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Je m'inscris!


Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
Pinilejerker is still a member and has the number 6692 and he joined on the 5th of april 2007 . You said in a thread that you had been here since 2006 .
Doesn't make much of a difference. Pinealjerker was my first account here, and I joined after Shroomlady personally invited me. That was indeed early 2007, not 2006.

Practically all of the content of that site was written before 2007, most of it between 2003 and 2006. I've said a couple of times that I used to be interested in David Icke, but lost interest after a while, especially when I became interested in shamanism again. Do a search on this forum and see how much I have talked about David Icke around here.

Strangely after reading all the posts on psychonaut where you and some of your friends ( lobby ) keep talking about supplements , herbs and vitamins and recomending them to people over and over again one sees that on that site you advertise and sell/sold them all .
Never have I suggested anyone buy them from me. The woerdengezond.nl website only contains free information, no webshop. I never sent supplements by mail. It is/was strictly a local shop and I always wanted to keep it that way. I've often said the supplements I recommend can be bought in any local health food store or pharmacy.

But you still havent explained why your name apears in green wich is only the case with moderators ?
I didn't explain, but I did say I don't know. This morning Alex and I first had to search the site for two minutes, before we figured out where exactly my name is written in green. This was the first time I noticed it myself, believe it or not. And I still do not know why it is so.

Are you paid to "tend" the site ?
Not anymore. It used to be part of my paid job, yes. I've said so myself some months ago: former site admins and moderators like Rutger, Jakobien, Heartcore and I did most of their work at the psychonaut head office, as part of their job.

Pardon ???? Explain that .
Plural, not singular. "You" referred to whomever wouldn't believe my answer was sincere. To the best of my knowledge, I have no moderator rights. I always assumed Forkbender and/or Dr.Leospace took care of that.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Ok Oleg... if you say it's not true then I take back my words. I don't mind...

Fringe esoterics... psychonautism itself is fringe esoterics. "I destroyed my ego" you never lay a hand on those topics... I even had to argument my way through them, to finally have you bow on me and accept you were fighting the same battle... I think you're typing with white gloves here.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
hey guys, how's the witchhunt going?
How much torches have already been burnt and how much more miles do you want to drag this into the wildernis?

Nothing wrong with "esoteric", it just means "hidden"
And as wel all know, there's a lot of hidden stuff

So... my proposition: forgive and forget
this is clearly going nowhere.

GOD, you're going to far with your accusations again.
Yes CM did hijack the forum for a moment which wasn't the right thing to do, but no he doesn't have access to the admin account anymore, no he is not selling stuff to people here, no he doesn't have a lobby and for your own sake, please get over yourself. It's beginning to become a drag. You're not a scapegoat or a victim. It didn't take a genius' mind to figure out you were Daniel. And trying to justify this mindgame to make a point which apparently isn't true??
You've just been wrongfully banned, that's all.
I say "just" because how bad is it really?
Is your ego hurt? Is it about some vague term like "justice"?
Please live up to your wisdom and lose the whole "i'm a fucking teacher and wise now listen or i'll fucking keep slapping you in the face" attitude.

Now, Tiax and Psychoid, why are you so hostile?
What in the world could be so incredibly upsetting to get you guys off your rockers so bad?
CM wasn't very tactile, ok... it wasn't a wise thing to do to take matters into his own hands, but that doesn't mean that all of a sudden he's an enemy. I understand the point where you think he is wrong, but in the end, is there a right or wrong? Isn't it so that there's just situations, actions, reactions and opinions? And how is a negative reaction helping to solve the situation?
In fact, the only reason there's still a situation is because you are still allowing it to be.

GOD has been unbanned, no further harm done.
And why the fuck are we waiting for Leospace?
Do you need him to hold your hand and to say that everything is alright before you bury the hatchet?
Are we still so inmature that we need "a higher force" to guide us into peace? To right the wrong?

I don't see the need for this inquisition type "nailing the guilty to the cross" bullshit. I think you've been trying to get CM into a corner for too long.

These are just my 2 cents.
I just don't see how suddenly we go from psychonauts to unenlightened assholes with gigantic ego's who want justice.

