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mental/emotional pollution... how you deal with it???


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i think this is a very important topic especially in connection to tv. because the power of hypnosis is seemingly abused
a lot and hence the levels of mental/emotional pollution have increased proportionally to that.
so what can you do?? you can choose to just suppress it and bury it in the depths of the sub- and unconscious mind and hope it will die and never come back or something like that lol... or you can deal with it either alone or with the help of some person or substance or something else maybe... :wink:

what are your ideas?? :)



Elfe Mécanique
4 Mar 2012
LSD. Now that's some medicine sure to fix you up.

At the end of the day, its your personal journey, nobody knows the details of mental/emotional pollution as well as you do. There are many ways to deal with it, but analysis is the most important thing. To sit down and to do a lot of thinking. To watch a lot of interviews, documentaries, and reading on imporant topics on stuff such as recent history. I'm 21, I was troubled and depressed up until recently, turning to alcohol to drown into it, but the questions in my head were still persisting. I needed to touch enlightement, I needed to wake up and face the world and life as it really is. I wanted to understand what the deal was with the world and with people, why was everything so crazy. And I'll tell you this, 1 acid hit did the trick. It worked, and it could work for you, too. 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i feel compassionate for how blind my species is as a whole. i just wish for them to see the way that i do.

interesting, the people who i would consider my enemies are the very people i am fighting to save.

life and its poetry.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
well i think the best thing we can do is to try to show them what we think the right direction is or could be. that could make them take use of their own brains and the only ones who can change them are themselves, basically.
i think jesus supposedly said that we should make our enemies our friends, which to me seems like a interesting idea..

and yeah... if i had some LSD lol... i think my brain would be grateful for that great medicine. LSD is simply so amazing lol. :P :)



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
What i have done and do is become VERY aware of their myths. Who are 'they'? The elite. Those in power, and those behind the scenes who can just decide to remove people from land, and pull off false flag mass s
murders so as to manipulate consciousness and feed their beloved war-machine.

So it is looking at the various myths they use, See ing what they do--their actions. because they often lie through their teeth. A big weapon they use IS language!

So what do we see they do when they go into indigenous peoples lands who have lived relatively sustainably with the land for ages. They take their children away and force them into an 'education' system, and this is for the purposes of indoctrinating them into their servitude to the system being imposed on them.

Now guess what? They do the same to us! From early age all of us are herded into their schools, and for many this is completely enforced, you, nor your parents, have any say in the matter. IF you choose not to attend you and/or your parents will be punished. So please do not underestimate what they have tried to do to your body and mind in those places.

Then there is the over-all propaganda, and their occultism, all meant to manipulate our consciousnesses.

A BIG reason they wage a war on 'drugs' (not their OWN though) which very much includes psychedelic vegetations is because they know that they DEPEND that their victims consciousness must be suppressed. Psychedelics when used intelligently removes these barriers and allows us to see right through their matrix, and they obviously do not want that do they?

So what about their religious myths? Well these myths go way back, are patriarchal, and they ALSO manipulate consciousness. Some people, like someone above, claims that Christians claim we must 'love our enemies'...? is that so? How does such a demand HELP our enemies? If you were a woman being abused by your male or female partner would you love them OR would you see that they are a maniac and not being able to change them seek sanctuary away from them? I know what i would choose. WHY should you love someone who abuses you? For some professed reward in some heaven? is that why?
The Christian religion is based on a belief that nature is fallen and that you are born in sin. Please see that this myth is designed to divide yourself from yourself and cling you to a patriarchal elite war-mongering tradition! This myth was taken around the world and violently imposed on peoples who had been living sustainably and in community with others, and their children taken away and forced to believe this toxic crap. After ALL that abuse, insult is added to injury by the demand they must love their enemy. HAH--can you see the insidiousness of that?

So fast-foreward to now, in this souless computerized slick city scape modern life many of us live. Whats the myth now? Well it is secular and says that everything is based on science and science tells us that animals and people and nature and the universe are machines, life is meaningless, so grab what you can cause when yer dead yer dead, and IF you are not happy albeit content with this system they impose on you that this can mean you areeee 'mentally ill', which means that your chemicals are unbalanced and they have the drugs--ones they AREN'T at war against--at the ready to 'help' your 'robot-body' chemicals become balanced again! This is their central social controlling myth which took over from the above religious matrix (but which still persists unconsciously) and is specifically, blatantly, designed to severely suppress your consciousness, because any feelings considered deviation from the 'norm' MUST be suppressed and managed. See it?

