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let's talk about antimatter


17 Jan 2010
to start off i'm puling a quote from braineater in the "Ego - Soul - God?" thread
BrainEater a dit:
+1 alright mates i'll help u out


my view of oneness is flowing water in endless waves of golden light.

peace :weedman:

About 9 minutes into the video there is a diagram of persona/anti persona relating to matter/antimatter and I realized that antimatter is just matter. i looked at a theory on wikipedia(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimatter) to get a grasp on what the idea, or what the voiced opinions about it are. I think that antimatter is all around us but we cannot perceive it because it when we perceive it it "destroys" the "matter" of our persona. Now the real trick to this is the idea that matter and antimatter are the same. Except antimatter is different because it's the opposing flow, it's the "energy" that has reflected off of you to the world around you and if you can receive those signals(in their pure form- without redirecting them) the antimatter/matter collision will create a destruction of persona/anti persona. To put it simply antimatter is matter that you cannot receive data from. So if you somehow can mentally capture and receive this data then it creates and new chaotic understanding on the surrounding world.

antimatter is like the light that reflects off of you and if you can see yourself without the aid of a mirror then it will scramble your ideas and leave the to float about the universe and you can then pluck them out of the air around you and throw them back when you want


21 Juil 2007
5 922
petty theory you got there and to some extents i agree with it. to me the most simple explanation for antimatter is that it is supposed to be something that is "anti"-matter, because supposedly matter and antimatter must destroy each other, according to the discovered principles of mass. so it's only logical that it might be hard to observe antimatter, before it was annihilated by matter or vice versa, obviously.
so what's the matter with anti-matter?? i think it's no matter, it's just anti, but well it got to be something, init??? so maybe it could be described as something, as it isn't seeming to actually BE anything anymore, but then the semantics of the words used would probably falsely paint a form on the screens of the people to whom it should have been described, destroying the essence of what this manifestation or demanifestation of energy really is in the process, or what it is supposed to be, really. sorry i just couldn't resist the word games there. :mrgreen:


17 Jan 2010
well thats . :rolleyes: . . ummm . . . . I'm dizzy from the verbal somersault you just pulled there but, I'll respond by saying that in the case of the "anti" part of antimatter. If everything breaks down to energy(E=MC2) then, that means that matter and antimatter are one in the same field but, they are also to opposing factors as in left and right and the line between them is non-existent to say the least. :axe:

part of the reason that i had this theory is because of a o.o.b. experience i had in 07. this was just before i began experimenting with psycs and i think that i sort of lead me into them.(but I'm glad it did) :shock:

i explored my mind and the galaxy within and found myself outside and looking in (I'll give you the basic because I'm probably going to post it in the trip record section though i was sober at the time). :ANAL:

i was in a white room(walls floors and ceiling in my mind) and then, after a bit of testing of my senses, i found myself falling up from the room, which no longer had a ceiling, into a universal library of translucent books in a column (i was inside looking up and down into infinity of rows of books). A thought flew trough my mind and i found myself racing though the endless rows of books until i stopped and one came out to me and opened to a blank page. i thought "why is the page blank" and then i fell into the book and landed bodiless about 3 or 4 feet away looking at myself passed out in the car where i had been :ANAL: . Before a split of a second had passed I freaked and woke up as myself again and my heart was racing. :shock: It was pretty hard to calm down afterward. I'm sure my ego died then and there but the LSA trip i went on in November of that year(which is posted int the trip records) was the autopsy. Of course at the time i didn't know what to think or how to name it but, now I'm sure thats it because sometimes i sound conceited when i say things about myself but, i never found any meaning behind the truth of something as simple as my being as awesome as i am(pretty frickin awesome that is) - especially since I'm still trying to get over being a bad influence and a pseudo-bad person i'm not gonna get too personal about that stuff but i can say i'm getting better i just need to stop destroying my body)

but hey guess what

life is good


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hm lol so what do you think??? is dreamland made of antimatter??? is salvialand antimatter??? and all the other lands out there???
the experience you had sounds far out to me, but also strangely familiar in the kind of experience... sometimes i have strange memories, from events that seem to have never happened... lol i see dead people!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!! help me!!!!!!! lol !!!! :roll: :mrgreen: :finga:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Why did you make a thread about anti-matter?

An example of anti-matter is a positron, which is an electron with a positive charge. They are completely proven to exist, and we actually have machines they produce them...

