My view of life, death, afterlife, psychedelics etc.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dervish
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Human souls have a long journey, creation, life, death and eternal after-life. Biological death is a transition between our materal life and eternal spritual life.

I respect psychonauts, who get glimpses of the other world. I read a lot about their experiences, though I never used a psychedelic to trip there. I'm intended to be dervish, I should reach their experience through sufi way - which is very difficult indeed in today's world. What I know about human nature is through old teachings of "tasavvuf" (islamic mistisizm), not though my own experiences. What's interesting to me is that, psycheledic experiences are very close to what has been described by dervishes. Indeed, I should use "ermish" here instead of dervish, meaning "reached, spritually matured". Dervish is the one who tries to be. My greatest purpose is becoming someone loved by God. If it reveals to me in that life it would be a wonderful thing; if I reach its compassion, love and foregiveness after life, it would be the greatest salvage for me.

I'm an cilinical endocrinologist and scientist. I believe that all our emotions have some chemical or hormonal correspondents in our brains. I also believe that our bodies are equiped with essential tools to break through our physical presence and let our souls to reach oneness of God. Dr. Strassman's theory of DMT fits there very well. I think it's a very special neurotransmitter gifted by God. If someone devotes himself to God and refrains from earthly pleasures he/she may come up with an enough DMT secretion to reach love of God. Love of God, encompasses every and each particle and is the reason of our presence. Many DMT user feels that love.

As an endocrinologist, I know that if you take a hormone from outside, the organ which produces it gets atrophic by the time. DMT -or what may be co secreted by it- are very special in this respect, I think. Years of training and absistance from earthly pleasures are needed to reach love of God. I think these practices produce a very delicate hormonal milleau for DMT secretion i.e. high ghrelin and vasopressin levels through fasting; high cortisol, high seratonin, low melatonin through less sleep etc. In sufi tradition, it's said that a single wrong act may ruin years of works. So, if you take DMT or some natural or synthetic agonists of it, this may block the endogenous synthesis hence prevent you from developing yourself, I'm afraid.

Our ego and satisfaction of its needs, block the channels of our soul to communicate with god. Biological death is also death of ego. After death, no barriers exist between our souls and God. If you open these channels by diminishing your ego while you're physically alive, you can live here and there, always in midst of love of God. Sufis describe it by "dying before death".

God created us with its eternal knowledge and love. It only wants us to find itself, praise it as the only creator. It has unmeausarable compassion for us, psychonauts often feel it. But It also has anger and revenge for these who deny God, or pray for other things beside God. Some bad trips are glimpses of that anger I think, some feel eternal damnation, or an inferno of souls in their trips. Universe flows in a harmony of oneness, every particle and creature obeys the rules of God. Denying God disturbs that harmony and is the reason of God's anger to us.

May God prevent us being hatred by you!

May God take us with the ones you love!
yes, i think there are still some unanswered questions as to what it takes to reach enlightenment, or to reach god, after this life. who is to say (figuratively) that by living your life(in whatever manner), you have not fulfilled this task of reaching god, or the infinite? im not saying that virtue is not to be prized, i still live my life by it in hopes of these results, but what of the fact that when a christian dies, his brain is flooded with dmt, the same as if a serial killer dies, dmt would still be released, no?
Interesting.... :) I really did like your post.

Dervish a dit:
So, if you take DMT or some natural or synthetic agonists of it, this may block the endogenous synthesis hence prevent you from developing yourself, I'm afraid.

Our ego and satisfaction of its needs, block the channels of our soul to communicate with god. Biological death is also death of ego. After death, no barriers exist between our souls and God. If you open these channels by diminishing your ego while you're physically alive, you can live here and there, always in midst of love of God. Sufis describe it by "dying before death".

I think psychedelics infact can help you learn diminishing the ego very easy and also can help you developing yourself. Although this is my experience with using psychedelics.

