Offered a technological device from being while making music

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interesting encounter you had. i've heard other stories that relate to a similar technology you mentioned. the mind is a fascinating thing whose powers/role have yet to really be understood. i'd say keep looking for whatever it is that might help you understand this more comprehensibly, it may lead to/turn out to be something important for you. good luck
I'm guessing you were up all night making that track, right?

1 AM? 2 AM? When you get extremely tired these occur more and more frequently.
I'm not sure - I don't know if I've ever had anything like that...

When I was younger, and every now and then, I will get these vivid thoughts as if I've been here before. It happens a lot with pictures of Ireland for some reason. If I listen to Greensleeves or odanny boy my eyes start to water and I start feeling compelled to expel energy. I would listen to them and strong visions of loved one's lost, or an old house, an old memory as if the life was gone, but only I knew the history. But I never had something like a full on hallucination from music, or an out of body experience or anything to the extremity that you are suggesting happened.

Can't quite relate. . .

Although... I did used to have strong images of futuristic buildings. I remember listening to some kind of music and flashes of circular windows came... i can't remember that one that well. Others were images of the entire world gone. A rust bucket....

ahhh I can't remember all this at all!
That sounds like an interesting experience. Nice track btw.

When I'm in the process of making music I usually lay down the basic structure of the track and have it loop while I imagine other sounds. I agree it's sort of like meditating, sound is a wonderful tool.

I'll tell you what though- I was messing with my synthesizer a couple months ago, and getting some weird sounds out of her, I had headphones on at a low volume, they're AKG 240s. The sounds were so lush and euphoric, I started to increase the volume slightly. I took the headphones off after a while to avoid ear fatigue, went to lay down, and it felt as though I smoked some cannabis. It was a smooth relaxed high, and I was able to think deeply, exactly the effects I get when I smoke cannabis.

I ended up falling asleep and having a weird dream. I was laying down and there was flat-screen monitors everywhere with random images or videos. I can't remember what I saw too well, I'm slowly forgetting the dream, it looked like the future, or at least it seemed so. There was a female voice talking to me, then all of a sudden I woke up and wrote this down on my iphone-

"The universe, and all that we do is controlled by uncontrolled energy. Energy is controlled, measured, and defined by sound-waves and frequencies." 5:55am 3/18/2011

I don't completely get it yet. Well I do, but I can't explain it thoroughly enough without getting ridiculed. This is what leads me to study mathematics and physics. Sound is an energy, an underestimated one.
Structure 4 I've never met the "technology gnomes" that most people see. I always talk to omnipotent "gods" that seem to span the universe, as if we are conversing above or in front of the universe itself...

I get insights that I have to write down when I'm high on marijuana, but on DMT it's just like. "Ok. There it was. how the FUCK do I try to explain that to myself?" :D

Reasonable logic that sounds like me when I get high off my ass. I write a lot of psychology ideas down, why people think this, why people do that, and then I read them the next morning and they either seem like the most obvious, dumb thing, or I don't know what I was talking about - simply because I'm missing the feeling. The view of the entirety of the ideology that I wrote down - I'm not high anymore.
i am sure many people see music just as entertainment or so but believe me thru the medium of music more than you might think may be taught... it's like a whole other level.. something like that.. maybe it's even like music could say more than 1000 pictures in the way that a picture could say more than 1000 words...??? :)

structure4 a dit:
Some people believe music is a more advanced form of communication used on other planets. I wouldn't be surprised if it is. Maybe it can even allow interplanetary travel.
In my opinion it is. Btw, I enjoyed The Tunnel EP.