i can't tell you...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
  • Date de début Date de début
... who/what god is...

i can tell you, what/who it's not tho... it's not EITHER everything or nothing...
they told me once.

They do it for beauty, an infinite complex, a fractal of nature, intricacy perpetual, it's as if looking into a telescope, and no matter how far you go, the more complex it gets, the more twisted and mingled..

Life is everything, we are as alive as a rock. The universe is representative of serotonin mostly, with dopamine and others as well. Imagine the viewing angle of a million shades of color, and to that, add a million filters, mediums, and perception. Reality is far beyond anything and everything we can ever imagine - and thats the point. It can't be solved.
how come you already solved it??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
cause i made it up and believed it.
that's awesome! what are you waiting for then? :lol: :P
i will. your right, it's not EITHER everything or nothing

it's everything and nothing (as each respective concept defines) simultaneously oscillating back and forth between each others descriptions, in the physical form.

but that's not the only acceptable answer... 8
the question is then... is the physical all there is?? or is there more out there??? or what definitions apply to specific definitions of what the physical may be or what it appears to be (or what it may appear to be, to be precise)??? ..9...10...
"If one does what God does enough times, he becomes as God is
If you put it together, you get what you wanted
what you desired, if you do it enough times
He believes, you become one who is wanted, and desired, and accepted
Because God has Power
And if one does what God does enough times, one will become as God is"

-Jedi Mind Tricks
BrainEater a dit:
the question is then... is the physical all there is?? or is there more out there??? or what definitions apply to specific definitions of what the physical may be or what it appears to be (or what it may appear to be, to be precise)??? ..9...10...

um, of course not(because of things like subconscious and consciousness itself). and yes(because of the first question), but im not sure what exactly YOU are implying there with "is there more out there?".. maybe you can elaborate what you meant. the lastone is simple. it's subjective to the owner, because in the end, that is all that anything can ever be to an observer, subjective that is.
well the subconscious mind is deeply rooted in the physical. and well i might have said in there instead, as well. the separation takes only place in the mind, so go figure, whether in there or out there, would be a more suitable term for describing potential locality. :wink:
its a simple answer. but a very complicated idea.

let me ask you this.. what is the physical, or.. all physical things if there is no mind there to label it as such?

knowing the answer to this, another question arises.

what is the one thing that connects all living things together? throughout space and time, it is not limited by either. it is, and it isnt. it has always been, without being there at all.

it is simply knowing. but knowing what exactly is the main goal.

without this, there will be no "real"... even that which you are mentioning.

i dont know if this helps, or agitates the thread in an unwanted way. sorry if it does.

p.s. the word is never the thing.
what for one is complicated, for the other may be simple and /or vice versa.

why don't you go crying instead of trying to ruin my semi-not-intellectual thread?

thanks for the seemingly good intention behind that however.

by the way, my friend: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
-John 1:1

BrainEater a dit:
what for one is complicated, for the other may be simple and /or vice versa.

why don't you go crying instead of trying to ruin my semi-not-intellectual thread?

thanks for the seemingly good intention behind that however.

by the way, my friend: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
-John 1:1


no intention of ruining your thread, my friend. and where does the crying come from??

true about the complication/simplicity of things, and thanks for pointing that out, my bad.

but the bible quote.. good stuff, but doesnt that mean that there is a speaker who is sharing/communicating/ feeling the word? if so.. who watches that speaker there?
i think all "things" are no-mind. no-mind is emptiness, no thinking, no perceiving in the normal sense.. just being there, knowing of itself. now speaking of god, the all-creator, i dare to say it knows it is everything in itself, which is pure consciousness and knowing. hence god is knowingly itself and all its creation at the same time, which would make it only logical for it to love its creation, knowing there is no difference between it and itself anyway.
needless to say god sees, hears and knows everything, therefore.

i won't answer your questions, because i think you can well do that by yourself.
BrainEater a dit:
i think all "things" are no-mind. no-mind is emptiness, no thinking, no perceiving in the normal sense.. just being there, knowing of itself. now speaking of god, the all-creator, i dare to say it knows it is everything in itself, which is pure consciousness and knowing. hence god is knowingly itself and all its creation at the same time, which would make it only logical for it to love its creation, knowing there is no difference between it and itself anyway.
needless to say god sees, hears and knows everything, therefore.


then you just told us didnt you? :D :D