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Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
Some time ago in a mushroom trip I felt energy flowing through my body,
since then I have tried in meditation to tune me in to my energy and it is working better and better. Nowadays I don't even have to be in meditation to feel this energy flowing, I can just direct it anywhere at any time.

It might be just an illusion, but I have had too many experiences with it for me personally to say it's an ilusion, for example when I was pointing my energy towards someone and he instantly turned around looking at me. And once my father was mad at me, I tried to bring our energys together and as soon as I did that he started talking about why he was mad. And more experiences similar to these.

What do you think of it (is it an illusion)? Do you feel the same? Would this be a skill a shaman would be practicing?


Elfe Mécanique
9 Mai 2007
i have this other thing ,it is annoying!! i penetrate others head unconsiously and that makes them embarassed and me feeling bad...


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
twicon a dit:
i have this other thing ,it is annoying!! i penetrate others head unconsiously and that makes them embarassed and me feeling bad...
You mean you can "see true" their personality? Because I recognize that, but I have to do it consciously. If I were you I would practice doing it consciously, as I guess you can make it a positive ability.


Elfe Mécanique
9 Mai 2007
nah i dont want to practice it, its like surfing internet without antivirus software...(vulnerable to everyones skimpy vibes) u need a mask these days.


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
twicon a dit:
nah i dont want to practice it, its like surfing internet without antivirus software...(vulnerable to everyones skimpy vibes) u need a mask these days.
Well, you said it's annoying. I think with practice you can at least deliberately put the mask back on.

No one else is having this energy flow?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I practice chi kung and have learned a lot about energy there. It is basically a meditation-practice, but like yoga or tai chi it has different positions in which one can experience energy flow, blocks, energy in others, etc. It is really helpful in my understanding of why I have certain chronic pains (shoulder, knees).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
The energy is definitely there, on a high dosed shroom trip you can almost see it (not only feel it). Sometimes when tripping I can feel the presence of people in the next apartment through the walls. It's pretty freaky at first because they suddenly seem so close, like they're inside your head, like they can see through your mind. Of course they only could knowingly do that if they were in the same state, but the feeling of extreme, normally unknown, closeness of people you hardly know is quite frightening at first.

It is really helpful in my understanding of why I have certain chronic pains (shoulder, knees).
I've had this a few times while tripping - before my inner eye I could see a tension in a part of my back that I've had a little trouble with quite a few times (tensed muscles). On the trip I could figure out how to relax and stretch this part of my back so that the tension would go away (because I was seeing it)
I find it pretty amazing that shamans seem to be able to see these things in other people


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
Yeah, i recognize the flowing energy, but mostly when i smoke cannabis, I can steer the energy through my body first, but after that i feel my whole body and it often gets tóó intense...

I seem to be having this when sober sometimes too, just as the minor closed eye visuals i get from weed, except i have that like all the time when sober too...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
Could you elaborate on how you use this energy gammagoblin? Is it only with mushrooms?

is it like a very high form of empathy? when I did mdma I felt really in touch/aware of other people's business, like I could feel their emotions... is it something like this?

is the feeling akin to the body buzz one gets with cannabis? (perhaps in a very minor scale)

I find this very interesting :)

what you did with the back pain seems to be some sort of mystic biofeedback!


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
???????? a dit:
Could you elaborate on how you use this energy gammagoblin? Is it only with mushrooms?

is it like a very high form of empathy? when I did mdma I felt really in touch/aware of other people's business, like I could feel their emotions... is it something like this?

is the feeling akin to the body buzz one gets with cannabis? (perhaps in a very minor scale)

I find this very interesting :)

what you did with the back pain seems to be some sort of mystic biofeedback!
No, I only discovered the feeling of the energy in a mushroom trip. Then afterwards I was feeling the same from cannabis and meditation, later on with meditation alone and now 24/7.

I guess it's something different than emotions. It's more like an electrical current the way I perceive it, it's very subtile. The way I use it is just point it towards someone or something and letting it flow, it's hard to describe actually.

The feeling feels indeed a bit like cannabis, when I just discovered it it also became much easier to use having smoked some.

I hope I explained enough, as my head is still sleeping. But I will hear it if you want to know more.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
wow you have to check this out:
http://www.dreamviews.com/community/sho ... hp?t=46091

This girl writes about something familiar to what you describe, she relates it to vibrations, and she does some pretty weird stuff... she can pop light bulbs...

what do you think?


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
It just might happened to me once, that a lightbulb popped but I don't know whether it was my 'vibrations' or it was just because he was done for.

However, I don't know if you are familiar with the kundalini otherwise you can read something about it here. But about half a year ago I think I had what the kundalini refer to as the dark night. 2 months I felt as if I were in an alien world, with only nature to remind me I am part of it. But when I had this, my computer (brand new) couldn't start up as if he couldn't get enough energy, I thought he was just broke so I brought it to the store to fix it, they replaced all the hardware and still he was doing the same thing. This went on for about the two month's I had this 'dark night', they replaced the hardware a couple of times more but it still didn't work. Then after the 2 month's I felt quite normal again and my computer also worked perfectly again. I think my energy or vibrations must have had something to do with it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
tryptonaut a dit:
It is really helpful in my understanding of why I have certain chronic pains (shoulder, knees).
I've had this a few times while tripping - before my inner eye I could see a tension in a part of my back that I've had a little trouble with quite a few times (tensed muscles). On the trip I could figure out how to relax and stretch this part of my back so that the tension would go away (because I was seeing it)
I find it pretty amazing that shamans seem to be able to see these things in other people

I've had it on a trip as well. Once. Rest of my trips I just didn't bother about it and forgot I had these issues in the first place. :shock:

It is actually not very hard to see in other people (I mean where they have blocks, etc.) One can do this without psychedelics (shiatsu is an example), or with. But once you start training an energy practic (like I do with chi kung), you start noticing it both in yourself and in others.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
So what happens here? are you a natural with kundalini? You think everyone can develop this abilities if they so desire? Unfortunately at the moment I don't have the necessary tools to test my own energy and whatnot but I'll definitely doing something about it in the future :)


Elfe Mécanique
2 Mai 2007
I think what I been through those 2 month's must be related to the process of kudalini awakening, as I don't know what it otherwise was.

For me it went spontaneous, I didn't even knew it existed at the time. I just ate a lot of acid in a short while, and also steering my energy to my third eye daily just because I wanted to see what it could do. Then on one day noticed everything has changed, and it was pretty frightening as I thought I was going insane. When I was in this state for 2 month's I thought this had to be over, and I decided to eat a large dose of shrooms to see if it would help. During that trip at a sudden time I felt as if I were litterly laying in a river of love, it didn't even feel like love anymore it was some kind of extatic energy. Then afterwards the dark night was gone and I felt I was whole again, more so than before those 2 month's. After this experience I also started practicing with energy.

Anyway, sure you can develop this energy and you don't need any tools, you just need to know what works for you (meditation, yoga, psychedelics and/or other practices) but I think you have to be ready for it as it will change your life and not always positive, some people really go crazy because of this.

Also, I've read somewhere a theory that psychedelics give a spontaneous kundalini awakening while the effect lasts. Which I think is correct as I read the similarities between the kundalini awakening and a psychedelic experience.

I hope this all makes sense :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
It does, when I say tools I'm thinking psychedelic tools, which I'll be using in the near future :)