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Mushrooms and time perception!?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
Well i was tripping on them last night, i was on a pretty heavy dose!
But i was wondering so much about time!
Because after a while, i couldnt remember more than 5-10 seconds to my past!
And i could not imagine the future either!
All i was doing, was trying to remember what i was going to do!
Where i was going...etc....
But then i kinda gave up and just did something!
i went out, and watched alien spirits on the mountains etc, then in again!
The feeling of time was strange, i thought i had gone back and forth in time somehow!
Through loops, suddenly i lived a thousand years, suddenly i've only lived 5 minutes!
this went back and forth!

This was a confusing experience but, i now wonder what happens if i loose complete sense of time!
What happens then?
I've never tripped like this on shrooms, has anyone gone deeper?

btw a small thing that i thought up on shrooms:
All that there is, is the now!
You see, past and future are kinda the same thing!
They are both built upon the experience of the now!
The past is a memory, an image, an idea!
So is the future, but may also build upon the memory(which is then again built on the now)
Have you ever experienced the future?
I dont think so!
Because all that there is, is the now!
And experience is the most important thing you can get out of life!

(Did that sound to crazy?!?!) :oops:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
No it doesn't sound crazy at all. I've come to the same realisations in my big trips. I think people live too much in the past and the future, and forget to live the present.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
ahh good to know im not alone then! hah!
btw have you lost all your sense of time before?
i really wonder what happens, because it almost did for me!
i felt like i came so close to something!
Strange feeling!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Well yes I did lose all sens of time once... I had taken 3 shitty XTC pills (I'm not even sure they contained MDMA, the buzz was very strange and weak), and because I wasn't feeling anything interesting I decided to take the shrooms I had left = about 1g. I then spent like 4 hours looking at the beautiful white ceiling (it's a normal and banal ceiling painted in white, but it became profound and beautiful, and I saw a lot of things in it), and didn't notice the time pass. When I started to come down I thought "What, already? I just came up :S". But 4 hours had passed.

It probably wouldn't be the same thing if you took 10+ grams dried of shrooms, I guess my brain was just fucked up by this unknown combo (which was a fun experience but not really interesting... no insight...). My friend said that for over an hour I wouldn't respond to any external stimuli, that I seemed to be far away mentally.

Past and present are constructs of your mind, they don't exist! The only REAL thing you can experience is the now... and people forget this, and live so much out of the now that they are kinda living in their own world.

EDIT (well 4th edit in fact :P ): I said I had no insight but that is not true... I did have some superficial ones, which were still good.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
Wooah, i've never taken mdma though!
Im not interested!
But i had something similar yesterday, i was staring at my closet for like an half an hour(or i dont really know how long)!
And i was like smiling my ass off and thinking, woah when you look at it in 5d its so different and exciting! holy shit!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Psyolopher a dit:
Wooah, i've never taken mdma though!
Im not interested!

Why are you not interested? Maybe you think it's just another upper like amphetamines? If so you're absolutely wrong! I hate amphetamines and don't really like coke, but I love MDMA! It IS a psychedelic. In fact I had my first psychedelic experience with an XTC pill, and it's because of that experience that I became a psychonaut and eventually ended on this forum.

I swear MDMA is really worth a try, and if you don't take it more than 2-3 times a year, it's not more dangerous than other psychedelics.

And mixing MDMA with mushrooms is simply INCREDIBLE!!! It's so soft, it's more gentle, you can go more profound because you are relaxed and feel absolutely no anxiety, and therefore aren't afraid to dive deeper. And it's also a lot more visual. But don't underestimate the combo, I say it's gentler but that doesn't mean the effect arent as intense, in fact they are more intense, I once had the feeling my brain was overheating and was starting to melt! But it is very well-known that hippyflipping (MDMA+shrooms) is safe, so it was not a sign of damage or anything dangerous, although I didn't know this at this time and was kinda scared :)

Also, if you try this, don't take both at the same time: it ends up to be a fucking intense buzz which is so intense you're too busy thinking "oh shit I'm too high" to have any insight and ends after an hour of so.
Everyone here agree that it is better to take the MDMA first and once you peaked take the shrooms, and if you want a longer trip you can take more MDMA once the shrooms have peaked and then take even more shrooms if you feel like it :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
I know people who have taken alot of mdma, i just always refused it!
its an stimulant and a psychedelic, and im really just THC and a shroom guy!
well i really enjoy TRIP-E's, its Hawaiian baby woodrose!
Its pretty peaceful, and easy going!
My interest is in psychedelics, not really in stimulant!
I've never tried that kinda drug really, (well smoke weed)!
I mean i've seen people on mdma, i've tripsitted with people on mdma!
they all look like zombies somehow or really fucked up....
I kinda just like drugs who make me think, i dont even like alcohol!
....well just leave it! :P I dont think i will do it! :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
What you don't seem to realise is that what you say you like fits with MDMA... I don't consider MDMA as a stimulant, in fact I find it pretty relaxing. And MDMA does make you think a lot! And yes when on MDMA you seem fucked up... but don't you look even more fucked up when on shrooms lol?

