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My first real salvia trip (x5) extract.


9 Août 2009
I really want to share my first "real" salvia trip with this board, because I've found it such a profound experience.

First I'll share a little bit of my background with drugs. From the age of 18 I started smoking pot fairly regurlarly (not daily)and from 19 on started experimenting with other drugs, like mushroom trips with friends, amphetamines and XTC when going to all night parties. But as the years went on and I settled down with a girl and stopped partying basically all experimental druguse ended. I do still smoke pot every weekend.

I'm 24 now and I'm just about starting to look within myself and looking for answers to life's great questions and mysteries. I knew from my earlier experiences that mushrooms that they could produce wonderful hallucinations but also a great deal of self-confrontation and reflecting upon your position in life. At the time (I was 19) this was very overwhelming to me and there were moments in a mushroom trip that I truly wasnt happy with my life. Since a mushroom trip can easily last up to 6 hours this can be an exhausting ordeal.

Also the sales of mushrooms have been outlawed as of winter last year. So I was looking for an alternative. My goal was to find a strong introspective psychedelic compound with preferably a short lived effect. So on ******* I stumbled onto Salvia Divinorium.

After reading countless good and bad experiences on the internet I decided I wanted to try this. As it seemed to produce strong visions while also feeling detached from oneself unlike shrooms which always seemed to keep me self aware.

I didnt want to take any chances so I decided to go with the "lightest" extract they were offering. the (x5) Salvia Divinorium Sage extract.

The Trip
After coming home from an exhausting nightshift last friday, I decided it was the perfect setting to take the Salvia. it was 3:30 at night, my girlfriend was sleeping, everyting was dark and quiet.

I smoked a joint to set the mood, and put on "KoRn - Helmet in the Bush" on a continues loop and in slight slowmotion. (weird music choice I know, but it really works wonders for me).

I opened the Salvia container and starting loading up my bong with about 0.2 gram of Salvia x5 and lit up. I wanted to make sure I smoked it properly to get the effects I wanted so I cleared out my lungs, sucked the entire basket into the bole and finished it off by releasing my finger off the hole and sucking all of the bongs content into my lungs.

I then looked at the computerscreen to make sure 20 seconds went by on the timer of my music player. I immediately noticed the equalizer graphics jumping back and forwards at me, and when I looked at the time I literally saw the timer go forward real fast then count 2 or 3 seconds back, only to keep ticking forwards afterwards.

I had planned to lay down on the bed, but I never got the chance. I was just sitting in my computer chair with my bong still in my hands, looking at the equalizer graphics and hearing an extremely slowed down Jonathan Davis crying "Please God, don't let me die tonight... die toniiiiight" I never felt so much inner peace before, but I know I wanted more... MUCH more.

so I loaded up the bowl again, while my hands where shaking really bad. I still managed to load up another bowl. And a third and fourth one after that (when I came to later I noticed I had smoked about 0.8 grams of my 1 gram container, my bong basket isnt very big)

I took the last bonghit with me to my bed, to make sure I could lay down and ride out the rest of the trip. I had added strong haze to the last basket so when I put the bong down I felt it coming in hard.

I literally saw my complete room around me melt away and I was floating between the stars at an incredible speed. The only real connection I had left to the real world was a very distant and distorted slowed down KoRn riff with the agonizing angst of Jonathan Davis echoing. The stars around me where beatiful and although this realm was new to me I didnt feel scared at one moment. I started being thrown from star to star and back and forth and in circles really violently, almost like a rollercoaster ride it felt like physical G-forces where throwing me around. But I enjoyed it a lot. It took me a few minutes to realize that everytime I experienced being thrown to another star it was one of my own heartbeats (my heart was pumping really violently).

It was when I came to that realization when I started seeing my own room again. but my trip was far from over. I still felt the violent g-forces throw me around and I suddenly noticed I hadnt turned off the big light in my room. it was the only mistake I made not to turn that light off, it felt like looking at the sun so bright it was. I was too reluctant to leave the bed in this state of the trip to turn it off, so I turned my back on it and stared out my window into the night.

I suddenly noticed that I could see into the 4th spatial dimension (as strange as it may sound) I literally saw my room being stretched out into millions of 3d copies that although they all seemed unique they were all connected into 1 entity including the 3d copy I was existing in. Every object I stared at gave me the same visual I could see their 4th dimensional realm, and it was a very profound experience for me.

I tried to hold on to this as long as I could but after a few more moments had gone by I suddenly couldnt see the other dimension anymore. When I looked at the clock again well over an hour had past from my initial hit to me being sober enough to get out of bed.

I will definitely try salvia again in the future, but I wont to stronger then x5 extracts for some time. I believe it is a very potent extract which can produce a heavy trip when you smoke it correctly.

I definitely believe in other spatial dimensions now btw. After this trip I've researched theory on other spatial dimensions and it pretty much describes the EXACT same thing I'd seen during my salvia trip and I'd NEVER even heard of such theories existing before. I am convinced the Salvia unlocked another sense in me for just a few moments. I will seek this experience again in the future, thank you for reading.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Sounds like you had quite an experience from just 5x -- and you smoked it correctly. Most people just load one bowl and call it quits, yelling at themselves 'This doesn't work!' Same for people who smoke a shitload and gain no effects-- then give up since they are unaware of the reverse tolerance thing.

Salvia's quite a beautiful plant. Mmhm. Also do some research on DMT. It's a bit like Salvia, only the overall high doesn't feel negative. Not saying Salvia makes a trip negative, since that comes down to a state of mind-- but the body and mental effects of Salvia are intense and fleeting. DMT is a bit easier to handle in my opinion.


Be sure if you're gonna smoke higher extracts of Salvia-- to work your way up. Don't smoke 5x one day then 80x the next. It's too much of a mindfuck to jump the gun like that. Happy trails!


9 Août 2009
I sure wont try a stronger extract for a while, since the x5 extract had really a heavy impact on me. I won't try a stronger extract until this extract doesnt give me the effects I'm looking for anymore.

Although I am really excited about the visions salvia can produce, I am hesistant to experiment with salvia further too quickly. Personally I'd like to leave at least 1 or 2 months between trips to let everything settle down in me. I'm still processing what happened to me in this trip (just over a week ago)
It is not something I'd do every weekend like pot.

Also I've noticed a strong sense of inner peace since my last trip. I don't get stressed at work (demanding job) as easily anymore and a lot of the small daily worries I used to have on my mind have been lifted off me completely. Is this the "brain defragmentation" I keep reading about?


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
really pleased that you got such a good trip and good feeling from Salvia, everything you have said so far is just perfect, the best of ways.

I agree about the dose, after 5X then 10X is double so a sitter is advised, unless you try smaller doses.

I love Salvia, I want to learn so much from it.

out time will come



Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Weyoun a dit:
I sure wont try a stronger extract for a while, since the x5 extract had really a heavy impact on me. I won't try a stronger extract until this extract doesnt give me the effects I'm looking for anymore.

Although I am really excited about the visions salvia can produce, I am hesistant to experiment with salvia further too quickly. Personally I'd like to leave at least 1 or 2 months between trips to let everything settle down in me. I'm still processing what happened to me in this trip (just over a week ago)
It is not something I'd do every weekend like pot.

Also I've noticed a strong sense of inner peace since my last trip. I don't get stressed at work (demanding job) as easily anymore and a lot of the small daily worries I used to have on my mind have been lifted off me completely. Is this the "brain defragmentation" I keep reading about?

Two or more months may be too long of a gap, really. Your resistance towards it tends to lessen the more frequent you do it. Say-- once or twice a week is what I'd recommend if you're looking for a decent trip. But yes, take it slow with Salvia.

Oh, yes-- I've had the same feeling since Salvia. It comes and goes depending on my overall stress level; but some of my trips have opened my eyes to how beautiful the world is if you just open your eyes.
As for brain de-fragmentation-- perhaps it is. For me, I've noticed that my peace level gets jumbled up because I've forgotten my Salvia trips.

Point to strongly note-- only use Salvia for healing and meditation. It sounds like you are, so I'm very glad. (:


9 Août 2009
TheBarn a dit:
I agree about the dose, after 5X then 10X is double so a sitter is advised, unless you try smaller doses.

yeah the thing for me is, I don't have anyone that I feel comfortable with to sit for me. All the youtube videos you see of people tripping on salvia have jerks in them that are just laughing at them in their face and messing with them to try to get responses out of them. That's pretty much the thing my friends would do. it wouldnt allow you to have a significant spiritual experience.

My girlfriend doesnt approve my experiments with psychedelics. She doesn't see any difference between me trying to get a glimpse of reality from a different perspective and someone doing cocain to feel good. Her standard response is "you're pathetic for needing drugs to open your eyes". So she wont sit for me either.

That's why I do it alone at a late hour in night. When my girlfriend is fast sleep, everything outside is quiet. I do lock the doors and place the keys in unusual places as a precaution.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Moved to trip reports.


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
Weyoun a dit:
TheBarn a dit:
I agree about the dose, after 5X then 10X is double so a sitter is advised, unless you try smaller doses.

yeah the thing for me is, I don't have anyone that I feel comfortable with to sit for me. All the youtube videos you see of people tripping on salvia have jerks in them that are just laughing at them in their face and messing with them to try to get responses out of them. That's pretty much the thing my friends would do. it wouldnt allow you to have a significant spiritual experience.

My girlfriend doesnt approve my experiments with psychedelics. She doesn't see any difference between me trying to get a glimpse of reality from a different perspective and someone doing cocain to feel good. Her standard response is "you're pathetic for needing drugs to open your eyes". So she wont sit for me either.

That's why I do it alone at a late hour in night. When my girlfriend is fast sleep, everything outside is quiet. I do lock the doors and place the keys in unusual places as a precaution.

bloody hell, I could have written the above myself!

I know exactly what you mean, have done it with my mates and although its been an experiance its not how I want to do it.

I just cant see them meditating like I want to get prepared for the trip, they would just want to get pissed and have a laugh with it.

my girlfriend doesnt know about this either and I have also done it when she has been asleep, but there is always that nagging doubt about how far I can go under knowing she is upstairs.


Glandeuse pinéale
6 Nov 2009
The worst thing you want to experience on a salvia trip is people staring at you asking you how it's like...
Actually you wouldn't want that in any circumpstances. But I too have sometimes the same problem knowing that I'm not on the same level than someone else.