I always used to be a skeptical guy and had nothing to do with god or what so ever. For me it was all bullshit, i just had a great large ego. I only could believe in what i could see in my reality. I could not imagine that there where different states of mind as people seem to experience on psychedelics. But after i had used some psychedelics my self, i understood that there was some sort of god(oneness) and i start to develop some sort of spirituality. I don't use psychedelics a lot, but every time i used it, it's was like coming closer to god. It's a lasting feeling, not something that suddenly disappears. I learned very fast to understand my ego and i saw how my ego seemed to be a huge problem in my life. So i found out really fast, how it worked. It learned me to overcome fears, depressions etc.

So in fact i could say now a days, i live more and more in the midst of love of god. And every time i use some psychedelics again, i will live even more and more in the midst of love of god. And also if i take a look at all the reports that are out there on the internet, i see the many positive results about people who learned to understand there self in a very deep way. Because of this knowledge they have learned about, there been able to take back and rebuild there lives. That sounds amazing to me :)

And secondly, the ego does not necessary have to be bad thing, you know. It's like driving in a car. If you don't know how to safely drive a car, you will probably have some accidents or even worse you could crash and die. So it is with the ego, if you don't know how to handle it, it can causes conflicts or in some cases it can cost you your own or others lifes. I think that one of the important lessons we people need to learn, is how to handle the ego and if something can learn or teach you how to handle your ego, i think psychedelics could do the job for many people. As long as they are keeping there mind open for the lessons that it teaches you. And if you don't are open for the lessons, you will have to learn it at the hard way.

But again you have wroten a really interesting post and i want to thank you for sharing your knowledge! Now i am going to bad and think about it.


There are some very interesting threads about ego, suicide etc on this forum. I find Sufi's very open minded compared to other paths in Islam and a lot of Dervish's post reflects my own thelemic thinking.

I believe Crowley's Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law to be a truly divine phrase which is the key to everything.

The will mentioned in that phrase is the higher will, not the lower will of the ego. When I'm on the shrooms I get the feel of some kind of higher conscious, and although I don't get the secrets of life from taking a shroom trip I do get the feeling that for a temporary time at least I get to be merged with this higher conscious. I have to have my shroom trips several months apart though or this effect diminishes.

I believe my existence on this planet, in this illusion which the Hindus call Maya, is to be the vessel of this higher will, with a view to merging with it after the physical death of my body. If one commits suicide one removes his ability to be of service to the higher will thus one cannot merge with it, and there is only the yawning chasm of the abyss left to them.

Shall be the Whole of the Law implies it is not the Law as yet, but it will be, possibly in the future in this dimension, possibly in heaven, possibly even after the Mayan predicted apocalypse on 21/12/2012.

Whatever, it promises to be an interesting journey to enlightenment.
Your talking about the normal every day ego existance and the difference between that and ego death .

Please prove that the mayans predicted anything for the date you mentioned and not that its just hippy shit . And the mayans are not exactly a good source of wisdom , their "civilisation" got wiped out .
GOD a dit:
Your talking about the normal every day ego existance and the difference between that and ego death .

Please prove that the mayans predicted anything for the date you mentioned and not that its just hippy shit . And the mayans are not exactly a good source of wisdom , their "civilisation" got wiped out .

Sorry sir, I try to avoid message board arguing if I can since it leads to bad feeling and bad karma.

I can't prove the Mayans predicted anything other than what can be googled about the Mayans by just about anyone, it's just that I can't get away from that alleged prediction since it seems to be the in-thing to talk about it by a lot of people. Which is why I added "possibly" before I mentioned it since whether or not it was predicted, whether or not it will happen, the suggestion has been put into a lot of people's minds of late.
"Sorry sir, I try to avoid message board arguing if I can . "

Congratulations . Whats that got to do with me or anything i said / say ?

"the suggestion has been put into a lot of people's minds of late."

Exactly . I dont understand why they dont just google it and find out that its fantasy .
McAllister a dit:
There are some very interesting threads about ego, suicide etc on this forum. I find Sufi's very open minded compared to other paths in Islam and a lot of Dervish's post reflects my own thelemic thinking.

I believe Crowley's Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law to be a truly divine phrase which is the key to everything.

The will mentioned in that phrase is the higher will, not the lower will of the ego. When I'm on the shrooms I get the feel of some kind of higher conscious, and although I don't get the secrets of life from taking a shroom trip I do get the feeling that for a temporary time at least I get to be merged with this higher conscious. I have to have my shroom trips several months apart though or this effect diminishes.

I believe my existence on this planet, in this illusion which the Hindus call Maya, is to be the vessel of this higher will, with a view to merging with it after the physical death of my body. If one commits suicide one removes his ability to be of service to the higher will thus one cannot merge with it, and there is only the yawning chasm of the abyss left to them.

Shall be the Whole of the Law implies it is not the Law as yet, but it will be, possibly in the future in this dimension, possibly in heaven, possibly even after the Mayan predicted apocalypse on 21/12/2012.

Whatever, it promises to be an interesting journey to enlightenment.

im sorry but according to the Book Of The Law i must now shun you as you have mentioned the law :wink:
druglessdouglas a dit:
McAllister a dit:
There are some very interesting threads about ego, suicide etc on this forum. I find Sufi's very open minded compared to other paths in Islam and a lot of Dervish's post reflects my own thelemic thinking.

I believe Crowley's Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law to be a truly divine phrase which is the key to everything.

The will mentioned in that phrase is the higher will, not the lower will of the ego. When I'm on the shrooms I get the feel of some kind of higher conscious, and although I don't get the secrets of life from taking a shroom trip I do get the feeling that for a temporary time at least I get to be merged with this higher conscious. I have to have my shroom trips several months apart though or this effect diminishes.

I believe my existence on this planet, in this illusion which the Hindus call Maya, is to be the vessel of this higher will, with a view to merging with it after the physical death of my body. If one commits suicide one removes his ability to be of service to the higher will thus one cannot merge with it, and there is only the yawning chasm of the abyss left to them.

Shall be the Whole of the Law implies it is not the Law as yet, but it will be, possibly in the future in this dimension, possibly in heaven, possibly even after the Mayan predicted apocalypse on 21/12/2012.

Whatever, it promises to be an interesting journey to enlightenment.

im sorry but according to the Book Of The Law i must now shun you as you have mentioned the law :wink:

lol. enough said. :lol:

druglessdouglas a dit:
im sorry but according to the Book Of The Law i must now shun you as you have mentioned the law :wink:

Lol! I think the bit you are referring to is the afterword added by Crowley after he believed Norman Mudd and Leah Hersig abused it. I would hope that after the 1960s and the works of Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson have brought greater understanding of it that bit need no longer apply (fingers crossed :wink: )
McAllister a dit:
druglessdouglas a dit:
im sorry but according to the Book Of The Law i must now shun you as you have mentioned the law :wink:

Lol! I think the bit you are referring to is the afterword added by Crowley after he believed Norman Mudd and Leah Hersig abused it. I would hope that after the 1960s and the works of Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson have brought greater understanding of it that bit need no longer apply (fingers crossed :wink: )

lol even more. enough said. :lol:

I`m a fan of Harry Potter personaly myself . Theres so much secret knowledge and so much to be learned .
GhostlyOne17 wrote:
“ It only wants us to find itself, praise it as the only creator" Wouldn't that be an act of the ego or no? Wouldn't a God complete unto itself not need any praises to have unmeasurable compassion? (Maybe it is self-love...) As in the God within you and us all.... Do you know any good links on Sufism?
adrianhaffner a dit:
perhaps i am wrong, but please explain

In my opinion, DMT is a vehicle, not the soul itself. In high levels It may mediate the sensation of enlightment, sense ever-presence of love of God. We can not determine the nature of our souls but we may observe it’s effects. It’s from God and just like God, its presence is very solid but not provable. So it is a matter of belief, you may believe or deny it. DMT probably makes that belief a real sense that your ego and soul are separate things. A sufi tries to reach the love of God, but it’s gift given to few people. God testifies us in every moment, in afterlife we’ll be questioned for what we believed, how we lived, how we behaved to others. People won’t be punished for not reaching love of God when he/she was alive but people even these who’ll earn heavens will regret for their every moment of life passed without praising God.

