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I Can't Believe It's Not Nepalese Blonde Hashish


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
I've been trying out a few of the legal highs at a herbal shop near me, usually to my great disappointment.

However, I've recently bought some "I Can't Believe It's Not Nepalese Blonde Hashish" and I must say it's not too bad. It looks quite a bit like hashish, the very light coloured hash, and it is said to contain legal plants and extracts of legal plants. It comes in a 1.2g block and it smells almost identical to the incense they burn in catholic churches on special occasions.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that this stuff gets you high (not as high as weed but pleasantly high) - has anyone else come across this stuff and does anyone know what's in it?

P.s. I'll post another topic on a different legal high I've found.


6 Fev 2011
Where are you from? I have never seen anything like that at any head shops I've been in...


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Australia (and we seem to have the strictest drug laws in the world!)


6 Fev 2011
Oh, wow...I don't know, man. I'm from the states and I've never seen/heard of anything like it.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
I would stop smoking that stuff, now there's "Synthetic Cannabis" out there, the effects are almost the same, can be stronger too, but smoking that trash can actually kill you, why would you smoke "legal" shit like that when you can smoke the real deal instead, (asuming that you can actually get a hold of weed where you live ofcourse).


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Because I'm trying to end a long term, daily weed habit. Every now and then I feel the need to get high so I've tried a few legal highs in an attempt to avoid going back to the weed.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Oh yea, i've been there too, it's not easy to quit smoking weed when you where doing it for the past 15 years, and at least 10 of them daily, (with very few exceptions) but it's possible with the right mindset and willpower.

But replacing your habbit with something else is not going to work, trust me on that one.

If you are a smoker then quiting tobacco is a good start, if you used to smoke your weed with nicotine i guess it's gonna be harder, i didn't smoke tobacco for the past 5 years or so, so i guess it's easier that way.

I suddenly just had the idea i should quit smoking weed for a while, out of the blue, and i did, i stopped for 30 days, well first 2 weeks but i failed to stop for 30 days and smoked a joint, after that i tried again and i did stop for 30 days, after that break my weed usage was limited to once a week instead of every day, what was a big change in my life ofcourse.

I felt good that way and decided to smoke every two weeks and so it evolved slowly to my current status, wich is like once a month or so.

But that's how i did it, i dunno if this would work for you, but i do know that a man (or woman) changes his habbits if he stays on a current path for 30 days.

I suggest you just try it, if you smoke tobacco then stop that first, i noticed in some of my friends who've quit that this was a real stress factor.

So good luck with that. :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
Thanks for the advice. I haven't bought any pot for almost 3 months now and haven't smoked any at all for about 3 weeks. I have smoked this fake stuff twice in 3 weeks so I'm not really using it as a replacement for weed.

One thing I am amazed at is the strength of the pot when I do smoke it. Being a daily user really increases your tolerance and I had forgotten just how potent pot is! I plan to smoke about once a month or once every couple of months for the entheogenic experience which I had completely lost during my daily habit.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Amen to that... Weed is strong as fuck nowadays.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
itsscience a dit:
I have smoked this fake stuff twice in 3 weeks so I'm not really using it as a replacement for weed.

Uh, well that's replacement for ya. :wink:

It's not even necessarily the effect itself that's so hard to refrain from, maybe not for you, but for me it was the whole package, the ritual, the paper, the crumbling, the rolling and especially the smoking, inhaling the smoke and exhaling is was what i missed most, strangely enough.

I grew my weed myself and at the time that i thought about quiting i had over a hundered grams and was still growing 9 other plants, seeing those yummy buds and their smell was pretty much torture. :P
But when you really want to you can do it, not all by itself, it was really hard, but after that you'll see weed in a whole new light, exactly like you said, when you smoke all day you don't know how strong it is, you get totally wasted and think "damn this is some strong shit", especially after some huge bong rips, but when you quit some time and then smoke a joint it really is entheogenic, mildly psychedelic, and a teacher aswell.

I have new found respect for cannabis, i never had any respect for it at all, otherwise i wouldn't be doing it at the most unappropriate times.

My advice though, quit smoking anything for at least 30 days and you'll have teached yourself a new habbit, it's true, 30 days, you can shoot me if i'm wrong, cause i just know it's all it takes, 30 days, you won't even think about smoking.


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
HeartCore a dit:
itsscience a dit:
Australia (and we seem to have the strictest drug laws in the world!)

Does your country have the death penalty for possession of drugs?

I didn't think so..

I was referring to Australia's penchant for criminalising everything even vaguely associated with "drugs" I wasn't referring to the penalties. Australia was one of the first countries to outlaw salvia, kratom and a whole host of other substances even betel nut. This country is so fucking anal it's now considering outlawing the cultivation of accacia (even though it is a native species and our floral emblem) :finger: