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Lasting psychological effects with HBWS?


10 Avr 2008
About 15 hours ago, I've ingested about 12 HBWR seeds. This was my first time with the seeds, and drugs in general.

My experience was horrible. There's really no way I can put in words the kind of feelings and emotions I've had.

About an hour after I've ingested the drug, I went to my bed and lie down. I was fairly calm, and was simply starting to calmly think about life, the LSA did not kick in yet. It was by this time, that I've started to develop a feeling of nausea, which grew more and more intense.

About an hour after that, the drug kicked in in full might. I was experiencing extremely vivid closed eyed visuals, as well as some open eyed ones. Still, things were going fairly well.

About 30 minutes into that, things took a turn for the worse. I was suddenly attacked by an overwhelming feeling of panic, thinking not that I would die, but that I am going to have some permanent psychological damage from the drug.

For the next hour or so, I was lying on my bed in the fetal position, just hoping for the dear life of me that it would end. If I could, I would probably have started crying by this point.

Some time after, I started to feel the nausea again, and started to vomit intensely. By that time, my mom rushed into the room, asking what has happened. I told her what was happening, and she immediately called for an ambulance, which arrived and took me to the hospital. By this time the trip was somewhat passed it's peak, but still somewhat intense.

When I've arrived to the hospital, my mother and I told the doctors that I have some sort of food poisoning, and not that I was on the drug. The doctors took some blood examples from me, and put me on 2 capsules. (Those packets that infuse some sort of fluids into you)

Eventually, it subsided, and I was feeling rather euphoric, possibly due to the fluids I was receiving. Eventually, the doctors could not determine what exactly I had, and sent me home.

When I got back home, I tried to get some sleep, but couldn't. The drug was still active, and the nausea was coming up again. It lasted for about 2 hours, and then I fell to sleep.

I woke up about 4-5 hours ago, and was feeling much better. I was no longer feeling nausea , but I could still tell that I was not completely right.

Even now, as I am writing this thread, my hands are still shaking a bit, and my mind feels numb and slightly dizzy. I can't think entirely straight, or eat anything without starting to feel nausea again.

All in all, it was an awful experience. There was NOTHING good in it. I am feeling extremely sorry for taking those drugs, especially since my mom found out.

My question is, have any of you experienced anything similar, or can recommend what I should do next?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
How did you take the seeds? And how did you prepare them?

HBWR seeds some people love them other's don't like them at all.
I like HBWR seeds (but I hate the taste) I never had bad experience,
Or heavy nausea on HBWR.

Usually the trip starts with a drunken stoned feeling. After a couple of hours the euphoria kicks in.
This Euphoria can last very long. I remember the first time I took HBWR seeds. The next day I felt very euphoric and at peace. This feeling stayed with me for a couple of days.


10 Avr 2008
I've simply chewed and swallowed them.

The seeds came from a rather trusted and well known vendor, that said that the seeds were 100% organically grown, so I did not feel the need to prepare them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
If you chew them, that's okay but don't swallow it. Just spit it out.

What I do is: I crush them, put them in water for at least 8 hours.. Then I filter the water using a coffee filter. and i drink it.
It's best to use a large volume of water.


10 Avr 2008
I don't think you've entirely read my post.

It already happened, and I am NEVER going to experience that kind of drug again.

What I'm asking is, whether I could have inflicted upon myself some sort of permanent psychological damage.

Even though 15 hours have passed, my mind is still fairly foggy, I can't think straight. I'm also fairly depressed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
Denisius a dit:
I don't think you've entirely read my post.

It already happened, and I am NEVER going to experience that kind of drug again.

What I'm asking is, whether I could have inflicted upon myself some sort of permanent psychological damage.

Even though 15 hours have passed, my mind is still fairly foggy, I can't think straight. I'm also fairly depressed.

Like I said, the aftermath of HBWR is long.
I don't think you've got permanent psychological damage.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Im sure HBWR have some kind of poison in them, Maybe the skins (I cant remember).

What you have done is had a trip but got scared, this leaves you thinking bad things and convincing yourself of the worst. In your case permanant halaucinations, However the side effects do last a day or 2. If I was you I would try and put my experience down to experience, have week to recover and try and drop any negative thoughts.

You are fine, The mind is a powerfull tool and you have just learnt that you are not ready to experience it. Leave it a week see how you feel and avoid psychedelics untill you are older and more comfortable in what you are doing.

Do some research on the boards, Talk to people. You will learn alot.

P.S. How old are you?


