glands and chakras

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i thought maybe they are related, because chakras are in the most basic sense, supposed to be some sort of wheels or so..
and glands sort of "keep it moving" within the body, in some way... but that's rougly said definately an oversimplification. or it's wrong... because glands probably have a deeper sense/meaning or so.
as far as i can see, a very advanced way of looking at it is something like "wheels within wheels". i think that's where dimensions can play one or many roles.
maybe like it's all energy... and energy forms cycles and (re)cycles forms... any thoughts???
:retard: 8)








I've always doubted the presence of Chakra's and considered them as fiction although i'm open to the fact that i may be wrong. If the entire body is an energy field, why is enlightenment referred to the crown chakra?? The entire body is vibrating matter/energy with a consciousness. Isn't the entire body sexual then why is it restricted to one centre??

For me believing in the Chakra system is like believing in the sky gods, you can't really prove they are there. This chakra system has been passed down through primitive man who didn't know much himself, and you cannot really find any chakras if you do an autopsy.
doing an autopsy to find chakras isn't quite the solution, I'd say. looking for the alive in a dead body ;)

drawing from experience, I couldn't say that I don't believe in chakras of some sort. at a meditation retreat, after sharpening the attention for 4 days we were directed to give attention to the highest point of the head, and it felt quite extreme, as if the body-/character-/energetic- armor got piqued there. it felt like a huge inflow of energy which swirled up lots of settled dirt in the whole body. a rotating feeling on the top of the head remained for some days.
another time, on lsd, I sat on a mountain and it felt a lot as if the heart chakra was very active, it was like an anchor in reality.

what I don't believe however is the folk who claim to be able to take photos of the aura.. a friend did it and the picture just looked sooo fake.
hmm i heard that a chakra feels similar to how a whirlpool would feel to an ocean. the basic idea is i think that they are somehow like energy vortexes and they connect the physical and spiritual realms or so. i think it's indeed like many people only strictly believe in material reality and can't imagine even the possibility of higher dimensions of reality or see deeper aspects of material reality. hmmm i also think that you probably can't prove that the sky gods are there, however they can prove it to you, if they wish to do so.:Oo:;)
the crown chakra is supposedly related to the brain and i guess it's related to enlightenment because it's the highest energy center in the body.

i just think the chakras are a cosmic and holistic concept in some sense of the human inner workings and more interesting than most "modern" concepts or so.. maybe similar to how solar systems and galaxies work.. because many ancient cultures knew that we are divine, but in the modern western world or so etc we get simply reduced to basically machines or robots or so...:wasted:
well as far as i understand it, the chakras are non-physical, but probably with a open enough third eye you can see them. the third eye is supposedly something like "the mind's eye", but i don't know for sure whether it's exactly the best description for it or so.. a famous guru or so said something like "man + third eye = god" and " god - third eye = man"... i think there is some truth in that. i think its interesting to think about the idea of the eye aspect of thoughts or so, but definately be very careful with that idea. also i think there are many normally invisible energies that can be seen like that. for example think about why the most high being that is god is invisible to most people although it is everywhere. :retard::roll:

btw ararat sounds like you had an interesting experience... i think a saying goes like "energy flows where attention goes"... lol ...
in my experience i have felt that i had given the negative shit way too much attention for a long time and also on lsd and shrooms i felt what i had been doing to myself...i think it's really very important to really love yourself and to know what that means. or the simple joy of being can also be very amazing and even overwhelming especially on psychedelics... i think often this is underrated... how much joy it can be to simply be there... it's crazy lol....:heart::!:
in my opinion the feeling is often neglected too much... and as i see it, the concept of chakras could be something like a pointer towards more conscious feeling or so.

i have researched a bit about the pineal gland and found out that supposedly it shouldn't feel too hard or too soft.
comparable to the consistency of eyeballs.
anyway i just thought the whole idea of chakras in spirituality has a fascinating notion to it. for example i saw a youtube video, where the symbollism of one of the lower chakras (the sacral chakra or navel chakra which has got to do with the stomach) seems to have got to do with the moon and the element is water. but maybe also all chakras have got to do with the moon in some way or another.
isn't that interesting??

anyway as far as i understand it, the basic idea with chakras is the whole and the parts.
in what sense is the concept of a lightbody a galactic sort of concept or so? i would say it's easy lol...
maybe it's easy to understand with practical examples. burping or hiccup with different heart frequencies can have different results. if it's done very consciously in a concentrated manner, then it's more likely to be positive than when you're totally tense and unrelaxed. know what i mean? :wasted: and what about coughing and sneezing???
how strong is the pressure of the blood that the heart is pumping through the veins? that can be felt, but i guess it's like you have to know how different it can also be.
hmm i guess all that sounds a little bit confused/confusing.. sorry for that... maybe anyone has other ideas... does anyone feel their glands?? does anyone feel chakras at all? :question:

