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Manifestation of Imaginary Friends?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
like i said just pray to god every night, you will build an imaginary relationship very quickly!


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
IJesusChrist a dit:
like i said just pray to god every night, you will build an imaginary relationship very quickly!

I couldn't bring myself to honestly... Just.... UGH>


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I dislike when people say that, I find it is usually an unjust "hate".

You don't actually hate the religion - you hate the most moronic of the group, correct?

You wouldn't say you hate an entire resteraunt because of one waiter, so why do the same with religion?

I used to be in the same shoes as you, but to be quite honest, I find it immature to cast off religion as stupid. To use such words as hate show me you haven't given alot of thought into why...

Nothing needs hate.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
IJesusChrist a dit:
I dislike when people say that, I find it is usually an unjust "hate".

You don't actually hate the religion - you hate the most moronic of the group, correct?

You wouldn't say you hate an entire resteraunt because of one waiter, so why do the same with religion?

I used to be in the same shoes as you, but to be quite honest, I find it immature to cast off religion as stupid. To use such words as hate show me you haven't given alot of thought into why...

Nothing needs hate.

First: I've given more thought to this shit than you know, don't judge by a single post on this thread.

I can't stand the way organized religion is presented to people. It isn't just the government brainwashing people, it's the church as well. "Come here and love Jesus so you can enter the eternal kingdom and serve him forever along with all of the other assholes who believe this shit! OH YEAH! Your donation really helps Jesus love you back!" I'm not immature about this man. When I was young, I quested for "God". Born of a family in which nobody ever actively practiced any religion, I at a young age realized that I was gonna die someday. (Just to make a point I'll touch again many times in my life) People practice because they fear death.

Everlasting LIFE! That's an awesome thing to think could happen. but it wont. People made it up to comfort themselves as a whole. Its the exact opposite of what is going to happen when you finally kick the bucket. I've seen enough animals die at my hands to know this for fact.

Anyway, I'm drunk and got off track, but you are getting this full on drunken rant because we are pretty much the only two people who have posted on this shit for the past two weeks.

Oh yeah. I walked to a church nearby my childhood home. I found good people there. People I still respect for the most part. I PLAYED GUITAR IN THE FUCKIN' BAND! Sang, danced, loved, hoped with all of those other people. Looking back on it, I was a kid from a bad family life looking for comfort and acceptance in the dream all of these people commonly shared. I think the only good thing about that church is that it was open all the time and the people there would really try to help. Be it BBQ dinners, theater, daycare, whatever they could do to make people join there cause. A lot of the members where neighbors to me, shocked to even see a kid who's Mom's on blow and booze, beating people in the middle of the street, cops quite a bit. But what really fucked me up was how the devout gave their own hard earned money to support the pastor's house payment, the church's payment. Different motives for all of them, I'm sure, but as an outside observer..... And being older now.... It is just THAT ingrained into their heads! We pray, we give money to the church! It is a tradition!

I've got no problem with people practicing by themselves at home. Think what you want, but your fucking wrong. Its not my problem man! I can turn the other cheek to those people. I'll even be kind to the dumbshits who come to my front door trying to convert me with a book written by a whole bunch of wealthy people for over half of recorded human history! I tel them I am not interested and they usually smile and say "okay".

It isn't a hate of the concept of god.... It is a hate of corporate greed, a hate of the system we live in, and a hate for the fact that most of these devout people will LOOK DOWN ON GOOD PERSONS because they don't believe. As much as they preach forgiveness my ass. Some of the biggest, most judgemental dickheads I've met in my 22 years, I honestly believe have been that way due to their misguided faith.

I do hate. Sometimes more than others, and only when I feel it is completely warranted. Allow yourself a little hate. I know it is a strong word, but sometimes people deserve it. Anyone closed minded, gullible, or greedy enough to read that book, believe every word and buy into the system...... Meet me in a dark ally motherfucker. I'm a member of the NRA too! LOLZ!

So in closing: Fuck organized religion.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
I love how the subject change doesn't matter because of what you implied about god being an imaginary friend. HA! I love this website.


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
Spencer a dit:
So the other day I was speaking to a friend about this. Can you see the possible mental benefits in talking to an imaginary friend? If you believed enough in this alter ego, you would always have someone to speak to about your deepest problems.... And in truth you are only talking to yourself, so who are you hurting aside from almost forcibly making an ego-schism in your mind? Hell, it may be therapeutic to some people.

yeah and if you were "good at it" you'd make yourself a schitzo. i've talked about this with my friend. making a schitzo be exact person you want to be, then letting it take over your body and be your consciousness. definitely would be possible. we interact with our subconscious and we don't even know it. our subconscious even interacts with different levels of itself.

i eventually realize it wasn't a good idea because it's like creating a "program" to help you grow. it's like a crutch with many possible bad side effects. especially if you use it to talk to your problems.

that said i definitely think it would be a good idea to deal with your problems internally. but you don't need a split personality to do that


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
Allusion a dit:
this of course was a visualization in my mind, something i saw with my eyes closed, not something that was actually emanating from me into 3 dimensional space. or maybe it was. honestly i was so far into the experience that i no longer had sense of boundaries, nor when my eyes were open or not. this came in waves
i think it was your way of interpreting a very real thing. like dreams of the future being your subconscious's way of making predictions. your subconscious really knows the truth, and thats how it shows your conscious. and i think truth is located in the deepest subconscious: DNA


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
Spencer a dit:
IJesusChrist a dit:
i think your perception of me is skewed
Most likely.

ALRIGHT - another point... Say i wanted to achieve the Manifestation/Melding of my subconious being into my concious trip. which substance? Acid?
neither and both. adrenaline! the universal booster.

why don't you try fucking with your adrenaline. next time you feel good pay attention to the feeling (chest/stomach area) and recreate it. its kinda hard to get motivation for it but try to do it when you're in the movie theater or when you're a passenger in a car. the last time i messed with it often i had some serious experiences. felt like my hands were energy detectors (turns out it's a thing. it's hindu or something i think it's called nidaris) my palms were throbbing .....anyways try to at least get it to the point where you can dilate your eyes(and pupils were thought to be completely subconscious. it doesn't take much to have proof that you can AT LEAST get it semi-conscious) and show people. thats the point i'm at. the point i've been at =/
then if you try that while tripping you'll probably see something (haven't done it yet. only with weed)


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juil 2010
waygie a dit:
Spencer a dit:
IJesusChrist a dit:
i think your perception of me is skewed
Most likely.

ALRIGHT - another point... Say i wanted to achieve the Manifestation/Melding of my subconious being into my concious trip. which substance? Acid?
neither and both. adrenaline! the universal booster.

why don't you try fucking with your adrenaline. next time you feel good pay attention to the feeling (chest/stomach area) and recreate it. its kinda hard to get motivation for it but try to do it when you're in the movie theater or when you're a passenger in a car. the last time i messed with it often i had some serious experiences. felt like my hands were energy detectors (turns out it's a thing. it's hindu or something i think it's called nidaris) my palms were throbbing .....anyways try to at least get it to the point where you can dilate your eyes(and pupils were thought to be completely subconscious. it doesn't take much to have proof that you can AT LEAST get it semi-conscious) and show people. thats the point i'm at. the point i've been at =/
then if you try that while tripping you'll probably see something (haven't done it yet. only with weed)

Adrenaline.... That's a funny concept. I've done Cocaine. That is as close as you can get to it in a substance. I would be interesting if you could get some pure adrenaline, fix yourself up with it and be high as fuck. ^^ Not for me. I'll watch you do it though!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
Spencer a dit:
Adrenaline.... That's a funny concept. I've done Cocaine. That is as close as you can get to it in a substance. I would be interesting if you could get some pure adrenaline, fix yourself up with it and be high as fuck. ^^ Not for me. I'll watch you do it though!

drugs are a crutch. if you want to do things with your brain/body. do things with your brain/body (as in mess with your "energy". the proof that it's actually doing something is in the putting. the intense feeling, and the dialted pupils)
thats all i was saying

that said, it's probably a way to make yourself crazy too. i'm pretty sure its serotinin i'm messing with and too much serotinin = yousa schitzo