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nymphaea caerulea\ampla salvia D. tea


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
i was wondering if anyone has tried this: 10g nymphaea caerulea flowers 10g nymphaea ampla flowers and 2 big strong dried salvia D. leaves together as a tea.
i have read about people using them at the same time but injesting them seperately with good results, feelings of great love and well being. i currently have the above mixture steeping in water at room temperature. i plan to try it this weekend. i'm sure i will post the outcome of this venture but i was interested in knowing other peoples experiences, if any.


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
I have no experience with the combination, though I'm very interested in the outcome of yours! 8)


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
i tried the tea. at this point it's to wonderful to put into words, once i absorb everything that happened and changed, for the good, i'll post an actual report about it. for now i will say that i fully understand why the lotus eaters never left their island.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
toadlicker a dit:
for now i will say that i fully understand why the lotus eaters never left their island.

huh :?:


a setence like that is better than a full report! it is now in my plans to try it :wink:


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
first i soaked the flower petals and salvia leaves in lemon juice to convert the alkaloids to an acid base, 24 hours.
i also soaked another 5g in apple wine for about 5 hours. my wife and i drank the first brew around 5:30 by 6 we could notice a slight change in physical feeling. we smoked a j of salvia, lotus and mj around 6:30 and had a glass of wine, the effects were increasing still. around 7 we drink the wine and lotus mix, what a boost!, the next couple of hours were unlike any other experience we've ever had. we both felt that the other was just an extention of our own body, unlike mdma where we would want to be close and toucky feely lotus made us the same person. after lastnight we both can't wait to buy more, the only thing i would do differently is add more salvia, the experience was semi tripy at the start but never crossed over into the salvia experience.
though today i have this after glow that feels like nothing could possibly go wrong, no hang over just a feeling of well being that seems to reach the soul.

all in all i'd say that this mixure is my new favorite. it's completely and totally the most beautiful, spiritual, and sexual experience i've ever had.


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
Hi, this is toadlicker's wifey and since I've heard there aren't many women sharing their experiences, I wanted to offer mine. Everything that was said in his post was true and accurate, to the best we can describe. There are no words to explain how truly profound and beautiful our experience was. "Intimacy" is by far too weak a word. It was like we completely became one person; I didn't know where I ended and he began. We felt everything mutually. The physical attributes were amazing; he said my skin felt softer and he couldn't stop touching me. It doesn't matter where he would touch me, even the lightest touch was incredible--it was like my entire body was extra sensitive. The softest touch and softest kiss brought us closer and dragged us deeper into each other. There was nothing but the two of us; we couldn't even tear our attention away to note what song was playing, whether the lights were on or off... it was a complete meshing of ourselves. There was nothing but each other; it felt as though our souls had intertwined and everything we did to each other we could feel on ourselves. Our relationship was not lacking in intimacy by any means, but we truly felt as though we were one soul. I would say that I had many multiple orgasms, but that's not accurate--it was more like the tide where it would recede then come back in waves, over and over. This is definitely an herb for couples; in four years together, last night was the most profound and intense bonding we've ever had. I think that even without actual sex, it would have been as deep and mystical--we were simply driven to continually touch each other, just soft stroking and smiling at each other. The feeling of well-being has not diminished since waking (in fact, I was woken up to being snuggled because the afterglow was still so intense), and we have been discussing it for hours. We can't find words to describe it, but we agreed that it was the purest and most natural experience ever; I was completely focused on him and the feeling we shared. Completely profound and intense, and I would truly recommend it to anyone who wants to reconnect with their lover in a very spiritual way. The happy, content feeling just won't go away, and I feel happier than I have in months. What a beautiful, beautiful experience. It could even be shared with other people without sex being involved; it was like pure concentrated love. I have never taken anything synthetic that was anywhere near this--those Egyptian women knew exactly what they were about taking this stuff. It was simply an otherworldly experience, and I can't stop basking in the afterglow.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
I had not yet heard about the psychoactive properties that these Nymphaea species contain. After reading this thread I'm very interested in the effects, and also where to obtain the leaves of these plants. I haven't seen them on any online smartshops before (or I haven't been paying attention). I presume these plants are legal in most countries, especially over here in Holland. So any info on where to get the best material is welcome 8).

p.s. Thanks for sharing your experiance with us "toadlickers-wife" :)

(Edit: I just found the dried Nymphaea caerulea on *******, butI don't see the ampla on *******)


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
hi eth,

You're welcome for the sharing. :) I wish I could do the experience justice with a better description, but it is something you have to experience to understand. It was almost like astral and physical sex at the same time; just unbelieveable. Our friend drank some tea and called us within an hour saying "I feel floaty... I don't know what to say... I keep staring at pictures of my girlfriend and I just feel..... I don't know..... not sexual, just...." He was mystified by how good it felt, and this is pretty much how we've been talking all day. It was mind blowing.

Yep, these are legal herbs. The nymphaea caerulea has been used since 4000 BC, very big in Egypt. The only place we know of that sells the ampla (and also the caerula) is www.loveleafgarden.com. We're not sure whether they ship to the UK, but probably. Loveleaf is run by a couple who grow a lot of the herbs they sell. Everything we've bought from them has been of exceptional quality; the lily was entirely flowers and stamens (the best part), no stems or seeds. Good luck, and have fun. This one is definitely one to try. ;)

Oh, one other thing we wanted to specify--the lily is in no way hallucinogenic. We added some salvia and would like to try a little higher dose next time; not sure how much it contributed to the feeling, but it definitely went well with the mixture.

Da Wife


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Mar 2007
Magic Sex :P

I'll try it, I was thinking about sex on LSA,
combined with some yohimbe or something ..
Ahh to bad you can only buy the ampla the kilogram


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
I once had an blue lotus extract and mixed it in a botle of wine. I had 3grams. Smoked a half and 2.5 was mixed with the white wine.

Most intense high ever.
Flew trew the clouds and still going UP UP UP..