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First mushroom experience and feeling cranky the day after.


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Nov 2006
Well about 6 weeks ago I had my first mushroom experience.
We all took a full portion of dried (I believe Mexican) mushrooms and off we went.

As 3 out of the 4 of us nearly went on a bad trip, it kind of ruined the fun, which eventually came later.

The trip came up very fast, like in 20 minutes which is much faster than I had expected and experienced with Lsd.
The visual part was much stronger to than I had expected and it seemed as if searchlights were flashing thru the room around us:-)

But what we all noticed was, that it made us very confused.
We couldn't think straight of anything, or we wouldn't understand anything about whatever we we're trying to think and talk about.
Just very very confusing.
Really anything we talked about, we couldn't focus on anymore.
But we knew that there was something we didn't understand, but what it was, we couldn't find out :D
And that's how we just started talking about things and the idea of us not understanding what we were talking about was quite hilarious.

Also the concept of time got completely lost in our brains.
What the hell is today or yesterday or tomorrow!??

During the trip we mostly had some Darkpsy playing.
And what I think was very ironic is that although the music did sound freaky, psychedelic and full of life that in comparisment to my brain malfunctioning and visual aspects of the trip, that the so called "Psychedelic" music was the most normal thing that was happening at the moment :D :?:

And after 4 hours the intensity of trip went down pretty fast and not much longer thereafter we were all back in the regular world again.

It was about 2 O'clock at night on Friday so we went for a beer outside.
What we all noticed was a real fresh, sort of reborn feeling in our minds.

So that was that.

But the day after on Saturday I felt really cranky, like doing nothing at all.
There wasn't really anything that I could think of that I would like to do or that would enjoy me.
Just a total empty feeling inside, very comparable with that after the use of Mdma or such.
But just physically not as crappy as after the above stated chemicals.

For what I've read so far, most people just feel very fresh the next day, sort of like I felt just after the trip.
But not this lifeless feeling I experienced on Saturday.

What would the reason be for this you think?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Could be anything.
- The frustration of not understanding what you were thinking about.
- The beer.

Did you sleep well?


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Nov 2006
Forkbender a dit:
Could be anything.
- The frustration of not understanding what you were thinking about.
- The beer.

Did you sleep well?

I did sleep well,
But it wasn't frustration really as we just thought it was pretty funny, the whole situation.
But is that normal as well, to be totally confused?

One the the guys didn't even know what day or time it was.
At one moment, just a little over an hour after consumption he was about to go home as he thought it was really late and he should be going to bed instead.
Funny but also depressing to see how wacko he had gone by then :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
sounds normal to me... :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Hum, I somehow got used to the after-feeling you mentioned...I do not dislike it, quite the contrary, I feel positive and "refreshed", much like a new-born. The physical weakness is easy to cope with. I usually go to gym the next day and feel ok afterwards. I suppose beer is the cause, as it leaded to dehydration, which only amplified the physical and mental discomfort.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
I wouldn't even think of drinking beer after a trip. Normally I just want to hang out with my friend whom I tripped with, eat a nice salad and smoke a joint maybe.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Djones a dit:
I did sleep well,
But it wasn't frustration really as we just thought it was pretty funny, the whole situation.
But is that normal as well, to be totally confused?


I never felt confused on psychedelics.


(except maybe salvia, but that was mere forgetfulness).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Mushrooms, or any psychedelic for that matter, deconstruct the artificial abstractions that represent your experience of existence; including the ego. Things such as time, dimension, direct significance of objects and symbols such as written text, all are shown for what they really are; meaningless and unreal.
In attempting to process your experience of reality in the usual fashion whilst in the psychedelic state, you can become confused, because your mind cannot recognize arbitrary references from any of the now meaningless objects which you usually utilise to define reality. With the addition of excess stimulus in this state, you can overload your minds ability to process your experience of reality in the fashion which your disillusioned ego is most accustomed and the structure from which it is born.
The re-born sensation is the indication of your egos return to your perception.

Sounds like that beer did your head in the next day; don’t mix that poison with psychedelics. Entheogens are sacred.

I would suggest having a better setting for your next trip in order to dissolve into the experience itself, and not add in too much stimuli. Just find somewhere to lie down and dive right in.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"Sounds like that beer did your head in the next day;

----------------don’t mix that poison with psychedelics. Entheogens are sacred.----------------

I would suggest having a better setting for your next trip in order to dissolve into the experience itself, and not add in too much stimuli. Just find somewhere to lie down and dive right in."

Yep , and maybe take a bigger dose , and dont try to fight it go with it . It sounds to me that you didnt realy have enough to disolve this world , that you had one foot in this world and one in the other world wich can be confusing .


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
hehe, sounds exaclty like an experience of mine, we just didnt went for a beer afterwards and had shpongle playin. 2/3 got a bad trip.

The next day i felt as i always do after mushrooms. Weird. A little off from reality and empty and just the feeling i need some rest to help me work through what just happened. Sometimes i feel a little cranky too, but on the other hand really bound with my mates.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Djones a dit:
But we knew that there was something we didn't understand, but what it was, we couldn't find out :D

Djones a dit:
Also the concept of time got completely lost in our brains.
What the hell is today or yesterday or tomorrow!??

These 2 things are exactly what was so mind boggling for me my first mushroom trip. Funny to hear someone else describe the same thing. :lol:

About the way mushrooms work on your psyche:
I think Buffachino explains very clear how certain thoughts get into your mind when your ego starts to dissolve. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Depending on what you seek, you took either too little or too much shrooms. If you want to trip lightly, without too much of the "complex thoughts", you should have taken a bit less.
If you wanted to experience a heavier trip (meaning letting go of your ego, and get access to your unconcious-self), you might need a little more to push you over the edge.
It can be an uncomfortable feeling if you get stuck "in-between".

I would suggest you wait with a heavier dose, untill you're a bit more used to the mushroom-feeling. In my opinion it's very important to trust the substance you are taking. Also with a little more experience, it's easier to understand the complex thoughts. The more you understand, the more power you can obtain from this knowledge. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to understand those thoughts.


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
It can be an uncomfortable feeling if you get stuck "in-between".

i really loved getting stuck in-between, and eventually let go and flow with the music :) thats when my smile got bigger then my head :lol:

and yeah, the not understanding of something but not knowing what you dont know is really recognisable. I had it on all my higher dose trips.

Also the concept of time got completely lost in our brains.
What the hell is today or yesterday or tomorrow!??

While in his bad trip a friend actually saw time going backwards, thats when he really got affraid.

I also enjoy this very much, its very chaotic but i enjoy every second (lasting 10 seconds or whatever) of it.