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Has anyone tried LSD?

Where, how and with whom is the best way of taking it :?:


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
yes, i did ... last weekend, the first time ever! it was pretty weak, though. i had some slightly distorted visions and the colors seemed a bit more intense. i was with friends and we were laughing all the time, over 10-12 hours! nowadays acid is hard to come by and if you manage to get it, it's most probably that cheap techno-shit suited for ravers as a dance drug. i'll try getting some good stuff then.

you just swallow the blotter, that's it and since LSD is a strong hallucinogen you should have someone by your side the first time you're doing it, someone sober, that is. and where? in a safe enviroment i would say but i guess that's all up to you.


Matrice périnatale
5 Jan 2006
and if you'll find yourself liking it, don't do it everytime you think about it, or you'll find yourself in an akward position, an interesting probably, but have fun and smile :weedman:


Elfe Mécanique
8 Déc 2005
Dear themoles,
Can you compare the effect of LSD with the effect of psilocybine/psilocin? But stronger?


Elfe Mécanique
16 Déc 2005
is there something to quit a bad trip ?

i heard some rumours about MDMA cutting it off...

and i heard some pharm drugs do the trick too..

can some 1 confirm this ?

Bad Tripping can lead to psicological damage ?



Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Never heard about the MDMA stuff , but Valium will dull the effects of most Psychoactive drugs and also LSD. But I still think bad tripping is a state of mind, not something medical.


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
Rutger a dit:
Never heard about the MDMA stuff , but Valium will dull the effects of most Psychoactive drugs and also LSD.

Thorazine has also been used to stop "bad trips", but there is some evidence that it actually doesn't affect the trip itself in any way, it just immobilizes the person. Which, most likely, will turn the trip even worse.

But I still think bad tripping is a state of mind, not something medical.

I totally agree. The things you experince during your trip originate from you own psyche. And thus you naturally have the power to affect the direction your trip is taking. As the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says, "Don't Panic!" :D


Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
I also think that bad tripping is something that happens if a person does not take the substance seriousl. Then he is taken by suprise by the effect and does not like it or can't handle it. Most people who are very down to earth, or always want to be in control als cannot let go and therefore go bad.

How do you feel about tripping alone by the way ? I heard lots about it and in a way it makes much more sense. The interaction with the outside world (especially with a sitter who is sober) is keeping the trip down and more down to earth.

Thinking about using it alone one time, shrooms or LSD, anyone experience with that ? Do you really need a sitter (I never use one , only co-trippers) or is a trip alone more interesting ?


6 Oct 2005
Rutger a dit:
Thinking about using it alone one time, shrooms or LSD, anyone experience with that ? Do you really need a sitter (I never use one , only co-trippers) or is a trip alone more interesting ?
It's also my opinion sitters (and even co-trippers) keep the trip down. My first mushroomtrip was with about 10 people, of which one was sober. The sober guy didn't really affect the trip - other than make everyone laugh because he was talking gibberish (West-Flemish amidst a bunch of people from Antwerp and Limburg). On the other hand, there was one guy on LSD who was making sure no one had a bad trip, but the fact that he was monitoring us and looking at us, often made me feel uncomfortable or even a bit embarassed when I opened my eyes after some closed-eye visuals (during which I was probably making silly faces whilst constantly moving my head around).

Tripping on your own is something anyone should consider, at one point, because I think you can learn even more from it than from a regular trip. You have to be prepared for the fact that you'll be left entirely alone with your thoughts, however. Make sure the conditions are optimal and that everything you need for a decent trip is at hand.
I once tried using a shroom-LSA combination on my own, but some things that I find essential for a trip were missing. I was used to tripping with some music on in a decently lit room, but this time around, I was in a pretty unintersting dark, white room with some broken-down headphones for my iPod. Most of the trip was great, but after about 5 hours, I really wanted to go to sleep. Alas, the psychedelics hadn't stopped working yet and I got pretty depressed because of some paragraphs I'd read in "The Doors of Perception", and there was nothing - no music, no interesting objects - that could help me get my mind of these thoughts.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
Shroomlady a dit:
Dear themoles,
Can you compare the effect of LSD with the effect of psilocybine/psilocin? But stronger?
hi there, sorry i was still suffereing from hangover ... drugs, you love them you hate them! the dose i got was nothing compared to a full blown mushroom trip but like i said, it was weak ... sunshine acid will make mushrooms look like a kids toy (from what i heard), i still did not experience it yet, people ruined everything, the music, the drugs ... it's hopeless.


