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Meditation help please.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Alright, meditation sounds just completely awesome. And I have heard that it would help with my slight depression.. So I am really interested.. I have almost lucid dreamed, however.. It was just a really really fucked up way of doing it, but here.. Just don't judge me.. It really IS NOT what is on my mind EVER! But I know you guys are old enough and mature enough to not judge. In this dream, I had this just fucked up situation. I had this sex scene with my step sister, and then she got pregnant. Okay, so the way I made myself (At least I think..) Of enducing a lucid dream, was I questioned everything.. If anything seemed out of place when I was awake, I would say hmm.. Is that how it is supposed to be or am I dreaming? Then anyways about the dream. So then she got pregnant.. It hadn't crossed my mind that I was dreaming quite yet, but I did think to myself.. "Wait you can't find out your pregnant within a matter of 30 seconds.." And then my mom said.. "Damn if you were smart enough, you would have pee'd in there after you burst, in order to kill the sperm" Right then.. I was like "WTF am I dreaming? My mom would NOT be okay enough to say something like that.. Plus in 7th grade someone asked my sex ed teacher if you pee'd in a a girls vagina what would happen? And my teacher replied, "It would kill the sperm, and it is impossible". So then I looked at my hands, and they looked normal.. And I go "PIZZA!" Trying to make a pizza appear and nothing happened.. I then came to realize that it was real life of course.. So I missed my lucid dreaming experience. then I gave it patients, kept trying and trying.. but nothing happened.. I am starting to lose hope..

Anyways, so how do you meditate? How do you sit? (I have a back problem, so sitting would be hard. Can you do it lying down?) Uhm, open eyes, closed eyes? Can music induce it? How do you stop from falling asleep? Do you get exited and regain conscientiousness sometime by accident, due to being to exited? And just the whole business.. Please help somebody..
First, how old are you? You seem a little young, I'm not sure if your are psychologically ready for much of any psychodelic experiences... That's my blunt honest opinion, take it as you will.

Meditation, on the other hand, I can help you with**

There are two ways I approach meditation, one is for relaxation, and one is for realization and to better myself;

For relaxation and dreaming, I lay down in bed, back down. Doesn't matter where your hands or feet are, just get comfortable on your back facing up. Eyes closed. (This is how I do it, it may or may not be the best method for you). I then envision a horizon. The horizon is far off and the sun is setting. Once I become immersed in the horizon, and believe it is there, I draw the landscape. I'm on a beach, on mars, in outer space, and soon my thoughts begin to flow. I no longer am consciously painting the picture, the brain begins to go on autopilot and I just observe. This is how I have approached very vivid and sometimes lucid dreaming. It also relaxes and calms.

For realizations it is much harder. I must go in and search. I sit upright, or lie down in previously described position, and I think. I search for what makes me anxious / sad / depressed. I become immersed in that feeling. I do not run, hide, or try to deal with it. I let it come. Literally I imagine death sometimes. I imagine my own death, a painful or slow one, and I approach it. I realize what I am afraid of and the pain that it may bear. I become the sensation. I can cry, I can show anxiety, I can become mad, but I must not run from the feeling. I must accept it. Accept what I am afraid of, a bad trip, my lady leaving me, the world ending, anything I can think of that makes me panic or uneasy and I set myself in it. I have grown quite a bit since I have started this technique, and I can realize when I am making progress as a whole, and when I am just wasting my time. It takes intense concentration and intentions of the upmost truth and certainty.

Start with the first technique. Imagine yourself happy. Think of a time when you were excstatically happy. Remember the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feelings. Place yourself in that poisition once again. Become that memory. That will help you with sadness.
Haha yeah see I knew I shouldn't have posted what the dream was.. Lol it is really really immature.. But I am 15. And I am, I have done mushrooms, DxM(Magical, read my 2nd DxM experience, it was wayyyy better), and like I have said before, I trip on cannabis..

Okay, well thank you. It doesn't sounds too hard, however that is the approach I had on lucid dreaming, and it is a stinker.. But I will try very hard a few minutes and times a day. Thank you for you help. But I really can recreate memories, and remember them almost word for word, and the sights I have saw. I am very good at that. So I hope that this meditation becomes moderately easy, and not that strenuous . Thank you :D
I strongly recommend hold off on psychodelics till you are atleast 17... The mind is so young at that age and still developing a substantial amount.

It is your choice and what you feel comfortable with, so I respect that completely as well. Just try to approach psychodelics with great respect.
I honestly, I mean I am sure every kid my age thinks this.. Obviously.. But I think I am ready, yeah, my mind is still developing, but I do good in school, I am in a stable relationship. I mean I am a little depressed, but who isn't? Especially if you have done psychedelics.. I mean they literally kill you ego.. I mean I think it is way less of a depression case, than a loss of ego.. I just I don't know.. I think I am ready.. Haha, and yeah out of all dreams, it had to be that one.. Haha, sorry if that is what triggered you to question my maturity.. Lol
please listen to people who are more experienced than you. your physical and mental health are not to be played around with. honestly don't try to be stupid on purpose with stuff like that. give your brain the chance to develop in the time it needs to.
and don't be so superstitious to think you always know better n shit. psychadelics can kill and they do, if you are stupid with them. so it's alright to stick around with meditation first for a while to learn about your mind and your brain before doing strong psychadelics. please don't discard these advices, we know what we're sayin'. they are tools and not toys and you get punished if you disrespect them. i recommend you yoga, meditation and lucid dreaming for now. you can use the internet and this forum also, for getting the infos you need. i don't want to judge FOR you however. you have to know what you do for yourself, but let it be known to you that it can be VERY unwise, if you disrespect your own health or psychadelic drugs.

nanosage:"...I mean I am a little depressed, but who isn't? Especially if you have done psychedelics.. I mean they literally kill you ego.. I mean I think it is way less of a depression case, than a loss of ego.. I just I don't know.. I think I am ready..."

they dont LITERALLY kill your ego. nothing can.

you dont KNOW that you are ready?

you aren't ready.

not just one thing, almost everything you say makes at least ME more than doubt your maturity. just because one knows how to act, does not mean one knows why to act, or, for that matter, that one even acts on what one knows.

and i dont mean maturity like, "oh he can sit in a room full of adults and not run around like a banshee." i mean spiritual maturity. nobody can fake it.

it seems to me, that you want to shrug off your depression lightly, by saying, something like "oh, it must be all the ego death i have". that doesn't even make sense. ego-death is a release of trying so hard to control that which is uncontrollable, it's a accepting of non-materialism, and being at peace with that. understanding why it must be this way... you should feel nothing but peace during an ego-death experience, because that's what it means: the part of you that clings to all that you know(the "ego") temporarily goes away ("death"). and then is born anew after the experience. (it's basically the general story of any deity. jesus, for example.)

that being said, you CAN still continue forth, "freewill" still allows it, but you are in for one bumpy fucking road if you think you've "lost your ego", and that's why your depressed. as it were, i'd honestly say that you've lost your sense of ego, which is the total opposite of what psychedelics and meditation should be used to achieve. thing is, you assume. until you know, you simply will not know. you (everyone) should be more humble in their approach.

if you feel depressed, than i feel that you have not come to any great realization. ever since i have, depression has become something "petty", for lack of a better word. i no longer let it consume me. i feel it, and then it moves on. then i feel something else. something complimentary, or opposite. it's a stationary spot on a constantly moving cycle. i dont mean to be a boot stomping on your face, but dont assume that, just because you've tripped before, that you are ready for anything. because you are not. i know this because nobody is (myself included). there are instances where things just mesh together, and that is what you (all of us) should seek. also, never get stuck in a rut where you only take the same dose all the time or you will start to feel like nothing new can be learned, which grows you a big fat cocky ego if you let it run wild for long enough
Just meditate until you're 18 years old at least. Then you'll be super ready for your first psychedelic experience and won't be risking your mental health.
^ i think that's good advice. if you follow it, you'll be better of than alot of us here (at least me. my short term memory is fucked)...

about meditation: ijc christs versions of meditation seem good. the first one is a version of meditation (there are many) called visualization. he uses his visual field to tune into his unconscious thought flow. he creates an image, then keeps adding details until he becomes relaxed enough for the subconscious to take over on it's own. this is a fantastic way to relax and "reboot" if you will, to forget about your cares for a little while, and come out a little more refreshed. this is probably the most practical for small breaks at work or short downtimes to get an extra boost of energy and relax for a minute.

"For realizations it is much harder. I must go in and search. I sit upright, or lie down in previously described position, and I think. I search for what makes me anxious / sad / depressed. I become immersed in that feeling. I do not run, hide, or try to deal with it. I let it come. Literally I imagine death sometimes. I imagine my own death, a painful or slow one, and I approach it. I realize what I am afraid of and the pain that it may bear. I become the sensation. I can cry, I can show anxiety, I can become mad, but I must not run from the feeling. I must accept it. Accept what I am afraid of, a bad trip, my lady leaving me, the world ending, anything I can think of that makes me panic or uneasy and I set myself in it. I have grown quite a bit since I have started this technique, and I can realize when I am making progress as a whole, and when I am just wasting my time. It takes intense concentration and intentions of the upmost truth and certainty."