A serial killer will be punished no matter how high his DMT is while he’s dying. Remember people could get bad trips on psychedelics; high DMT is not a key to heavens (but to hell sometimes).

For the matters of religion – Islam, Christianity, Judah, Budism etc- I’ve my minds made but I don’t like to argue I’m right. Arguing invokes obstinacy. It’s better for you to ask God what’s really right- as I described above. Friend, I wish you best in that life and afterlife! Please break up your all prejudgments and ask the truth from God with an open heart. At least once. Do it for your soul.

May God help you.
Dervish a dit:
adrianhaffner a dit:
perhaps i am wrong, but please explain

In my opinion, DMT is a vehicle, not the soul itself. In high levels It may mediate the sensation of enlightment, sense ever-presence of love of God. We can not determine the nature of our souls but we may observe it’s effects. It’s from God and just like God, its presence is very solid but not provable. So it is a matter of belief, you may believe or deny it. DMT probably makes that belief a real sense that your ego and soul are separate things. A sufi tries to reach the love of God, but it’s gift given to few people. God testifies us in every moment, in afterlife we’ll be questioned for what we believed, how we lived, how we behaved to others. People won’t be punished for not reaching love of God when he/she was alive but people even these who’ll earn heavens will regret for their every moment of life passed without praising God.

A serial killer will be punished no matter how high his DMT is while he’s dying. Remember people could get bad trips on psychedelics; high DMT is not a key to heavens (but to hell sometimes).

For the matters of religion – Islam, Christianity, Judah, Budism etc- I’ve my minds made but I don’t like to argue I’m right. Arguing invokes obstinacy. It’s better for you to ask God what’s really right- as I described above. Friend, I wish you best in that life and afterlife! Please break up your all prejudgments and ask the truth from God with an open heart. At least once. Do it for your soul.

May God help you.

i am in total agreement with dmt being a vehicle for transition, im not arguing that, in fact in not trying to argue at all really, just a healthy debate on my quest for knowledge, so please dont hold back your knowledge, as im seeking it, i am the type of person who is open minded when i realize i am proven wrong, but anyways... i guess more of what im getting at relates to these.

"DMT -or what may be co secreted by it- are very special in this respect, I think. Years of training and absistance from earthly pleasures are needed to reach love of God."
and also
"A serial killer will be punished no matter how high his DMT is while he’s dying. Remember people could get bad trips on psychedelics; high DMT is not a key to heavens (but to hell sometimes)."

lets go back to the man of worship and the killer scenario. how is the process that you assume to occur to the serial killer different from the other mans?
because my view of it is that, he(killer) is satisfied with his life, he feels that he has fulfilled his duty, so surely the correct/same hormones would still be released to a similar degree, so would he not undergo the same emotional process as well? i mean he feels that he has done the right thing, even though he is ill in the head..
my understanding is that emotion is tied to chemical reaction in the brain, so if you are satisfied at death, not FROM the chemicals, but to initiate them, then do you not still reach the same mental or spiritual point as the man who reaches the same destination by another means?

this is what i am trying to iron out
This is my aspect on religion

This may piss you off or you may jsut think im some stupid kid but here it is.

every religion is based on 1 person there is no shiva there is no jesus there is no devil only 1 god

God made an explosion of life then evolution took course.

when we die. we die. we do not get re-encarnaded or go to heaven we just die its like going into a coma when u wake up the time from when u went from the start of your coma to the end goes by fast. but when we die we just never wake up. that simple

and for a meaning to life "the big question"

ill give you the answer

there is no meaning to life. why does there have to be

so like i said u may think im some dumb kid lol but whatever
i am 17 and in the army and as i stand through my life experiences up to now, this is what i believe