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Morality of Selling


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Do you think it is a moral/respectful thing to sell sacred psychedelics? I've been running this dilemma in my mind for a while now, still not sure what I think.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
The morality really isn't about the psychedelics, it's about the intent. You can sell whatever you want, as long as your honest about your motivation. If it's money and you start lying about your product, or lying to yourself about how others will treat it than shady.

If you are selling psychedelics and you understand that not everyone will treat them with respect (which is dangerous to begin with), and that business and spirituality have to be separated, then yeah go for it.

As an added bonus if you're even having these thoughts, it means you respect what you're dealing with.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Sadly not much in this world is free and Im sure if you had an endless free supply you would share rather then sell :)

So I look at it like this,

If people didnt sell these things.... Would you have tried them???

Also Think about this, What is the reason people are buying them?
A common question I used to see on this once thriving forum was Drug Abuser Or Psychonaut???

When selling to people I think you have to be able to gauge a person very well becuase if some one does something silly under the influence of a substance purchased from you and shit hits the fan the domino's could fall all the way back to you very fast.

With great Power, Comes great Responsability :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Isn't capitalism great?

So intertwined we must ask if about it's morals.

To be honest, a while back when I made DMT I would sell it, but I wouldn't make anyone pay until after they tried it.

At that point I would simply say "Pay what you think is right."

Usually I'd get 20's, sometimes 10's, and a few fives.

I didn't really care - it was up to them. The people who gave me 20's were the pot smokers...


2 Sept 2007
1 574
i aggree with the statement about the intent of the seller. greed makes me sick, ive voiced this opinion in many places. but you cant really class selling psychedelics as "wrong" or "not wrong", its all situational. one person could simply see it as a product that can be resold for a profit and personal gain, while another could see it as spreading mind expansion and contentment in an effort to create a better world. again its all situational. but both of them are selling psychedelics.

and i would DEFFINATLY give them away if i could in a heartbeat. i feel you on that one sticki.

i wish it worked that way. psychedelics are something worth spreading to other people. in my opinion, selling them with the intent to distribute the experience and not nessassarily the substance itself is justified. that could just be my personal rationilizaion of the situation, but thats where i stand. moraly i think it can be ok.


29 Août 2010
I don't hook people up with powerful psychedelics if I think they just want them to see the pretty colors.

If you just take these things to get high and giggly, you're wasting substances that someone else could change their life with.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Thanks guys. I think intention is everything with this stuff. I just couldn't be sure it was right, but I suppose something is needed in return for the work to continue.

The filipino tranny in my closet will only sell mushrooms to people, because mushrooms are almost never used in psychonautic doses here. The DMT will be sold as an experience had in the living room, I will be a sitter for every hit of DMT distributed by my tranny, no exceptions. I think that is the only way I will feel the experience/substance is being distributed responsibly.

Thanks again, my mind can rest on this issue :D But I wouldn't mind hearing what others have to say on it!


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Okay this advice is less from the "helping people grow" pile, and more from the "this is business" pile. The problem is that DMT is not a substance you can guarantee everyone will have a positive reaction with. And although I hate to call it this, it is a drug from the standpoint of "society", and as such providing that experience in your living room is a tough call. I think you should consider the implications of people's fears under the mind-expansion. At least make sure you know your tranny's customers well enough so that if it doesn't go well, they will talk to you about their negative experience. Good luck :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Good advice man, thanks. I do not intend to allow my tranny to dose anyone who is not known well by myself though, and only people who have done their research and know what they are going into.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Selling itself is not a bad thing. You only charge for your work and efforts, and in exchange you offer a ready to consume product. Nothing wrong about that. Also psychedelics are not addictive, so you don't make money out of the addiction of people.

The person who buys psychedelics should always know what they do - if they don't, it's not your fault (as long as you didn't talk them into taking anything). I've had my share of bad trips and bad experiences with drugs in my life, but I would never make anyone else responsible for it. It was always I who decided to take substance x in setting y. How can that be the fault of the guy who sold the substance to me?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
tryptonaut a dit:
Selling itself is not a bad thing. You only charge for your work and efforts, and in exchange you offer a ready to consume product. Nothing wrong about that. Also psychedelics are not addictive, so you don't make money out of the addiction of people.

Says the capitalist.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
IJesusChrist a dit:
tryptonaut a dit:
Selling itself is not a bad thing. You only charge for your work and efforts, and in exchange you offer a ready to consume product. Nothing wrong about that. Also psychedelics are not addictive, so you don't make money out of the addiction of people.

Says the capitalist.

Says the socialist... :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
darkwolfunseen a dit:
IJesusChrist a dit:
tryptonaut a dit:
Selling itself is not a bad thing. You only charge for your work and efforts, and in exchange you offer a ready to consume product. Nothing wrong about that. Also psychedelics are not addictive, so you don't make money out of the addiction of people.

Says the capitalist.

Says the socialist... :D

I'm closer to anarchy than any others...


2 Sept 2007
1 574
You and your capitalism Greg. :P

cant we all jsut get along? :rolleyes:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
yeah when capitalism burns... :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Nanacapilli a dit:
Do you think it is a moral/respectful thing to sell sacred psychedelics? I've been running this dilemma in my mind for a while now, still not sure what I think.

When I asked myself the same question many years ago, I realized the first mystical experience I ever had and which changed my life profoundly, was initiated by mushrooms bought from a commercial smartshop.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
lucky! legal !


2 Sept 2007
1 574
HeartCore a dit:
Nanacapilli a dit:
Do you think it is a moral/respectful thing to sell sacred psychedelics? I've been running this dilemma in my mind for a while now, still not sure what I think.

When I asked myself the same question many years ago, I realized the first mystical experience I ever had and which changed my life profoundly, was initiated by mushrooms bought from a commercial smartshop.



Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Thanks for the wisdom y'all, I feel much better about the whole idea now :mrgreen: