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low doses of psychedelics


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
do you find any use in using small doses of psychedelics? I tried it a few times (sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily) with diverging results.
do you sometimes trip with low doses? do you find them helpful or misleading? enjoyable or purely purposeless?


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I think anything past threshold can be harnessed to do good. But usually, the impact of the trip is so miniscule compared to your thoughts, it really doesn't have much of a point. The point of dosing is to get to a point where you are at least on edge if not off of it, so that you can go past your conditioning.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
How low? I got into what I considered relatively low dose weekend day trips by myself for a while. I'd take about 1/2 of what I'd normally take with friends when going for a full-on night. I loved it. One day I ended up cleaning the whole house as a way to stave off come-up anxiety. That had to be the most interesting housework I've ever done.

Sometimes before going out in town my girlfriend and me would take a low dose of shrooms, drink wine at home while coming up then leave after any initial nausea had passed. I'd get the loss of inhibitions from the alcohol but stay much more alert than usual.

And hey darkwolf, not every trip has to be a full on mission! Sometimes its good just to indulge in a great time or have a relaxing day with a mild trip out walking, etc.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
The feeling I get from small doses usually sets me in a mood to learn, which is exactly what I want. I feel a very big trip once is enough to set you for atleast a year or two, where smaller subsequent trips will bring back what you learned / need to learn to the forefront of thought.

I often think the best balance is all things in moderation, meaning, a small amount of everything once in a while is nice. I don't like overdoing things...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
one time, I made tea with ~35cm of homegrown san pedro, which turned out to be not as strong as I hoped it to be. I went into the woods with my hammock and a copy of "the power of now" by eckhart tolle to read for come up. the onset was typical, feeling a bit uneasy, not really sure what to do - so I listened some music and avoided getting eaten up by various insects. as time progressed nothing much really happened, except that I was able to really hook onto the inner glowing and concentrating my mind on the now, which was the most logical thing to do.
sometimes I'd change places, and after ~4 or 5 hours I went for a walk, frolicking and jumping through a marvelous meadow that happened to be in the midst of the woods. admiring the colour of the sky (if I could get hold of it I'd take it all with me, bath in it, drink it, cook stuff with it, paint my walls with it, but alas I can't do anything with it other than admiring it and it's good that way :P ) I went home to do yoga, which really made sense at this point. stretching feels heavenly after taking psychedelics, and I don't feel like doing anything more than breathing and holding the one or other pose. (as opposed to doing yoga for "getting somewhere else other than this", which isn't enjoyable at all)

almost two years ago (bloody hell time goes by) I ate 5 grams of shrooms each with a friend and we went outside. it turned out that the shrooms lost a lot of their inside goodies because I dried them in the oven at the lowest temperature possible - which was too much. the trip was more like 1 to 2 gr.. the onset was typical with a lot of drowsiness (really, one of the reasons I'm not fond of shrooms at all, it's a real killer for me), but after some time of walking we came to a nice hill and we were just easy going with the flow and found ourselves in most fantastic places.
no insights or spiritual stuff whatsoever - just very relaxed fun day, which was nice because I was quite down most of the time at this point of my life.

a month ago, which inspired me to open this thread, I had a quarter of those shiva-trips I acquired at the ozora festival. they have around 200 to 300 mics I think, the first time I had one of those I had to leave the festival panicking while running up a hill to experience egodeath up there, the most complete, total, utterly beautiful thing I ever experienced.
anyway, with good intentions and a book on Zen by D.T. Suzuki I went into the forrest to swallow a quarter of the trips I had so good memories of and meditate under the soughing of the wind through the trees.
I wasn't able to concentrate AT ALL, I couldn't sit for long periods, I couldn't concentrate on the inner glow, nothing. I walked around, carrying out the inner fight that seems tremendously ridiculous afterwards, because it looks like fighting against fighting. what is that supposed to help? but well, when you are in the circle of selfperpetuating thoughts it's often hard to see it from above.
maybe it was the intention. I did the both the mescaline and shroom trips with the intention to enjoy myself, and mescaline additionally with the intention to go inside. at the day of the LSD trip there was a festival not far from my home in the evening, and I had the intention to be able to have a good time there and have open and good conversations and be able to let go when I meet the woman whom I often found myself thinking of. not so.
it seems that this trip left me with quite a huge (I don't want to say cocky) ego, which enabled me to have fun with my friends, but rendered me a tad arrogant and of course unable to even let go a little bit when I met the blond-dreaded, slightly down but spiritually and psychonautically engaged angel.

and two days ago, I ate a small dose of san pedro, about 12 gr of dry powder, we planned on doing more but we failed to get in more and decided to let it be since we had a dose in our bellies which we didn't expect to really get us an effect anyway. we were walking outside in the rain, and afterwards got inside to light up a fire in a chimney my dad bought for his home. fire is one of the most comforting things I know, a lot of good memories I have from tripping revolved around fireplaces. maybe it's evolutionary inheritance from ancient times, fire gives warmth and security at night. you won't be prey to animals, you won't die because of the cold.
if you look at movieposters, you see that a great deal of them use an orange-blue contrast. ( examples ) the kind of blue that is used in this contrast is the kind that you see when the sun sets, and in contrast to this: the orange-red fire. there are probably lots of ways to explain this, but I liked that one.
san pedro is amazing even in low doses, I'm falling in love with this, it's like the combination of the positive aspects of LSD and Psilocybin (the clarity of LSD, the warmth of psilo), and the overall feeling is very benign, in contrast to shrooms, which always felt very angry.
doing yoga was amazing. the day before I did the surya namaskar, and it wasn't enjoyable, I was cramped up, I couldn't bend properly etc.. on mescaline, however, it was so smooth it was uncanny, I could bend as if I had been doing yoga for a long time (which I haven't), and it felt JUST RIGHT.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
yay :D


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
darkwolfunseen a dit:
I think anything past threshold can be harnessed to do good. But usually, the impact of the trip is so miniscule compared to your thoughts, it really doesn't have much of a point. The point of dosing is to get to a point where you are at least on edge if not off of it, so that you can go past your conditioning.

just about every single time i trip i realize there is an unanswered question and i spend the whole time answering it. i'm usually confused the whole time and i go more in my head then focusing on the visuals (which would make more appear)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Personally, I could careless about visuals unless I'm after artistic inspiration. I get enough of that before bed time and dreams...

The going into your head thing, thats what psychodelics are for man!