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Je m'inscris!

I know this fella, you can call him God


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
The experiences aren't in the drug, they're in us.

^ I read that article and I can relate to all experiences. We are one, and when you see all as one, that is you. You are this oneness and all is part of you, its your experience. What would you do if you wherer god?

What would you do?

This fella, we can call him God, is the ultimate creator, the one and only, and what do you think he would do if he where eternity itself? He would create more of himself, thus god created us in his image.

But wait a second, I am god, so I've just created me! :D

Which for you is, YOU.

You have created yourself, find the love in that creation and look who you are, the good or the bad? the nice or the mean? the funny or the boring? you are what you choose. And you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Its as simple as that, since all that is, is you. Look at your creation, learn from your creation, what is the truth?

The truth is, LOVE.


Is there any other force stronger? Hate isn't stronger, it can destory, but love will always create and will always create new and better things.

For all you psyhics buffs, look up aether/ether, chi, energy, torsion fields, qunatum medium, black matter and light energy and how the are all connected. Look up the holographics models, unified field theory models, superstring models (and its origin), check out all other science and see how it all comes togheter as a perfectly logic and rational conclusion.

Look it up, find the truth if you don't believe me, but I know this fella, god, and he is you. He is all.

You created yourself, you choose thoose, find love in the moment, right here, right now.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
But wait a second, I am god, so I've just created me!
I'm sorry, I'm hungry right now, I have to walk to the kitchen and prepare some stuff to eat and the eat it, so I can't -as much as I would like to- answer your post.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
listen carefully to the voice of Jah (somebody wrote a song about this)



11 Juil 2008
druglessdouglas a dit:
listen carefully to the voice of Jah (somebody wrote a song about this)


The trip to end all trips


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Well, after love comes free will and of course singularity, total oneness, total foreverness and timelessness.

We have induvidiualized ourselves, and created a real life Matrix for us. An awesome matrix so we don't have to be alone :)

Its wicked, and its really really logic. Think of it as you where a computer, what would you do to create a virtual reality?

We have created ourselves in a real-life matrix, on any level you can ever imagine, cause the universe, its matter, its anti-matter, its aether/energy/chi/torsion wave/qunatum wave/etc. as infinite. There's no beginning and no ending. And its just a momet. Then what happens is this moment becomes aware.

And here we are now, in the moment.

We live by some universal rules, so we can follow the first law of the universe: Free Will. We completley forgot and now we start to remember, and we can with sciencen explain it. We do actually now about 8 densities or as most would call it: dimensions. And we live on the third denstity where life begins. Where we start with the free will of forgetting. When we remember we must choose love to advance.


If you're really negative and manipulative you choose the opposite of love, you could call it separateness. But this negative path is only for the most negativley oriented minds.

Most are stuck in a decision, and live without a destination, like sheeps.

Guided by the hoarde and its shepard. Noone really wants to wake up and see that 2012 is real, and that the universe is intelligence. Why is this? Most likley because of fear and negative thoughts. No true rationale, no true logic. No TRUE thinking.

Don't judge, never.

Its that easy, and you understand when you understand that life's eternal, but how would you make that work with logic? ;)

- Enivid


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Most are stuck in a decision, and live without a destination, like sheeps.

Guided by the hoarde and its shepard. Noone really wants to wake up and see that 2012 is real, and that the universe is intelligence. Why is this? Most likley because of fear and negative thoughts. No true rationale, no true logic. No TRUE thinking.

that's what the jehovah's witnesses used to tell me about why people didn't believe in their near-future predictions as well


21 Juil 2007
5 922
it is a contradiction... if the universe is intelligent, then people and life in general must be intelligent as well, but yeah... i agree that many people choose to be dumb or rather are being told to be dumb and believe in it or simply: it's just easier to let others do the thinking, but then the problem is that you have to BELIEVE them, because you can't judge whether it is wrong or right, when you don't think... the problem with belief is that you are being made dependant on the person that tells you how it is "supposed" to be... the other problem is that just that is being misused by people with power, because this is exactly what gives them the power also... power corrupts and sadly many people are corrupted by it and their corruption successfully changes and controls the fates of them who choose to be led and therefore choose to be sheeps.

but well... i guess it has always been like that and it always will be this way,... of course only until the point when it will change but ... when will this be ??? :P

i just had an idea that it doesn't have to be really a contradiction when you look into it, because the universe (= everything) which is intelligent would be both parts the dumb and the smart people. however smart people are not always "nice" ... but the point is that the more intelligence accumulates in a being, the more power it has potentially to control others, because of having more intelligence it could realize more of it's action-potential and even create more action-potential than a less intelligent being could...
i suppose this means that more intelligence = more potential ... and as you maybe know: everything with potential can be either used for both sides: the good and the bad...
ok that sounds a bit theoretic and kind of shitty, but maybe you get the point of what i am trying to tell. :D if not you can ask if you want!!!

