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My strange facination with Dextromethorphan...


2 Sept 2007
1 574
Ok so the high isnt the greatest but the mindset [for me] is wounderful. Ive done smrooms, and lsd, and mdma... but as far as the psychedelic experience goes, dxm is my 1st choice. I hadent done it for around a year [due to everyone thinking i was crazy because i believed some extremly abstract things that they couldnt understand] but i did it last night and remembered all of the debates i had with myself about life. Not to mention the vivid visions, and new found knowledge that hits me everyother time i do it.

Opinions? [on the substance]

Please save the "your going to die, stop being stup" responses...


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I enjoy it too.It's readily available at any pharmacy (at least in my country) in the pill form, so it's quite a popular drug. But I cannot compare it to shrooms, acid or DMT, it's totally different when it comes to effects. I wouldn't even judge them as psychedelic. Whenever I use acid, shrooms, or dmt, the trip is somehow similar. but dex is a whole another thing, cold and uncaring. Not saying that it can't bring you to the [desired] realm, however. It's just how it feels to me


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
"I hadent done it for around a year [due to everyone thinking i was crazy because i believed some extremly abstract things that they couldnt understand]"

Who care what others think. The only reason that they can't understand you is because THEY lack the knowledge and experience, thus calling you crazy. I'm sure if any other indivdual experienced what you did, they would believe the same thing as you.

I start to second guess my thoughts on life quite a bit also. I start to think maybe i'm going crazy, and I should go back to the 'normal' way of thinking, but the 'normal' way of thinking is to dull and doesn't offer as many answers as 'this' way of thinking.

But about DXM, never tried it, don't really have an interest in it.



Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
Pfft... want a trip, dude? Try mixing DXM and a classic psychedelic (I hear 'shrooms are the best for DXM mix, but I can't say out of experience. (at least second plateau DXM... I've done up to four drops of acid and 900 mg of DXM together)

Disassociatives are strange drugs. The more you experience, the more intense they get, I find. As little as 300 mg is enough to get me out of my body for some time these days... Most intense drug I've tried.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
"I hadent done it for around a year [due to everyone thinking i was crazy because i believed some extremly abstract things that they couldnt understand]"

Who care what others think. The only reason that they can't understand you is because THEY lack the knowledge and experience, thus calling you crazy. I'm sure if any other indivdual experienced what you did, they would believe the same thing as you.

I start to second guess my thoughts on life quite a bit also. I start to think maybe i'm going crazy, and I should go back to the 'normal' way of thinking, but the 'normal' way of thinking is to dull and doesn't offer as many answers as 'this' way of thinking.

But about DXM, never tried it, don't really have an interest in it.


Haha ive been there[around the time that i was talking about] but im glad i diddnt. The saying that enlightenment is very close to insainity is SO true.

Pfft... want a trip, dude? Try mixing DXM and a classic psychedelic (I hear 'shrooms are the best for DXM mix, but I can't say out of experience. (at least second plateau DXM... I've done up to four drops of acid and 900 mg of DXM together)

Oh i deffinatly plan on doing so. Mabey ill plan my dose so that it kicks in right as im comming down from some acid, or mabey at the peak.. that would be fun. But jeez 900mg and four hit... that must have been INTENSE.


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
According to Buffa, I was pretty much... y'know.. gone. I posted a message to myself saying that I could not premonition reality on psychonaut. I don't remember much xD I just remember a complete lack of connection with normal reality. I got lost in my own house...

But yeah, I'm kind of sort of totally reckless. What can I say. When I go, I try to go hard.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
Hey the farther out we go from this reality, the closer to the truth we come is how i see things. If it takes a half a hit or a thumbprint, a toke or an oz, a pill or a handfull, what ever gets you there, gets you there. :weedman:


Matrice périnatale
12 Mar 2008
I've tripped out on DXM with my buds all the time. It was the standard back before we could find lsd or shrooms. You discover some interesting things on it. (I recall a time where I looked at the stars, and then was sucked up to explore the universe for a while.)

Dex is unique, I've never hallucinated on it whilest my friends claim they see some really weird stuff when they trip out. I've watched the TV in my friends living room from his bedroom, and I've been to haunted places and actually chilled out with ghosts.

Unfortunately I've never robo-tripped with anything other than marijuana though. I really want to, I just don't know what kind of harmful things dextro can do to your body. (I've heard everything from it damages your liver to it gives you brain damage, but have yet to find any evidence to support any theories.)

Also, I noticed that after being a regular tripper, when I take cough medicine for its actual purpose I noticed that I start to feel the afterglow effect. Anybody else get that?


DXM is just great, definately the most dream-like trip I ever had...

This sensation to be dreaming, that the time is passing soooooo slowly (when its doesn't make weird time loop!), man that's great...