10 Avr 2008
Sticki, I sure do hope you're right. Thanks for reassuring me.

I'm 17 years old.


you didn't remove the seed coating ?
that's why you got sick, and that was the start of your bad trip. it was the trigger.
you ALWAYS have to remove the seed coating of the seed, even if it is organically grown. many things are organically grown, like pine trees, poisonous mushrooms, etc. and you don't go eating them. the seed coating is it's defense, and has some stuff in it that will make you go vomiting, diarrea, and good things like that :)
break the coating with pliers and separate the inside from the outside. eat the inside, and you'll get no nausea. some people burn the tiny hairs and swear by it. i haven't tried that way yet.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
All is fine Denisius, Mate.

Your body hasn't undergone any physical change and all you experienced was temporary discomfort. Eat some chocolate, Watch your favourite film or go out and socialize with your friends, all these things release serotonin = Happy mood. Make yourself happy and forget about it, just dont do it again so soon.

Everything is normal mate :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Dont worry . You will be OK . If you ever take any drugs again find out all about them , their preparation , dose , effects and about set and setting . You didnt do that and you got warned . Take care in the future please .


10 Avr 2008
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I actually am feeling a bit better now, and I think you are all right. A few days of good sleep, decent meals and some rest, and I'll be fine.

I'll post in this thread in a couple of days, just to let everyone know I'm feeling better.

Thanks again!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
There other substances better than HBWR. You will be fine in a few days. LSA is a poison, just like alcohol, you body just needs time to recover. No worries.



Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Mai 2008


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"Dosis sola venenum facit“


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Mai 2008


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
12 HWBR seeds!
the usual dose is 4 to 8 seeds.
When you start, only take 2 to 3 to test your sensitivity.

You need to get used to this kind of of tripping.
You've started out to big. Pitty you won't do it again though, it can be a great trip!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
funny I came to right to this thread after taking HBWS :wink:

It was my first time, I took 4... I stood up earlier, what I believe explains my further "experience". After more than one hour, I just became sleepy and started to sleep :) I just slept for 3- 4 hours, I believe I had strange dreams but I can't remember them. I will give LSA another chance as I believe I just was too tired to live trough it awake but the seeds made me a lot sleepier then I was.

So actually I just slept my trip :wink: As an advice to myself, I will stick to "traditional" drugs as then you know what you get..


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
Hey, I think I know what you went through. I'm seventeen and chewed and swallowed 12 HBW seeds on Sunday a month ago. And it was some experience.

In short, I laid in bed and puked all day, but felt wonderful inside; I felt connected to the Universe, Everything in every thing and vice-versa, with musical appreciation and some very mild visuals and powerful visualisation on top of that. All went well, until I decided/realised all wasn't well. My parents were arguing and yelling at each other for trivial things, and I became overwhelmed with guilt, sorrow, fear, any negative emotion you can come up with.

In a minute I turned from ecstatic to suicidal, and I put on my boots and my coat and went outside; I asked my sister to come with me (to make sure I wouldn't do something stupid), and we weren't noticed. We went to a park and I cried a lot and explained her how I felt the Universe was wounded by human stupidity, how I felt that wound inside me, when there were such beautiful things that everyone ignores, and so on...

The discussion went on for about half an hour, and then we decided to come back home and confront my parents on the matter. And we had, for maybe a full hour, the weirdest and most painful talk I've ever had with my parents. I told them I had taken LSA, I told them how I felt about people hurting each others because of their ego, I told them about Everything... And while my mom had the usual mom attitude ("why did you do that to you?" and "what is it we did wrong when raising you?"), my dad kind of understood... I've started to feel much better after the confrontation (even though it hadn't been completely resolved), and the only lasting effect was insomnia and dilated pupils, for about 18 hours after ingestion. So yeah, the physical side-effects last long, but they'll go away. As for the psychological ones.. anything lasting is linked to the experience itself (and not any "damage"). I am still very confused as to what has changed and what has not since the experience.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Thats sweet !

There is toxins in the outer seed hull, this is the plant defense mechanism because the seeds are big enough to be eaten as nuts...

You absolutely need to scrape the brown layer on the seeds, or soak them long enough in a CLEAN non-polar solvent then drying them. Then do a water extract as suggested.

12 seeds lol... I don't mean to be alarmist but this is definately too much conductivity for the glands of the crystal palace to not receive some damage. Of course it's not neurons so it can heal after a few months, but if you care at all about your capacity for spiritual evolution do not ever go above 6 seeds, and prepare them well !

If you HAVE to eat more than that, make sure you take a freakin lot of good antioxidants to catch them free radicals in your brain, this is no toy !