Quoi de neuf ?

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Je m'inscris!

I'm leaving for a week


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
I've made up my mind...i've had quite a stressfull week so far...and my posts have gotten from worse to "the worst posts in the forum", i don't like how i answer to people and the tone i'm using.

i find my posts to be manneristic and often just a useless answer, though i try to make a good use of the space i occupy i feel i'm just being invasive in a sense and i can't controll this my behavior
besides i find myself more and more detatched from reality and my friends are feeling this too...this scared me when i realized it

i'm not gonna say that i feel hollow because it's not true and i hate clichès.

i'm not feeling well and i think my soul needs a bit of healing
or who knows maybe the spring is awakening a new me and i need to nurture it
i'm leaving for a week of meditation on myself...this will be a retirement in a hut in the mountains, so no internet no great commodities...no drugs...my dog Teo
and the nature awakening around me

i hope i'll learn something (hopefully on how to reach true enlightenment someday)

you people will hear from me in a week or so

Good Vibes everyone ((((((((( :D )))))))))


Good luck on the innerjourney bro.

Much love and light!


i wish you a nice stay and a great healing. do some body exercises, it always works for me.
in another post, you also talked about the enlightment. it seems to me that you think that you HAVE to reach it. think like this...if you will never reach it, what have you lost ?
don't force anything and something will knock on your door.
this is just my opinion, please don't be offended.
have a great week, and, above all things, learn something :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
.if you will never reach it, what have you lost ?

In my opinion, everything ;)

I wish you a great week Dante, may you find what you are looking for.

i hope i'll learn something (hopefully on how to reach true enlightenment someday)

It seems you have this abstract idea defined as a wish to reach. However, you are in doubt on how to reach it. For me this search started around the age of 16/17. At age 25, I had the first real chance to reach it (in hindsight), but I choose another life (family/kids) and ran away for the answers that where laid out in front of me by someonee who was the first person who guided me. It took 7 years to break from that life and find a new guide and then another 3 years untill I finally reached the place where I can say 'YES, no doubt anymore EVER'.

There are many ways that lead to Rome and I believe they are all valid, it depends mostly on your personal preference. A combination of entheogens (preferable heroic dose psilocybin since that works wonders on the ego ;)) and education is strong one in my opinion.

This may help as well:


For me it was a combo of long time longing for personal healing (ALL or NOTHING), interest in shamanisn, religion in general, the veda's, psilocybin and a great trufriend who I manifested in my life to be the perfect example.

Just felt like sharing this, don't hesitate to pm me if you wish :)



Dantediv86 a dit:
i'm leaving for a week of meditation on myself...this will be a retirement in a hut in the mountains, so no internet no great commodities...no drugs...my dog Teo and the nature awakening around me

You can't even imagine how much I envy you after reading this...

Enjoy it as much as possible dude ! :D

May you find some answers ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Hi People
I'm back
thank you for posting and the good things said
thanks for the advice though i read it only now
HeartCore thank you for the link, but i don't know when i will start reading the book...i have so much work to catch up with :P
i really like the picture of the sprouting plant its soo cute...

i really enjoyed the stay and i have to thank a friend of mine to having allowed me to stay in that marvellous place...nature there was starting to awaken and it was showing me how much beauty is there in the world. i did excercizes every morning actually daytripper i must have read your mind ... :wink:
my dog was really enthusiastic about this trip though he wouldn't let me do my excercizes so i had to leave him outside :) however he would sleep besides me while i was meditating :D .
i didn't find enlightenment nor a way to find it
but i did enjoy this spiritual healing period and i hope this fuzzy feeling i have inside will last for a while :)
thank you again everyone
peace and love, much love, lotsa love
and GOOD VIBES (((((( :D ))))))


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
hey welkome back! :) your good fibes are touching me :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
HeartCore thank you for the link, but i don't know when i will start reading the book...i have so much work to catch up with

I have had books laying around for 20 years untill I got around to them (and was ready for em).

Glad to hear you are doing good!