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LSA Seeds


Matrice périnatale
29 Nov 2005
What are the best LSA seeds you can buy on *******?


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
Hawaiian baby woodrose in my opinion, but they really don't differ that much from morning glory. Ololiuhqui are a lot stronger and I suppose has some other active chemicals, for it gives (from what I've heard) a different and more intense effect than Morning glory or HBWR seeds.
Try to avoid the nausea as much as possible. Use the method described on ******* or smoke a joint in advance..


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
You might also want to consider extracting LSA from the seeds, that decreases the possibility of nausea considerably. The method isn't that hard and the chemicals can be obtained without much effort. Erowid has good articles of the subject.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Yeah, the nausea sucks. It was almost unbearable the first hour. After the effects started kicking in it was gone, though.


18 Août 2005
There are a lot of side effects with this stuff, like nausea, pain in stomach and legs even.
One trip I accidentally got frans bauer(dutch crap “music


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Nov 2005
Heb je even voor mij!?
maak wat plaats voor mij vrij!

Anyway, I orderd Morning Glory seeds.. I will see.


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
I did 3.5 HBR seeds two days ago. I've cut them into little pieces with a knife, then warmed up water, an let it cool down a little bit. Then I added the seeds to the water and drank the brew after an hour or something. I felt the nausea kicking in really, really fast, after 5 minutes or so.
I thought that the way I prepared it would make it easier for the body, since the alkaloids were mostly in the water. wrong :)
Anyway, I felt naucious for hours, but when I laid down I felt less of it. It didn't had any effects except for the things you feel when you eat shrooms and they strat kicking in. Tinteling legs and feet, and a restless feeling. At one point I stood up and had no idea what to do, walked a few meters and sat down again, and repeated that a few times. Kinda like fever-flu feeling.
After two hours after drinking I went home cause I didnt have any good effects. When I was home I had some soup, which made the nausea go away. After this I went straight to bed, and that felt really good:) three blankets made me feel warm again, cause I was cold to the bone. After some time the flickering of my closed eyes stopped and some closed eyed visuals came up. This lasted for some time, and most of them weren't that aesthetic :P really bad gradients, like blue to white to red, very 90's alike :) But I started feeling better, probably because I like visuals. So there I was lying in bed, with a smile from ear to ear.
When I woke up I looked like I smoked three joints, and felt kinda dizzy.

Conclusion: I probably did something wrong :) No idea what, but I think I'll try to extract the LSA next time. Anyone knows a good way to do this?


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Nov 2005
Yesterday I ate 600+ Morning Glory seeds. Crushed them to powder and 'swallowed' it with 2 glasses watter. A short story.. :
Soon a heavy pain in the stomach appeared, I became very nauseous and after 40 minutes I puked like an indiot.. lying on the ground, shaking uncontrolled with my body. After the puking I felt better.
Anyway.. to stay short.. there were NO open- and NO closed eyes visuals. I only felt dizzy, dreamy and the headache and the tiredness obligated me to shut my eyes and let me sleep. I hoped, and I knowed almost for sure, the night will bring me something interesting. But no, I felt asleep and woke the next morning. Slept for 12 hours, almost dreamless. Nothing really interesting happend.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I dont know why every body thinks that ololiququi seeds are the best.HBW have the high concetraction of LSA, 4-8seeds for halu effect.Second in place are Ipomea violancea with LSA concetraction of 0.06% of LSA.The weakest are Rivea corymbosa with 0,012% of LSA.So for concluison the best are HBW but they have high concetraction so I prefer Ipomea.Ololiququi-Rivea corymbosa are the weakest so do not take that-this is my opinion and Hofmanns-he is first discovered what this seeds are.They are much poisonus for body and brain.And for everybody who doesnt know what OLOLQUQUI means-little round thing.There are many LSA seeds from family like:Convolvulus,Argyreia,Stictocardia,and other Ipomea class. Please What do You think :?:


