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MDMA Powder 101


Elfe Mécanique
1 Sept 2006
Hi all 'nauts here !

I just got 1g of pure MDMA powder / crystals (grey semi-transparent crystals of different sizes like salt), and...I don't know what the best way to consume it (not the entire gram for myself, of course !)

Should I put directly the stuff on my tongue and wait (how long and disgusting + bad for my teeth ?) for it to dissolve, or is it better for us (the forthcoming takers) to get some plastic med caps to ingest it then ?
Is the effect better/faster/stronger in some way (Im not looking for the big brain knock but for the best enjoyable experience ;)

I was thinking about cutting the gram in 5 pieces of 200 mg, knowing that we're all big boys around 80-90 kg, I just go a lil bit over the 2mg/ body-kg advice I've found on erowid...is 150mg or 100mg "smarter ?" (it will be consumed during an enormous 12h+ techno rave :P )

Finally, I already took ecstasy a few times and it was alright and very enjoyable for me, except the body heating effect : I had the feeling of my metabolism burning from the inside, and had to drink a lot regularly :lol:
Is there any body effects of this kind with mdma powder ? (I suppose so, but maybe it's different or stronger in some way?)

Thank you for your answers ! 8)


25 Fev 2009
I don't know how experienced you are with MDMA but the amount you take will depend on the effects you are looking for. 200mg is a larger starting dose IMO and if you are used to taking pills that kind of dose may glue you to the floor. Why not break it into smaller doses and take one to start and another if you are not getting the desired effects off one?

Second, I have never really had an experience where pure MDMA cause overheating or the sensation of feeling too hot. That feeling is caused IME buy Meth in your pills.

As for injestion, there are a number of ways to do it but if you are planning on taking the MDMA into an all day event then most covenient way would be to get some capsules at your local health/suplement store and put the MDMA in them. other ways of doing are just eating the powder (yuck) snorting it (burns) or parachuting it ( putting the MDMA in a small piece of toilet paper and swallowing).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
200 mgs is OK .

Put it in a cigaret paper and swallow it .

Capsules arent made of plastic they are usualy made of geletine from dead animals .

Dont fix it .

The heat comes from the X .


22 Mar 2009
Well. According to your body weight and the fact you've taken xtc already, 150mg might kick your ass... Fuck ya! I wouldn't take more if i was you. Pure mdma is much stronger than pills. I mean there's few chances you got a good mdma pill (100mg for a good one) without other (shitty) stuff inside. With the perfect quantity you will meet the sweet spot. Taking more would'nt change your feelings and make your experience better, even worst with body overheating and other bad side effects...

As others said before, just take it in cigarette paper and swallow it. Snorting is very painful. Settings are very important as well. Do not take mdma with a full stomach just after a big meal or 10 pints of beer. Effects might be reduced and it will take you longer to get high.

mdma is a gift, don't waste it :lol: ... makes me think i would love get a bit :wink:


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
i don't know about anybody else. But before i tried mdma (i had never done any other stimulants, only true psychedelics and weed), well people told me mdma was a little bit psychedelic and would give an ecstatic feeling.

So when i first wanted to try it i bought 1 gr together with another friend, we started by taking 150-200mg each (my bodyweight is around 60kg), and redosed 50 - 100mg every 1 or 2 hours. At the end of the night we had about 150mg left.

And, well, i can't say mdma was very intense... i would almost call it less intense than smoking weed or rather equal to that inensity, but different. The ecstatic feeling was kinda fake imo. Yes i had a great time (we were at a party), talked to a lot of people and had no bad thoughts, no matter what happened. But i wasnt feeling GREAT i was just feeling chill... like everything was fine, just enjoying life....

Now... is this rly all there is to mdma, or am i just not that sensitive to it? :?
all in all it kinda dissapointed me, as i expected much more, and i would recommend a higher dose than 200mg for starters from MY experience.

ps: i did get a bleeding nose the next morning after i woke up, but had no further complaints.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
I think you've been ripped off.

150mg+ for a first time should be pretty fucking intense :)

(though I've heared of people not liking MDMA)


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
hmm i don't think ive been ripped off, i knew the person i got it from personally, and she used it herself as well, advising me to not take more than 250mg in total the first time. Plus that my friend seemed to enjoy it more than me, to the point that i wanted to take more and he was like 'are you sure? o.o'.

and it wasn't like i didn't like the effects ... i just expected more.. if that really is all there is to it.. well ok, then it's still a nice drug, but nothing jaw dropping, just to have a good time. Greatly puzzles me why this substance is illegal hehe..


Elfe Mécanique
1 Sept 2006
(Thanks for your quick answers !

Ok well, the friendsdudes I got the powder from are quite well experienced with mdma and told me that "the product is...(head shakings meaning yes)...good"
They were turning on it at a party we went on last saturday, and from what I've seen it's a lil bit more than a chill-out effect :lol:, plus their pupils where saying "yey!" for them...

So, I'm gonna cut the gram in 8, it's my lucky-life number, I feel it pretty well this way/
I'll use empty home paracetamol gelly caps, I dont feel good about parachutes and eating paper stuff + Im ok with dead animals turned into gelly sorry :lol:

If I feel already good with that dose, I'll maybe dilute one more cap in a juice glass or smthg and drink it progressively
As I've always preferred cool & smooth trips than heavyweight knock out (the same for weed or mushrooms, I like drugs smooth :D )

Thanks 8) I'll let you know howwozit !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If its the real thing , good quality and you take a decent dose it should make you feel like a 14 year old girl in love . A sort of relaxed wow! , cool ! , isnt everyone nice , give me a hug effect .


