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Gods Goal for us?


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
I've never believed in God until 3 years ago. And I didn't start to believe right away, it took almost 3 years before I could believe after really asking the question: "Does God exist?".

And yes, it does. Its not a he nor she, and its infinite. Its the very words you read, the very eyes you use, the very fingers I use to write this, and that you use to be able to view this site, the very air we breathe, the very mind and experience we got. God is all and nothing, nothing and all.

What does this mean? And how can we relate and act upon this notion and/or fact? First off, we follow a set of rules, just think about science and what it does to explain the world we act and live in.

The very idea of this topic is not for your to explain what you think you know, or what you really do know, the very idea is to share the conclusion you reach to what life is.

My conclusion are as follows: We are created by this Infinite Intelligence we've named and what I call God, and this God has created us from one condition, and that is free will. But there is no free will, so that's why free will was created. Before free will it was only the will of God. Now its the will of, well creation itself.

We are aware now because we become aware of God. When we're not aware of God and that we're God and our will is the goal of life we're not aware simply put waiting to be aware. We become aware within' the illusion of time. We are the future, the now and the past, and there are infinite numbers of them. I almost got (well I've been) caught up in being lost in time and space.

Now I keep wonder: What am I doing here, why am I here? And my current goal have been to remember who I am. And that alot of us have been lost in space and time. In fact, all of creation have been lost. And we are now getting back on track so to say by incarnating here on Earth. I've experienced myself as a program and a code, and I've also been experiencing myself as a programmer of a matrix. This is what I believe we all are and we all will be. I must say I find the scenario of being born into a creation being the most amazing thing so far. Would I do it again? Not a chance. Why? Because its equal to death. Being born is dying. You loose your memory and your identity. The devil played (the devil here meaning the belief that we're not part of god and that god doesn't exist) us in the worst ways we could imagine. That's the rules so we could create free will. That's what we've been put through.

We've created absolut positivity and absolute negativity, both are infinitely large. There's infinite plus and infinite minus, and at the same time the words plus and minus are just symbols of something we experience. So we know that hot and cold exists. The only thing plus and minus have in common is that they booth share the balance (The zero, being neither plus nor minus).

So all the mythological talk and the symbols of balance might really mean something, it fits in with my view of creation.

What is happening now? As I see it we're splitting our realities. The God creation and the Non-God creations. The God Creation being inhabited by everything that is like God but its own uniqueness coming from (being born in) Non-God Creations. Non-God Creations are indirectly Gods creations, because God is all.

The Non-God Creations has reached its limit and is now infinitely large. Its only way now is to know the way of Love and of God. Being what we are living in harmony. This means: No more lies, no more death, no more deciet, no more genuine hate, no more confusion, no more manipulation. Of course we can choose to continue with various free will beliefs and not create a reality that is of harmony. But sooner or later we'll want to step into a harmonius creation. I think that is happening now to thoose who make that choice and don't live with fear or stubborn beliefs of negative perspectives.

Its nice to see the God Creation coming alive here on Earth. The future will kick ass! I can't wait to see what your contribution will be! (yeah, if you don't get it, God Creation is us all creating what we want to see, and the "real" creation is based on unconditional love and understanding, the only things that can create everlasting harmony).

Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear your perspective to life!

- Enivid


21 Juil 2007
5 922
so where did you find god?? or is it more a question of how you found god?? or did god find you?? i think gods goal for us is to die ....... however i think our purpose to be here is learning and spirual progress or so..... so the real purpose might be to live, and with free will we have the possibility to choose for ourselves how we want to live! it's a great gift from god to all of us being part of its creation... i heard we can read up on the history of god(s)... i heard too, that it has been told that god('s) ways are unfathomable.

for me god IS pure love for the all-creator and life is the gift we have received. there's future and past for all of us. god is not religion. it's more like a spiritual bond that connects "the children of god".

so well... we who carry the essence of god in/with/through our lives, what are we to do with this essence??

maybe we are supposed to "spread the word" instead of suppressing the true message. maybe we are free after all, but have forgotten we were and by that became enslaved. enslaved by our own minds in a prison we have built for ourselves just for deceiving ourselves and others in order to blind as many as possible... isn't light the illusion after all??
although i still see the importance in trusting what we see, we need to get rid of the veil we carry in front of our eyes. the veil is the world that has been pulled over our eyes. if we trust the illusion tho, we become illusion and perpetuate the cycle of blind sheeple amongst each others or should i call them people??
god is good and god is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

peace :weedman:


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Very nice answer Braineater! :D I do agree with you.

But a question is: What do you do to make sure we turn the light into god and not into what we now have (greed, egosim). What we could have is something most don't believe. :)

Our birth seems to be our death, and our history is infinite and so is our future, but we mark things like the big bang (even if its a theory) and our own birth, and our awakening when we got in touch with creation itself. The future that's already here give us the opportunity to speak through dreams and telepathy to give two examples of what we're capable of doing. We just need to tune in to life itself (God).

- Enivid


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
God is a universal operator, that which correlates mass, matter, forces, and energies.

It is what is.

So I agree with you Enivid.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Predestination is somewhat incomprehensible for a connoisseur.

Inevitable as it is, every born mortal arrives on earth and adopts the invented stencils from the earlier arrived souls, making it a duplicate with an attached fence. When going deep into a journey, one can interact with the entities, archetypes, creatures or objects that one sees in one’s visions, which makes one conceptualize the involvement of a higher-controller in its living existence, despite the half being completely lucid, one is limited from here in his or her control.

One should learn how to forget all he knew from the moment his internal canals show the corridor, if there's no God or anything else other then consciousness, one might notice his or her ability to abandon fear and doubt, daring effortless to penetrate any vision and direct the now almost real seeming reality. After years of patient practice with the inner perspective and proper lifestyle, it makes one immortal during any pre-set journey with endless possibilities of creation. Even when the last grain of the ego is pressed down by an internal sensation the immortal being shall soon resurrect, immersed in bizarre colours after likely a brief moment of a blanked consciousness, but with yet again direction over the integral running lucidity. At that point it even breaks down language, philosophy and metaphysics. Redemption without a trace.