And quit banning, banning is for commercial spammers and people with purposely negative agenda's.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Fev 2007
1 474
so why exactly was this thread started in the first place? :?: :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
So we would all look at a pink painted cow in wonder while the aliens abduct us during our sleep and sell us to the guardian ?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Thanks Space.

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
So we would all look at a pink painted cow in wonder while the aliens abduct us during our sleep and sell us to the guardian ?
Heh, not sure what you mean exactly, but it reminds me of a scene in a movie I saw the day before yesterday: The Love Guru


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
Good point space is the place. You pull the words from my nose.

God. You keep attacking CM, but never look at yourself.
My mother always told me to be honest, respectfull and when there are two fighting there are two too blame.

Okay CM made a mistake but only after you threaten to do something unlawful to him.
What is something unlawful :?:
Searching out CM and beat him up. Putting a knife between his ribs, or something horrible like that.

God your as smart as a rocket scientist, you need to work for NASA:Never a straight answer


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
I just don't see how suddenly we go from psychonauts to unenlightened assholes with gigantic ego's who want justice.

I agree..forgive and forget is the way to go.. but the problem is that what happened is representative of differences in our personalities. Until there is some kind of way of resolving these problems, this same old fight is going to come up over and over again as it has been doing this entire year. sigh. i'm so tired of it.

Forgiving and forgetting doesn't mean ignoring one's own better judgment and burying your head in the sand either... it does mean tempering it though. For example CM has been reprimanded and lost his mod rights (and make no mistake, that was not a little incident, it went on for days and was damaging to this forum). I find someone thinking it's justifiable to play 'throw a coup' downright creepy, and I'm glad people have called him out on this. Certain behavior is just not acceptable, we've made that message clear. BUT--the situation has now been dealt with. He cannot abuse his privileges now, so I couldn't really care less. In fact I'm willing to move on, I'm wanting to move on. We've better things to do at this forum.

To GOD.. pretty much all the mods and many members of the forum have repeatedly stood up for you when they felt you were wronged in the past, and have kept doing so. Even members who take issue with your posts have disagreed with your ban. So why take issue with this forum and leave it over a few members that bother you? I think you're being unrealistic.

Also, why are you arguing with Caduceus? This isn't just a simple question or comment on some esoteric subject, it's a sprawling, personal argument. You must know that he is not going to convince you, you are not going to be able to convince him, not in a billion years, so who are you convincing? This isn't a courtroom, there's no jury here. Maybe try not to let it get under your skin so much? After all there's better things to do here, right? You've a lot of valuable things to say and to contribute..

Lastly, I've got to be honest GOD, your posts under the name Daniel, I suspected it was you.. before I even read CM's post.. You have a very particular way of typing, for example you often put a space between the end of the sentence and your periods like this . It was the giveaway for me, aside from the very specific subject matter you referenced ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
st.bot.32 a dit:
but the problem is that what happened is representative of differences in our personalities. Until there is some kind of way of resolving these problems, this same old fight is going to come up over and over again as it has been doing this entire year
I agree

st.bot.32 a dit:
Forgiving and forgetting doesn't mean ignoring one's own better judgment and burying your head in the sand either... it does mean tempering it though. For example CM has been reprimanded and lost his mod rights (and make no mistake, that was not a little incident, it went on for days and was damaging to this forum). I find someone thinking it's justifiable to play 'throw a coup' downright creepy, and I'm glad people have called him out on this.
Ofcourse, I totally agree on this, it's not justifiable, but neither is calling him out in this self-rightious agressive way. It's totally missing the goal.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
^Perhaps what you're getting at... a question that needs to be asked is, are we here seeking to settle disputes in a way that's best for everyone, or to absolutely WIN the argument because nothing less will do?

You could ask that question regarding everything that's happened in the past year or so here.. hmm..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
st.bot.32 a dit:
^Perhaps what you're getting at... a question that needs to be asked is, are we here seeking to settle disputes in a way that's best for everyone, or to absolutely WIN the argument because nothing less will do?

You could ask that question regarding everything that's happened in the past year or so here.. hmm..

