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Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2006
Lately swim became more and more interested in GHB. But nobody seems to know it, and they definitely don't know where to get it from. He knew it was easy to make, so he searched a bit. He came up with this.

Well, there you have it. The NaHCO3 way ("Preparation of Sodium GHB using Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda, NaHCO3)") would be simplest for him, because that isn't hard to get.

Two questions arose though. Will the mixture be potent enough (as potent as the NaOH way) ? And where can you get GBL (in Belgium), without ordering it from the internet?

Someone pls help him, I can't! -_-


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
SWIY needs to know it is virtually impossible to get GBL, legally, without the authorities being notified.

Companies in the EU that supply GBL are obliged to pass on SWIY's personal data to authorities when SWIY orders it.

Illegally, don't know.

On the internet, a lot of suppliers, which are relatively easy to find.


8 Jan 2007
www.airfox.net sells high quality gbl. swim has made potent ghb from naoh solution and gbl solution mixed together drop by drop at 100 C


29 Août 2005
i dont think gbl is illegal since its used alot in industrial factorys, but it could be made illegal in the US, i think i have read that somewher on a site who sells gbl and were not allowed to send to America but im not 100% sure.

and why are ppl converting GBL to GHB when GBL is ingested, your body converts it to GHB?
unless you are going te sell it ofcource, then you beter convert it to GHB for safety reasons.

i use GBL about once in 3 days, it helps me a lot with my social anxiety, wich i been suffering from my whole life :cry:.

i have stoped using daily because the withdrawls are horrible when you suddenly stop using, they take about 3 days to fully wear off, the shaking is the worst the first day, then comes the anxity wich is horrible and lasts 2 days and your still shaking a bit and you are also nervous.
oh yea i forgot to say your also feeling depressed and thats not worth it imo.

i have read on erowid from ppl who have used GBL much longer and high doses who had to been put in a psychiatry after quiting there GBL adiction.
there withdrawls where even worse, hallucination, aggresive, and alot more nasty thing you dont want to have, so pls be carefull and so some research.

but i could have found a way of using GBL daily with no withdrawls, very small doses for a long period could do the trick (i have done this for a month and 2 weeks, i cant say if this is also the case when you use it any longer) i stoped from one day to the other and i didnt had any withdrawls at all!!

i think for some ppl with mental problems, if used in the right way, this can be a good medicine (anxiety, depression, restelsness, hard time falling a sleep, etc...) .

you have to measure your doses carefully though, cuz its alot less that you need to feel the effects compared to GHB (i think its about 1/3, correct me if im wrong), and it takes a while before you know to redose and not to overdose, and this happens alot with gbl wich isnt so good when your at a party :cry:. but its not a party drug imho, i use it more for relaxing with some friends or as a medicine for my social anxiety.

when i first started using gbl it took me 4 weeks to know a good dose and when my body can have another dose, i have passed out many times in this period, but thats nothing to worry about, you will be very awake and alert after 3-4 hours like you had a good deep night sleep :lol: .

i also think that gbl has a more aggressive high and kicks in faster and takes longer to wear off then ghb, but that is from my own experiences. (i have used both)

ive been doing this for over a year and i dont seem to have any medical or mental problems with my organs or anything else.

just make sure you use a full big glass of orangejuice or some other soda (something with oranges will take almost all that nasty chemical taste away) and you wont damage your throat or any other organs.

site i order from: www.cleanstar24.de , i think they are cheap compared to other sites, and they are located in germany so if your from europe you will get you order in a week.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
...thats why I like pot...its a lot better antidepressant than G.

plus pot is safe, even when abused beyond sanity.

I've stood watching, at a club, tripping on acid, while verry slight ODs on GHB
killed a girl.G used to be very prominent in my area. It was abused horribly, irresponsibly.

Because the line between effective dose and overdose is so thin, this drug should not be used casually as a recreational drug by most people.

Too easy to die.

If I were to risk my life, it wouldn't be for that stuff...


29 Août 2005
...thats why I like pot...its a lot better antidepressant than G.

plus pot is safe, even when abused beyond sanity.
Not for your lungs :) and dont forget, the chances of becoming a schizo are also higher when smoking pot, though im not sure if they have proven that already.

I think pot is a waste of money, you get lazy dont do a thing, you just sit there being high, not wanting to get up and do some stuff like cleaning or going out (that is my experience and of some i know but they still use), hell if my friends are high they barely say a word, and if something comes out of there mouth, it doesnt make any sence at all... i cant see the fun in that.

Why do you like it so much, being high i mean, spice, or anyone else that smokes pot?

i get the complete opposite (did i spell that right?) effect of yours ,i get depressed and anxious from smoking pot, i dont say a word anymore, its like my friends are strangers and i start thinking they talk behind my back, wich im sure of they dont when im sober but when im stoned im a completly different person, i get paranoid, start thinking too much , etc... so i decided it would be best to stop smoking and i started looking for something else.

But i didnt mind, i also got alergic to THC after 5 years of smoking weed, wich i never heard of before :? , so i was glad i didnt had a dripping nose all the time and my sneezing was gone. :)
But when vissiting someone who smokes pot or has recently smoked, thats about all my friends, i start neezing again and the dripping returns, and this usualy keeps going for a week. Imagine sneezing every 10 mins for 3 times in a row sometimes even more... yea, its prety anoying. :x

ps: if there is someone on this board who knows someone or is also alergic to THC (i think its the THC im alergic to)
and knows a medicine that helps pls post, i have tried many anty alergy pills, sprays for my nose, wich i used too much and i kinda fucked up my nose now. Im not planning on using again but i would like to visit my stoner friends some more :).

I've stood watching, at a club, tripping on acid, while verry slight ODs on GHB
killed a girl.G used to be very prominent in my area. It was abused horribly, irresponsibly.

Because the line between effective dose and overdose is so thin, this drug should not be used casually as a recreational drug by most people.

Its things like that wich give ppl who like to experiment with all kinds of drugs a bad name, even if its such an innocent herb like canabis
For some ppl all drugs are bad, because they are not informed and dont know anything about it.

And i totaly agree with you saying that this drug should not be used casually as a recreational drug, alot of ppl who go out will mix it with alcohol wich can sometimes end with ppl dieing.
And on what do they blame it ? G opfcource... and we know what the next step is when ppl die who have taken drugs...[/b]


29 Août 2005
this is a very intresting article, its about tests they have done on mice with GBL, you should read the whole article if you can.

In a long-term dosing experiment in rodents, very high doses of butyrolactone showed a surprising lack of toxicity [NTIS, 1992]. The researchers gave 0, 112 and 225 mg/kg GBL to male rats; 0, 225 and 450 mg/kg GBL to female rats; and 0, 262 and 526 mg/kg GBL to both male and female mice. Scaled to human body size, these rodent dosages are about ten times what humans would use. The GBL was administered 5 days per week by gavage (stomach tube).

Is someone in here good at math and can calculate what the average dosage for an average weighing human would be ? That would be great to know. Im to lazy to do it myself, sorry 8)

At the end of 2 years (old age, for rats), the survival of male rats was 48% for the control group, 54% for the intermediate-dose group and 64% for the high-dose group. That’s right, the GBL-treated male rats lived longer! This was attributed to a decreased incidence of mononuclear leukemia. In the female rats receiving double the dose of the male rats, the survival was not significantly different between the three groups: 56%, 54% and 54% respectively. However, the body weight of the GBL-dosed females was 10-20% lower than that of the controls.

Who said drugs are bad ?? 8)
So maybe, if we wanna live longer, we all should start using gbl/ghb on a daily basis :lol:.
It works for rats so why not for humans ?
In the mice, body weights were reduced in both sexes, 6% in the males and 14-17% in the females. Female survival at two years (also old age for mice) was 76% in the control group, 68% in the intermediate-dose group and 76% in the high-dose group. Male survival was a disaster. Survival was 70% in the control group, 60% in the intermediate-dose group and 24% in the high-dose group. The higher mortality was attributed entirely to fighting and bite wounds inflicted during recovery from GBL-induced sedation. At week 67, the high-dose males were transferred from group cages to individual cages, thus eliminating fighting-related deaths and allowing males to gain back some of their lost weight.
So this basicly means that the thinner you are, the more agresive you get when on gbl ?? Or or you more sencitive to the dosage you take, that makes more sence i think, do i get that right ? If i am, thats a strange side effect lol...
What does all this mean? The predominance of strong positive effects over weak adverse effects at such high dosages establishes that GBL is fundamentally safe and potentially beneficial.
Theres a lot more to read about this, i copied the text wich i found the most intresting to read.

