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mimosa hostilis/syrian rue prep questions


Matrice périnatale
23 Mar 2007
ok so i tried my first ayahuasca analogue a week ago and must say while it wasnt disappointing, it was not what i had expected after all my research on the topic. i have yet to get a scale, so i "eyeballed" the amount of 4-5 g's of syrian rue and about 8 g's of mimosa hostilis. i boiled them in tap water with some lime juice for about an hour altogether and had about 2-3 shots worth of syrian rue and maybe a juice glass worth of mimosa hostilis. while ive read that both potions are vile in taste i must disagree with many and say that while the mimosa was harsh to get down, compared to the rue it was nothing. i actually had to make another batch of rue tea cuz i puked it all up about 2 mins after ingesting it the first time. and i puked quite violently about 20 mins after managing to choke down the second batch of rue (which was still warm, not hot, but not room temp) and about half of the mimosa hostilis. and while i realize that purging is what is supposed to happen with this stuff, i was wondering if anyone had any preparation techniques they've tested that cut down on the nausea, i feel that i didnt get the full trip because i couldnt hold the potion down long enough. did i not use enough? or did i not boil the respective brews down to a smaller amount of liquid, possibly causing less stress to my poor poor stomach? and ive read some accounts of putting the rue and mimosa into gel capsules, do i simply have to freeze the brew then scrape it into some caps? or is there some other part of preparation i must take to be able to try that? any thoughts and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. thanks


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2005
Basically caps are a smart workaround for nausea, works fine for me for kratom.
I always have to puke on pure kratom, whilest kratom in caps is no problem.

The problem: You only get 0.5g into a single (OO) cap.
(of course this depends on the substance resp. its density, but its a good rule of thumb)
-> You'd have to take around 30 caps for an aya-experience ... quite a lot.
Taking loads of caps is disgusting as well -> problems with gag reflex.
Aeh, no, not freezing, the raw material has to go into the caps.

I always eat a little bit of chocolate after each sip of hell-brew (mimosa-drink) (not too much due to MAOI stuff though)
This helps me getting it down.
It doenst provide a no puke guarantee, but it makes things easier.


Matrice périnatale
23 Mar 2007
thanks for the info, ill have to try that. and when you say raw substance, do you mean the actually ground up root bark itself? and maybe its just me or maybe its the particular batch of rue seeds that i got, but to me the rue is ten times worse to get down then the actual mimosa. ill have to work on my stomach strength.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2005
Yes, I mean the finely powdered substance (eg. mimosa root-bark "itself", powdered).
Note that I havent actually tried "capsuling" for aya, but it worked "fine" for lots of different "nasty tasting" substances.

Hmmm, I've had no real problems with rue up to now.
Though rue-tea doesnt taste well for me it's uncompareably better than mimosa.
Anyway, if you'r having problems getting it down, I'd recommand making "concentrated tea", e.g cooking it down to lets say 50-100 ml.
Drinking the concentrated rue-brew with a single sip (and something afterwards to get rid of the bad taste, eg chocolate) might help.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Well, for one thing, I'd say that 8g of mimosa wouldn't usually be enough for my liking but that all depends on where you shop.
When I take syrian rue I just swallow the seeds whole, maybe chewing them up just a little. I really don't think they taste bad; just like really bitter coffee to me. Doing it this way has never made me vomit until the dmt hit my gut. And if I have to eyeball 5 grams, I find that the amount I can pick up with just my thumb and first 2 fingers is about a gram.
But as TheeLord wrote, a lot of people have used ground syrian rue in capsules to good effect.

When it comes to mimosa, I think you've already got a handle on that; just brew it down to a shot or two and slug it back. And I'm with TheeL., mimosa is absolutely horrid; if you can stomach that I'd say you've already got a pretty strong gut.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Avr 2007
I did Ayahuasca twice. The first time I threw up most of the brew, then drank some extra, and since the total amount of what I took contained 19 grams of Mimosa Hostilis, the trip was still quite impressive. No, extremely impressive.

The second time, I decided to drink small cups, waiting for ten minutes between them to prevent throwing up everything. And I smoked a LOT of cannabis. I was told this would help, and it did. After I had taken everything I went for a walk in the park, and then realized that I had not had any tendency to throw up, and that the trees were starting to look weird. :)

I got 200 grams of Mimosa and more than 200 grams of dried shrooms waiting here for me, but I got a fulltime job, and kids, and problems, which makes it very hard to find a good time for these things. Last time was two months ago... And before that half a year ago.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2005
I got 200 grams of Mimosa and more than 200 grams of dried shrooms waiting here for me, but I got a fulltime job, and kids, and problems, which makes it very hard to find a good time for these things

Sounds very fimiliar :-)
Welcome to the club ;-)