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
BrainEater a dit:
it is a contradiction... if the universe is intelligent, then people and life in general must be intelligent as well, but yeah... i agree that many people choose to be dumb or rather are being told to be dumb and believe in it or simply: it's just easier to let others do the thinking, but then the problem is that you have to BELIEVE them, because you can't judge whether it is wrong or right, when you don't think... the problem with belief is that you are being made dependant on the person that tells you how it is "supposed" to be... the other problem is that just that is being misused by people with power, because this is exactly what gives them the power also... power corrupts and sadly many people are corrupted by it and their corruption successfully changes and controls the fates of them who choose to be led and therefore choose to be sheeps.

a lot of religions teach that critical thinking is bad. "man's thinking" versus "god's thinking" (when of course, "god's thinking" is really just the opinion of some guys in a Church somewhere). In the religion i grew up in, the term "independent thinking" was used as a pejorative. it turned not thinking for yourself into a dick-sizing ego game. fucking brilliant actually

but well... i guess it has always been like that and it always will be this way,... of course only until the point when it will change but ... when will this be ??? :P

the power of critical thinking, the ability to question what you have been told, and more importantly, question yourself and your beliefs. it takes the ability to let go of your ego and admit that you can be gullible, that you can be wrong. this is what makes fanatics so damn creepy--they are so sure of themselves that they actually believe that everyone else secretly, deep down inside knows the fanatic is right but just isn't admitting it.

i just had an idea that it doesn't have to be really a contradiction when you look into it, because the universe (= everything) which is intelligent would be both parts the dumb and the smart people. however smart people are not always "nice" ...

agreed, you can be smart in the strictest vein of social evolution. smart in your ability to manipulate and trample over others. like the saying that 60% of politicians are psychopaths.

anyway as for the universe being intelligent, i think of it in this way: life seems to almost be encoded into the universe--carbon easily forms into the building blocks of life like amino acids, etc. we are a part of this universe, a result of many processes that have occurred in the universe that have given rise to intelligent self-awareness. and if we can exist, i surely can't rule out the possibility of other kinds of intelligence existing. so from that point of view i would say the universe is intelligent. as someone else on this board said (i think it was GOD) we are the universe looking at itself and laughing


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
braineater, I think you are thinking of the wrong thing when it comes to "intelligence". intelligence, when talking about life and nature is something quite different than intelligence when talking about individual people. humans are an intelligent lifeform, even though some people believe anything they see in tv, drive SUVs and whatever :P


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
To braineater

Its not a contradiction. The reason for all is that you as a mind never dies. You only evolve. The mind created energy which is matter. You create your own reality. Its the perfect creation.

Small virtual reality universes that creates the universe from the inside and of course the universe have a set of laws and rules thats mathematical.

We as individuals will carry on our individiuality. We are all part of you, or me, or easier the Infinte Creator.

Look around where you are, its a movie.

But this movie has rules, the rule is: Learn the game.

THere's no right or wrong, its just a movie, you make the rules, but you can only advance if you know the laws of the movie or life or dream.

You only remember what you focus on remembering, its your brain and the illusion of time that works this way. But when you learn to become more aware and easing the brain of its thinking, then you'll find life to be easier.

Have you learned the game?

Have you understood the reality of denstities or dimensions? When you die, you don't die, you incarnate. You are never here, you are just caught in a game of forgetting and on a path of great joy and enlightment to become one with yourself again.

Enivid is you, and you are I, and all is one. And nothing is wrong with that, its all a hell lot more fun! :)


PEACE! (and love and joy!)


Elfe Mécanique
17 Sept 2008
I almost totally agree with you. I've been studying the sciences in college, and I too have noticed all the correlations. It's really amazing. Slightly scary may I add. I've been examing the bounadires of my own mind and body for some time now, and my reality seems to have become more interchangable, and less stable. Allowing me to have a little more control at least, but maybe I dont want it. I understand why people flock to religions like Christianity, they are scared. People generally dont like change, but at the highest level of change; changing your own reality, the lines blur. For example, I have been delving in between wake/sleep, and the more you extend it the more you can change things in your perceptual world, very interesting technique. The more you grasp how your own senses perceive things and work, the more you can play with them.


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
FluidDruid a dit:
I almost totally agree with you. I've been studying the sciences in college, and I too have noticed all the correlations. It's really amazing. Slightly scary may I add. I've been examing the bounadires of my own mind and body for some time now, and my reality seems to have become more interchangable, and less stable. Allowing me to have a little more control at least, but maybe I dont want it. I understand why people flock to religions like Christianity, they are scared. People generally dont like change, but at the highest level of change; changing your own reality, the lines blur. For example, I have been delving in between wake/sleep, and the more you extend it the more you can change things in your perceptual world, very interesting technique. The more you grasp how your own senses perceive things and work, the more you can play with them.

You shouldn't be afraid - ever! The creator (you) have created everything in the name of love, even the fear and hate. Once you realise that there's nothing to be afraid of you will be at peace.

Fear is what runs this world. And fear is what keeps us enslaved.

Get the control! :D You want it! :)
But don't let fear control you, and use it for greater good!