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Je m'inscris!

First trip on holly Ayahuasca :)


30 Nov 2005

The travellers where me and Syul, we went on Ayahuasca @ home.
Sunday... We took good care with our diet in that day, eating non-tempered food and stuff that wouldn't interact with the MAOI...
We were relaxed, joyful as almost always :) we prepared our setting during the day, our main living room with incorporated concert stage :)
After dinner, 21h, i started to prepare the holy potion...
Syul was connecting cables for playing and recording later on. I was in the kitchen, always stiring the brew, meditating and smoking joints...
i blew the smoke into the pot and watched the morphing forms and smoke.
For my first time i decided to use the traditional way: i smashed the mimosa into tiny pieces with a plastic bag and a hammer, shreaded it by hand after that.
I smashed the Syrian Rue the best i could (not very well) and measured the doses. I put everything in a inox steel pot, with water and lemon juice, and started the slow boil.
We measured 3g of Syrian Rue a 7g of Mimosa per dose. We were careful, didn't knew the power of the plants, brew and preparation...
Syul was feeling restless because from some time he's extremely sensitive to all substances, and he was a bit afraid about going to strong... he's very hyperactive hellyeah
He decided he would take only half of his dose and keep the rest in the fridge for other trip. I kept my plan and dose.
I slowly boiled the plants for 40 minutes, always connected and stiring, and then we filtered this first extraction through a white tshirt into a ceramic container. I prepared more water with lemon and boiled the plant material again, for 20 minutes... filtered again, mixed it with the first extraction.
We took away the plant material. We reduced the brew to what was going to be 2 cups, but i measured it a bit badly and in the end we got 2 half-cups of bitter and somewhat thick dark-brown material o0
it took 2 hours to perform this cerimony. i liked it a lot :)
we went to the living concert room, rolled some joints and played a bit with the drums, guitar and bass... we got relaxed and inspired.
We started to drink the brew, after saying our intentions and respect and asking for a knowledgeful trip, to be well-recieved...
We kept playing while we were drinking, i took 30 minutes to take it all, Syul drank his half in that time too.

When i was playing the guitar and closed my eyes, i would start to go very far, very connected with our music, and i could sense when i open the eyes again that something was changing, something was at the move inside of me... joyful and relaxed feelings from the harmaline too.
We didn't watch the time, but maybe at time +1H i noticed my eyes changing, things getting a bit blury, eyes shaking a little bit, some sort of rush appearing from inside. Syul was full of energy, and he played and played almost all of his trip :lol: although his trip was milder, his symphtoms were coming at the same time with mine and were similar.
I stopped to play, as i was feeling that the connection with playing was deriving me from the path that was getting formed in front of me.
I started to feel heat and strange feelings in my face, then in my eyes and front head. I was between relaxation and the growing rush.
I layed in the couch, watching around and flowing to the music and Syul's play. All this time we were playing over chillout music, things like Ott, Tripswitch, Dead Can Dance, Akasha project, and so on. At +1h40 i still wasn't feeling any real visions, and starting to think that it had been a mistake not to take the Rue some time before the Mimosa...
The room had some light, filtered through colour plastics... i had put out the candles, to let the spirits in... I decided to turn the lights down, and leave only the outside weak light and the amps colour leds. I knew Aya should be taken in quiet and in the dark. And then...


30 Nov 2005
Just after i turn down the lights, Shpongle "Nothing Lasts" started to play in the decks, and boom!
I all came very quick. With closed eyes i begin to see colour mandalas, always morphing quickly, in a way it was dificult to focus in each one of them...
With open eyes, the room got a "live" feeling, and then i see colour lines, eyes, cells, matrixes everywhere... very bright and quick, and growing o0
I flew very high during the Shpongle album, it was the peak of my experience. I remember thinking that these men knew so much about the psychedelic experience, that their sound was soooo in-line with the Aya experience... Every effect twisted my eyes, i wasn't really confortable neither with my eyes closed nor opened, as visions were growing in speed and colour, leaving me very little time to adjust/interpret them...
Syul was playing REALLY well the guitar, in which he's not a very good player, but every note was coming from him with beauty and perfection :) he was amazed by this "tunning" capacity...
i started to get into my own personal questions and problems, more and more... i understood very strongly and clearly that i was divided, by my own fault, between my inner trip and the relation with Syul, as i was uncapable of connecting to him but i couldn't also just let go and forget about him and his presence... and i was tripping very hard and trying to really plunge into the other side... but my brain kept bringing me back, and Aya showed me that i needed to be one with my intentions to achieve my goals, and that i would have to learn better to let go, something i cannot do easily... And that i should be 100% inside of myself to go deeper, not possible with outside connections...
After some struggle i told Syul that was it, i was releasing myself and not speaking any more... i was laying down in the couch, closed eyes, sometimes opened to watch the beauty of the vision colours... i had to take care of my breathing, or else it would stop... i did it the all time, inhaling, exhaling... it didn't scared me... My face got very hot and pumping when i got deeper with my eyes closed, like a very strong acid trip... I remember looking at my hands and not feeling them as mine, neither feeling my body... this scared me a bit, from time to time i had to move a bit my fingers in order to understand that i wasn't still paralysed :lol: of course this would pull me back again from the plunge i wanted so much.
At a time i had to go to the bathroom. None of us got sick or threw up, i think i made a fine brew :) with love :)
I sitted in the couch, looked at the room: all bright, alive, fuzzy (like parallel little lines bluring the picture in diagonal o0). I put myself together i got up, slowly moving to the WC. Outside of the room, the light of the corridor didn't brought my visions down: all was very strange there too.
In the small bathroom i put my shoulder on the wall and started to piss, watching the toilet going in slow circles and my holy waters spiraling into the hole :) or near by :lol:

i got back to the room totally freezing, got into the couch and covered myself up. In one minute i was very hot and in heaven :) still tripping hard, i fell asleep and woke up at 7 a.m. with a giant quiet warm piece and with remains of bluriness... Syul was finally sleeping too :lol:
I was cold and went to my room to sleep.
I'm peaceful and warm inside since then. I review what i can remember from my trip. A lot was lost by lack of memory, too quick visions, lack of isolation and continuous flow... but all that is there is what i had to learn to be able to go deeper the next time :)

Syul was full of energy the next days... i was very happy and peaceful...

In the right time i will prepare the next flight, this time alone and in the dark... and with a little stronger dose and a little better preparation.
I'm getting ready for this, piece by piece. I want it a lot. I won't hold back to the material world this time ph34r

So, this was it! amazing experience for me



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Nice one! And a great report! :thumbsup: You'll probably start to remember more of you journey in the future. It usually takes some time to integrate your experience.


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
Wow man, sounds like an intense.. and educating experience!

You said you both didn't have to throw up, was that also because the taste wasn't bad? Or were you guys just 'lucky' with your brewing skills? ;)

Hope to do this also some day, when I feel i'm ready.


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Wow, very great story and what a nice trip. One day I'll also do DMT, perhaps smoke it, or otherwise brew me some Aya. I fear I'll be nausee, but my stomach is strong. However nauseeness bring me down in my trip and let's me not enjoy it freely, so .. I'll stick to your recepy if I'd ever do Aya.

Awsome story, greatly described, made me smile (:


30 Nov 2005
10x guys and girls :)

About nausea and vomiting:

Syul has a strong stomach, but i usually vomit very easily, i mean, ANY strong stuff or combination in my stomach normally makes me puke...
I was expecting to throw up a LOT :) And the potion was VERY bitter and dificult to swallow...

I think the main points for our success were:

1st - i made the brew with a lot of care, smoking my splifs, exailing the smoke into the potion, stating my wishes, goals and respect to these great plant teachers... and always with attention, watching the liquid as i keep stiring the whole time

2nd - we drank very slowly, i think we took 45 minutes to drink it all

so i really think meditation and respect is the key to be well treated by Aya

I'm preparing myself for another Aya cerimony, it will take place in the near future... this time i will do it alone, with a slightly stronger potion... I learned my lessons with the 1st trip, and now i will do it in a way that no 3d/physical connection can hold me from diving deep into the Ayahuasca world



It's nice that you didn't vomit....

BUT, isn't the vomitting part of the cleaning process? I mean it's supposed to filter out bad substances out of you system, but If you didn't vomit, those things are still running through your system...


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
Or he was clean allready ..

And aswell, it's SAID that it's a cleaning process .. said that it's a cleaning for the mind/conscience/soul as a sort of karma return for the conscience-mistakes you've made.

However .. vomitting is caused by physical inpulses, it's to remove toxic substances from your stomach to prevent the rest of the body from suffering of the effect the toxics could cause. So herefrom I'd conclude that Serguei's cooking skills are just awsomely great and the metal preparations (the respect for the plant and meditations) are of no influence ..