this seems to me like a psychedelic meditation (that's not an official term), like something i would find myself doing unconsciously on a dose of mushrooms or something. this type of meditation is only going to be useful if you have a strong will on that day/or at that time. if you are feeling lazy, then i would suggest holding off on this one for a little while, as a tired mind makes it very hard to really delve into this kind of problem. but this kind of meditation is extremely useful for preparing yourself for future situations, as well as facing fears, in a virtual, controlled manner.

there is another form of meditation i want to mention. it's mindfulness meditation, or awareness meditation. this one is slightly trickier to get into, as it requires you to clear your mind, instead of fill your mind, in order to tap into the state. basically, you sit (in whatever manner is most comfortable. i don't recommend lying down due to it being too easy to fall asleep) and your objective is to stop running that dialogue in your head. this is nearly impossible at first(for your first few sessions), but becomes easier to recognize when you are doing it the more you practice. in this meditation, instead of letting the thoughts just flow, you want to cut them off, on a conscious level anyways. stop thinking about what you're going to eat, stop thinking about the red sox, your money issues, whatever you find yourself thinking about/worrying about, DROP IT. everytime you realize you're doing it again, DROP IT.

the only way this works, is to have a point of focus that you come back to. a grounding point. this is where your senses come in handy. there are 2 that i have found to be the most useful. the first, is breathing. make sure you are regulating your breathing. nothing exaggerated, but take a slightly deeper breath than you normally would, so that you are now paying attention to this slight extra effort in your breathing. you've made breathing a conscious effort. the second one, is hearing. ideally when you meditate, you want to be in the quietest environment available. absolute silence is not necessary, however. but anyways regarding hearing. this is getting closer to the true focal point, that once you are confortable manually breathing, that you are going to be paying attention to. it's the main focal point i suppose, or rather a means to get in tune with the main focal point, which emcompasses all of the senses. there is an auditory "sound" that most people dont ever pay attention to, it's the sound that you hear when no other sound is available to cover it up. it's a high pitched buzzing, kind of electrical/harmonic sound. this is OM. this is where all of your perceptions meet, it is the most powerful anchor point, because once you've tuned into it for a little while, it mezmerizes you. you'll know you are on the right track if you hear it change, the pitch should alter slightly, and you may hear several different layers to the sound(s) if you listen long enough. you may hear undulation in the frequency as well.

if you can reach that state, then you are making great moves forward in increasing your self awareness. and unlike a psychedelic trip, meditation can be turned off if you are no longer comfortable doing it, or if outside limitations say that you must stop.

the thing to remember, is that you are tripping all the time. yes, you need to take a substance to "trip", by an accepted definition of "tripping". but what everyone forgot is that every bit of food that you put into your body is just as special/not special as any psychedelic compound that you put in your body. opium comes from poppy plants, and lsd originates from grain. you're tripping on serotonin and dopamine (from the foods you consume) all day long. (unless you eat shitty food. in which case, yes you WILL feel depressed/shitty and a lack of energy. and if you are not (buzzing on serotonin and such), then you may need to change your diet. you CANNOT live a healthy life off of precooked foods with preservatives. the amount of sodium alone, nevermind all the vitamins and minerals you aren't getting, the sodium/potassium balance in your body wont allow you to feel great.
you'd also be amazed at just HOW MUCH better you can feel by simply drinking more water
I KNOW. I have been remembering my dreams and been able to think more clearly, and I pretty much got rid of that annoying ate up feeling that I used to get ALOT.. Well everyday.. But drinking water makes that about a trillion times better too.. I LOVE IT.. I have pretty much put it down to tea, water(well, lemon water.. I figure why not mix the two and make it tastier and healthier?), and juices/milk.. I pretty much completely stopped soda.. And I feel WAY better all the time.. Morning tea instead of coffee.. I feel better health wise now.. Way better.
that's good to hear! i love it when people see the benefits of the simple things like that. it makes the little things appear to actually make a difference on a noticeable scale. encourages even more little changes. good times!
I think he basically didn't read anything you posted except the water comment.

:roll: :lol:
Lol you wish thats all I read. I would almost feel bad for not reading that after someone spent at least 15 minutes giving me advice lol.. I just didn't say anything and took the advice I have no questions on any of it.. THANK YOU ALLUSION :D seriously. :D
You did alot :D
There must be something I am doing wrong? What exactly happens during meditation? I have been trying it off and on for awhile, but never had an out of body or any kind of spiritual experience.. I think I am stopping too early, but sitting here for 30 minute straight watching purple and yellow swirls, should turn into something.. I only went for a whole 30 minutes just awhile ago, and I think I stopped right when it was getting interesting.. :( at first, my heart was beating really fast for some reason, and I could feel my body moving with it, but I realized after awhile it went down A LOT. It must have been 2-3x slower than it was when I started! But I could almost lose myself every once in awhile.. Like, I was sitting here and my hands were on a blanket, but my hands felt weightless after awhile and so did everything else.. So weightless that sometimes I could be were I was this morning at the lunch table, or be talking with the people I was talking to earlier today, I have read about this, but apparently its supposed to feel like you are actually there? I mean I kind of felt that way, but I couldn't remember the conversations word for word or anything..