So this is what they push into the kids and you over and over. This is why every Easter you will see the re-hashing of the Christian myth on TVs, and most likely with ads for pills to fix your 'mental illness'.

So to see through all of this is what we should be doing and is what I do, and LOVE talking about, because I know that their power over us depends on us being un-conscious of what they are doing!


21 Juil 2007
5 922
lol yeah man... thanks for that clarity man. and respect for the good observations. actually i didn't want to produce a misunderstanding. i just thought the idea of making your enemies your friends, if reflected deeply enough about could give some insight in some sense or so.
because there exists a perspective that says that opposites are essentially the same. and christians are definately one of the right groups of people to become fanatic and see everything just one-sided and hence not seeing reality as it is.
btw as i see it, the saying of jesus is more pointing towards a attitude of life instead of saying "you must do that".

i think a lot of shit has been abused for greed for profit and lust for power. this is relatively well known although disregarded and a taboo thing, too in some sense, but manipulation of consciousness for power has been going on for ages.... and it seems it would always get worse until people wake up to what is really going on. it is a lot about the perspective on reality and you know how great the difference can be.
so the thing is that there is too much violence going on, on many levels and in many forms, and having been going on for a long time in the history of "so called civilization" and humanity etc etc.... the snakes have to be decapitated and once they are exposed, society can work with pressure against them. the question in that context is for example something like "how can you be honest to anyone, if you can't even be honest to yourself?"...

and yes it's also true that they try to hide the violence and make it not appear as if they were doing it, distracting attention away from them. they are real devils, if you haven't noticed that.
but well i just see the possibility that everything in the outside world can also show us something about ourselves, how/why we may have possibly allowed that.

zezt maybe you should check out the krishnamurti video i have put into the links and videos section just for some food for thought or a mental impulse or so.
i mean you are trying to fight the ignorance etc etc, but maybe you are also a bit caught up.
but yeah i totally agree with you. there is so much sick twisted shit going on that maybe people have indeed come to believe that it is normal. but yeah that's what the governments want right?? so they can "play" war and the people shut up about what they are doing, because they are so caught up with other stupid shit... i definately see it as a stupidity test in some sense, because they want to use our stupidity against ourselves. but i tell you!!... the stupidity has had more than enough power already... you should know what you do yourself or who else is supposed to know that... know what i mean????....

well i noticed such patterns at least in myself and so i know a bit how it can be like....
it's good to be able to observe. and to observe oneself means to be able to change oneself with a greater probability.
the quantum-observer-effect. reality can be changed by observing it. i think that's what the snakes want to hide sometimes, too... but in contrast to them we can peacefully evolve intelligence.
don't believe the hype... don't believe the lies... :idea: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
watch out and take care man. we really don't have to swallow the stupid deception propaganda pills. just thank them for their negative examples, but don't let yourself be held back. this is important. just use common sense and your intuition man. listen to your heart.



26 Fev 2010
Thought is the source of mental/emotional pollution. I used to believe that my thoughts were who I was. That my thoughts defined the very essence of my being. Then I realized that thoughts detract from being. Thoughts are like flipping through the channels of a TV. They sedate you and steal your presence. You are not your thoughts. You are the consciousness that witnesses thought. Yet we identify with our thoughts and allow our ego to rule us. This creates the pollution. Try to consciously eliminate thoughts and just experience being in the moment. It's like constant meditation. Clear your mind and detach yourself from thoughts. This leaves only being.