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Nov 2005
Well, have never tried HBWR or glory's but I did try "the little round things" once (purchased at *******). Took 10 of them on the comedown from a shroom trip, crushed, soaked in water, drank along with the seed powder.
Felt nothing. Thought of the possible cross-tolerance but doubtful - I was still coming down and they should have kicked in, I guess.
Anyway, now I'm waiting for some HBWR from IAmShaman to try (BTW, with all respect to ******* guys seems like their prices suck BIG TIME compared to IAS's - my 50 seeds Hawaiian strain cost me E10.40, ******* sells 10 of theirs for E7.50 :mrgreen: If anyone from ******* comes here could you explain why such a HUGE difference - maybe I miss smth).
When I get 'em will report. Peace all.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
******* is the most popular store on net, that"s why they have so high prices and is weary easy to buy something and have lots of conections.But I have discovered that thay doesnt put much on warnings.Iboga can excerebrate parkinson-about 1% got it.Doesnt realy tell what is going to happen when you take something or they put it in best light.Pedro or Torch have meskalin but 5kilo of it have like one 20year old Peyote.One guy said that he had from 20grams super trip-what is super trip,something like one shroom or 500mics of Acid.I dont know if that guy know what is real voyage.And other stuff, there are a lots of it. :roll: 8)


Elfe Mécanique
21 Déc 2005
Hawaiian woodrose is best I think.
Morning glory and Flying Saucer are good... But I ate 800 seeds of morning glory and felt no effects! =(


Matrice périnatale
5 Juil 2006
skrudge a dit:
I did 3.5 HBR seeds two days ago. I've cut them into little pieces with a knife, then warmed up water, an let it cool down a little bit. Then I added the seeds to the water and drank the brew after an hour or something.

The warm water is where you went wrong. LSA aswell as LSD are EXTREMELY sensitive to heat and light.

Also, if you are makeing a brew you should let the seeds sit for a day or two.

My process-

Seeds are ground up and added to a jar with cold water wrapped with tin foil. Jar is then placed in a small cooler filled with ice for up to 24 hours. Filter and drink.l


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I've had an extract of MG seeds once. It was all perfect, 400 seeds with a perfect benzene plus alcohol extraction. What I got was a weak trip with a high body-load (high heart rate, high blood-pressure). Once I got a very, very weak (though unexpected!) trip from 100 seeds chewed. Usually 20-60 seeds relax me with a little stoned feeling (done that a few times, it's nice but not what you're looking for).
If you want to trip, you want to take shrooms! Shrooms are the only legal (or half-legal, whatever country you're in) way to trip!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
In America shrooms are Schedule I.

What if you are a farmer and shrooms grow on your cow's crap? Can you be arrested for posessing 100 pounds of shrooms just because they grow on your ground? Will you go to prison for life? What I'm saying is with shrooms it's impossible to say you grew them on purpose (unless they're in a grow box in your home, duh! ;)
Of course if you have dried shrooms in your pockets it's gonna be hard to argue ...


Matrice périnatale
19 Juil 2006
Hawaiin Baby Woodrose seeds are very good in my opinion, although I haven't tried any of the other LSA seed varieties, however I couldn't imagine them being any better than these. I bought mine off IAmShaman. If you get the Hawaiin variety, they are very strong with minimal nausea. The nausea is still there, it usually sets in after about 45 minutes, but with the smoking of a bit of bud, it goes away quickly and is completely gone by the time the trip sets in about 90 minutes after eaten. I never threw up or anything.

I have eaten these twice, the first time I ate 10, the second time I ate 12. Great trip each time, and pretty wild. Very minimal visuals excpet a few very subtle open eye visuals and some fairly intense closed eye visuals during the height of the trip (maybe for about an hour), but they aren't that advanced of visuals, mostly just colored patterns. Aside from tripping on these, I have tripped twice on mushrooms, and twice on LSD. I would rank these right with mushrooms, and only slightly behind LSD. I recommend these to all you psychonauts out there. Just make sure you get a good variety.

To prepare them, make sure you soak them for 20-45 minutes, scrape off the outer coating, and then crush them and eat 'em. The tase really bothers me, but I'll consider mixing them with something in the future.