it's interesting to note that the concept of chakras combines the natural elements (earth, water, fire, air) with other elements (sound, light, thought). maybe it could be a basic idea that for example electricity (or maybe not-electricity whatever that is? no, that doesn't really make sense...) has got to do with the human body and how the elements combine or don't combine with electricity and the other information elements or how they could be called? what they are or what they do?? maybe less elemental elements or higher elements... i really don't know... or maybe what's the basis for what in an element sense. for example i guess the heart is probably in some sense the most elemental. basically i would love alternative ways of looking at health that go in the direction of real deeper understanding. it's a deep idea that the heart is the the most basic or elemental thing in life. but it should also definately be more than less based on real healthy common sense.. often it's simply about what makes sense to yourself in some sense?? in addition to that i think it's interesting that maybe in the balance aspect of chakras it's not about balancing two aspects, but seven aspects. what does all it mean etc etc??????? who knows really????
hmmm now as far as i know human beings consist mostly of water. but having that in mind what ideas really make sense??? what comes to my mind is the saying from bruce lee: "
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
(energy states, for example static or flow, attributes, characteristics, benefits, risks, problems, etc etc... not totally sure) and then a basic idea is probably acidity... if the acid in the stomach is too acidic, does this only tell something about the food that was eaten or does it also tell something about the mood or attitude of the person??? ?
and then of course probably the good old idea of fatty acids with either high density or low density. i would say it doesn't really make sense that something can have high and low density at the same time. or lol of course... middle density... but i don't know yet what that means... hmm and then maybe what about the density about acids and fats or are there other characteristics or attributes more interesting? pure fat and pure acid?? lol!!!!! in what sense pure?? in an element sense or in another sense??? well hmm what seems obvious is that both fats and acids are essential. i think it should be obvious or maybe logical, that too fat = bad and too acidic = also bad. and then does it make sense that maybe what for somebody is valuable material, for somebody else isn't??
it's one well-known idea that what works for one maybe doesn't work for the other. however sometimes it works the same for different persons. everyone has to find their own path in life.
i think it's about consciousness/awareness and about the inner and the outer world. it seems to me sadly a lot of humans don't pay a lot of attention to the inner world or not in a loving way. i would say understanding and knowing yourself is what's important here.
what else can i say now?? i guess i have to think more about it, but then again also not think so much about it.. lol know what i mean?? well because as i mentioned before, i found myself sometimes simply thinking way too much about things instead of actually doing things.
btw i don't want to say it is like that at all, it's just some ideas and experiences from my own life... i think it's all probably a bit too technical or so... furthermore i suppose these concepts are possibly a bit too advanced, but hopefully one day the people will be ready....and now at the end why not a maybe even most basic valuable advice: if you feel too much pressure, just take a deep breath and if that doesn't work then take a walk. and if it's not self-evident, maybe it makes sense to mention that the normal direction should quite probably be: first healthy common sense cultivation and then wisdom cultivation.
hmmm anyway ... i just hope everything will be alright for everyone.
the practical aspect is simply that for example when you have a strange taste on the tongue and what you can and maybe should or shouldn't do then. it's a bit an oversimplification, but i hope you get the point... yeah it should all be clear and you all should know all that already anyway...