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
GOD a dit:
A sort of relaxed wow! , cool ! , isnt everyone nice , give me a hug effect .

uhm, ya... thats kinda what it felt like. and ya its a nice feeling.. but it's not ecstatic on my terms... a true ecstatic feeling i had was on acid, just looking straight ahead, tears flowing like a waterfall out of immense joy, a sort of understanding of the way the world 'is', not to be put in words...


28 Jan 2009
1 700
in the right setting with the right people it can be ecstatic


25 Fev 2009
Mescaline a dit:
hmm i don't think ive been ripped off, i knew the person i got it from personally, and she used it herself as well, advising me to not take more than 250mg in total the first time. Plus that my friend seemed to enjoy it more than me, to the point that i wanted to take more and he was like 'are you sure? o.o'.

and it wasn't like i didn't like the effects ... i just expected more.. if that really is all there is to it.. well ok, then it's still a nice drug, but nothing jaw dropping, just to have a good time. Greatly puzzles me why this substance is illegal hehe..

Do you take any perscription meds? MDMA can be greatly deminished or negated by some anti-depresants.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
depends what your doing too.


Elfe Mécanique
4 Jan 2007
no i dont take any meds.. am completely healthy hehe

but it could have been the setting + people like mr. smith said.
we were on a party so that's good, but it weren't ppl i would be friends with, on the mdma i didn't have a problem to hang out with them at all tho.

I now remember taking the 150mg left overs myself the next day at a beach-party, with friends this time.... well the experience was quite the same as the night b4 although the dose was way lower (ca. 150mg vs ca. 400mg). So i can imagine people and setting making a noticable difference... i guess i should try it again with some good friends in a nice recreational area :lol:


Matrice périnatale
29 Mar 2009
Remember a couple of things.

Pressed pills can contain a whole shebang of different shit. From 2C-x's, BZP, MDA, mescaline, etc. etc. Realistically, MDMA is not as "intense" as everyone thinks it is. The reason MDMA got so popular with people who aren't into "drugs" is because it was not "intoxicating" but rather just made you feel really positive and not worry about all the small things in life. Honestly, MDMA is the type of thing you want to take in a group of people or if you goto a party, etc., not just something to take and sit around watching cartoons.

In fact, the pills that people tend to think are 'better' are the ones that are MDA or a MDMA/MDA combination. MDA is significantly more hallucinogenic and thus makes you feel more "fucked up." You really shouldn't feel "fucked up" on MDMA.

As for dosing, 90-100mg is a standard dose and honestly, with pure MDMA, that should make you feel like the first time you ever rolled. But if you're like me, then you'd hear "90-100mg" is a standard dose and then take 150mg. I would take 150mg. You should take 150-175mg, leaning towards 175 if you're a big guy.

The other possibility is that you didn't get ripped off, with something bogus, but perhaps you were given a gram of crystal methamphetamine. Eating a 150-200mg dose would just make you feel happy, positive, and talkative. Not sure where you live, but pricing and appearance of the two is extremely similar here. Would be easy to mistaken one for the other.

You really should estimate out about 200mg and put it up your noses over the course of half an hour and then go out with some friends to a club or party. Might help with intensity.

Plus, as previously mentioned, other drugs/medications can seriously deter you from rolling. So, be clean (HAHA) when you're doing this. I remember a couple of years ago, I was using heroin everyday and had been for a while, so my birthday comes around and someone handed me a couple of pills that were supposed to be "bomb as shit" and for real, I hardly even rolled. I felt, MAYBE, a little something, but really not at all. Plus, just because you haven't taken your prozac or whatever for a day or two, doesn't necessarily mean it won't deter you from rolling. So, keep that in mind too.

But definitely, if you felt a bit of something, it sounds like it could be more location/experience than anything else. A fun party or inviting a couple people over to roll with would probably be your best bet.

Invite some lady friends over and report back. :-)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I`ve never heard of a pill thats suposed to be MDMA that had mescaline in it .

If you take MDMA ata party the effects will be less than if you took it at home with your girlfriend .

Its not good to put things up your nose . It hurts and you will eventualy fuck your nose up .

If you took 100 - 200 mgs of meth you would be awake for a few days .


Elfe Mécanique
19 Oct 2008
Is it me, or does everyone here do tiny amounts of MDMA ( or do all the people i hang around with do loads)? 150mg wouldnt get you fucked, I did 250mg on my first time and I could have done with another quarter gram.

Maybe Im just getting horribly doofed or you lot just get some really good mandy.


25 Fev 2009
^^ Here in the US MDMA or E pills are far more expensive than in the UK and Europe. from what I hear, it is common for people in the UK to buy 10 pills and eat them all in the course of a night. That would be cost prohibitive in the US to most party goers.

The problem is that after 3 or 4 pills you brain is complete saratonin depleted and you will not get the full effects from taking any more. There is a mild stimulant effect but not much else. After 3 or 4 pills you are just increasing your tolerance and worstening the hang over.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Nov 2007
yeah they deff. do cost more here in the US, but if you're in the right place at the right time like SWIM :wink: , you can get em for like 5$!! but the pure is wayyyy too overpriced IMO(sometimes up to 150$ G)