This just wasn't right, what happens to YOU when you meditate? Am I just under the wrong impression that you actually see whats going on? Like when you lucid dream? Obviously it isn't a dream, but are things as vivid and sharp as they are in dreams? Also what does the out of body part of meditation mean? Was what I felt considered out of body? This all is just so weird, and I have read to much about it tonight and my eyes hurt.. So I'm just going to ask these questions directly and hope theres an answer waiting for me in the morning :D Just is it the way I'm sitting? I was criss-cross, in this comfortable chair, my head wasn't resting on anything, but I didn't want to fall asleep.. I remember at one point, I could hear my minds voice and it was echoing, it was all just sooo quiet, I'm just new to doing it for that long I guess, I never really took the patients before, just please answer the questions, I want to know as much about this as possible honestly, I feel really good right now, and now I'm gonna go to bed. Night :D
Nanosage a dit:
There must be something I am doing wrong? What exactly happens during meditation? I have been trying it off and on for awhile, but never had an out of body or any kind of spiritual experience.. I think I am stopping too early, but sitting here for 30 minute straight watching purple and yellow swirls, should turn into something.. I only went for a whole 30 minutes just awhile ago, and I think I stopped right when it was getting interesting.. :( at first, my heart was beating really fast for some reason, and I could feel my body moving with it, but I realized after awhile it went down A LOT. It must have been 2-3x slower than it was when I started! But I could almost lose myself every once in awhile.. Like, I was sitting here and my hands were on a blanket, but my hands felt weightless after awhile and so did everything else.. So weightless that sometimes I could be were I was this morning at the lunch table, or be talking with the people I was talking to earlier today, I have read about this, but apparently its supposed to feel like you are actually there? I mean I kind of felt that way, but I couldn't remember the conversations word for word or anything..

This just wasn't right, what happens to YOU when you meditate? Am I just under the wrong impression that you actually see whats going on? Like when you lucid dream? Obviously it isn't a dream, but are things as vivid and sharp as they are in dreams? Also what does the out of body part of meditation mean? Was what I felt considered out of body? This all is just so weird, and I have read to much about it tonight and my eyes hurt.. So I'm just going to ask these questions directly and hope theres an answer waiting for me in the morning :D Just is it the way I'm sitting? I was criss-cross, in this comfortable chair, my head wasn't resting on anything, but I didn't want to fall asleep.. I remember at one point, I could hear my minds voice and it was echoing, it was all just sooo quiet, I'm just new to doing it for that long I guess, I never really took the patients before, just please answer the questions, I want to know as much about this as possible honestly, I feel really good right now, and now I'm gonna go to bed. Night :D

meditation does not give you super powers. you think too highly of what meditation should be offering you. meditation doesn't give you anything. meditation is what you make of it. of course this is not to say nothing can be had from it. you seem to be doing fine. you just don't have all the flashing lights of a new highscore, or the dramatic theme music of a movie that you are so used to seeing associated with it. idk, you seem to be making progress by me. shit i mean you sat for a FULL half hour and did nothing. on purpose. :shock: . would you ever have done that before? would you have had the attention span? would you ever have taken some time out of your day to remove everything in your life, all your concerns, put your worries on hold for a bit and JUST RELAX? these are the things you must consider in pursuing your meditations. not have i gained any new abilities yet? i mean your progress can be marked BOTH ways, but the latter one makes it tricky to even see where you are going with it...

"but my hands felt weightless after awhile and so did everything else.. So weightless that sometimes I could be "

this is you losing sensation of your body. you still have more practice to do. after a while the feeling becomes more and more noticeable, to the extent that you feel you have no body. dont get caught up in the literal term "out of body". maybe try not to move too much, or rather don't think about the sensations that you're having, just have them. (or find subtle ways to facilitate having them)

"at first, my heart was beating really fast for some reason, and I could feel my body moving with it, but I realized after awhile it went down A LOT. It must have been 2-3x slower than it was when I started! But I could almost lose myself every once in awhile.."

you're very self aware, try not to concentrate/think so hard. this sounds like progress to me.
everyone seems to say something different a bout what meditating does and doesnt do, i started meditating a few months ago and i thinmk it has given me a slightly increased sense of inner serenity, and i sleep better at night now, but i never felt i was getting any super powers or anything like that