantly knew I had my friend THC back.

I have Terence and our wonderful fungal friends to thank and am forever grateful. But my point here is, please try not to worry. Life's too short to let these terrible diseases cause havoc in our minds. A traumatic experience led to anxiety, which took away 3 years of my life, sure I still lived in those 3 years, still partied, still worked, earned money and functioned as a member of society. But it was a life dominated by fear, paranoia and the ongoing sense of impending doom. Those of you who have experienced it know it's not a nice place to be. And Although I'm still a little sensitive to cannabis, I've not had a full blown panic attack since. From time to time, I get a little edgy but I simply relax and focus on my breathing. Slow breathing techniques such as in through the nose, pause 2, 3 out through the mouth, 2 3, etc are great for slowing down a rapid heartbeat, and awesome for relaxing in general. If you're a coffee drinker I'd advise cutting down, or quit altogether. But at the very least don't drink coffee before or while stoned.

I hope this helps, and as the others have already stated - Do some research on how anxiety works, it'll give you a better understand of what's happening and why it's happening. But moreso, you have the ability to overcome this, you just have to do it! :rock:


Elfe Mécanique
11 Sept 2011
buffachino a dit:
It is a depressant, stimulant and psychedelic, among other things. It’s really in a class of its own. To say that it has no psychonautic potential or that it is in no way psychedelic is untrue.

Although much of what you say has merit, I strongly disagree with cannabis being a psychedelic and an hallucinogen. It simply is not.

It may trigger certain thought process changes in those that are predisposed to psychosis, schizophrenia or other mental issues, for the majority of people it has no such hallucinatory effect.


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Août 2012
Smoked, it has no hallucinogen effect.
Eaten, it is just a wonderful psychedelic ;) never underestimate the power of cannabis.


Elfe Mécanique
11 Sept 2011
I never underestimate it's powers. It's the greatest medicine in the world. And the world is finally catching up to that knowledge . .. now if the governments and prohibitionists would only take their heads out of their asses, we'd all be a lot happier.


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Nov 2012
yeah i remember smokeing either it was rezzin or some roaches and i had to throw up... I was realy young then. As I grew up I seen that some smokers would smoke alot where I didnt have to smoke that much and was as high as them. The only thing I cant figure out is why when i'm drunk i wanna get drunker.