Why are we thinking that they are something mystical?

In essence you could have an entire universe made up of anti-matter, i.e. almost a mirror image of our universe and nothing would be different, except some equations in physics would be negative, and some would be positive, exactly opposite of what they are now. In fact, we would never KNOW the difference if in a split second, all the matter in the universe switch to anti-matter. There would be absolutely no difference in anything.

You're in a dream world when you think of this stuff.


17 Jan 2010
^ so then what to disprove the idea that anti matter and matter are all around us and that the thing the makes us decompose after death isn't actually antimatter

what if anti matter and matter collisions actually produce light?(if this lost you watch the video Braineater found - the quote is at the top)

i don't think that antimatter is anything more than matter looked at "upside down" unless there is a defining property that makes a electron an electron. That is to say other than the the negative magnetism(i think) maybe you could enlighten me to that.

Basically I'm saying that if and electron is positive or negative does that change what we see? i don't think it should but hey maybe i think that antimatter and matter are like left and right because, they sound so similar. So that idea allows the idea of 3 lefts to go right would take a hold of me.

i also think that parallel universes are all on one plane and that each persons perceptions and ideas are what makes these parallels possible. i only think there are three true planes with many dimensions on each one. of course those are the physical and the spiritual(and the dimensions that each one holds)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Not to belittle you, but you should really research this stuff more before making assumptions like you are.

Anti-matter is the minority in the universe, if you grabbed a cup of coffee that was anti-matter, (you wouldn't be able to tell the difference) that was floating in the middle of the room (not touching anything including air) and it came in contact with your hand, you would flatten your entire city. It would make hiroshima look like a grenade. Anti-matter and matter collisions are the most powerful and energetic occurences in the universe.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
so how you KNOW that antimatter is minority in the universe?? there might be far out places with huge percentages of anti matter compared to little percentages of matter... also depending on the perspective, we might be in an anti matter universe, and there might be little matter around. and actually that's the case if you take the word matter literally, as you probably know, most of what is labeled as solid objects, consists merely of mostly nothing as what composes the objects are conglomerations of atoms (in other words masses of atoms) and atoms are known to consist to 99 % of nothing. so all your theories of the universe are primitive like our idea of ancient cultures is.


17 Jan 2010
BrainEater a dit:
so how you KNOW that antimatter is minority in the universe?? there might be far out places with huge percentages of anti matter compared to little percentages of matter... also depending on the perspective, we might be in an anti matter universe, and there might be little matter around. and actually that's the case if you take the word matter literally, as you probably know, most of what is labeled as solid objects, consists merely of mostly nothing as what composes the objects are conglomerations of atoms (in other words masses of atoms) and atoms are known to consist to 99 % of nothing. so all your theories of the universe are primitive like our idea of ancient cultures is.

the idea that I'm trying to express is simple in terms to say something along the lines of matter and antimatter are relatively the same.

the basis of this idea is the fact that the only thing to define and electron as and electron is it's size rather than is negative magnetism so who's to say there aren't electrons of varying sizes like humans and animals who's to say that all electrons are " size 1" while all protons are "size 2" despite their charge. I'm merely disagreeing with the idea that if to opposing types of matter collide that the product will be destruction. It very well could produce light(or another form of energy). instead of expecting it to explode, i think they may react to one another like glow stick chemicals. i think that if theres 99% nothing in everything around us then antimatter and matter could well be dancing all around us without us realizing. That could well be the cause of decay from elements and other causes. i think that antimatter could very well be the cause of our skins daily degeneration and the energy releases of the collisions could be how we form new cells and that could be the cycle of how the universe works. Maybe we have antimatter particles colliding with us and causing us to shed skin and then we use the energy productions to form new cells and new antimatter atoms to be expelled from us as light or heat and when it contacts others the process continues.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
You guys really need to read up on this before talking like you are...

Anti-matter is the minority because we know the big bang happened. If Anti-matter was not the minority, and matter was the minority, everytime an meteorite entered our atmosphere, an explosion would basically wipe out a 30 mile radius under where a small meteor entered. We wouldn't exist. In fact, if anti-matter was the majority, and we were the minority our entire galaxy would be bursting into gamma rays.

If an electron were a different size, sensei, it would no longer be an electron. An electron is DEFINED by it's mass and it's charge, which is NOT magnetism, it is it's charge. They are intimitaly related, but not the same concept at all. A magnet can have an extremely strong magnetic field without having a net charge, and vis-a-versa.