Too bad my body refuses to let me swallow DXM anymore :(

(I never was a heavy consumer, all the trip I did (about 7 or 8) we're done with a 3 months delay each time, I really don't understand where this revulsion comes from)


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
I did dex after doing LSD and MDMA and shrooms and found it to be fun but not nearly as fun as any of those other goodies. To me it is too unpredictable. A low dose will sometimes barely do anything, other times it makes me incoherent and altered for days afterwards. I'll take a large dose, and nothing will happen and then i get a day long migraine.

It also feels much colder than LSD or shrooms like someone else mentioned. On DXM I don't feel like i have very much control after a point whereas I've never felt anything of the sort on any other trip.

Definitly an interesting thing to play around with, but I do not tend to do it as often as other psychedellics because in all I feel the experience to be less rewarding and beneficial as good acid or shrooms.

btw, doing Nitrous immediatly following a robo trip or during the trip itself is INTENSE. I tend to have no recollection of what exactly goes on when you konk out on N20, but under the inflluence of the DXM I remembered the whole thing, and it was like one very crazy lucid dream. I reccommend it!

the closest to any other combination besides cannabis I've come is dosing 4 hits of some LSD about 2-3 hours after the conclusion of a robo trip. It was quite an intense trip, but i do not think i noticed much of an effect from the robo on the LSD. I may have been slightly more out of it than normal, but like I said it was a very intense trip so it could have been from that.


11 Avr 2008
DXM does offer an interesting altered state of consciousness, to say the least. I enjoyed it the few times I've done it, but I can only get it in the form of cough medicine.
I don't want to be the stereotypical hater that you mentioned, but I think the syrup, at least, (I don't know about the actual chemical DXM) is really dangerous.
I haven't done DXM in a while, but it really messes with my digestive system whenever I do it. My friend is/was addicted to it, and I saw notable changes in his personality from it.
A family member of mine is a nurse who works with those shitbags that they give people who can't shit on their own. They told me that the main reason young, asymptomatic people get the bags is because of abusing products that contain DXM.

I hope my comment doesn't sound biased against the drug itself. My belief is that the common over-the-counter products that contain DXM are dangerous. I've never done pure DXM by itself, so I can't say whether or not the active ingredient is where the danger is.


25 Mar 2008
i do em whenever theyre like otc rec. drugs for me i steal them from like walmart or albertsons or anywhere like that or just buy them. and they get u fucked helped me recover lost memories which had been blocked out of my mind and made me THINK about the otherside. also i love dosing up (usually drinking the syrup) and waiting 10-15 mins, and then go blaze some mj kinda ying yang idk i like DXM Shit i wish we could grow cough syrup


Elfe Mécanique
26 Fev 2008
I agree the syrup is pretty nasty. Agent Lemon and a few other extraction techniques are pretty simple though, and it definitely makes a difference when you do the (relatively) pure stuff.


10 Avr 2008
DXM is not my drug all it does is make me unable to walk and if I lay down I pass out. I've only had a 2nd plateau dose though. MDMA is very nice though I cant wait to do it again in 2 weeks. Sucks that I can only do it 2 or 3 times a month safely.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I have sow that DXM is for someone Superb drug and for others Hellish one!
Also I love hers diarrhea! :D :lol:
But first worry bout DXM is his toxicity! Drilling fucking holes in brain isn't my choice of fun(every NMDA antagonist). This can be lowered or even diminished with Diazepam or alcohol! So use this with DXM, even anxious state will be lowered if you have them:someone have them! :wink:


I enjoy DXM! Sometimes I'll only drink a 4oz, or 8oz of Robitussin DM. When I can, I shoot for the gelcaps or the DX. I also know that the freebase of DXM can be a really pure and extremely intense trip. I think it's good to week long breaks or more between high dose experiences though.


25 Mar 2008
i used to steal CCCs all the fucking time and then they got smart and put it behind the pharmacy counter. so now i resort to pocketing the deslym or delsym or some shit they have grape and orange flavor and have double the amount of dxm in each teaspon or whatever it is although it usually only see the 4oz. and 8.oz i believe. and about the diahrea the first few times were the best highs of my life except for the diahrea after that it stopped. my first time, i drank nyquil and after 30mins i started itching really bad and it lasted like 10 mins then i got paranoid cuz i was home alone and kept opening the door to see if anyone was there. then tv was really intresting so got distracted and my dad came home and i like snapped out of my high and was perfectly normal. i thought that was odd. detailed enuff? drugs are my thing :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
I never tried DXM PCP or Ketamine. Personaly i stick to plants and mushrooms for my psychedelic tripping.
from the reactions on this topic i get the impression that DXM is not that healthy.
Anyway i don't care for DXM.


Matrice périnatale
4 Mai 2008
DXM is a fun drug. I love the feeling of being dissociated and confused. I think the reason most people don't enjoy it is because it's really intense and uncomfortable at times. For me, i love it. It was the first drug i experimented with after Cannabis and i still use it. Sooner or later, im going to dose 900mg of pure DXM using the agent lemon extraction method. Can't wait!