They want us to live in fear and negativity. They want us to be preoccupied in thought. If they can't brainwash us with their TV, they'll defeat us with our own thoughts. They'll make us impotent and powerless through our egos. If we identify ourselves as being right, then we must equally identify them as being wrong. In so doing, we create enemies, we create conflict and division in our own minds. This is why Jesus said to make friends with your enemies. Because if you allow them to remain as enemies, they have already defeated you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
Shamanomenon a dit:
Thought is the source of mental/emotional pollution. I used to believe that my thoughts were who I was. That my thoughts defined the very essence of my being. Then I realized that thoughts detract from being. Thoughts are like flipping through the channels of a TV. They sedate you and steal your presence. You are not your thoughts. You are the consciousness that witnesses thought. Yet we identify with our thoughts and allow our ego to rule us. This creates the pollution. Try to consciously eliminate thoughts and just experience being in the moment. It's like constant meditation. Clear your mind and detach yourself from thoughts. This leaves only being.

They want us to live in fear and negativity. They want us to be preoccupied in thought. If they can't brainwash us with their TV, they'll defeat us with our own thoughts. They'll make us impotent and powerless through our egos. If we identify ourselves as being right, then we must equally identify them as being wrong. In so doing, we create enemies, we create conflict and division in our own minds. This is why Jesus said to make friends with your enemies. Because if you allow them to remain as enemies, they have already defeated you.

Of course they try and influence with thoughts and images, but this is not the fault of our natural inclination to think and imagine. I see that BOTH Western ideasd AND Eastern ideas have been used to manipulate people. In this instance you are coming from the Eastern perspective that it is our very thinking which is the enemy, and therefore their tradition advises we should meditate to quieten thought and 'live in the moment'. But I do not trust that either. Why? because thinking is natural, as is breathing, and we need to think so as to critically examine tyranny, and people who seek to manipulate us. It is a tool.
If you choose to give up thinking you are choosing to just become some sedated entity who doesn't think and allows tyranny to reign. I mean LOOk at Eastern culture! it is there the caste system originated which had people believing they 'karmically' belonged to separated classes in society, the lowest being sudra meaning untouchable.
In ORDER to see through this obvious matrix you not only have to have intuition, and imagination unsuppressed, but THINK.

How do we know they manipulate thinking in the West? Well you find out about propaganda techniques, and Edward Bernays, etc etc and you ponder and think about it.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i think it's about balance in some way in that regard... well i think we can simply observe how thinking has become the disease, if we pay more attention to what is really going on in the mental space of ourselves and others maybe... like getting a feeling for it or so.. basically, like not suppressing the thoughts, but dealing with them right. for example thinking why do i have the thoughts and what can i do to keep having them/not keep having them... something like that... :wink: :paranoid:

the idea, especially in connection to mass media etc etc, is basically to be able to control the thought process and what kind of benefit that can bring. well it's relatively obvious. if you can control the thought process, you can control your reality and your perception of it in some sense, because mind/intellect and perception are intricately connected... we also perceive thru the mind/intellect etc etc... the difference is just whether we are masters or victims of our own thought processes. the question is
if we don't control our thoughts by ourselves, who else could/should control them etc etc... it's like giving away power, by giving away self-responsability.

well not only tv, but also radio and music are factors and how these "forces" are reflected in the collective etc etc...
maybe we could say there are collective and individual mind-fields or so... like energy fields in some form.... if that is so, i would suggest that it could be of benefit to be able to detach from both kinds of energy fields.
what i observed is for example how the idea/concept of "common sense" can evolve towards intelligence or dumbness...
but then again that is also a matter of perspective in some sense... depending on what we define as intelligence and dumbness
etc etc...

i like the perspective how fear and other negative emotional reactions/attitudes or so can be seen as lower frequencies and
how with the "illusion of choice" and mechanims of the mental aspect etc etc or so we can get trapped in the mind/intellect.
for some people it's as simple as that in the sense that they get the "programs" they think they need and then they just
keep doing their programs lol... it's also interesting to see the difference between psychological fear and "normal fear"...
i think psychological fear is taking the fear to another level and making it more complicated. it's like a hypothetical fear, that
we maybe choose to have, because we think we should have it.. lol... i think this is very retarded, but yeah that's how
it is... lol... :retard: :confused: :paranoid:

i think the mind can be a computer in that sense, that it can have different states. so maybe changing mindstates can be compared to something like changing gears or so...
and the idea of resonance... that's how the energy can "move" or "grow" or other ideas etc etc....
so what else can i say lol... be aware and be there... know that you are one with your thoughts. :yawinkle: :-o
i hope this makes sense lol... :) :P