As I said, I'm not into stimulants either, I don't like them, except a strong dose of caffeine sometimes. The stimulant effect of MDMA is more a secondary effect in my opinion... It's a philosopher's drug more than anything else.

MDMA doesn't make you look like a zombie, amphetamines do, especially ritalin. When you abuse it is true that it loses of its psychedelic effects and makes you become a zombie (I actually can't trip anymore on MDMA cause I abused it, gotta take a 1 year long break :( )

You say HBW is peaceful... I swear to you that MDMA is waaaay more peaceful ;) And the most easy going psychedelic.

Well it's your choice to do what you want, but in my opinion MDMA is a very important tool for any psychonaut. Not to be used too often though, even less often than classic psychedelics.

BTW about time perception... on my first k-hole I really had completely lost all sense of time. I was repeating in my head words like "tomorrow", "hour", "minute", and couldn't figure out what they mean, what they represented.

"When is yesterday? How long is an hour? Which is longer, hour or minute? Is there really a difference? Isn't what we call time an illusion?"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I can relate to you with my experiences. This trip was not one provided on Mushrooms, but rather Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. On my walk from from my friends, time was not linear. I had a complete different sense of time. For example at one point, I would be 200 meters from home, then the next instance, I would be in the middle of town, and then back to a different place on my route. It was truly weird. Lucky I had friends walking with me, because I was confused!

With Mushrooms, they tend to link me to the present, and nothing else. I'm curious, what dose were you on? You said high, but what is high? On my higher doses, 5 grams, I lost all sense of time. I think it was a matter of that time didn't matter anymore, because something so much more powerful and extraordinary was being presented in from of my eyes that everything else that one thinks in a normal mind ceased to matter. Some of my 'lower doses' did the same thing.

I think mushrooms just dissolve the cultural boundaries, and put you directly into the present moment. They dissolve ordinary boundaries one experiences in a 'normal state of mind', and replace it with stuff that is much more important. None of the society bullshit, more less the deep meaning of human existence and experience. That's why I think it is vital everyone has a mushroom experience at least once a month. This way the mushrooms remind you to stay far from the bullshit that is thrown your way on a daily basis.



Elfe Mécanique
13 Sept 2008
No that doesn't sound crazy at all!
Everything is now!
I think many psychonauts will agree on that.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
Psyolopher a dit:
btw a small thing that i thought up on shrooms:
All that there is, is the now!
You see, past and future are kinda the same thing!
They are both built upon the experience of the now!
The past is a memory, an image, an idea!
So is the future, but may also build upon the memory(which is then again built on the now)
Have you ever experienced the future?
I dont think so!
Because all that there is, is the now!
Totally agree. Living in the now is a very powerful thing. You don't focus on what went wrong in the past, you don't focus on what could go wrong in the future, you just focus on what's there.

This reminds me of a saying I once read:
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

This saying is valid every day ;)
And it sort of holds teh message: you can always start afresh, leave the past for what it is and give your best!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
"Yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift...that's why we call it present"

(yeeeeah, we CAN learn from mainstream american cartoons :P)


11 Juil 2008
So true, every little thing...
Ones an idea\knowledge been put out in the world, there`s no going back...
You can`t unlearn something, it can only tag along and evolve with us.

Losing sense of time is a common thing on a high dose shroom trip, just go with it :)


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juil 2008
Psylopher,I had the same expierience on hawaiian mushrooms. I absolutly know what you mean.I was a bit worried,cause I thought I stoped in time,and didnt know what is true.I saw my girlfriend crying,and after 3 seconds laughing.Pretty weird.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I could only agree with the other posts. My first real experience on mushrooms was about 1.5 grams, a very moderate introduction, but certainly still profound.

I had this feeling suddenly that I was about 75-80 years old and the present I was looking at was but a distant, precious memory.

Coming out of a religion where I always only lived for a future hope, my initial psychedelic trips were all very much about the relevance and beauty of living in the now and appreciating what you have.

(and of course, my sense of time often changes drastically on good trips, slows down, quantizes into chunks, or stops entirely.. :D )


once, in a lsd trip, time slowed down to a complete halt, where i lived in eternity, being everything and nothing. time stopped completely, like a photograph. it might have taken one second, as it could have taken 3 hours or 200 years. it didn't matter.
on another time, i watched the watch, and it was 14h, then, i wrote something. i re-checked the watch, it was 19h. then, i went for a piss (tricky stuff when you are tripping hard, because i thought i was pissing on my pants, the toilet was myself dreaming it). when i came to my living room, watching what i have written, there was nothing there, because it was 11h. then, i remembered what i have written, and re-wrote it again.

i still have that paper. it says: "we have to live with the best of one another"


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juil 2008
Yes,checking your watch on shrooms can be intresting.Once I checked it was 12:30,and I closed my eyes and it was 12:00 :shock: