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Je m'inscris!

Good, DMT, must write.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I just hit the DMT spiral... or 'place' finally with DMT. I was slightly intoxicated (the only condition I could undertake it without being overly precaucious and anxious.) This was 5 minutes ago.

I remember that I Was dreaming. I really was completely dreaming. I was IN a dream. It was the perfect dream, I saw every drawing I have ever created, and beyond that it was trying to show me other things were going on which I Wasn't aware. Whether parallel universes or simply accross the state, it wanted to show me I was experiencing much more than I was consciously aware of. .. At one point I was trying to figure out what was REALLY going on with DMT, what it was really doing with my neurology but I couldn't. Either because Effects too strong, or because it may possibly be doing something outside my neurology.

Sorry my previous posts have been grim.

By the way I found a garden of really really bad weed... possible a few pounds of it near a rail road track.

See you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
Hey no problem man, I just hope you're doing alright and your life will turn around for the better!


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Thanks for sharing.

I think I understand the purpose behind drugs. I kinda see them as the coding of this matrix.. Its not really what I mean, but I do think that my brain is a drug factory :P

I did listen to a professor that talked about neurology, the brain and drugs and said that the drugs mimic processes that our brain must be capable of when taking a drug. He said it was possible to be high without a drug.

There is something beyond drugs though, the real spiritual essence of what we are and what we need to get back to so we no longer are lost like we are now.

Drugs are God. And we are its subjective experience, so we can experience what we think god is not, but god is all even that which not is. :)

- Enivid


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Enivid, you are right in some sense I think-

But I don't like this anymore, I used to agree, but no longer; the quote:

"We need to get back to how we once were, not like how we are now: lost"

I don't like this anymore, I do believe at one point we were more intune to nature, yes. But we wanted to understand it. Now we do, and we want to go back to not understanding it. I think what the new idea should be is rather than regressing to our more natural selves, we need to fast forward into an intelligent harmony,

We once had harmony, we lost it for our intelligence, now we must regain them both, to become better than we once were, and better than we are now. This is what I believe...


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
IJesusChrist, I agree with you!

We are indeed lost. But we are on a path to awakening, to start living in harmony and oneness.

The problems we have today can be compared to what cancer does to a body. What happens when a body gets cancer? The cancer gets treated and removed or it kills the body.

We are killing ourselves, and I dare not to think about how many times we've done that.

It needs to stop, and thanks to intelligence it can and will stop.

We need to get back to harmony, but it doesn't mean we will loose what we've gained. We will only rearrange what we call reality into a reality that is based on mutual harmony. A reality and world were we don't have problems. Where prejudism or littering or thieves exist. A place where noone is killed, noone is hurt and noone feels bad.

We've gone through this to learn to understand the opposite of what Im talking about is what I think. And we are goin into a new world of peace and great joy.

- Enivid


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
Enivid a dit:
We need to get back to harmony, but it doesn't mean we will loose what we've gained. We will only rearrange what we call reality into a reality that is based on mutual harmony. A reality and world were we don't have problems. Where prejudism or littering or thieves exist. A place where noone is killed, noone is hurt and noone feels bad.

We've gone through this to learn to understand the opposite of what Im talking about is what I think. And we are goin into a new world of peace and great joy.
You may be going into a world like that though I'm worried about humanity in general and the health of the biosphere. :cry:

The convergence of global crises we face now are so significant that I believe the change in our evolution, assuming we survive, will be the most significant since we first came down from the trees. We're facing the collapse of human civilisation as we know it, the end of the Anthropocene and the Holocene with it.

We were intelligent enough to make use of the massive concentrations of energy from fossil fuels to expand our numbers and civilisation. However, we've proved for the most part oblivious to the imbalance such rapid expansion & consumption would cause until we were right on the brink of catastrophe.

I want to believe a better future is possible but I won't believe something that is in stark contrast to the general direction things are going with ever greater momentum. We're running out of resources to feed our growth and the biosphere is losing its homeostasis. Mass starvation, struggle and conflict are coming. Dark times. We're already beginning to see it and its far too late to avoid.

What I hope is that enough of us will be able to transcend our ignorance & suffering to see how the Tao flows through all this even if it amounts to dying gracefullu. If you can shine brightly, shine brightly. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I don't think the biosphere will be destroyed, but it is going to undergo one hell of a lot of transformation in a short period of time. It's going to take evolution a long time to catch up to those kinds of changes meaning mass extinctions, etc.

I'm not convinced we as humans have ever been in 'harmony' with anything, (as far as I'm concerned we're just another process of nature) but it is better to have a positive vision of the future to work toward than a negative one. Some of the people who are upset about the environment are so profoundly negative that they are just walking self-defeatist self-fulfilling prophecies, and that kind of attitude is alienating, it helps no one, nor does it improve anything. If anything it's about finding excuses to not care--it's the easy way out in my opinion.

I found a garden of really really bad weed... possible a few pounds of it near a rail road track.

Cookies or brownies :P (j/k)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Yes, I'm really not happy with the "We came from a garden of Eden, and now we're destroying it"

This is just not true. Although the Earth was a much more beautiful place this is just not the correct way to look at it. What needs to happen is we need to make a choice, and the choice is clear. Some of you may not agree, some of you will:
Do we control nature, much like agriculture today, but on a sustainable, humane way, i.e. no depression, pain, and destruction to animals and land that is unsustainable?

Or, do we cut back our population completely? Do we go back to what we were 100 years ago, a smaller population, with the technology we have now?

...Er I'm not being as clear as I had hoped - But unfortunately, we are going to have to choose the prior option. We have to take nature into our control. It is true population is way too high, and it will go down with intelligence growth. However, population growth is inevitable until a collapse. It is our future to control nature, and to be able to manipulate everything we can. I sound destructive, and possibly what you all hate... but what is to come is the intelligence and forethought of every action we take. We cannot have another agriculture boom without many many months of pre-planning, development and analysis of every outcome of every procedure.

Our future is the ability to manipulate, with the intelligence to know how responsibly.

It is not to go back to living in grass huts, and being gatherers of a rainforest, it pains me greatly to say it, but that will probably never come back... It is the death of a loved one. It will must happen, and we have to cope, we have to learn from the experience, rather than dwell upon its happening.

In fact, that is a great analogy. The future path will bring a death in the family, one a part of the earth... Yet there is a difference.

Ahhh, I hate this.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Exactly, our civilization has evolved to the point where it is, and we as individuals are just a small part of this process. Hopefully we as a species will adjust our thinking quickly enough to avoid destroying ourselves and portions of the precious biosphere we are part of. At the same time, we aren't going to go back to just letting the weak and sick die off and living in huts, losing half our teeth, dying at age 40 and the inevitable tribal warfare that results from humans living in isolated groups.

I also think we overestimate our impact on this planet in the long term. Sure we are ruining the biosphere now, but every 60-100 million years on average a celestial event typically wipes out a good chunk of all lifeforms on earth and sends the earth into a deep freeze that makes anything we could do (aside from all-out nuclear war and nuclear winter) look like a joke. Oh, and statistically speaking we are overdue for a major asteroid impact...

If anything, I would hope that we would get the smarts to learn from our mistakes, and prevent them from happening again... and possibly even protect the planet from such a celestial disaster, aside from living in a way that minimizes our impact on the rest of the biosphere...


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
I saw something called the Crash Course ages ago. Was a headfuck to say the least. Afterwards I felt like I'd just watched the one of most important things I'd ever see. I completely changed my gameplan - geared up to shift career, started making arrangements to move to Canada (a month to go - woohoo), really started to think hard about self-sustainability, etc. It summarises some of the big problems we're facing and it does it elegantly. The link is http://www.chrismartenson.com/crashcourse

If anyone watches it I'd be really interested to hear you think.