I tried to understand how chakra's work but I can't say I do. However I did very vividly see chakra's during several trips, I even ended up mingling with the energy flow of my chakra's during one trip, almost automatically.
@claudemarine: hey thanks for the positive reply... means a lot to me!! :)

@bara suen ka: haha yeah... i also can't really say i understand chakras, but i would say it can be fun to try to understand with an open mind and good heart or so... interesting that you say that you saw chakras while tripping... it seems to me with energy in some sense it's all about the flow... when tripping the awareness for the body and energies can get taken to whole other and much more subtle levels. the question is simply how good the instincts are... (instincts are automatisms in some sense, right?)

anyway... i thought a little bit more about chakras, but i haven't really understood it yet... lol... :-o :lol: but it's still really interesting. as far as i understood, a basic aspect seems to be that if you look at one chakra, you should in some way at the same time look at the other chakras as well, in order to not disbalance yourself.
i think it's about the relationship between the whole and the parts... maybe it's no coincidence that a lot of youtube videos that got to do with chakras also have fractals.... anyway...
maybe one example for a differentiation could be the brain and the rest of the body... but then again in reality it's probably a lot more complicated in some way. dreams etc etc...
hmmm... basically the energy of the colors is important.. how the colors can work together... maybe symbollically but also the actual energies on a quantum levels made visible?? also if you ask me, it's remarkable that chakra systems can describe entire life situations. i think to me this means basically that the wisdom of god is inconceivable.
or for example simply the obvious and maybe not so obvious degrees of harmony of a human body.
in easy language for example maybe the green needs something from the red, the blue needs something from the yellow, etc etc... maybe the language of feelings??
hmm in conclusion i would say looking at the forces of nature with a good understanding of chakras or looking at chakras with a good understanding of nature can probably be very interesting... not sure how to explain that.. maybe the inner and the outer world... or what about the universe and its energies? for example somewhere i read that from some perspective, gravity is pushing from above, but from another perspective it's pulling from below. just saying that perspective can make a great difference... for example the chakra perspective or perspective chakra??? lol...
and lol... what i can definately say with great clarity, is that it's very elemental to just really relax sometimes... :x ;)
who knows really???
an idea that comes to my mind is stillness in movement and/or movement in stillness... with many levels of that i would ask myself what is it then really???... yeah try to think about that. lol....

i can tell something from my own life experience... i think it's a bit sad, but anyway... well, the thing was i simply was thinking too much in a bad way or so... for example sometimes i thought i had a decision between yawning, burping and hiccup.. yeah i know it's a bit strange... and i haven't completely understood it yet.. most probably it has got to do something with the thinking instead of really being there. why couldn't i think such a supposedly intelligent thought, without really being there??? i mean like i should just have listened properly to the body feeling and then simply yawn, burp or hiccup and not think about that too much, if at all. know what i mean?? or maybe it would be wrong to yawn, burp or hiccup and something else would be better. well maybe basically it could be a good thought, but it seems it can get in the way in a bad sense.... but hmm maybe it's all a little bit more complicated...
hmmm another thing is that many many years ago i practiced karate for many years and then stopped suddenly and didn't do a lot of sports anymore at all...
it seems to me my point is that maybe the body tension and the mind tension or so got mixed up somehow...
hmm still gotta figure it all out intelligently enough. now i am wondering whether someone really experienced with chakras would instantly know which of my chakras were blocked or so??? i would say it's relatively obvious my problem has got to do with wrong breathing.

it's interesting to note that the concept of chakras combines the natural elements (earth, water, fire, air) with other elements (sound, light, thought). maybe it could be a basic idea that for example electricity (or maybe not-electricity whatever that is? no, that doesn't really make sense...) has got to do with the human body and how the elements combine or don't combine with electricity and the other information elements or how they could be called? what they are or what they do?? maybe less elemental elements or higher elements... i really don't know... or maybe what's the basis for what in an element sense. for example i guess the heart is probably in some sense the most elemental. basically i would love alternative ways of looking at health that go in the direction of real deeper understanding. it's a deep idea that the heart is the the most basic or elemental thing in life. but it should also definately be more than less based on real healthy common sense.. often it's simply about what makes sense to yourself in some sense?? in addition to that i think it's interesting that maybe in the balance aspect of chakras it's not about balancing two aspects, but seven aspects. what does all it mean etc etc??????? who knows really????

hmmm now as far as i know human beings consist mostly of water. but having that in mind what ideas really make sense??? what comes to my mind is the saying from bruce lee: "“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

(energy states, for example static or flow, attributes, characteristics, benefits, risks, problems, etc etc... not totally sure) and then a basic idea is probably acidity... if the acid in the stomach is too acidic, does this only tell something about the food that was eaten or does it also tell something about the mood or attitude of the person??? ?
and then of course probably the good old idea of fatty acids with either high density or low density. i would say it doesn't really make sense that something can have high and low density at the same time. or lol of course... middle density... but i don't know yet what that means... hmm and then maybe what about the density about acids and fats or are there other characteristics or attributes more interesting? pure fat and pure acid?? lol!!!!! in what sense pure?? in an element sense or in another sense??? well hmm what seems obvious is that both fats and acids are essential. i think it should be obvious or maybe logical, that too fat = bad and too acidic = also bad. and then does it make sense that maybe what for somebody is valuable material, for somebody else isn't??
it's one well-known idea that what works for one maybe doesn't work for the other. however sometimes it works the same for different persons. everyone has to find their own path in life.
i think it's about consciousness/awareness and about the inner and the outer world. it seems to me sadly a lot of humans don't pay a lot of attention to the inner world or not in a loving way. i would say understanding and knowing yourself is what's important here.

what else can i say now?? i guess i have to think more about it, but then again also not think so much about it.. lol know what i mean?? well because as i mentioned before, i found myself sometimes simply thinking way too much about things instead of actually doing things.
btw i don't want to say it is like that at all, it's just some ideas and experiences from my own life... i think it's all probably a bit too technical or so... furthermore i suppose these concepts are possibly a bit too advanced, but hopefully one day the people will be ready....and now at the end why not a maybe even most basic valuable advice: if you feel too much pressure, just take a deep breath and if that doesn't work then take a walk. and if it's not self-evident, maybe it makes sense to mention that the normal direction should quite probably be: first healthy common sense cultivation and then wisdom cultivation. ;)
hmmm anyway ... i just hope everything will be alright for everyone.

the practical aspect is simply that for example when you have a strange taste on the tongue and what you can and maybe should or shouldn't do then. it's a bit an oversimplification, but i hope you get the point... yeah it should all be clear and you all should know all that already anyway...

another idea that just came to my mind... some people seem to think they can handle the higher elements, when they can't even properly handle the lower elements. i would say it's normal that there are stupid people like that... but some of them are not only stupid, but really evil. so please don't be fooled by the idiots.. be careful but not too stupid, if at all, or so and be aware that fear is in principle not a good path at all. we better want a nice and intelligent society, you know?? hmmm now i just really hope everything will be alright for everyone... but more for the good people than the idiots of course... i hope you know why i am saying that and yeah i can say i really don't know what's the best way of saying that.

hmmm... so... maybe light and darkness or the light within the darkness and the darkness within the light??? simply saying that, because it's a pointer towards deeper understanding, but ... there are various different levels of that and some things are interesting and others are simply really stupid...
now a little bit something else .. for example better trying to be good than not trying to be good, but better really being good than only trying to be good. and not buy into stupid retarded ego games...
conclusion: i think with some colors it can sometimes be good if they're a bit darker. probably the same with light colors, but not really sure... what colors and why???? sorry, i don't really know....

it seems to me that sometimes a middle way is the best thing one can do, but then again maybe sometimes a middle way is the worst thing one can do??? i would say this should be obvious in most situations. when it's not obvious maybe take a double middle way or a half middle way??? not really sure about that... lol... damn, it really shouldn't be a joke... it's still somewhat serious shit now in some sense...
maybe the problem is simply how you look at yourself and others.... and what you believe and why... that can make a greater difference than many people believe.
if you ask me it's good to be cool, but it's a lot better to be cool and nice... not sure what's a good way of saying that right now.

the idea of density in context to the concept of thoughts. when one stops thinking, one can really be. of course... well, maybe some people have experienced realities of that shit... so this means just because it's like that doesn't mean that it's good... most often it's better when one thinks well and is well in a good balance... if one only thinks or only is then it's relatively often not so good. so hmmmm.... what else can i say now??? i think there is a deep truth in stopping the mind and ideas like that, but it seems to me sometimes it can even be greater when the mind is used really well instead.

hmmm so i guess the conclusion is... sorry, i simply don't know... you will have to think for yourself. :retard:

Vishudda chakra. 5°. blue. communication. thyroid. natural element: quintessence or ether. vibrational energy - the center of throat. apparatus laryngeal (throat, tonsils, vocal cords); esophagus.

well in this day I thinked when someone take some drink for the first time, and he think it's horribol, during the drinking this someone has Vishudda chakra very very tens..... mmmm
Oh my God !! this is in so much of depth. Came to know lot many things.I only surfed some on line videos for meditation and yoga. Now I think I should join some meditation retreat.
Yes, absolutely
chakras are connected to glands as well as physical organs.

This is how energy healing works.
Acupuncture, acupressure, qigong, pranic healing and others...

Chakras are energy centers.
They can be partially blocked and then physical
organs as well as glans can get ill.
Energy treatments work on the chakras
which in return affects physical body
because energy(chi, prana, mana, ki...)
keeps the body alive and healthy.

There are many books written on this subject
I suggest "Miracles through Pranic Healing" by Master Choa Kok Sui
if you want to understand this thoroughly.
It is very easy to read and a very practical book.