.. then again; there's this 'mind-over-body'-thing (or maybe actually 'conscient influence on the bodily functions'-thing) which I do tend to believe in aswell.

Nevertheless, I do think that the used brewing-method was a very neat one indeed!


30 Nov 2005
of course i don't have any total answers, but from what i felt and from my own stomach sensibility i feel that the only reason behind the not-puking phenomena was that i really made a good spiritual diet that day...

not only the physical part (we had a pretty clean diet that day) but mostly the mental/spiritual part. I got very very relaxing during the cooking, all stress and anxiety went away, i was blissfully calm... I believe it was that peace that made everything so smooth... that was a little time were i stressed a little and some stomach disconfort automatically apeared..


Yeah stress does tend to discomfort the stomache.
But I just realised that it must be the bad stuff you ate or drank makes you vomit. I really need to know some more about a good diet before tripping on ayahuasca. Just good food and pure fruit juices. And I'll be following your cooking instructions ofcourse ;):thumbsup:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

I think you still believe too much in a distinction between mind and matter. You seem to say that there is no correspondence whatsoever between the two, which in my opinion (and science is coming to grips with this more and more) is a false assumption.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I guess your peace of mind was very important in the preparation process. I remember the one time I took ayahuasca. I was a bit anxious as it only was my second psychedelic experience. I also felt a bit weird about throwing up beforehand. Early in the journey I felt vomit coming up, but then someone forced me to lay down and I lost all the stress. I then had the most wonderful and deep trip for two and a half hours. When I stood up again and joined the group with which I was taking it, I immediately felt worse. When I threw up it wasn't bad, it felt really good and I felt really clean afterwards, even though I didn't know there were that many bad things inside me. I was living quite healthy before the trip, but ever since I was more clean than before. I can tell from experience that it is not just the bad stuff you eat beforehand, but also the emotions that are stuck in your body (the ones you did not care to feel when you needed to feel them) that need to get loose.

For more on the emotions/body/mind-theory, I recommend Bruce Lipton - The New Biology (a videoseminar), which is available on eMule and probably on bittorrent as well.


I will check it, thanks for the info :thumbsup:

I'm also really interested in the mind over matter concept. I do believe that the human mind can influence what's happening outside of the body. Only it's not something that you can just do or learn overnight.

As for ayahuasca, that's something that I will do in the future, but not the very near future. I always need a lot of time to mentally prepare myself for a psychedelic that I never tried.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I got a tip for a book on ayahuasca:

The Cosmic Serpent - by Jeremy Narby

It triggered my interest in psychedelics altogether. It's really interesting, about a biologist who travels to the amazon and has all kinds of philosophical theories about the nature of reality.

Any other tips?


Alpiniste Kundalini
15 Fev 2006
I was speaking from a old-fashion seperate mind/matter point of view. This however is not totally my believe on how things really are. Not that I can clearly tell you where I draw the lines, cause I am and will stay in doubt. But I was just describing the pure physical reactions of a body on toxic ingestions.

About the mind-over-body-thingy .. well, it's quite logical (in my opinion). The brain is well attached to your body, so instead of accepting bodily impulses and phisically reacting correspondantly .. you try to intercept these impulses, analyze their nature ("why do I feel this, why does my body want to do this or that") and block the reactional-impulse, or make your body send other reactional-impulses to your body instead. This is not really captured in the therm 'mind over body', merely in therms of 'conscience over unconscience' or something like that.

It sounds very simple to me this way, but the trick itself is a harder deal .. for me offcourse.

It's just my idea of it so don't think you reading truth here (:


30 Nov 2005
i think the physical and mental intoxications we all hold can be reduced before the ritual by diet and mental preparation.
I was quite anxious before the cooking, i know i have some bad mental rotines, but during the cooking i got quite in a blissful and quiet state, and i even could help my fellow to relax a bit more.
I felt that what i was doing and how affected my trip very aggressivelly, from total bliss to great unconfort. I believe greatly that the traditional wisdom guides you well in mental and physical preparation, and that the plants' usage must be in a quiet, non-social environment... i felt that the need to energetically comunicate with some other person during the real trip stressed me up and almost made be feel bad in my stomach, what would lead to the puking.

Mental and Spiritual in alliance and balance with the Body :D