Read more here.


8 Jan 2007
people convert gbl to ghb becasue its easier on the body, plus who wants to swallow an industrial solvent when u can convert to NaGHB weigh the doses in powder form and make lil capsules, way better.


29 Août 2005
people convert gbl to ghb becasue its easier on the body, plus who wants to swallow an industrial solvent when u can convert to NaGHB weigh the doses in powder form and make lil capsules, way better.

With easyer on the body, do you mean you dont feel sick or anything ??
I never have trown up from GBL, ow wait im lieing, i did trow up once and that was the first time i used GBL, i never feel sick and. And yes im swallowing an industrial solvent, but what do you think your swallowing then ? a protein drink ?? I dilluted the gbl so much in orangejuice its maybe 1/100 gbl in orangejuice, that wont hurt you believe me, im the living proof, i used it for over a year daily with a 2 week stop every 2 months and i dont have any mental or fysical problems.

Your drinking a solvent mixed with a product they use for cleaning out pipes wich are blocked, it burned everything away, it will even burn to your skin.
I dont think thats healthy either but hey noone has died yet so it must be save, just like GBL can be used save!!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I have got a bottle of 500 ml 99.95 % pure GBL and it's honestly easy to find a source on the net.

You talk about pot, haha, a well dosed G effect is much more relaxing and causes no damage at all.

I take GBL everynight before I go to sleep, it makes me f'n kinky as well.

Also, I noticed that after a hard work-out, there's definitely a slight anabolic effect in my muscles. It also keeps my cortisol levels low.

It is a great drug and a fanastic substitute for alcoholism, though a G addiction replaces the alcohol addiction, but there's no psysical damage or an hangover. Also the agressiveness doesn't exist with G. And causes no psychotic phases or delrium, and confusing afterwards.

It stimulates the libido, but doesn't make men more pushing for sex by women, going for their goal goes more with sociability and tenderness.

Your face also shows a enthausiastic and social glance in your face while under influence. A sort of freshness.

Though there have been reports about fainting and rapes, but like every drugs, G should be treated with respect and the user needs to do research.

Educate before you medicate yourself, and you might experience the wonderful daily G use that makes the daily life much more optimistic and allows you to fill in your roll even better in the society. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Not for your lungs Smile and dont forget, the chances of becoming a schizo are also higher when smoking pot, though im not sure if they have proven that already.

Are you aware of the research publication in may 2006 which clearly shows pot does not increase the chance you will get lung cancer?

And schizo is a flakey business. Note that every shaman on the planet wouldis called a schizo if you would label them pathologically. Latent psychosis/scnizophrenia can be triggered by smoking pot. You could wonder if thats bad, personally, if I would have a loose wheel somewhere in my head, I would prefer to have knowledge about that as soon as possible ;)

Lookup all the research about the negative effects about cannabis. Then sum them up and realize how thin the evidence is. But 'they' are very persistent in proving that something is wrong with it anyway..

If you look long and hard enough at anything, chances are you will find something wrong with it.

*points to the frontpage article about a woman dieying from an overdose of....water*

I think pot is a waste of money, you get lazy dont do a thing, you just sit there being high, not wanting to get up and do some stuff like cleaning or going out (that is my experience and of some i know but they still use), hell if my friends are high they barely say a word, and if something comes out of there mouth, it doesnt make any sence at all... i cant see the fun in that.

Well pot has a somewhat high profile for abuse and if you can't deal with that, you should consider quitting. Good to hear that you did that. There are also a lot of people who can safely use this drug and keep it within very acceptable limits but even then, as suggested earlier in this topic, with heavy abuse, the penalty is small whereas you can relatively easily die from overdosing alcohol or damage your brains.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
thanks, heartcore...you said it..

I'll only add two things:

1) Mark twain said that there are three kinds of untruths;


Damn Lies


statistics are too easy to misinterpret, and they lend themselves to 'spin' too easily.

you forget, worldwide recreational drug use is NOT a controlled scientific experiment. Therefore, the statistics you trotted out really don't show (me, anyway) that GHB is inherently safe.


