Feeling a little weird again.

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité

So. I watched shutter Island, which is about an insane asylum, and has a very psychotic twist. The movie was pretty powerful to me, as I had experienced something... (not that intense by any means) like that before. Today and yesterday I had been feeling rather odd, and just until about an hour or so ago I realized its the same feeling I had experienced back in the 'crazy' days.

It's a very odd feeling.

I'll experiment, but the most positive treatment for the feeling had been to smoke spice. I think it may be time soon, I thought I'd just let you guys know I might drop out from reality for a bit... I'll try and come back though :roll:
I have had some experience kind of how you describe. Only from my childhood, I remember odd things happening that wernt real, and weither it be de-shavu[sp?], or a dream, it was scarey real, and it comes back to me sometime. I dont re-experence it but it just happens. I dont even know WHEN it happens, when im asleep in a dream, or during the day but tuned out and creeps up on me later, i couldnt tell you.

My moms side of the family has history of psyceatric disorders, and i think i may have an underlying condition that hasnt surfaced. But ethier way, i accept it for what it is.

After all, we all know about the line between insanity and enlightenment :lol: :P

EDIT: ps, what do you mean smoke 'spice', surley your not talking about the JWH legal highs are you?
spice = dmt. not jwh :lol:

Spice (the forum member) once told me something interesting that may actually have some validity;

my problem would be anxiety & panic attacks, and they would get bad enough to where psychotic behavious would become involved. I smoked DMT and for several months I was symptom free- he proposed that I had "Used up" all that excess energy stored in the pineal gland...

Could be true, maybe load of crock, but it definitely seemed to work.
Oh that makes more sence.

and you know thats quite a diffrent way of looking at things. im not to edjucated on that subject so i have no opinion on it, but it seems plausable.
well if your brain chemistry is out of supply, it must get into a state that'd be defined by "out-of-order-syndromes" literally. the balance would play out differently to some extent if a important neurotransmitter is suddenly missing on which a recurring pattern might have been building up on. so if that makes sense watch out for your neurotransmitters better and supply your body with what is needed for supply for the brain and the other vital organs, obviously. maybe a more thorough connection to the stars is what you need, as the pineal gland is said to produce the precious DMT and it is also being said the gland is a stargate etc etc, but it's also no wonder that if we as a species had degenerated so much that an unbalanced use of the gland results in fast depletion of the chemical, maybe we can harvest it tho in meditation or other "expanded states of consciousness". obviously plants in which the chemical is inhibited can be used alternatively to ingest??? i dunno...
maybe the supply of DMT is for both brain hemispheres, which would explain why you'd probably describe your symptoms oddly seemingly similar to bipolar disorder sort of symptoms. i am not sure tho, but mayb you can make more sense out of it than i can..

peace out :weedman:
I wish i would have saved some of the DMT i had access to abit back, i still havent worked up the courage to try it. its been awhile since ANY kind of trip, ill have to look around for some pschedelics here. its hard though being in england 5,000 miles away from my connections :P
Trick - DMT is like salvia, but enjoyable.

It's like a liberation, yet you may have to fight the devil.

But I do not think that I am unaligned with the stars, nor do I think I am eating unhealthily... it's genetics brain eater, where the hell have you been anyways
im egar to try it when the day comes.

and ya, braineater, i havent seen you post much, where ya been stranger?
Trick, seriously, England is a fine place for connects. If you have the chance, take the train up to Oxford, that place is scenic, but at time turns into all but a rave scene at times, and certainly has it's fair share of access. In fact, I remember someone knowledgeable once put it as such "Oxford is the drug capital of England". Just a thought.
Well i met a pretty cool cat on the forums and although he lives a bit of a distance away, atleast thats one reliable connection. I dont want to just randomly meet people because ive met my fair share of shadey people in this lifetime. but i wouldnt have a clue where to go in oxford for the party in the first place, although it does sound promising. ill ask around and see whats up.
take a half a dozen shots and talk to everyone you meet, thats how I do it :D
^ diddo with prerequisite that somewhere in the conversation I ask the question "Are you a cop?" in a drunken slur.
yah... just make sure you REMEMBER what you came up with lol :lol: :wink:
Haha, sounds good :lol:. I can deffinatly do that. :drinkers:
and im more of a beer person. i tend to over do it with liquor :P.

and now that im away from all the shit brands of american beer.. well lets just say Grolsch is growing on me haha.