Love meditation

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lately been realizing I have been having anger spouts - not really anger but a "Gosh why are you so much worse than me at everything" type of pedestal to everyone, and that is against who I really am.

Past night or so (and previous months) I have been meditating on the need to express kindness, love, but most of all, openess to everyone. It has really helped.

I sit upright, and repeat over and over again that everyone I meet is a good person. Everyone deserves understanding, and everyone deserves 100% of my commitment to their life. I want to improve everyone's life.

By being this extreme of course, I only get a fraction of what I intend, but it is still well worth it and very real!
thanks for this post :)
When I spend a lot of time with people, like on holiday or something like that, I get the same feeling..
I think this is just because we are "different" from most people out there. We have knowledge in fields that they don't even know that exists and I always have to avoid some type of arguments because I know people will not understand and that will just put me on the "omg you crazy, stop doing drugs!!" light. Waahh

Next time that this will happen to me I'm going to rembember your words.
Have you ever taken any meditation classes or read any books or are you just doing it like you would expect it to be done? I've never meditated but I do yoga and it seems to help. I'd like to take a meditation class and learn to do it. -Lanna
I have never taken classes and don't want to - meditation classes are for a different purpose and have a different feel than what I'm personally going for.
Meditation is the practice that can definitely help you. Spend some time with your own mind, all day long, you use your mind but never just be with it. Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing the inner peace. There are many ways to practice meditation, including the guided exercises and special breathing techniques, but part of the experience often includes the burning of incense, this will purify the air and give you an aromatic fragrance. :)