Maybe you can use it with precision and caution, and if so, more power to you. But why turn it loose on the 18-23 yr old public as a club drug? These kids aint scientists and most of them work on the assumption that if 'one's good four is better' which equals DOOM w/ GHB, and sense I've seen the way this works many times, I'll stick with my original assesment of G.

Most of the people I saw on it looked really drunk and, hey, I gotta tell you, pretty unattractive, stumbling into everyone and breaking stuff.

If I had wanted to be around drunks I would have went to a normal bar.

I'm not going to defend pot, it doesn't NEED me to.

Plus, brother, GHB is addictive AS HELL, and you're the one that said G addiction replaces alcohol addiction...

on top of the fact that it lends itself to misuse in other ways, such as 'knockout drops'...there was an epidemic around here of date rape activity
w/ G in combination w/ alcohol....

so, I'll reiterate...

It's not a good recreational drug.

The 'chemists' turning G loose on the youth in a recreational context, need to examine their ethical code, if they have one.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
Yer a champion in making bloody long posts mate. :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Sounds interresting compound for insomniacs...
Does the regular/long term use lead to a tolerance like with official somnifers (zolpidem), meaning very few effects for the same dose, requiring higher doses ?


29 Août 2005
HeartCore a dit:
Are you aware of the research publication in may 2006 which clearly shows pot does not increase the chance you will get lung cancer?

One study is realy no proof of anything. imo smoking something just cant be healthy for your lungs...

Maru a dit:
Sounds interresting compound for insomniacs...
Does the regular/long term use lead to a tolerance like with official somnifers (zolpidem), meaning very few effects for the same dose, requiring higher doses ?

ive used it daily for month's, i started with 0.3 - 0.5 ml and ended with 1ml per dose.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Someone I know had the opportunity to test 0.25 ml of GHB and he definitivly felt it. He said me that this was a very pleasant and relaxing experience, definitivly the kind of thing that may makes you addict.
Hopefully there are lot of horrible and scaring stories about GHB withdrawal


Without that, this would be a almost too nice substance :oops:


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
It is quite a nice substance to your body.

A friend of my has worked in an advice-institue for drugs and has learned a lot there, now GHB is thé substance for him because of the (even positive) effects on th body. After it's effect dimminished the body starts making [thingies, some proteins I thought] which make you active again. The substances that are released in your body are non-toxic, in recreational dosage.

Offcourse I don't say "It's a good thing!" but you can say that about anything (substance or object) that is used wrongly. The problem with GHB is that it's easily overdosed. But since somebody died of water again, the possibility or water-overdosage is underestimated aswell. But what I try to say is that the substance GHB is not a substance that is indifferently bad for humans .. the mind/body, espescially compared to other substances we consume carelessly.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
advice-institue for drugs

What may be such institute ? Medical research ? And can you give us more infos about what was learned in that institute about GHB if there is something new not already written on Erowid ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Siq a dit:
It is quite a nice substance to your body.

A friend of my has worked in an advice-institue for drugs and has learned a lot there, now GHB is thé substance for him because of the (even positive) effects on th body. After it's effect dimminished the body starts making [thingies, some proteins I thought] which make you active again. The substances that are released in your body are non-toxic, in recreational dosage.

True, but not the GHB itself makes the protein, but it supresses an hormone called cortisol, which causes stress and high blood pressure. It takes your body to a deep state of rest and it's in able to release more growth hormone. Consumed protein is used more efficiently by the body. Which is a benefit for building processes in the body. That's why it's used by bodybuilders.

I'm consuming it daily and after a hard workout, I wake up the next morning and my muscles are fully pumped, and I'm more cheerful than usual because I slept deep. It also gives me more motivation to functionate in the society.

It has no after or side effects, and produces mild euphoria, active talking and hornyness. Much like alcohol, but with no agressiveness, throwing up, and reckless attitude. With E, you get a greater effect of empathy, while jaw tension, chewing and heartbeats are decreased.

From all drugs, GHB is one of those drugs that need to be dosed properly. It's not like 1 pill can, 2 as well but unpleasant. Twice a pleasant dose usually results in collapsing to a deep sleep.This is because it supresses your heartbeat too. It just requires a common sense and then there's no prob. But still, a fatal dose is much more than a normal dose.

Those idiots who abused and put it in drinks of others made this great substance illegal.