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Je m'inscris!

Innocent Victims of the American Anti-Drug Wars


30 Juil 2006
Our drug war results in staggeringly tragic losses. Drugs, when overtly abused, can be obviously be dangerous; but they are not even close to being as lethal as the drug war itself.

In addition to the blights of an imprisoned population, lost rights, broken families, and economic waste, people are dying in this war.

No, these are not deaths from drugs, but from prohibition.

Many are purely innocent victims of the war -- bystanders who have been mowed down by military drug war tactics gone berserk, and by government agencies' greedy pursuit of the glory and financial gain of drug busts. In other cases, the victim is guilty of something, but their punishment does not fit the crime.

There has obviously never been a single recorded case of anyone dying from an overdose of marijuana. Only an overdose of prosecution..

Victim Samples from http://victims.drugwarrant.com

Alberto Sepulveda

11 years old
Modesto, California
September, 2000

Alberto was killed by a shotgun blast to the back while following police orders and lying face down on the floor during a SWAT raid. He was a seventh-grader at Prescott Senior Elementary School.


Willie Heard

46 years old
Osawatomie, Kansas
February, 1999

SWAT conducted a no-knock drug raid, complete with flash-bang grenades. Heard was shot to death in front of his wife and 16-year-old daughter who had cried for help. Fearing home invasion, he was holding an empty rifle. The raid was at the wrong house.

John Hirko

21 years old

An unarmed man with no prior offenses was shot to death in his house by a squad of masked police. In a no-knock raid, they tossed a smoke grenade in through a window, setting the house on fire. Hirko, suspected of dealing small amounts of marijuana and cocaine, was found face down on his stairway, shot in the back while fleeing the burning building. When the fire was finally put out, officers found some marijuana seeds in an unsinged plastic bag.


Ashley Villareal

14 years old
San Antonio, Texas
February, 2003

Ashley went outside at night with a family friend to move their freshly washed car under shelter. DEA agents, interested in her father, were staking out the house, and believing that her father was driving, shot and killed Ashley. The agents did not have a warrant for her father. Read The Murder of Ashley. http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/2998.html


Veronica Bowers
35 years old

Charity Bowers
7 months old

In the air over Peru
April, 2001

As part of a long-standing arrangement to stop drug shipments, U.S. government tracking provided the information for the Peruvian Air Force to mistakenly shoot down a Cessna plane carrying missionaries. Killed in the incident were Roni Bowers, a missionary with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, and her daughter, Charity. As of August, 2003, the United States is considering reinstating the shoot-down program. Perhaps they think by now we've forgotten.


Full list of victims & Memorials http://victims.drugwarrant.com


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2006
Very saddening to see. Goddamn hypocrites.
RIP to all those who were killed by the USA.


30 Juil 2006
Thanks Spidi...I know alot of people dislike America's actions in the world. Unfortunately I have to live here for now...

I think its time to send ALL of these right-wing lawmaking political pricks on an unexpected LSD-25 trip for a bit of internal introspection and reflection on their blind careless actions.

If I were President, and could actually pass legislation:

-I would adopt the identical drug laws of Holland nationwide; however would have drug free communities set aside for those that wish to abstain.

- Release all non-violent drug offenders from the system.

-I would close all U.S. Military bases overseas- re-align our military

-Immediately invest 50% of all oil profits into Green fuels- and manditorally be oil free by 2025. Start a national bicycle/ethanol scooter program.

-I'll spare you a dozen more- but lastly, I could prepare to be assassinated :P


25 Juil 2006
goddamnit it's a double standardized campaign for war.

If your not with the war on drugs, your against it and a potential target whenever the need arises. :evil:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
These are some people that have been killed innocently. How about all those kids that have been seperated from their families because their mom or dad possessed a little marihuana?

Btw, please study Dutch druglaws very carefully before you copy them, they are far from perfect. I'm not trying to be an ass here but we all know what happened when the rest of the world copied US druglaws without really looking into them ;)


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juin 2006
damn i didn't know things where that bad in america :s
i saw this show on oprah ones (yes i watched oprah i know:p) and in this episode kids were strangling themself:s
they said it gives them a high or a kick
so that what happens if people have a lack of drugs (maybe a weird way of putting it) they find other things to do to fight boredom, escape every day things
i doubt it any kid or adult here would hang himself to escape reality for a moment because we have easier acces to drugs like marihuana or shrooms

(for those who dont know what im saying sorry but i find it hard to explain myself in english especialy when its vacation:) )


25 Juil 2006
Choking yourself to pass out is old, and harmless....

Like the war on terrorism, the government and DEA need an enemy that will never die to justify their ongoing efforts to double line their pockets.
it's annoying,

but what can we do? Really, what are our options?


30 Juil 2006
Great discussion- You people possess great wisdom...


Like the war on terrorism, the government and DEA need an enemy that will never die to justify their ongoing efforts to double line their pockets.
it's annoying,

but what can we do? Really, what are our options?

Well spoken Farenx!

Indeed, what can be done?

The truth is, as I see it in America at least through a broken lens;

Politicians have always listened to the psuedo-intellectual medical community regarding drug laws. The same people who study patients with real psychosis, and blame MJ and generally harmless psychedelics for their hysterics. The same people who get paid millions to invent and promote their own "drug brands" to the hobbled consumer. They prosper greatly from the war on drugs as well...

I believe an all out boycott on the whole system would what it would take; On every level too. But most people are too selfish to give up their pompous lifestyles here; as well, the others believe they are protecting their kids- which I can respect....

The war on Drugs, The War on Terrorism, The War on "insert enemy here"- Pure Debacle! It makes me nauseous as to all of the money that has been wasted and put into the pockets of murderous government kingpins in the name of freedom....

If the lynchpin is ever released; I will stay here and bleed...