These aren't mysterious questions guys. Anti-matter is basically just matter that is opposite of what is observed most commonly. We can create it in a lab using specific interactions of particles, hell we've even made an anti-helium in lab.

If a positron and an electron collide, there is no matter left, all the mass is converted in to energy, thus E=mc^2.

Seriously, stop acting as if anti-matter is from the star-wars galaxy.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
you need to learn to read!!!!!!! lol anti-matter and matter RELATIVELY the same!!! this hits the nail on the nail on the head i think!!! e=m*c² is general relativity IJC!!! in the quantum-realms etc there's another relativity going on!!!


17 Jan 2010
IJesusChrist a dit:
You guys really need to read up on this before talking like you are...

Anti-matter is the minority because we know the big bang happened. If Anti-matter was not the minority, and matter was the minority, everytime an meteorite entered our atmosphere, an explosion would basically wipe out a 30 mile radius under where a small meteor entered. We wouldn't exist. In fact, if anti-matter was the majority, and we were the minority our entire galaxy would be bursting into gamma rays.

If an electron were a different size, sensei, it would no longer be an electron. An electron is DEFINED by it's mass and it's charge, which is NOT magnetism, it is it's charge. They are intimitaly related, but not the same concept at all. A magnet can have an extremely strong magnetic field without having a net charge, and vis-a-versa.

These aren't mysterious questions guys. Anti-matter is basically just matter that is opposite of what is observed most commonly. We can create it in a lab using specific interactions of particles, hell we've even made an anti-helium in lab.

If a positron and an electron collide, there is no matter left, all the mass is converted in to energy, thus E=mc^2.

Seriously, stop acting as if anti-matter is from the star-wars galaxy.

i'll do some research since your so convinced that i'm ignorant to the subject. but i doubt that i'm voicing myself correctly to state my opinion


21 Juil 2007
5 922
read up on special relativity theory and ether theory and then again think about your anti-matter and matter - collisions and then think about light again and how it INTERACTS with matter and how that's one of other reasons why we see colors. think about how matter reacts with light, in the way how matter interacts with gravity... light can act as matter and waves. if you didn't know that read up on wave-particle-dualism.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Brain Eater, I'm currently enrolled in Quantum Mechanics for chemistry and have read my fair share of the book before the course even started... I'm not talking out of my ass.

Your questions concerning what anti-matter and matter, and how you phrase them are showing you have an ignorance of the subject.

Antimatter, if it exists in a measurable quantity in our universe, is rather small... We could label the matter we are made of as anti-matter, and say that 'antimatter' now is actually regular matter, it doesn't matter. (no pun intended).

Anti-matter is just a very interesting phenomenon... it has very little effect in our universe, we are predominantly 'regular matter' just as the universe is predominantly hydrogen - about 75%.

I don't know why you don't think an anti-matter/matter collision that I have stated is correct...? It's the only event that we know of that can completely turn matter into energy (light). Light has no mass - so I will not say it is matter, however it exhibits momentum.

now, if you want to talk about dark matter, then you are going into a more unknown realm...

Really, just accept that you need to learn more BrainEater, it builds character.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i know, that i don't know. 8) :P


21 Juil 2007
5 922
youtube will speak for me :mrgreen: :lol:







21 Juil 2007
5 922
i figured this might be interesting...
however it makes me wonder, whether we should be asking for the possible existence of anti-time now??? :mrgreen:
according to calculations of einsteins equations, the existence of negative energy is being predicted in some cases, which is of course non-sense in a traditional physics view on what the physical universe appears to be.
but well... what you think... what is with not-measurable matter of the universe??? does it necessarily not have an influence on the universe?? how could we tell??? i dunno, but i am sure einstein was indeed a genius for having observed the physical laws of the universe,which he formulated...



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
are you talking about dark matter or anti matter?

Anti matter has a pretty small influence in our neck of the woods except when we play with it and use it for equations and such.

positrons and phonons are pretty common now-a-days... other antimatter parts are less common except for colliders.

Dark matter is still a mystery, I'm pretty sure it's something like neutron clouds or something, rather than charged matter. I wonder if that's been proposed at all? I believe it's not going to be what we think it is, which will be fun :D

as far as anti time and energy I Think that's cookoo. I hate those theories.