And it seems like (welneeded sensible) reflection is WAAAAAY overdue


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Thank you aya . You probably missinterpreted something i said about my daughter . If you want to know anything about me or my daughter please ask and i will do my best to explain . ( I`d like to thank the person that pointed out to me that wotsit can also mean plonka / chopper in english . Thank me very much ) .

To get some things straight .

I am not pro science and not against esoterics . My whole life has centered around and was mainly influenced by esoterics . I came to drugs through esoterics . My first real interests were / are ESP , wichcraft , astrology , tarot , i-ching , telepathy , near death experiences , meditation , trancendence and the ultimate experience of meeting / findeing the god in us all......the white light experience . . But not realy about the mechanical side of tarot , i-ching and astrology = the avoiding takeing responibility for the results shit of laying cards , throwing coins or makeing charts . I`m interested in the core , the intuition part that every good practicioner needs to interpretate the results of the mechanical bits . Personaly i`d rather go for the meaty bit , the real esoteric part of them = the hiden knowledge bit . The bit thats inside us . The bit that a large portion of castaneda is about . The bit that humans have forgoten and need to refind if we are to survive as a race . The bit that humans lost when they started to learn to read and write and give things names and lables . I am pro objectivity , neutrality and sensible critic......... especialy self critic . A person who cant be self critical and wont admit their problems and mistakes has a screw loose and lives in a fantasy world .

Psychonaut . The word psychonaut is put down to jonathon ott saying he read it in a german writers work . Either he is wrong or the german writer cant speak german as as far as i can see the word doesnt / didnt exist in german . The word should be psychenaut . Psychonaut means what it says psychotic trraveler and psychenaut means psyche traveler both in german and in english . I do think that the wrod psychonaut fits this forum though as very many people who post here have mental problems and are not real travelers of the mind . Most of them are polytoxic and are permanently trying to do the oposite of mental traveling wich is dulling their minds and turning themselves off . The one thing i`ve missed the most on this forum and in life are people who are realy and actively searching for the esoteric things in life . The hidden knowledge that is within us all and available to us all . Unfortunately esoterics , wich means hidden / latent knowledge , has also been translated secret knowledge and some sharlatans have used that to anounce themselves to have secret knowledge and say that they are profesionals , seers and prophets mostly for money and ego wanking . There is no secret knowledge . The people who claim to have it and those that pretend to sell it are liers , cheats and false prophets with no charakter and no personality . That is why i try to debunk money babas , gurus and sharlatans . Knowledge is free , it cant be sold or owned . An expert doesnt get that name from a school and anyone who gives themselves that title is a lier . Experts are people that understand and can explain their knowledge to anyone . The title is given by people who notice / see someones expertise .

I have been acused of being arogant . Just because i`m good doesnt mean i`m arogant . Just because i`m good and i know it doesnt mean i`m arogant . Just because i`m good and i know it and i say it doesnt mean i`m arogant . It means i am honest and intelligent and awake enough to notice it . Maybe the people who think i`m arogant have an inferiority complex and mistake self security , maturity and humor for arogance .

" forgive and forget"

Never in my life . Running away from problems , hideing from them and / or pretending they domt exist doesnt solve them it only makes them worse . Problems are there to solve , to talk out and learn from them . If humanity hadnt done that we would still be hanging round in trees getting wet and cold . We would also have fucked the planet , the weather , be eatingi meat , smokeing tobaco and abuseing drugs while waiting for terrortist McKenna to be raised from the dead by the lemurian and atlantian machine elves , and walks on the water on the 21st of december 2012 and feeds the hungry , cures all deseases , raises the dead , solves all our personal problems for us . and then saves the planet as the stars and the mayans predicted and as confirmed in the messages from the reptilians and the greys in corn circles all across the planet . I know this because pluto is fucking mickey mouse , venus has a peanut and mars is a bar .

