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Having trouble sleeping / meditating

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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For the past 2 weeks I've been really high strung. Weather is frantic. I hate my job and can't wait to leave. It is my last semester and it is killing me. I'm having deep questions about my relationship. I'm having deep questions about my future. My back hurts from being on the computer so god damn much for classes, work, studying, and this. I've increased my creativity in art which has awoken even more anger about my job/school/future (anger is a bad word).

I've been getting very bad sleep too. I meditate and it helps, I can get to sleep in about an hour but I wake up about 4-5 times tossing and turning and worry and pain from my back and arm (Accident).

Anyone have any help would be much appreciated. I have melatonin and kratom to relax me but I don't think kratom helps at all, and melatonin gets me to bed but I tend to wake up more during the night when I take it.
are you against valium?
maybe a little toke of the old herbal remedy about an hour or 2 b4 bed?
Crimzen a dit:
are you against valium?
maybe a little toke of the old herbal remedy about an hour or 2 b4 bed?

I took the smallest bit of the herb last night. I took less than half of a hit and as soon as I smelt it I realized I have an interview today and they are going to do a drug test. Bummer haha.

Allusion I think that is too existential - I've accepted my death, but there is still things to overcome until then.

I did sleep very well last night though. I smoked such a small amount that I had no feeling of being high, and I smoke once a month at max - but I do think it helped.
an austrian author said that everything's ridiculous in the face of death. I liked that. I don't necessarily agree completely, but hey.

I felt similar the last few weeks. fuck the weather. it's just cold and grey. I had strong doubts whether the stuff I study is the right thing, whether I (and the world) would be better off if I did something else. to the point of thinking of quitting. I talked to my parents about it and we made it clear that I don't really have to study, which I knew already, but was good to hear. makes it a lot easier when one doesn't have to. now I feel like it is my choice, and it is.
the other day I realized that all these troubles are actually a gift, because otherwise I would probably fall asleep completely and just do the stuff that supposedly needs to be done without questioning it thoroughly.

in terms of relaxation and sleeping, yoga does wonders for me. makes meditation a whole lot easier too. also some red wine now and then :P or a warm bath.
a hot shower is underrated imo. i'll release a whole days worth of tension in a mere five hot minutes :heart: it's been a while for a bath, but maybe ill have to do it soon. :lol:

on a side note, i find many things ridiculous on a daily basis :lol: . some things can still work me up however, but i feel that my consistency of practice has come to make negativity somewhat easier to let go of.

we should keep in mind that we (americans) are nearing the winter solstice, a time that is more suitable for reworking plans and gathering the energies rather than pushing ahead too much with new ideas and practices. once the sun begins to make it's journey back again, we should start feeling more drive, and clearer thinking too as a result.
I think I am very sensitive to stress... so yes the dreams surely have something to do with it.

I can not wait till school is over and I can focus on myself (and work) for a while. I'm taking a trip to a very sunny state as well after christmas. A nice swim in the ocean ???? :D :heart:
I've had trouble sleeping for probably 10 years now. Note the 4 am post. But it's vacation. I'll do a lot of thinking, but if i get stuck in a rut, like thinking about needing to sleep, i will relax and make music. not with any instrument(splchk). create a symphony in the mind with out thoughts litteraly. Start with something easy like a drum beat, then try and put it on a back burner, dont worry about getting it to stick, then bust out the guitar solo.

Eventually , you can make some pretty sweet melodies that make lying in bed so grand that you fall asleep. At least thats how i think it works, never really remember that moment right before.
Allusion a dit:
btw, anxiety is a product of fear. if one does not fear death, then they have nothing to fear (therefore be anxious about)... :)

Been thinking about this lately.

I think you are right. I don't fear death, but I do fear a physical pain as my cause of death. Trying to deal with this emotion at the moment and how to embrace it...
well even with a painful death you can take solace that at least you wont have to endure it much longer

anxiety is a product of fear but i dont know if conquering fear of death is the same as conquering fear itself
if we ever find a way to complete conquer fear (other than brain damage...) that will truly unlock the human potential.
I dont think we wanna completely conquer fear. If i drop a bowling ball i want my foot to be scared.
EewDefining a dit:
I dont think we wanna completely conquer fear. If i drop a bowling ball i want my foot to be scared.
I read an article about a woman who had brain damage and had absolutely no fear. She said she wasn't safe...

A man came up to her in a park one night while she was sitting on a bench and put a knife to her throat and asked for her purse. She said "hell no how would I pay my bills?" (She and her purse got off free of harm).

It was interesting. We do need fear of some stuff, sure - but most of fear is really irrelevant and harmful to us.

i don't know if i agree here entirely. i mean, most peoples reactions when scared become totally scattered, pointless, and illogical. it is as if a decision cannot be made, and a spastic flailing is all that occurs. deer in headlights for example. i can make a reservation of sorts that adrenaline still is useful, but not really when combined with fear.
I'm gonna GMO my kid so he doesn't have fear but super adrenaline. #1 dad
Meditation is the best way to be mentally strong. Sometimes we get upset by little things. It is the nature of our mind to magnify small things into serious problems.Meditation helps us detach. We learn to live in the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. We do not worry about meaningless things, but see the bigger picture. Meditation reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety. If we can reduce stress, many health benefits will follow. Less the stress more is the Life.
i can recommend you the book "the power of now" by eckhart tolle. i think it's a stupid person, but there are some good ideas in the book.

i can tell that reading that book has inspired me greatly and helped me a lot (to help myself). it's a lot about the mind and about controling it, instead of it controlling you. basically it's probably about most of the stuff that you possibly think a lot, too. like self-realization... :wink:

there is for example said something very interesting about fear in the book...
it says there is a difference between real fear and psychological fear; fear that we create with the mind.
i don't remember it very accurately, but an example that is given is something like... someone asks:
- don't we need to fear some things?? if i didn't fear the fire, i would maybe hold my hand into the fire and hurt myself.
and the reply:
- you don't hold your hand into the fire, because you are afraid, but because you know that you would get burnt. you don't need fear to avoid unnecessary danger, just a minimum of human intelligence and a basic common sense. :D :lol:

in that sense i see it as that psychological fear is not "real" as it's connected to the future or the past.

anyway... you probably have to read that book lol... it's a bit like a very good self-help book, but also a great
spiritual manual/guide. 8)
hope that helps.

Meditation works wonders and keeps the mind focused and clear. After meditating I always feel a lot lighter like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Also why not try using lavender oil or spray