Matrice périnatale
5 Jan 2006
people indeed do ruin most of the few good things, sadly enough
on the other hand
there are still quite a lot of people that do know what they're doing; one of them is the chemist that produces heart trips (brown paper, pink heart). Quite nice to see the whole world at once, covered with purple white green mist


Matrice périnatale
5 Jan 2006
eyeless a dit:
Rutger a dit:
Thinking about using it alone one time, shrooms or LSD, anyone experience with that ? Do you really need a sitter (I never use one , only co-trippers) or is a trip alone more interesting ?
It's also my opinion sitters (and even co-trippers) keep the trip down. My first mushroomtrip was with about 10 people, of which one was sober. The sober guy didn't really affect the trip - other than make everyone laugh because he was talking gibberish (West-Flemish amidst a bunch of people from Antwerp and Limburg). On the other hand, there was one guy on LSD who was making sure no one had a bad trip, but the fact that he was monitoring us and looking at us, often made me feel uncomfortable or even a bit embarassed when I opened my eyes after some closed-eye visuals (during which I was probably making silly faces whilst constantly moving my head around).

Tripping on your own is something anyone should consider, at one point, because I think you can learn even more from it than from a regular trip. You have to be prepared for the fact that you'll be left entirely alone with your thoughts, however. Make sure the conditions are optimal and that everything you need for a decent trip is at hand.
I once tried using a shroom-LSA combination on my own, but some things that I find essential for a trip were missing. I was used to tripping with some music on in a decently lit room, but this time around, I was in a pretty unintersting dark, white room with some broken-down headphones for my iPod. Most of the trip was great, but after about 5 hours, I really wanted to go to sleep. Alas, the psychedelics hadn't stopped working yet and I got pretty depressed because of some paragraphs I'd read in "The Doors of Perception", and there was nothing - no music, no interesting objects - that could help me get my mind of these thoughts.
Why didn't you just go outside ? :-)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
A full soda-glass (or two) full of vodka helps a lot against a bad trip :)
The only problem in the moment of a bad trip is that you're going to have a hard time convincing yourself to drink it... :roll:

Some people say that smoking weed helps them against bad trips, but for other people (like me) it makes everything worse (more loss of control, more bad thoughts and so on) so I absolutely wouldn't recommend it...


6 Oct 2005
liquid.fritz a dit:
Why didn't you just go outside ? :-)
It was on a cold November day, the first day it snowed in Belgium. I had already walked over to my sister's place (with the boring living room) whilst slightly tripping and, although it was a good experience in general, I enjoy my trips more while laying down and relaxing. Outside, I wouldn't have had any place to sit down and keep myself warm, and my visit to the bathroom had already proven that I wasn't really capable of walking decently or even standing upright for a bit.

But hey, her cat kept me company during my entire trip - and at one point scared the shit out of me when I opened my eyes from some closed-eye visuals and only then noticed the poor thing was sitting on my chest and staring right at me.


15 Juin 2005
i once ate acid and went swimming.

that was the best swim ever. it was the baltic sea in midsummer. whoa. but responsible as i was (and am? he-he) didn't go too deep.

was really strange to swim that time. but wouldn't recommend to anyone really. safety first! and that..


Elfe Mécanique
16 Déc 2005
i think you can avoid bad tripping with this combination...any of u agrees ?

The Candyflip Effect

I like candyflipping all around better than any other drug (or drug combination) because in many ways it is very close to being sober as far as your mental state, but it allows you to access all the really excellent effects of acid (music sounds great, sense of profoundness, insightfulness) and E (poise, confidence, self-love and love for others) without the downsides (the "confusion" and scariness of acid, the running-around-hugging-everyone effect of E).

The candyflip moment, as I think of it, is about half an hour after you take your E. The acid confusion seems to lift off of you like a heavy fog suddenly dissipating. The room suddenly seems more open (this is very dramatic if you're someplace with a high ceiling). You are suddenly instilled with a sense wonder and awe at the amazing things our world has to offer, a feeling that you have power over your own destiny, and a sense of purpose to do the things that are important to you. And there is an incredible feeling that something profound and important is about to happen.

Watching someone who is in the midst of a successful candyflip is pretty cool, too. Their entire demeanor gains a perfect confidence, without the slightest hint of arrogance. Their skin seems to glow. The eyes are probably the most dramatic: they grow wide and bright, like those of a child, but wiser.

My favorite candyflip activity is looking at a powerful laser and listening to really good trance coming out of big speakers, but that's just me. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
LSD isn't dangerous physically, so the combination should be pretty ok. What I guess is important is that you won't take too much of neither drug.
I never did it - but I guess I'd try it almost any time (xtc has been my favorite years ago - I liked it too much so I had to stop, but it turned everything into an amazing party)


Elfe Mécanique
29 Juil 2005
But make sure you drink plenty of water! you have to drink water when you do E and you might want to look into 5-HTP to boost up your serotin level before and after the trip cause you could get pretty drained...