Space . If you dont like the thread dont read it . And your two cents worth wasnt worth two cents . Could it be that most of your problems in life come because of you running away from them ? The same goes for all the kiss and make up , do it with PMs and lets pretend it didnt happen people . ( If i hadnt been talking to you i would have said idiots or morons ) . Its obvious that you have totaly missunderstood the situation here and whats been going on . Why not go to a court and tell the people that have been done wrong to kiss and make up or that they should just forget it . What you say is imatuire and crass . You sound like a christian saying turn the other cheek because jesus loves you . Fuck jesus . A person has to see the things hes done wrong , admit them , prove that hes real sorry for them and show the world that he wont do them again by being honest about them before he can be forgiven and the people who he has wronged can trust him again and carry on .

"I don't see the need for this inquisition type "nailing the guilty to the cross" bullshit. I think you've been trying to get CM into a corner for too long. "

Hypocrasy and bigotry . Whos been getting at who ? Whos been trying to nail me to a cross for more than a year ? Who started the first wich hunt agaionst me = your friend heartcore because when i came to this site he thought that he was the boss ( not that i think i am or want to be ) and started his war against me because i dared to have an opinion that he didnt share and to defend it with facts .

"And quit banning, banning is for commercial spammers and people with purposely negative agenda's."

Again pure bigotry and hip hop crass y . The main two people behind the call for a ban on me and behind the false "ban" on me are your friend heartcore and caduceus . I have that in writeing from the site royalty .

"so why exactly was this thread started in the first place?"

To say goodbye and i asked for and have been given permission to open this thread . I didnt stear it . I didnt start askeing questions and asking for honest answers , clarity and transparency .

Mumu your post contradics itself and stinks of cowardice , bias and favoritism . Things start at the start and not nearly at the end after more than a year of caduceus chaseing me from thread to thread and trying to get me banned . If you had been reading the threads you would have seen that caduceus had admited that he had been haveing a war against me . You would also have seen that i have tried to help him inspite of that in several threads . For instance when his car broke down , or with sugestions and ofers of help when he was talking about what to do with his shop / home , or when he was telling us about his fear of takeing DMT . Remember when i opened a thread with the sole purpose of helping him get through that fear and told him in detail how to over come it ?

" Until there is some kind of way of resolving these problems, this same old fight is going to come up over and over again as it has been doing this entire year. "

The problem will be shortly solved .

"i'm so tired of it"

Me to . I think most other people to .

"This isn't a courtroom, there's no jury here."

What the fuck !!! There wasnt a guantanamop bay type trial in the moderators section where one of the people who has been causeing the trouble , one of caduceuses lobby , was allowed to take part and i wasnt . A trial behind my , and the members , back . Where heartcore and caduceus were the initiators . The people who had been doing their best to have me banned for a long time . Who used false "evidence" , trumped up charges and dirty tricks to try to get rid of me because i dared to not agree with them and respect the hierarchy that they try to impose on the forum . And all because i showed that they / "the emperor has no clothes on" .

I dont want to win anything and i dont see things as black and white . I havent asked for caduceus or heartcore to be banned or punished they both tried to do that to me .

To the kiss and make up morons ..... please go back to the arse licking circle wank that the forum has recently become because of you and where you try to create the dark ages again .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
GOD a dit:

Mumu your post contradics itself and stinks of cowardice , bias and favoritism . Things start at the start and not nearly at the end after more than a year of caduceus chaseing me from thread to thread and trying to get me banned . If you had been reading the threads you would have seen that caduceus had admited that he had been haveing a war against me . You would also have seen that i have tried to help him inspite of that in several threads . For instance when his car broke down , or with sugestions and ofers of help when he was talking about what to do with his shop / home , or when he was telling us about his fear of takeing DMT . Remember when i opened a thread with the sole purpose of helping him get through that fear and told him in detail how to over come it ?


You both have been fighting. you are both to blame. I am not defending CM behaviour.

I may be a coward. you are a fool.
You can call me what you want. I don't care.
If you think i am getting upset by this in any way you are wrong. :lol:

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
To say goodbye and i asked for and have been given permission to open this thread .
By whom?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
GOD a dit:
" forgive and forget"
Never in my life . Running away from problems , hideing from them and / or pretending they domt exist doesnt solve them it only makes them worse . Problems are there to solve , to talk out and learn from them.
GOD a dit:
The same goes for all the kiss and make up , do it with PMs and lets pretend it didnt happen people . ( If i hadnt been talking to you i would have said idiots or morons ).
GOD a dit:
Why not go to a court and tell the people that have been done wrong to kiss and make up or that they should just forget it . What you say is imatuire and crass. You sound like a christian saying turn the other cheek because jesus loves you. Fuck jesus.
With forgive and forget I didn't talk about running away from problems, I was trying to suggest a more civilised approach to resolving conflict, not hitting eachother with clubs like a bunch of cavemen. I'm not saying you should just do like there's nothing wrong, what I was proposing (what you should've gotten out of my reply to St.Bot) is to get this stuff out of the way without calling eachother names and raving on and going bonkers.

GOD a dit:
And your two cents worth wasnt worth two cents.
Well that's like... your opinion maaaaan :roll:
But do I get it right when I say you're not in support of a more civilised way to solve this? Even if you feel the other isn't civilised or is wrong, does that mean you should be?

GOD a dit:
Space . If you dont like the thread dont read it.
The thing I don't like is people that I like going at eachother like this.

GOD a dit:
Could it be that most of your problems in life come because of you running away from them?
What problems? Besides, that's not what the thread is about now is it?

GOD a dit:
A person has to see the things hes done wrong , admit them , prove that hes real sorry for them and show the world that he wont do them again by being honest about them before he can be forgiven and the people who he has wronged can trust him again and carry on.
But you can't force someone into that process by force, isn't that one of the biggest things that goes wrong in society?

GOD a dit:
"I don't see the need for this inquisition type "nailing the guilty to the cross" bullshit. I think you've been trying to get CM into a corner for too long. "

Hypocrasy and bigotry . Whos been getting at who ? Whos been trying to nail me to a cross for more than a year ? Who started the first wich hunt agaionst me = your friend heartcore because when i came to this site he thought that he was the boss (not that i think i am or want to be ) and started his war against me because i dared to have an opinion that he didnt share and to defend it with facts.
But I don't support any type of inquisition pointed at whomever so how is that hipocritical or biggotist?
Do you really feel the need to do the same?
I know this shit has been going on for a long time, but you seem like the intelligent person to handle this stuff. Besides, wasn't it your attitude that provoced that in the first place? I'm not saying it's justifiable or that it was right, I'm just suggesting a more cool approach to things.
(do you understand where I'm getting at???)

GOD a dit:
"And quit banning, banning is for commercial spammers and people with purposely negative agenda's."
Again pure bigotry and hip hop crass y . The main two people behind the call for a ban on me and behind the false "ban" on me are your friend heartcore and caduceus . I have that in writeing from the site royalty.
You didn't understand my point of quit banning. I don't think you should've been banned and I also think CM shouldn't be banned, there is a more civil approach to this. So how am I a hypocrit and biggot when I am against all banning? Aw fuck it, I don't care, I just want to get this stuff out of the way.


Alpiniste Kundalini
30 Juil 2004
GOD and CM…

This starts to become pretty painful. I see a great forum being destroyed because of this. Members are leaving and I doubt if there are any new ones recently. You play both a negative role in that matter.

GOD > you have been a pain in the ass a lot of times for a lot of people (understatement).
CM > you crossed the line BIG time by taking things in your own hand. You refuse to admit that. You refuse to apologize. You keep defending your action while nobody agrees with you.

You’re both intelligent, so both of you will realize that what you’re doing now, is not working. Please do something about it. One way or the other, but don’t continue to destroy this forum because of your own little oochiegoochie problem with somebody else.

GOD and CM… please, stop. Nobody can settle this, except you two. Individual or together.

/sarcasm on/
Somebody any useful insights on the Palestinian conflict? I guess that’s easier to settle…
/sarcasm off/

For the record: CM does not have any ‘power’ on this forum, and that’s including ‘hidden power’ as Psychoid suggested.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Fev 2007
1 474
GOD a dit:
"so why exactly was this thread started in the first place?"

To say goodbye

then why havent you actually said goodbye? :?: :roll:

did you start this thread so you could talk about yourself and get everyone else talking about you? Because that is what has actually happened, the actual outcome of this thread, this is a thread about you

it is very sad that such a promising forum gets dragged down to such a mundane level by your obsession with yourself